Reviewer: squashed123 Signed 

Date: August 25 2016
Title: Chapter 1: Unfamiliar Places
Great story, though I wish the chapters were longer.
You have built great characters that stay true to their personality, which is hard to do. This way, it gets quite personal with all of them and that is simply an amazing achievement. I really like the way Julian acts, his boldness, practicality and cynicism never fail to make the corners of my mouth turn upward. I yearn to be able to write a character like him, kudos!
What you did with mother May was just perfect. Here you are, little slave, but instead of falling into depression or trying to save yourself, I'll just make you yearn for another giant captor instead of the one or two you already have. Brilliant!
You get around telling lot's of backstory like a pro. It never feels like it's needed at all, and that keeps the story the way it's supposed to be. You're just a really great author.
There's one think I hope for in the future though, and that is more Julie. Her insane, over-the-top cruelty is exciting. Perhaps you'll let us sneak a peak into her mind at some point?
Consider me on the edge of my seat, begging for more.
Best regards.
Author's Response: Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. There have been a few reviews extolling Julian and he is super fun to write for. Funny you should mention julie because there is more of her in the next chapter or two. Again thanks for such praise I hope I am worthy of it as this tale moves along. Please enjoy!