Summary: A story request for Malethor!

Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man, finds himself shrunk to an inch tall after an unfortunate encounter with Mephisto. He seeks out his girlfriend and partner Gwen Stacy for help....only to get more trouble and adventure than he bargained for!
Categories: Gentle, Giantess, Adventure, Young Adult 20-29, Vore, Unaware, Body Exploration, Butt
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences, This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 512 Read Count: 5632
[Report This] Published: March 12 2022 Updated: March 12 2022
Gwendolyn by Glaazius Rated: G [Reviews - 0]

Meet Ethan, a married man and a high school teacher with a secret shrinking fetish.
On his first day he meets a girl who happens to possess mysterious powers which could make his deepest desires come true
However, this joy comes at the expense of a heavy price.

Note: This story will have a slow start but will eventually more than quench the thirst for gts related stuff


 Take a look at my patreon page!

Categories: Giantess, Teenager (13-19), Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Body Exploration, Butt, Crush, Destruction, Entrapment, Feet, Gentle, Mouth Play, Slave, Unaware
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.), Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.), Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1208 Read Count: 6831
[Report This] Published: February 20 2019 Updated: February 20 2019

Young twenty-somethin' Adam is trying to better his life by going to the gym. When he runs into an old classmate turned gorgeous fit girl, he finds himself in the tight spot after she forgets her usual mid-workout snack.

Categories: Gentle, Mouth Play, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 17039 Read Count: 7711
[Report This] Published: May 17 2020 Updated: May 17 2020

      In the world of "Half Inch High", brought to us by LabbaArt; comes the story of Megumi Shiro, a sixteen year old in her second year of high school, attending the prestigious Okisana Academy, an institution renowned for it's status as the safest school in Japan for those of half-inch height and for those of normal height alike. However, due to "familial financial issues", Megumi must leave her private institution for Hanichi High. Hanichi, unlike Okisana, is rife with the bullying of half-inch students, said bullying even progressing to the point of casual slaughter; which both student and faculty seem to turn a blind eye to.


Megumi, with the help of the micro-student representative Mai Ogasaki, as well as a few other courageous students; act to change the school for the better from within; whether it be through activism, or pacifism. Will they succeed? Or will their plans be crushed flat; much like many half-inch students are left in the halls of the public institution?

This is a collaboration with @LabbaArt!


If you wanna check out the original source manga go to




Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Body Exploration, Crush, Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Legwear, Unaware
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 85120 Read Count: 201716
[Report This] Published: October 04 2019 Updated: December 25 2022

The spanish translation of Half Inch High: Alternative by:  JJtS21 (

La traducción al español de Half Inch High: Alternative  by: JJtS21  (

Categories: Unaware, Breasts, Body Exploration, Crush, Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Legwear
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 3838 Read Count: 5069
[Report This] Published: July 27 2021 Updated: August 16 2021

A snowed-in Christmas night. Stuck in a house till morning. What’s the worse that could happen? Well if you said “telling short gts themed stories huddled around a fireplace” you’re correct! Join the main cast of Half-Inch High Alternative, as well as most of the main cast of Half-Inch High(original), as they try to wait out a harsh blizzard by sharing short gts stories around a warm and cozy fireplace. Multiple chapters, special guests, and more surprises await you in the “Half-Inch High 20k Christmas Special.” and stick around till the end for a shocking reveal!!

Categories: Teenager (13-19), Breasts, Body Exploration, Entrapment, Fantasy, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Unaware
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 20678 Read Count: 37973
[Report This] Published: December 17 2019 Updated: December 30 2019
Summary: Amidst the winter season, a lonely and nostalgic tiny enlists the help of a shady friend to deliver him to his former classmate/girlfriend. However, he soon learns that trusting them was a mistake as he finds himself in his girlfriend's shoe...
(Special thanks to WhyDoIHave for suggesting the idea).
Categories: Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Unaware, Odor
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 4394 Read Count: 6004
[Report This] Published: December 24 2021 Updated: December 26 2021

En el mundo de "Half Inch High", que nos trae LabbaArt; Viene la historia de Megumi Shiro, una joven de dieciséis años en su segundo año de preparatoria, que asiste a la prestigiosa Academia Okisana, una institución reconocida por su estatus como la escuela más segura de Japón para los estudiantes de media pulgada de altura y para sus similares de estatura normal. Sin embargo, debido a "problemas económicos familiares", Megumi debe dejar su institución privada para ir a la secundaria Hanichi. Hanichi, a diferencia de Okisana, está plagado de acoso de estudiantes de media pulgada, hay que decir que el acoso incluso progresa hasta el punto de un asesinato casual; que tanto los estudiantes como los profesores parecen ignorar deliberadamente.


Megumi, con la ayuda de la representante de los microestudiantes Mai Ogasaki, así como algunos otros estudiantes valientes; actuar para mejorar la escuela desde adentro; ya sea a través del activismo o el pacifismo. ¿Tendrán éxito? ¿O serán aplastados sus planes; de la misma manera que terminan muchos estudiantes de media pulgada en los pasillos de esta institución pública?


¡Esta es una colaboración con @LabbaArt!


Si quieres ver el manga original, ve a

Esta historia es una traducción, la original está escrita por RI_Weeb

Para ver la historia original en inglés, así como más contenido ve a



Categories: Teenager (13-19), Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Body Exploration, Crush, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Odor
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 7613 Read Count: 4434

[Report This] Published: March 10 2022 Updated: May 25 2022

En el universo de “Half Inch High” creado por LabbaArt, esta nueva historia se enfoca en Miyashiro Yukiko, una estudiante de segundo año de la preparatoria Hanichi que ha tenido una vida lo suficientemente perfecta junto a su madre de estatura normal y su padre, su hermano y su novio de 1 centímetro de altura. Todo hasta que un terrible día vuelve a su personalidad tierna y amable, así como su vida en un infierno que la condenará a buscar sin descanso a una persona por el resto de su tiempo en la preparatoria; para asesinarla.



Esta es una colaboración con @LabbaArt, pueden conseguir el material original de sus mangas en:

Categories: Teenager (13-19), Breasts, Butt, Couples, Crush, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, New World Order, Unaware, Violent
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FF/f, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 18873 Read Count: 9979
[Report This] Published: October 06 2020 Updated: May 29 2021

In the “Half Inch High” universe created by LabbaArt, this new history focuses on Miyashiro Yukiko, a normal sized second year student of the Hanichi high-school whose life was nearly perfect along with her normal sized mother and her father, little brother and boyfriend measuring one single centimeter in height. Everything changes when a single fateful day turns her lovely and tender personality along with her life in a living hell, condemning her to a restless search for a certain person for the rest of her high school life; to commit murder.



This is a collaboration with @LabbaArt, you can found the original source manga here:

Categories: Teenager (13-19), Breasts, Butt, Couples, Crush, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, New World Order, Unaware, Violent
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FF/f, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 18048 Read Count: 16228
[Report This] Published: October 06 2020 Updated: May 29 2021

The girls of the Cuddle Tax Authority are preparing for their annual Halloween Party when a group of defiant tinies announce they will not be giving up the cuddle tax this year. Spurred into action, the girls of the Cuddle Tax Authority track down and forcibly snuggle each of the delinquents one by one.

A silly commissioned one-shot about the recurring "cuddle tax" joke from 4chan's giantess threads.

Categories: Gentle, Breasts, Entrapment, Instant Size Change
Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.), Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.), Mega (501 ft. to 5279 ft.), Titan (101 ft. to 500 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4706 Read Count: 2452
[Report This] Published: October 22 2023 Updated: October 22 2023
Summary: from overwatch hangs out with a shrunken fan during her stream

Categories: Giantess, Breasts, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Lesbians, Unaware
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1326 Read Count: 5117
[Report This] Published: May 06 2019 Updated: May 06 2019

Fallow Izellah Ivory as her life changes in a major way. Success or failure everything changes. 

Categories: New World Order, Teenager (13-19), Young Adult 20-29, Adult 30-39, Breasts, Butt, Couples, Crush, Gentle, Giant, Giantess, Humiliation, Lesbians, Maternal, Muscle
Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 31358 Read Count: 13118
[Report This] Published: January 29 2022 Updated: May 24 2022

When Harry suddenly finds himself with a severe bladder problem, he suspects the worst. But when he also starts to shrink, he finds out who are his friends and who aren't.



Categories: Giantess, Breasts, Crush, Destruction, Gentle, Insertion, Scat, Slow Size Change, Vore, Watersports
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 17456 Read Count: 130931
[Report This] Published: March 12 2016 Updated: June 12 2016
Summary: A giantess/shrinking story I had commissioned on DeviantArt ages ago by Nerd88Master. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Harry finds himself mysteriously shrunk and goes to Hermione for help.....only to get more than what he bargained for!
Categories: Giantess, Teenager (13-19), Adventure, Breasts, Butt, Gentle, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Insertion, Instant Size Change, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2967 Read Count: 11945
[Report This] Published: April 11 2022 Updated: April 11 2022

(Harry PotterxMonster Musume) Harry stays with a certain ogress and finds himself fascinated with her giant feet.

Categories: Breasts, Feet, Gentle, Maternal, Odor
Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.)
Shrink: Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4145 Read Count: 1638
[Report This] Published: December 09 2022 Updated: December 09 2022
Haven by TufLove Rated: X [Reviews - 0]
Summary: With her life all but forfeited to the depraved god Locklin, Kat seeks out the only haven she could hope for—another god. Jack seems well meaning, but Kat knows trading one god for another will only ever lead to a life as a toy. At least it will be on her terms, right?
Categories: Gentle, Body Exploration, Giant, Instant Size Change
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: M/f
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 3359 Read Count: 2708
[Report This] Published: May 26 2020 Updated: May 26 2020

He's shorter than yesterday.  Marie doesn't seem to mind.

Categories: Breast Enlargement, Futanari, Gentle, Growing Woman, Humiliation
Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.)
Shrink: Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.), Munchkin (2.9 ft. to 1 ft.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2045 Read Count: 2728
[Report This] Published: May 01 2024 Updated: May 01 2024
Head in the Cloud by Fables Rated: PG [Reviews - 0]

Features characters from Genshin Impact.

Ganyu and Shenhe decide to surprise Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) with a visit shortly after she relocates to Liyue harbor. They stumble upon their master's latest invention, discovering its function the hard way before she returns home to discover her pupil's new stature...

Categories: Maternal, Feet, Gentle
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4756 Read Count: 816
[Report This] Published: May 24 2024 Updated: May 24 2024
Heartstrings by Aborigen Rated: R [Reviews - 0]

Sometimes all of a giantess's love isn't enough.

Categories: Body Exploration, Couples, Fantasy, Gentle, Humiliation, Violent
Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1997 Read Count: 4438
[Report This] Published: February 26 2020 Updated: February 26 2020