Penname: Milla [Contact] Real name: Camilla
Member Since: November 23 2021
Membership status: Member


I'm Camilla, aka Milla, and it's a pleasure to meet you!

Maybe you're here because you did read some of my stories and are interested in more (yay, thanks! ^^), or maybe you just saw me somewhere and got curious about me (hopefully you will also read my stories, please? lol), but anyway, thank you for reaching my profile page. Despite writing for months online, and for years privately, I still consider myself a newbie, with lots of new things to learn and use in my texts. I'm no native English speaker, but prefer to write in English.

As I already told you, I am a writer. I enjoy a lot writing GTS stuff and and my favorite scenarios are Vore (this by far being my favorite), Size Relations, Insertions, Soft Scat, Sitting/Stepping/Crushing and probably some other little things I am probably forgetting to mention ^^". I write and read both Gentle and Cruel stories, but I have a preference for reading Gentle stories. It doesn't mean that I don't enjoy Cruel stories, I just am too softhearted sometimes and tend to feel sad with some kinds of cruelty...

You can find me at:
Giantess World: You're already here ;)
Discord: Milla#0445
Twitter: Milla_Beatriz00 ; and
E-mail: millafaria.beatriz00(~at~)gmail(~dot~)com

No worry, I love reading messages, it's always nice to know what everyone is thinking about my stories.

So this is it, enjoy my stories and have a nice day!

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Stories by Milla

Bruna is a senior college student that has a forbidden pleasure: swallow tiny people alive. All tinies usually scream and beg for their lives while they're being consumed as snacks, but what will happen when Bruna meets Mia, a tiny that actually enjoys seeing giant girls eating tinies like her?

Copyright: This is a story written by me, and all characters/situations are my original work or are used with permission/'expectancy of permission' from other authors (which are mentioned in such cases). There's no intention of disrespecting anyone's work.

Categories: Couples, Gentle, Humiliation, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 60 Read Count: 14636
[Report This] Published: July 13 2023 Updated: July 13 2023