Member Since: April 20 2014
Membership status: Member
Bio:I guess I consider myself an amature writer, particularly of giantess fetish material, since that seems to be the only thing I can consistently keep writing about. Everything else I try and write about ends up being put on the back burner. So I guess it's a damn good thing that this website exists.
The only qualifications I have as a writer are that I read a lot, I watch movies, and I've got a surprising amount of free time on my hands. People say that I'm good at it. I hope that I am, I want to be good. My stories, however, put character and plot development before anything else. If you've come looking to get off on some discriptive erotica, then I'm afraid my stories aren't for you. There are a slew of other authors on this site who do that so much better than I, such as Jacksmith and slavetowomen. I enjoy putting fetish material into my stories, but that's not at all the main purpose of them.
I like to explore the relationship between giant, powerful women, and smaller men. Show you things from the tiny's perspective, have the little man and the giantess engage in a little philosophy over power, and have the giantess see her smaller companions as equals maybe. It depends on what kind of story I'm writing, but I like to make things a little bit deeper than the whole "big woman seductively smash tiny things!". If you want to read giantess stories that focus more on plot and characters, then I'm happy to be of service.