Penname: S F Benjamin [Contact] Real name:
Member Since: September 23 2021
Membership status: Member

S F Benjamin is a longtime lurker who finally took the plunge into writing in 2020. As a hobbyist, Benjamin loves crafting growth fantasy stories that whisk readers away to magical worlds where characters undergo amazing transformations. With a vivid imagination and a knack for storytelling, Benjamin's tales are sure to captivate and inspire.

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Stories by S F Benjamin

This story is set in the “The Tourists” universe created by timeturner. In this universe, people’s body sizes vary according to their country of origin’s size—the bigger the country, the larger its people. For smaller states, like the ones in Europe, this can pose a problem whenever American tourists visit.

In this episode, an American mother and her teenage daughter are visiting Vienna.

Categories: Unaware, Teenager (13-19), Mature (40-49), Crush, Destruction, Muscle, New World Order, Violent, Vore, Humiliation, Breasts, Giantess, Giant
Characters: None
Growth: Titan (101 ft. to 500 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: FF/f, FF/m, M/f, M/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 28401 Read Count: 34041
[Report This] Published: September 23 2021 Updated: February 04 2025