What am I doing? Best to avoid the jaws of death. But why are my hands still reaching out then? “He climbed into her mouth” that’s what they’ll say, “He climbed into her mouth because she asked him to”. Am I really such a spineless twit that I’m Actually going to climb into her mouth to avoid the acute social embarrassment of saying “No”? I’m a people pleaser, and it’s going to be the death of me.
Her teeth slammed shut and she reeled back in disbelief. Breaking into a raucous laugh at the absurdity of the situation.
“I can’t believe you were actually going to do it? You were going to climb into my mouth” undertones of excitable curiosity marked their presence in the confidence of her voice.
“No I wasn't,” I stammered. I definitely was. “It was a misunderstanding” it wasn’t.
She looked down incredulously. Her lips curled to a mischievous smirk. She batted her eyelashes and the captivating blues of her eyes rolled back in her head in conjuration of a devious thought.
“Well now I want you to” she spoke with evident delight.
“Wait— really?” I wonder if she can hear the trembling uncertainty in my voice? Or it might just be the intense visible quaking of my entire being that seemed to fuel the joy in her tone.
Her jaws opened up again revealing the pinks and reds of the cavernous maw.
“Uh huh” the guttural response echoed from the back of her open throat.
Is she messing with me again? I can’t get a read on her. She’s not laughing anymore. Is that a good sign? It doesn’t help that I can’t see her face. If I could see her face I think I could tell if she was joking or not. But no. No, all I can see is her massive hungry mouth that’s just waiting to gobble me up.
“Ow!” One of her giant fingers jabbed me in the back.
“Stop fucking around and get in” she ordered, back to her role as the authoritarian domineering goddess.
There’s something quite nice about being told exactly what to do. It really takes all the worry away from having to make actual choices. If the threat of being chewed up and eaten wasn’t hanging over my head she might just be my dream girl.
The longer I’ve been standing here the more it feels like it wouldn’t be so bad. The warmth of her breath feels almost comforting. Her teeth look clean and it really doesn’t smell of anything, just a faint minty tang. Almost soothing really. The rhythmic undulations of her tongue look like they could rock me to sleep. Shit, is this some sort of mind trick? A hypnotic spell she’s cast on me? She has a nice smile, but is that a good reason to let her eat me? I know it’s not, but my hands are already on her teeth. I’m pulling myself up. Why can’t I stop myself? I’m losing myself in her. Alix, please be gentle.
But as soon as my head hit her tongue I felt the thick slime of her drool cling to my face like a viscous glue and I instantly regretted my decision.
Sensing the imminent rebellion brewing within, Alix’s jaws chomped together. Her lips formed an airtight seal around the top half of her prisoner of war. Revolution would have to wait until after she had her fill.
She had me by the neck, clamped between her teeth. How did this happen? Is she going to bite my head off? Like a praying mantis. If I was a praying mantis at least I would have got to get my end away first. This was just humiliating. All of the degradation and none of the sex. Still, outside of the enduring suffocation of being slurped and assaulted by the lunging snake of her tongue I felt my own lunging snake rousing down below. This wasn’t fair, she was turning me on against my will.
Her teeth relented, with a forceful puff of her cheeks I was spitballed back into life.
“Twice! How do you fall for the same thing twice?”
I must look pathetic to her. A snivelling little drowned rat gasping for breath after being manhandled by her tongue. The best I can hope for is that she won’t notice the growing erection on my tiny crumpled form.
“I felt you on my tongue Jack. You thought I wanted to eat you and instead of saying ‘No’ or trying to run away you were just going to let me. Not even just let me, you were feeding yourself to me.”
“I knew it was a joke, I was playing along” that sounded believable?
“It might be more convincing if my spit wasn’t dripping down your face right now.” My taste lingering in her mouth, “Do you want some advice?”
Not really, but she’s going to give it anyway, while I sit here wiping the spit out of my eyes.
“You would be a lot happier if you stopped wasting energy on keeping up this charade and just embraced your primal desires. Being awkward and shy, it’s not a personality, it’s a defence mechanism. You think it’s safer to keep yourself to yourself and others will let you be; but that’s not what you want is it?”
How did she go from sucking on me like a lollipop to digging her exploratory claws into my soul. Maybe if I nod along and feign some small level of acknowledgment I can preserve the small amount of dignity I have left and she’ll leave me alone.
Her perfectly manicured index finger probed down, the strength alone pinning its toy in place. Tip met tip as she pressed between my legs.
“Mmmmmm” she elicited a salicious hum, a knowing smile creeping across her lips, “like I said, ‘primal desires’” her finger circling the elephant in my pants.
Well if she's not talking about it, I won’t talk about it either.
“It’s actually pretty adorable how you would do anything I say. Like a tiny little pet doting after me” she said while biting her lip.
“Alix I…”
“How messed up would it be if I ate you now?” She interrupted, just casually throwing it out there, basking in my visible discomfort, “you’re lucky really. If you were any smaller, like pill-sized I don’t think I would have been able to help myself. I definitely would have swallowed you.” She moved her finger up now to softly caress my face. “I’ve got a proposal for you” her words now in a low hush, “You find me attractive”
I do, but I don’t want to.
“You’re single, and I’m — complicated.” Twirling her hair, “with your ‘condition’, the uncontrolled shrinking spells. Well let’s just say you're not the top of any woman’s list for a partner. You’re practically undateable.”
Sure, keep on with the put downs, where’s she going with this.
“But I can help you.” She sounded almost convincing, “all that repressed sexual energy we can work on it…together. You could stay at mine, that way whenever you shrink you’d be somewhere safe and we could keep doing ‘this’”
Do I want to give myself to the horny giantess? She probably just wants to use me as a fuck toy until I break. But is she right? What’s the alternative? Being alone forever, until one day when I shrink I get accidentally stepped on and tossed away from the world in balled up Kleenex?
“Alix, can I think about it?” I didn’t say ‘no’, who doesn’t say ‘no’ to basically being owned by another human being. She looks disappointed, “I just don’t think I should make this decision when I’m this size” trying to spare the human slave owner’s feelings.
“Well don’t wait around too long. There are plenty of guys out there that would kill to be in your position. Think about it” her finger retracted. “Shit, Meg is coming over. Can I trust you to be a good little boy and keep your mouth shut about you and me”
“There is no you and me”
“Exactly” she smirked.
“No, I wasn’t playing along I really meant it” it didn’t matter, it fell on deaf ears. She had already stood up and had thrown her arms around Meg in a friendly hug.
“Hey Alix, I almost didn’t see you here. What are you doing sitting in the corner by yourself?”
“I’m not by myself” gesturing towards me.
“Oh my god is that?”
“Jack, yes. He’s got that shrinking thing. I’ve just been keeping him company until he grows back.”
“Fuck, it’s so weird seeing it in person, y’know? Before I could just pretend that it was just a weird conspiracy or joke. Like it didn’t really exist. Can I…”
Her hand was already looming towards me like a claw machine. I was bundled into her palm and enclosed in a fist before I could object. When her hand opened up again I had my arm being pinched between two fingers and dangled in front of her face.
“It’s so weird that they invented these super adaptable clothes that can shrink down with you before they came up with a cure. It’s like they want you to stay small” Meg said.
“It’s not that weird though is it? If you think about it. They probably make a fortune off of selling these high priced clothes to ‘shrinkies’”
‘Shrinkies’ I hated that term.
“And then the insurance and hospital visits. They milk you for all your worth until you’ve got no more cash. And you know each time they shrink they get that fraction bit smaller. Until one day they don’t grow back.” Alix’s pointed remarks served only to remind me of how helpless I would be if I didn’t have someone to look after me when I finally didn’t grow back.
“That really fucking sucks” her eyes locked on my tiny form daintily hanging by her fingertips, “and I bet it’s really scary too. Being so small. So weak. Helpless.” She lightly flicked a finger at me, but it was enough to send me spinning. “Do you ever get worried that one of us normals might just pick you up one day and just—aaaaaaaaahhh” opening her mouth as wide as she could.
I can smell the Sambuca on her breath. It hits me in heated waves from the burst of laughter she had at watching me struggle above her mouth. What is it about being small that suddenly makes every woman want to eat me?
“I was only joking little guy, no need to take it so personally”
Meg dropped Jack into Alix’s open palm.
“I’ll put him somewhere safe until he grows back while we catch up”
Dropped amongst a collection of personal items I watched in dismay as Alix drew the zipper closed above me sealing me in her purse. She must know I can’t grow back unless there’s adequate space. There’s not a lot I can do. Other than sit here and wait.