Summary: In a world where size matters, a tiny man named Oswald finds himself caught up in the web of power struggles between two giantesses: Ava Powers and Veronica Sinclair. Both women are entrepreneurs with their own secrets and agendas, vying for control over their respective companies. Ava is the CEO of Powers Incorporated, while Veronica leads Sinclair Industries. It all starts innocently when Oswald is interviewed by Ava for an assistant role, but things take a dark turn as he's forced to navigate their complex web of dominance and manipulation. Oswald soon finds himself trapped in a game of power and deceit, where giant woman prey on smaller humans with ease. He encounters various giantesses, each with their own quirks and desires. Along the way, he befriends Wendy, another tiny human who becomes embroiled in their struggles. Together, they must navigate treacherous office politics to survive. As tensions rise between Ava and Veronica, Oswald is forced to make difficult choices that threaten his very existence. Meanwhile, other giantesses like Dr. Helena Kaelin are genetically engineering tiny sized humans for her own sinister purposes. The story delves into themes of size, power, and vulnerability, exploring the consequences of being small in a world dominated by giantesses.
Categories: Giantess,
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/f,
F/mWarnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 20
Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 25771
Read Count: 17965