The story begins in a mediavel setting, where the peaceful kingdom of Siona is one day faced with the threat of being attacked by a 100 ft tall giantess that goes by the name: Talitha the Terrible.
No one knows from where the giantess came from, but all are aware of her enormous size, her body able to rival the size of a mountain. During the first few days where Talitha the Terrible first appeared in the kingdom, the mountain of a woman would rampage in villages to eat the villagers along with their livestock, and would later destroy the buildings for fun.
After a week of village attacks, the giantess decides to rampage in the town. The knights of the kingdom were all powerless in her presence and unable to defend their home. She continues to rampage towards the part of town where the royal palace resides and demolishes the palace down. Talitha then kidnaps and walks away with the princess. Leaving the palace in ruin, and many of the houses destroyed. The king, angry and humiliated, orders scouts to track the giantess and puts up a quest with a great reward to anyone able to slay the Terrible Talitha and rescue his beloved daughter.
A brave young man that just got his house destroyed on the very day, decides to do something about the 100ft terror and takes on the quest to defeat and slay the evil giantess.
Categories: Adventure,
Young Adult 20-29,
Body Exploration,
Mouth Play,
Characters: None
Growth: Titan (101 ft. to 500 ft.)Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/mWarnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 9
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 18227
Read Count: 45709