Titles - W
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

Despite having already shrunk several times in his life, Eric truly doesn't think that things can get any worse...

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Warning: This material is intended for mature audiences only.

Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Vore, Slow Size Change, Slave, Odor, Mouth Play, Humiliation, Footwear, Feet, Entrapment, Crush
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.), Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.), Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.), Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.), Munchkin (2.9 ft. to 1 ft.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 44358 Read Count: 71885
[Report This] Published: March 28 2022 Updated: June 27 2022

100 years ago, war ravaged the world. Germany used biological warfare to shrink a massive chunk of the male population. Now, in the modern day, all males have the virus. For some people, itll never activate. Others arent so lucky. Riku was just going into a normal day at his same old job. What could possibly go wrong?

Categories: Unaware, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Adventure, BBW, Body Exploration, Butt, Fantasy, Giantess, Feet, Footwear, Entrapment, Insertion, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Slave
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 8268 Read Count: 41639
[Report This] Published: November 14 2019 Updated: March 30 2020
Welcome Wagon by Vintovka Rated: PG starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]

After the first day of their senior year, two bullies are delighted when a freshman stumbles upon them alone, and they quickly spring the trap.

Categories: Teenager (13-19), Giantess, Crush, Entrapment, Footwear, Humiliation, Instant Size Change, Legwear, Unaware
Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.)
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m, FF/f
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2681 Read Count: 6148
[Report This] Published: May 14 2018 Updated: May 14 2018

Story I commission. Written by Lancealot501 at gtscity. I have his permission to post.


A down and out chef gets a second chance. To only find out his cooking makes the ladies around bigger and bigger. Specially his Boss the Sexy Ebony woman Anna.

Categories: Growing Woman, BBW, Breasts, Butt, Mature (40-49), Young Adult 20-29
Characters: None
Growth: Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 9699 Read Count: 11013
[Report This] Published: October 23 2015 Updated: October 23 2015

An 18-year-old giantess from Stormgard  in A.D. 995 helps defend Lilliput!

Categories: Giantess, Teenager (13-19), Vore
Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.)
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.), Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1548 Read Count: 2110
[Report This] Published: July 24 2022 Updated: July 24 2022

Jane, a kind woman living a quiet life with her daughter Melissa goes to greet the new neighbor, an Amazon named Wendy. As the two bond and their relationship grows, many amazing and fun things will be in store.

Categories: Muscle, Breasts, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Insertion, Lesbians
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.), Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.), Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.), Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 5170 Read Count: 15141
[Report This] Published: October 24 2017 Updated: November 01 2017


Kenny gets invited over to fix Wendy’s boredom.


Categories: Breasts, Body Exploration, Butt, Couples, Insertion, Scat, Unaware
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: FM/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7238 Read Count: 10618
[Report This] Published: February 05 2021 Updated: February 05 2021

A beautiful witch shrinks you and uses magic to humiliate and torture you.

Categories: Scat, Butt, Humiliation, Insertion, Slave, Violent, Vore, Watersports
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4733 Read Count: 33146
[Report This] Published: February 15 2013 Updated: April 17 2013
What a Boob by TreeBurk Rated: X starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 3]

What happens when you mix a horny young man with a horny young woman? You get a very steamy night of lovemaking......and well you know......disaster.

Categories: Giantess
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1236 Read Count: 12073
[Report This] Published: August 09 2014 Updated: August 09 2014

After resolving the case of Puberty Syndrome between his girlfriend and her younger sister, Sakuta's hope of resuming their lovey-dovey life is ruined by their relationship getting leaked online.  Rather than address the accusations, however, they decide to try to wait it out until interest dies down.  Unfortunately, such inaction leads them into a new case of Puberty Syndrome to deal with.

Categories: Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Body Exploration, Teenager (13-19), Entrapment, Footwear, Gentle, Instant Size Change
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 8519 Read Count: 1871
[Report This] Published: January 16 2024 Updated: January 16 2024

A cruel size-changing girl casually takes advantage of a privileged yoga class to the full extent possible. It seems the lot of them might not be enough to sate the sadistic girl, though... (Gore warning)

Categories: Giantess, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Butt, Crush, Feet, Growing Woman, Humiliation, Insertion, Muscle, Violent
Characters: None
Growth: Mini GTS (16-30ft)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3138 Read Count: 4350
[Report This] Published: October 24 2021 Updated: October 24 2021
Summary: A man gets more than he bargains for as he searches a co-workers cubicle. He wants her stuff for a sexual fetish, he gets a shrunken battle for his life.
Categories: Insertion, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2911 Read Count: 16508
[Report This] Published: January 05 2010 Updated: January 05 2010

Nina confesses to Brittany but things don't turn out the way she thought it would.

Categories: Humiliation, Odor, Scat, Unaware, Watersports
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 14383 Read Count: 19816
[Report This] Published: July 26 2020 Updated: November 13 2020

Marisa is an aging office lady who recently awakened to powers unimaginable. Will she be able to keep them in check?


...Probably not.

Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Object, Mature (40-49), Slow Size Change
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2063 Read Count: 2971
[Report This] Published: February 24 2021 Updated: February 24 2021

After finding her best friend shrunk to the size of an ant, Elise puts herself in charge of her. Being a very gentle soul, she soons begins to love Jade, the shrunken best friend, like she has never loved someone before.

Categories: Feet, Gentle, Mouth Play, Unaware, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4977 Read Count: 61340
[Report This] Published: December 30 2014 Updated: January 29 2015

You find yourself an inch high and at the mercy of three young women.

What are you gonna do?

Categories: Giantess, Crush, Feet, Footwear, Humiliation, Insertion, Instant Size Change, Mouth Play, Slave, Violent, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: FF/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3834 Read Count: 10087
[Report This] Published: February 14 2019 Updated: February 14 2019
What Binds Us by Fatedmeal Rated: R starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1]

Summary: Paimon and Lumine are tying up loose ends when they run into Yoimiya who is testing out some new fireworks. They decide to help out. What could go wrong. It’s not as if her fireworks will explode.

*Genshin Impact Story was written in April 2022

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Categories: Humiliation, Breasts, Object, Unaware, Butt, Feet, Odor, Violent
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.)
Size Roles: FF/f
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5728 Read Count: 2140
[Report This] Published: April 14 2023 Updated: April 14 2023
Summary: This is part of an art trade with an artist named Lep3r. the scenario was his idea, I just put it down on paper. A girl named Rosa get's an unexpected and terrifying surprise as she suddenly explodes into a 400 foot tall giantess...
Categories: Growing Woman, Giantess, Feet, Growing/Shrinking out of clothes
Characters: None
Growth: Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: None
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 10230 Read Count: 28134
[Report This] Published: December 12 2010 Updated: December 28 2010

Bill's wife is a scientist who invented a way to shrink for them to play... but there was one rule... never use it alone! What could go wrong...

Categories: Giantess, Crush, Feet
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 550 Read Count: 3263
[Report This] Published: January 31 2021 Updated: January 31 2021
Summary: Two friends get shrunk at their friends house and try to alert her of their presence before its too late.
Categories: Giantess, Unaware, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 3138 Read Count: 24055
[Report This] Published: August 27 2006 Updated: November 08 2006