Summary: The reality show Jersey Shore changed the world when it premiered on MTV on December 3, 2009. It changed the lives of Paul Del Vecchio, Vincent Guadinino, Michael Sorrentino, Ronald Margo, Nicole Polizzi, Jennifer Farley, Samantha G, and Angelina P in August 2009 when the eight first entered the house in Seaside Heights, NJ for four weeks of drinking and partying.
They went into that house not knowing the name of the show and not even knowing what channel would be airing the show. It was initially supposed to be on VH1 before MTV stepped in. Nicole Polizzi really made people start watching the show when she was punched in the face by a man that went on to join the military afterward. Of course, she didn’t want that to happen and no one ever expected it to happen, but it happened.
That moment also brought everyone closer together. It was the moment that made them all realize this was more than filming a TV show. This was the beginning of a new family.
Nicole almost left the shore on the second night after getting sloppy drunk and embarrassing herself on the first night. On the third day, after a talk with Sammi “Sweetheart”, she decided to stay. Today, her net worth is in the millions.
The show ran for six seasons, ending in 2012. In 2018, they got together in Miami for Jersey Shore: Family Vacation and are still filming the show today.
I could go on about the history of the show, from them not having cell phones, TV or music – outside of the clubs they went to, that is – this story is more about the relationships between the roommates.
The first one was JWoww and Pauly D, who made out on the first night out and wound up in bed together. It led nowhere because JWoww had her boyfriend Tom at the time before moving on to who would become her husband, Roger Matthews.
Following that was both Angelina, who left three days after being in Seaside and returned for most of Season 2 in Miami, and Snooki both getting in bed with Vinny. Snooki would eventually develop feelings for Vinny in Season 3 and the two would have sex in Italy after Snooki broke up with her then boyfriend Jionni Lavelle in Season 4.
Deena, who joined the show in Season 3, tried to get with Pauly in Season 4, but nothing came from that. Deena would meet her now husband Chris Buckner after Season 5 and he was introduced to the show in Season 6.
Mike told rumors of him and Snooki hooking up in Season 4, but she continued to deny the accusations, and we never found out the actual truth. After Mike got sober in Season 6, he never admitted if he lied about it or not.
Then, of course, there was Ron and Sam. They got together in Season 1, shortly after the fling between Mike and Sam ended. They would date on and off through the entire series, and everyone who watched the show knew how toxic that relationship was.
The following stories follow each of these relationships, but in the situation – pun intended – when the guys in the house shrink and the woman they’re intertwined with does whatever they wish – as they can, because they’re bigger than the tiny under their control.
Categories: Insertion,
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)Size Roles: F/mWarnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5
Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 5221
Read Count: 1840