Member Since: May 22 2022
Membership status: Member
Bio:Hi, welcome to my page! I decided to join this community of like-minded people and also create some interesting stories for everyone to appreciate like I could when I discovered this site a few years ago.
I am not a native English speaker, but I think I am ready to try to write some good quality stories. It is also a perfect opportunity for me to improve my language and writing skills. Occasionally I will write in other languages as well.
My username 'contentwelike' came to life as a result of my specifying my main motivation for writing. Reading stories online and having my fantasies evolve over time, I realised there were some aspects I liked a lot and wanted to see more of, so I decided to start writing my own stories. If you like my stuff then it's the content we both like. I am always happy to hear your opinion :)
I mostly write vore themed stories. I like my tiny characters to be around 2-6 inches tall for vore stuff. I also like feet, insertion, and generally all sorts of things giantesses and their bodies can do to tinies, along with digestion :)
I only write about female giants, since that fits my personal preferences.
My giantesses are mostly mean and cruel or develop these traits as they either realise their power over tinies or give into their suppressed predatory instincts.
I have been experimenting with slightly longer and more vivid descriptions. Generally: the newer the story (or rather the chapter, as I tend to jump between stories) the better the writing, as I am constantly improving.
I don't do commissions, but I am open to suggestions; though again, I will only use them if they correspond with my personal preferences or if I find them otherwise interesting. It is considerably easier to put effort into writing then.
Should anyone want to chat, my discord is:
Also: don't feel shy to review older stories. I read and reply to all of the reviews even if I need some time to go about it.