Ivis stepped over the large intersection, onto the Ringstraße. The several lanes wide avenue better known as the “Ring” is flanked by large trees to its left and right, as well as bicycle lanes, and pedestrian walkways. It forms a wide circle around the downtown of Vienna, connecting many of the most important buildings of the Greater Austrian (1) capital. “They do seem to have a sense for grandness,” the middle-aged woman observed, “however ill-conceived it might be…”
Standing at over 100 meters tall compared to the Austrians at her feet, the gorgeous American placed her hands onto her hips. Cream-colored, high-heeled sandals covered two slender feet, their laces going up two long and shapely legs. Halfway up her calves the white cocktail dress started, covering her full buttocks before being tied together at the waist by a large white belt. Right above the waist, the giant cleavage opened up, the white fabric barely containing the enormous breasts of the 44 year old woman. Ivis looked over to her daughter Vera, who was examining the canal and adjacent waterfront.
Vera stepped off the road, placing her blue high heel right in the middle of the Donaukanal promenade. People barely had time to dash out of the way, as the gigantic teenager didn’t pay them any attention. She was more interested in the floating beach area in the middle of the canal. “While you do your city tour, can I stay here at the beach?” She put her sunglasses up on her head and turned to her mother.
“No, honey, we’re doing the city tour together. Besides, we’re going to the opera later on, and I can’t have you all dirty and full of sand!” her large, striking eyes narrowed, her full red lips smiling at her eighteen year old daughter. She’s already so grown up, Ivis thought to herself, looking at her daughter. Vera’s wide hips were covered by an elegant dark blue skirt, an airy white blouse covering her full chest. Those she got from me, Ivis smiled proudly.
“Ugh, the opera.” Vera rolled her eyes, but conceded to her mother’s wishes. “Did you get the tickets?” She spun around and stepped back up onto the street—crushing two cars that failed to avoid the giant foot descending onto the street.
“Not yet, that’s why I have to make a quick phone call.” Ivis took out her phone from her purse.
“Sure, I’ll do some sight-seeing, don’t take too long!” Vera squeezed past Ivis down the Ring, her mother taking the chance to ruffle her shoulder-long, blonde hair. “Mom! Stop it!” Annoyed, the giant teenager swatted away her mother’s long arm, as she walked off to explore the city.
Vera crouched down between two large baroque buildings. The structures looked practically identical, as they sat on both sides of a beautifully cultivated park. In the middle of the green area, between small fountains and neatly trimmed bushes, a statue rose over the park’s startled visitors. “Oh, I’ve read about this!” Vera’s voice boomed over the park area. Extending her long fingers, she pinched the statue between her right thumb and index finger. Somewhat carefully, Vera began twisting the metal structure until its base started tearing. Bolts snapped, the dark green metal groaned, and with a final jerk of her hand, she ripped the statue off its stone foundation. Lifting her hand to her eyes, Vera inspected the woman in between her fingers. “Maria Theresia,” she muttered. “The most powerful woman in the Austrian empire.” Vera chuckled, “cute. We’ll see about that!”
Glancing over her shoulder, making sure her mother was busy on the phone, Vera placed the tiny statue between her enormous breasts, engulfing the former Empress of Austria in tons of her flesh. Moving both arms forward, Vera pushed her breasts together. The little metal woman on her little metal throne stood no chance against the two colossal orbs and within seconds the statue crumbled. Vera giggled, visibly enjoying herself. Fishing into her cleavage, she pulled out the remains of what used to be a 6 meter tall monument to one of Austria’s most famous rulers. Moving the crushed piece onto her thumb, she flicked it like a coin, several kilometers into the outskirts of Vienna, where it crashed down into the middle of a populated schoolyard.
Turning her attention back to the park area in front of her, she winked at the tiny people around her, who stood frozen in awe and fear before the giant teenage girl. Vera put her thumb on top of the stone base where the once tall monument had been sitting just moments ago. With one swift motion, she pushed down, compressing the remains of the statue and surrounding fountain into dust. “There we go!” Vera announced fully content, and with audibly exhaling she rose back to her full height.
Her mother was still busy on the phone, so the young giantess looked around. “Hmm, what’s this?” Vera exclaimed as she spotted the huge dark-grey block of stone just some hundred meters away. Without warning she stepped forward, her right foot burying one of the artfully trimmed bushes under her high heels. The park goer, hiding in its shade, crunched audibly as Vera’s foot settled on top of him, compressing him into a bloody stain in the grass, but she never noticed him. Tiny people frantically moved out of the way, as Vera paid no attention where she stepped as she moved towards her new point of interest. Crushing a car and several bikers, the gigantic teenager crossed the wide street in front of the Museumsquartier. Stepping over the lower outer wings of the former imperial stables, she planted her feet squarely in the middle of the crowded inner court.
In front of her stood the museum of modern art, a roughly rectangular block made entirely out of some dark stone, sitting in the middle of the large courtyard. “MUMOK – Museum moderner Kunst” it read on its facade. Vera grimaced. Like many teenagers she cared little for museums. “Disappointing,” she muttered while looking at the nervous crowd at her feet. “You!” she suddenly shouted at a guy at her toes, pointing her left index finger at him. The surprised man panicked and dropped the cup of beer he was holding. “Where did you get that?” Vera asked, pointing at the cup on the ground. The man nervously pointed towards a food truck at the other end of the courtyard. “Yes!” Vera exclaimed, paying the tiny man no more attention as she turned around and started walking towards her new target.
The crowds of tinies stormed towards the gates, in an attempt to flee the courtyard. A barking dog vanished under Vera’s left foot, it’s owner too frozen with fear to move away. Her other foot smashed down onto a group of university students enjoying the nice afternoon sun, flattening several people—as well as the upper half of the musician and his acoustic guitar, mercifully cutting short his rendition of Wonderwall.
Arriving at her destination, Vera crouched down, next to the food truck. “Hey there! Would you mind serving a thirsty girl a cold Bier?” she innocently asked the people crowding the truck. One of the bar men, in the middle of carrying a full beer keg into the vehicle, dropped everything and took off. “Well, I suppose it’s self-serve!” Vera shouted mockingly at the fleeing vendor and picked up the keg between her giant fingers. “There has to be more!”
She moved her other hand towards the food truck. The remaining people around her finally snapped out of it and darted out of the way. Her fingers squeezed the tiny vehicle, as she carefully lifted it up to her face. “Relax people, it’s fine! I’m eighteen, I’m allowed to drink!” she grinned at the screaming tinies at her feet. With a swift motion, she dropped the keg into the truck, where it landed with a metallic clash between the other kegs. Tilting her head backwards, she lifted the truck high above her open mouth. Vera increased the pressure, squeezing the little metal vehicle harder. The frame groaned under the stress, drowning out the high pitched screams of the two vendors still stuck in the truck.
The thin walls of the vehicle began to contract around Maria. Bernhard, her co-worker, was lying in the corner of the truck, his leg crushed under a beer keg that out of nowhere crashed into the vehicle. Maria turned around to look outside the windows, just to see them covered by something resembling giant fingers. The sudden movement knocked her to the floor again, next to a crying Bernhard. She had to get out of here. Pushing herself off the ground, she tried to scramble towards the door. “Nein! Halt!” she shouted, hoping to attract the attention of the giantess, but the tilting floor moved away from under her feet just about when Maria was about to grab the doorframe. With a hefty thud she made contact with the floor and slid to the back again. A loud giggle was heard from outside, did the giantess know they were inside? “Hilfe!” Maria shouted between exhausted breaths. No response. The walls started caving. With one final effort Maria pushed herself off the now almost vertical floor. The front wall crumbled and the giant finger pushed the metal sheets into the interior pinning down Maria. She was pressed against the beer kegs, fixated at the back wall, while the truck was lifted high into the air. It tilted and Maria could see a gaping wide mouth outside the open door. Loose kitchen equipment crashed down on her and tumbled outside as the truck tilted further. Tears ran down Marias face as the pressure kept increasing. Bernhard had stopped making noises at this point, not that Maria would have been able to hear him over the sound of metal screeching and her bones breaking.
Vera increased the pressure of her fingers, until she felt several objects in the little vehicle rupturing. A stream of dark golden liquid started pouring out of the truck and into her mouth. Grinning with satisfaction, she brought her fingers together, obliterating the food truck completely. The stream eventually turned into a reddish trickle and without giving it a second thought, the satisfied teenager dropped the flattened vehicle to the ground.
“Vera! What are you doing?” the voice of her mother boomed across the city. Vera spun around and straightened up. Ivis was standing several blocks away, her left hand on the mouthpiece of her phone, looking at her with a stern expression.
“Nothing, mom!” Vera shouted, quickly wiping away any traces of beer from her mouth.
“I’m almost done with this, honey. Why don’t you go shopping in the meantime? The shopping district is right behind you,” her mother pointed over Vera’s right shoulder. “I’ll make this quick, okay?” Vera nodded. “Sure, mom!” she sighed and turned around.
“Pass auf!” the little man screamed. The massive, manicured fingers of the giant American woman came crashing down onto the rooftop bar, crushing café tables, chairs, parasols, and narrowly missing several guests attending the wedding reception.
Ivis didn’t even notice. She was still on the phone, arguing about her opera tickets with the clerk on the other end of the line. The giant fingers started tapping impatiently, cracking the rooftop tiles and flattening the few surviving flower bouquets. While half of the wedding guests pushed back inside the building and down the stairs, the other half—including the bride and groom—were trapped on the other side of Ivis’ hand.
“M-I-R-I-C. How many people with that name are on your stupid list?” Ivis grew more and more irritated. Several tinies crawled through underneath her hand while the wedding couple tried to stay as far away from the giant woman as possible, pressing their bodies against the exterior of the huge bar windows in fear.
“What!?” Ivis’ hand clenched shut, ripping into the roof, obliterating the remains of the furniture—as well as several guests—in the process. “What do you mean, our names are not on the list? What kind of mickey mouse travel agency are you running?” With an angry grunt she tore her hand away from the rooftop bar, taking with her the upper floors of the building as well as the rest of the wedding reception. “Of course the VIP list, you moron! Check again!” the giant woman turned around, stepping back onto the Ring. Several cars veered out of the way, barely avoiding being crushed by the cream colored high heels. Ivis looked at her golden watch and sighed, “useless!”
What was her daughter up to? Looking up she found Vera several blocks away playing with some of the tinies. “Vera! What are you doing?” Her daughter whipped her head around
“Nothing, mom!”
“I’m almost done with this, honey. Why don’t you go shopping in the meantime? The shopping district is right behind you,” Ivis pointed behind her daughter “I’ll make this quick, okay?” Her daughter nodded and turned away. At least she didn’t need to worry about her daughter, Ivis thought as she watched Vera stepping over some buildings towards the shopping avenue.
An annoying ringing sound brought her thoughts back to the present. Down at her foot one of the iconic Viennese street cars grew impatient and rang its little bell. “What? Am I blocking your way?” Ivis snapped at the tiny red vehicle.
She lifted her foot, but instead of moving it out of the way, she gently placed it on top of the overhead wires. Pushing down, Ivis snapped the wires, rendering the tram immobile. “I hope you’re not in a hurry,” she purred with a devilish grin on her lips. The gargantuan foot swung back over the street car, then down, resting gently on the roof of the coach. Smiling at the traffic jam at her feet, she added a little pressure to the street car. The frame started to creak and buckle under the weight, the windshield cracked.
People in the second wagon were already pouring out of the carriage, but the commuters in the first car were not so lucky. The mounting pressure deformed the doors, blocking them from opening, so the occupants scrambled to smash the emergency exits. The clerk on the phone was trying to buy some time, going through his documents, but Ivis was barely listening—she focused all her attention on the groaning street car under her left foot. “Sure, I’ll hold the line,” Ivis absentmindedly responded to the clerk. Her foot pressed down.
The vintage street car didn’t provide any meaningful resistance. The ceiling came crashing down, glass exploded in all directions. People that tried to climb through the smashed in windows were struck down, their bodies mangled and torn apart. Smashing the windshield, the driver was crushed through his seat into the back wall of his little cabin by Ivis’ giant sole—the irritating bell stopped ringing. The cabin compressed further, the passengers' bodies folded into the wooden seats and bent around the contorted metal beams until they burst. The screams of terror and anguish were silenced within an instance, as the car was reduced to a pile of metal and wood, barely half a meter thick.
A few lucky passengers managed to escape through the smashed in windows, several people however were crushed in half or lost various limbs in the process. A tiny woman managed to push herself out of the window. Her leg got caught on the window frame, the descending high heel had smashed her lower body into an unrecognizable heap of gore. She lay there on her back, staring blankly into the sky, when her body was cast in shadow.
Ivis crouched down, sitting on her heels, inspecting the results of her work. With a satisfied smile she nodded—that will show them, treating her like some common tourist. “Looks like you won’t enjoy this evening any more than I do.”
One of the little specks caught her attention. The tiny woman lay next to mangled remains of the street car. Everything below her crotch was gone, turned into red puree, her twitching eyes stared past Ivis into infinity. “Oh, let me help you!” Ivis said in a soft voice, tilting her head slightly. “Let me put you out of this misery—of being born as a European.” With that she moved her finger on top of the body. Feeling the faint struggling under her fingertip, Ivis couldn’t help but smile, “Auf Wiedersehen!” When she finally pressed down, flattening the tiny human being into a pile of gore and blood, she didn’t do it out of malice, Ivis truly felt pity for those insignificant little beings.
Looking up from her finger, the giant woman noticed several people, standing next to their cars. Staring in terror at the massacre in front of them, they were frozen with fear. Turning towards them, she raised her blood red finger. “What are you looking at?” Ivis lashed out at them. That was enough to snap them out of their paralysis—they turned and fled.
Wiping her finger on a small patch of grass next to the road, she rose again. Ivis put her phone back against her ear, “So?” She nodded “That’s what I thought.”
The three police officers just got the call about some unruly woman vandalizing some fancy rooftop bar, when the sky turned dark. A giant foot crashed down onto their police car, pressing it, together with two of the officers, deep into the tarmac. With a gaping mouth, the third officer looked up a giant female leg, up an enormous skirt, at some black panties. He turned around to flee, but before he could move the blue high heel twisted and casually steamrolled him into the streets until his body burst.
Vera did not notice any of this, as the trees that lined the Mariahilferstraße left and right provided a nice, green canopy of leaves. She brought her second foot over the building and planted it right next to the other. The avenue was barely wide enough for both her feet side by side between the trees, but that didn’t bother her. Tilting her head she peeked through the foliage, spotting cafés and stores full with people. Pedestrians strolled around and cyclists zipped past them.
“What am I even supposed to shop for? Everything is tiny!” People looked up when they suddenly heard a teenage voice booming through the street. Then, Vera spotted it: “Bier” the large sign read, roughly halfway down the two kilometer long road. “Nice, more beer! When in Wien...” Vera’s mood improved again.
Looking around, she noticed this seemed to be a pedestrian zone–besides some delivery vehicles, cars were absent. “No grimy cars here?” She lifted her right foot and slid off her high heel, repeating the movement with her left foot as well. The giant footwear was placed on top of a nearby house, caving in the century old roof, but otherwise not causing too much damage. Not that Vera would have cared either way.
“American coming through, so you better move your puny asses!” Vera laughed, before moving forward. The tiny people at her feet barely had any time moving out of the way before she stepped down, her bare soles spreading wider under her weight, sinking into the road. She took another step, her left foot brushing past several tree branches, landing on top of some wooden benches. They provided no resistance to her, Vera didn’t even acknowledge them. Her right foot came down onto a street side café, crushing metal chairs, tables and several patrons under her delicate toes. A waitress was pinned under Vera’s pinky toe, trying in vain to push off a toe larger than her whole upper body. She was smeared into the pavement when Vera shifted her weight on her next step.
Another step crushed several teenage girls who were leaving a clothing store in excitement with their purchases in hand. They failed to spot the titanic girl joyfully strolling down the street—a girl that, even though roughly their age, was about 20 times larger than they were. Their newly bought clothes, now covered in the blood and guts of their squished friends.
Vera took another step, her right foot catching one of the trees between her toes. It ripped out of the ground, knocked over several people, bicycles and benches, before being flattened by Vera’s tender sole. The giantess staggered, sidestepped onto another tree that fell and was buried under her left foot together with a dozen movie goers waiting in line at the local cinema.
“Shit!” Vera yelled, when she bumped her wide hips into the building to her left, catching herself with her hand on its roof. The wall of the old building crumpled and the roof caved in, but it kept standing. Quickly looking around her, as if to make sure nobody saw her little faux pas, she exhaled and dusted herself off. Her mother was still busy, playing with a street car, she noticed.
As Vera was about to continue her walk a tiny angry voice emerging from the newly created hole in the building grabbed her attention. Some old man was visibly upset about the damages she caused and cursed at her in Viennese, shaking his fist. “Ah, shut up!” Vera mumbled under her breath and grabbed the small person between her fingers. She pressed her fingers together and the ranting ceased. Vera didn’t stop though. While the little man’s expression had changed to pure horror, the giant girl could not tell if his face had turned red from anger or because of the pressure she applied to his upper body. Either way, she didn’t care. The gorgeous teenager pushed a little harder and the tiny man’s body popped, spraying the remaining walls of his apartment with his blood. Vera rubbed her fingers together until the man’s legs were the only recognizable features left. She then turned around and dropped the bloody cadaver at her feet, next to the other crushed or half-crushed people from the cinema. “Ooops, accident,” she flatly exclaimed to the startled people around her, before wiping the guts off her fingers on a nearby facade. Putting on her most innocent face, she looked at the few people who hadn’t fled by then, gave it a half-hearted shrug and continued on. As she moved along, she reached back under her skirt to pull free the black panties that had wedged themselves between her enormous butt cheeks.
“Bar-bier? What the hell is that?” Vera was puzzled. She peered down into the small shop, it looked like a … a barber. Is that what it was? A barber? Vera grimaced, “are you kidding me?” Her annoyance was clearly visible, which is why the area around her was empty—everyone with half a mind had left as fast as they could. ”What a load of bullshit!” she closed her right hand into a fist, but right before smashing it into the building she held herself back. Vera took several deep breaths to calm down. “Fuck this,” she finally hissed.
Still grimacing, Vera gathered some saliva in her mouth and spat a huge load at the small barber shop, coating the large windows and the entrance in the girl’s fluids. As she was about to turn around to return to her mother, she noticed a strange building a few streets across.
It looked like a huge rectangular box—almost like a shoe box set upright—made from old and weather worn concrete. “Another modern art museum?” Vera thought to herself. It looked like it had a balcony around the top, there was some glas structure sitting on the roof. Suddenly she remembered what she read in the tourist guide—this must be one of the old flak towers they built during the world war. Since they were virtually indestructible, they are still standing to this day and had been repurposed somewhere down the line. Vera read the huge letters on the side of the building: “Haus des Meeres — Aqua Terra Zoo” “Huh, so that’s a zoo?” leaning her body to the side she tried to read the other wall: “Smashed to pieces in the still of the night” Vera chuckled “Don’t give me ideas!” “Restaurant” the letters on top of the glass structure read. “Now we’re talking!” Vera’s mood immediately changed for the better.
Having taken care of the opera tickets, Ivis was now trying to make reservations for dinner. The fanciest restaurants were only good enough for the gorgeous middle-aged giantess and her equally gigantic teenage daughter, and Ivis would make sure they got nothing less than they deserved. “Yes, I’d like to make a reservation for this evening!” Ivis leisurely strolled down the Ring towards the Opernhaus while talking on the phone. Her slow pace allowed the cars and people to quickly get out of the way, and so the number of casualties remained rather low.
One man was caught off guard when he exited his expensive Mercedes Benz. Ivis’ right foot came down on him before he could move out of the way. His left half of the body disappeared under her sandal, pressing him into the asphalt. His limp body lifted together with Ivis’ foot, dragging his bloody entrails along as he was flung along the road where it hit a motorcyclist. Ivis noticed neither him, nor the motorcyclist pinned under his bike that she crushed two steps later.
A police helicopter approached the enormous American tourist. On their way, the five police officers were treated to a front row view of the stunning giantess. Her immaculate feet, clad in laced high-heeled sandals, up her tanned, smooth legs to her short, white dress. The dress’ cleavage went down to her belt, revealing a good portion of her humongous breasts to the world. Even though Ivis was steadily approaching her late forties, her voluptuous—and all natural—F cups still remained perky. Nested between her breasts, several necklaces led up to her slender neck and beautiful face. Barely any wrinkles on her sharp edged face, she looked barely older than thirty. Her smooth, blonde hair flowing around her face perfectly complemented her upper-class appearance. Holding her phone in one hand and playing with her fingernails with her other hand, she stood between the Burgtheater and the famous Vienna City Hall.
“Nähern uns Rhinozeros-1!” The helicopter pilot announced over the radio. After what they had witnessed so far, a callsign like Rhinozeros-1 and 2 for the two giantesses felt rather fitting, the pilot thought to himself. Closing in on their target, they transitioned into hover flight at roughly an arm’s length away. After checking the streets below them, Werner, the squad leader, gestured to the pilot to increase altitude. For now they left their ground forces on standby—out of sight. Deescalation was their tactic, talking to the giant woman might just be enough, the lieutenant reasoned, no need to use force. The helicopter started climbing, passing her waist, her breasts, her shoulders, until they finally arrived at eye level.
Ivis didn’t seem to notice any of it—she was fully engaged with the person on the phone. “What do you mean, you’re fully booked? Do you know who I am?” Ivis almost shouted.
“Miss Miric! We need to talk to you! In order to avoid more casualties…” Werner began his little speech over the megaphone, but Ivis covered her ear with her free hand and turned away, “no, from 4pm to 7pm! The whole restaurant!” At this point she didn’t even bother to hide her annoyance anymore.
Looking at his comrades, Werner shook his head. Gesturing again to the pilot, the helicopter circled around the towering woman to face her again.
“Miss Miric!” Werner tried a second time. The giant woman’s eyes snapped towards the helicopter, “can’t you see that I’m talking on the phone?” She calmly, but sharply addressed the helicopter. Werner, not deterred, started a third attempt—his comrades nervously glanced at each other, “please, Miss Miric!”
“What have I just said!?” Ivis roared at the tiny helicopter. Out of nowhere her left hand grabbed the helicopter from below. The rotor blades snapped as her massive digits enveloped the vehicle. Compacting the tiny thing further she glared at the tiny police officers in her hand. “What. Have. I. Just. Said?” She repeated, with each word closing her fist around the helicopter further and further. The police officers began screaming as Werner tried to stay composed. The giant woman’s pinky finger had broken through the windshield, crushing the pilot's upper body into oblivion, while her neatly trimmed fingernail had cut deep into the cockpit walls. Werner started to plead with her, “please, don’t do this! There is no need to resort to violence!”
Ivis broke into laughter, “you think this is violent? Little man, you have seen nothing yet!” With that, the giantess lifted the helicopter high above her, compressing the cabin further and further. The officer’s screams intensified, as two of them slipped and tumbled out of the open door. The female officer of the two landed on her white dress, and with a big bounce vanished between Ivis’ gargantuan breasts. The second, male officer hit her left breast, bounced off to his death next to Ivis’ feet. Nudging her fingers, Ivis made sure that the other two officers would remain in the cabin so she could crush them to a bloody paste.
The metal screamed as the shiny, grey walls compacted and contorted, entombing the two tinies. The last officer’s anguished squeals reached an inhumane pitch as his body was skewered by sharp metal and his bones broke one by one. Ivis' huge fingers suddenly moved, leaving room for Werner to struggle free from the wreckage. The tiny man scrambled to make his escape. Waiting for Werner to pull himself halfway out, Ivis then suddenly clenched her fist shut, trapping Werner’s lower body in the heap of metal. Werner let out an agonizing scream and Ivis burst into laughter again. She lifted the wreck together with Werner close to her lips, brandishing her perfectly whitened teeth. “How is that for violent?” she seductively whispered to the broken man sticking out of the former helicopter. Her teeth snapped at Werner, barely missing him. Ivis laughed again, “don’t worry! I’m not hungry … yet.” With those words, she moved her huge thumb over the tiny officer and started bending him backwards, pressing him into the metal wreck. She felt his spine breaking as she increased the pressure further until, with a sickening crunch, his ribcage exploded and his head finally caved in.
Ivis smirked. With a casual motion of her wrist, she flicked the wreckage into city hall. “Mmmh, maybe a little bit hungry” Ivis softly purred as she sucked the blood off her thumb. “And don’t think I’ve forgotten about you,” she addressed the tiny police officer that fell between her breasts, “you better hold on! I might need you later... “ She added in a husky voice as she set out to meet up with her daughter...
The small street to the flak tower was much narrower than the wide Mariahilferstraße Vera had traveled on so far. Setting one foot in front of the other Vera herded a crowd of people down the street. Leaving no room to the left or the right, the only escape route was down the street, as behind the crowd Vera’s glorious feet bulldozed parked cars, store fronts and cafés into oblivion. Her pear-shaped teenage body had trouble fitting through the street, as her wide hips and full butt kept striking the building’s facades to the left and right.
One man, stepping out onto his balcony to see what all the commotion was about, ended as a smear on the titanic girl's left buttcheek. Another step crushed more parked cars. Vera noticed a single tiny figure standing in her path. Frozen with fear, the tiny teenage boy didn’t move, staring blankly at the enormous girl moving towards him. “Idiot,” chuckled and lifted her foot, ready to casually step on him, when she noticed the boy’s cute face. Vera, already mid-step, moved her foot further to avoid squashing her new person of interest. Her foot came down several meters behind the tiny boy, crushing the tail end of the fleeing crowd instead. She paid no attention to the four and a half bodies she flattened under the ball of her feet, her focus rested entirely on the handsome tiny between her feet.
“Hey there, how are you doing?” Vera tried to act casual. No response. “Are you from around here?” Still, the tiny teenager did not move. Vera started to get irritated. Putting her fists on her hips, she shifted her stance, finally finishing off the half-crushed woman under the arch of her foot. “I’m sorry, but I am talking to you, you ungrateful little mite!” she yelled at the miniscule figure below. Finally snapping out of his paralysis, the boy turned around and dashed into the building behind him, but not before visibly pissing himself. “Ewww,” Vera grimaced, “I almost dated a bed-wetter.”
“Alle schön zusammen bleiben, damit wir niemanden verlieren!” The teacher instructed her students to group up in front of the entrance of the zoo. “Sind alle da? Zwei, vier, sechs... “ her assistant started the head count. “... zweiundzwanzig und vierundzwanzig. Alle da!” The assistant gestured a thumbs up to the teacher, but the teacher didn’t respond, staring right past her in disbelief. Tracing the teacher's wide eyed gaze to a spot above and behind her, the assistant turned around and looked up. Her brain did not have enough time to comprehend what exactly was happening, as she saw a colossal, bare sole descending down onto her. The giant barefoot settled into the dirt with a sickening crunch, as half of the students disappeared under it, together with the teacher’s assistant. The tremor and shockwave knocked over the lucky students that weren’t caught underfoot, spraying them with blood and viscera.
Vera didn’t notice them at all, she was fully occupied with the bar on top of the tower, and paid no mind to what was happening at her feet. The glossy, pink nail polish glared in the bright midday sun, as her toes idly shifted, balancing the titaness’ weight. Several arms and bodies were sticking out between the long and elegant digits, students trapped in between screaming in pain and horror. All that flailing had a rather undesired effect though, as the tickling caused Vera to instinctively clench her toes together, smushing the last few survivors into a thin paste between her beautiful toes.
Roughly 47 Meters above, Vera was busy with posting her order. “All the beer you have, please!” she said in her sweetest voice. The bar staff, visibly nervous at the sight of the gigantic girl, rushed off to gather all the kegs and beer bottles they had in store. Although being taller than all the other buildings in the vicinity, the large concrete tower still only reached the underside of Vera’s heavy D cups. Getting tired of bending down, the giantess decided to get more comfortable. She moved down onto her knees, straddling the rectangular structure between her massive, shapely thighs, her heavy butt resting comfortably on her bare feet. Again she paid no attention to her motions, and so she never learned of the other half of the tiny school class she obliterated under her huge right knee.
While waiting she noticed several people hanging off the side of the tower. “What are you guys up to?” she curiously moved her face closer. They were tiny climbers! Along the side of the tower an artificial climbing wall was installed, with several miniscule figures hanging off the artificial holds. “Aww, are you guys enjoying yourself?” Vera smiled, genuinely cheerful about her discovery. “Are you guys professionals?” She moved her large fingers towards one of the climbers, who tried to dodge her by quickly descending. Undeterred, the giant teenager instead pinched the small rope the climber was hanging from. With a little tug, she snapped the rope off its anchor, pulling the climber away from the wall. She lifted her hand, dangling the tiny man right before her eyes. He was blonde, nicely tanned, athletic—Vera immediately took a liking to the small human. “Well, little man, can you climb this?” She playfully cooed, before putting him gently onto her left breast. The climber desperately tried to grab onto the smooth white fabric—without much luck. He slid down the giant slope when a huge bulge under the material finally provided enough surface to hang onto, saving him from imminent death. Vera laughed at the sight of the little man hanging off her left nipple, clinging on for dear life.
“Normally I don’t let guys go to second base on our first date!” She laughed at her own little joke. Her mammoth breasts started jiggling, causing the climber to lose his grip. With a shriek he slipped. “I got you, don’t worry!” Vera had moved her hand underneath her left breast and caught the man in her soft hands. A metallic banging made her return her attention to the bar. The little waitstaff had finished moving all beer kegs and bottles onto the balcony. One waiter used a wooden spoon to bang against one of the kegs, drawing the attention of the giantess. “Miss, we have all the beer you ordered!”
Vera smiled. She turned her head down to the climber. “I’ll keep you for later!” she purred and with that she reached with her free hand to her right bra strap. Slightly pulling away the right cup, she placed the tiny human form onto her nipple, before putting the bra back in place. Using both hands to gently adjust her breasts within her bra, she could feel the climber struggling against her sensitive right nipple. Perfect, she thought.
Reaching into her purse, she pulled out an American coin. A little wider than her thumb, it was bigger than any of the Austrians in the restaurant. She lifted it up to the balcony. “This should be enough,” Vera stated, “ … if you can get it!” The titanic girl giggled and placed the giant coin on top of the restaurant’s roof.
“Now, my beer!” Using her index finger, Vera smashed through the security glass that kept the patrons safely on the balcony, creating an opening for the waiters to serve her drinks. She moved her face underneath the balcony, opening her mouth wide. The staff hesitated for a second, looking at each other, before starting to throw the beer kegs through the newly created opening, into the gaping maw beneath.
After a few kegs Vera closed her mouth and started chewing. Her sharp incisors slicing open some kegs, the powerful molars crushing others until they burst, their watery innards gushing outwards, filling her mouth with foamy golden liquid. Her enormous tongue pushed the scraps between her molars and, like a car crusher, she compacted them into one flat piece of metal. She swallowed, a huge bulge moving down her throat into her eager stomach.
A considerable crowd had gathered on the balcony. Watching a teenage girl the size of an apartment block consuming what had to amount to hundreds of liters of beer appealed to the crowd’s curiosity. Vera finished swallowing, and with a huge grin she presented the kegs’ metal remains, pinned between her incisors to the people above. Turning her head, she closed her lips again, and spit the metallic heap over the rooftops of Vienna. “Second round!” she yelled and moved her head back into position.
Ivis was on her phone again, this time with her agent back in New York. “Honey, I have to ask you for a favour.” The giant woman was crouching next to the Volksgarten park, examining the once imperial gardens. Her long slender fingers brushed over the trimmed trees and stroked the immaculate flower beds. They are actually very beautiful, Ivis thought to herself while admiring the colorful flowers arranged in a delicate pattern. Like some kind of persian carpet, and roughly the same size.
“Yes, there was a little accident, I need you to talk to you know who, Dave. … No, I’m not gonna call him, Dave. He is, again, late on his alimony payment—probably because he’s too busy fucking that new, dolled-up slut of his!” Ivis almost shouted this last part, her ravishing dark green eyes turning to narrow slits. Looking down at her clenched fist she felt a hint of remorse, as she saw the long trenches her fingers had dug through the neatly arranged rose beds. Releasing the soil and crushed flowers from her hand, she patted the upturned ground, as if that would fix everything again. Ivis composed herself. “As long as he’s too busy to take care of his daughter, I won’t exchange another word with him.” The giant woman said in a calm voice.
Looking to her right, the police were nervously watching her. Ivis had counted at least two dozen police vehicles and hundreds of officers, some of them in riot gear—as if that would help them, she thought. Two more police helicopters circled around her, this time keeping some distance to her. So far they have made no attempt to contact her again—it seemed they were mainly focused on cordoning off the area around her.
“You need to call him, and tell him to intervene in the matter, Dave. … Yes. Thank you, Dave.” She hung up. Rising to her full height again, she brushed the dirt off her hands. The phone started vibrating again, Ivis looked at the display. Again that unknown European number, that had already tried calling her several times today. “Ugh, not now,” she hissed, swiping away the call.
Putting her hands on her hips she looked down on the tiny people at her feet. “You’re lucky I am trying to be conciliatory here,” she said in an unfulfilled tone of voice, “back in the States, I would have ground you all into paste without thinking twice about it.” She crouched back down again, closer to the little figures. “I would have used my beautiful long and slender feet to flatten you into the ground. Squished your tiny, insignificant bodies between my tender toes. Broken every bone in your frail bodies under my gigantic tits.” Ivis demonstrably used her hands to push her heavy breasts together, ignoring the tiny police officer still clinging to the laced bra, holding on to her dear life. Ivis continued in an even deeper voice, “I would have devoured your flesh by the hundreds, feeling your little squirms sliding down my throat into my waiting stomach. And that would not be the only need I would fulfill.” The giantess smiled cruelly. She slammed her left hand into the street, right in front of the tiny police officers, completely catching them off guard. The shockwave and tremor swept them off their feet. While still unharmed, the officers were scared shitless. Many of them finally broke rank, getting to their feet, leaving their weapons and gear and took off as fast as they could run. Ivis smiled, enjoying this way more than she thought. Her phone vibrated again—Dave.
The enormous woman watched stoically as the police officers got into their vehicles and drove off in a large column, leaving much of the equipment behind. They didn’t want to spend any more time near that gigantic American than absolutely necessary. Dave was still on the phone with Ivis. “I understand. Thank you, honey! I’ll be sure to return the favor, when I am back in New York,” she used a sultry voice, “kisses.” Not even waiting for an answer, Ivis hung up. Friends in high places, she thought with a smile on her face.
Dave had explained the situation to Ivis: Austria would formally apologize to the United States, to her, and her daughter, for the inconveniences they have caused them. They would accept the apology and as a sign of goodwill the US government will allocate several million US Dollars from their Meyers Plan (2) program to Austria. This would cover all expenses that occurred during the trip. The only condition to this was that the two giant women would not harm any government officials, as well as leave any governmental buildings and institutions undamaged. “Consider yourself lucky,” Ivis mumbled in the direction of the parliament building on the other side of the street. Does this include police forces?—Ivis had asked Dave and he assured her it did not, but still implored her to keep the slaughter of innocent people to a minimum—or to at least make it look unintentional. “Let’s see how unintentional it looks when I rip their puny bodies apart to use them as lipstick!” Ivis chuckled, looking down between her cleavage in search of her tiny passenger. The tiny police woman had managed to climb inside of the enormous cream-colored bra, being relatively safe—for now. Her distress was visible even to Ivis, who revelled in it. “Looks like your friends are leaving without you,” gesturing her hand towards the column of police vehicles leaving. “Leaving you with me.” Ivis grinned.
Finding a teenage daughter in a large city like Vienna is not easy. This is not true, however, if the teenage daughter is bigger than most houses, and as such it was easy for Ivis to spot Vera. The girl was sitting next to some grey block, but doing what, Ivis could not discern at the distance. Ivis headed out to fetch her baby—they were getting late to their reservation at the restaurant. The fact that they are fully booked did not deter Ivis in the slightest. She’ll find a table for her and her daughter, even if she had to squeeze in.
Walking down the Ringstraße she soon reached Maria Theresien Park. Of course, the monument of the former Empress was long gone. Squatting down next to several crushed cars, and a bunch of flattened cyclists, she picked up one of the mangled frames that used to be a bike. The rider—a bloody mass on the ground—had melded together with the metallic frame, Ivis peeled him off the ground, lifting her fingers to eye level. She grimaced, “what a horrible way to go...” She was talking to the small group of tinies, attending to the few injured people among the many dead. They frightfully looked up to her, not yet sure of her intentions. The enormous woman casually moved her hand over their heads, waving the grim memento mori at them. “Excuse me,” she addressed them directly, looking at the half-crushed and bloodied bodies without pity, “have you, by any chance, seen my little daughter?” Ivis chuckled at her own joke. She dropped the bloody heap in her fingers next to them, “I think this belongs to you,” she said, still grinning. Ivis rose back to her full height, “ah, found her!” She mocked the people on the ground. “Thank you for your help!” Ivis moved on.
Arriving at the entrance of Mariahilferstraße, Ivis stopped and admired her daughter’s handywork. A crushed police car to the left, uprooted trees on both sides. Smashed furniture, debris and red blood splatters littered the street. Still, the street was bustling with ambulances, emergency workers, firefighters and police, as well as volunteers and spectators. Ivis couldn’t help but feel proud of her daughter.
On the roof of the house to Ivis’ left, her daughters sandals dented in the metal roof they sat upon. Ivis casually picked them up, letting them dangle at her fingers. “Alright tinies, if you know what’s good for you, you better leave!” Ivis started moving before even finishing the sentence, her first step flattening the remaining trees on the left. While the bare feet of her teenage daughter fitted tightly in between the trees of the large avenue, her mother’s larger, sandaled feet all but filled out the whole street. Ivis’ right foot came crashing down, splintering a tree into tiny pieces before grinding it into the street. Panic erupted on the avenue before her. The tiny people dropped their belongings and tried their best to get off the street before the giant woman reached them.
The next step crushed the left half of the street, its large stone slabs buckling under the pressure. On the right, a police cruiser disappeared, on the left, a small ice cream stand vanished under Ivis’ soles. More trees fell. Screams were getting louder. The giant woman arrived at a small cinema.
Vera must have stopped here, Ivis smiled at the dozens of rescue workers at her feet. The ground was covered with smashed tinies, to her right a hole was gaping in the building's wall. Several people with varying degrees of injuries were lined up on the right side of the street—some just had small lesions from falling debris, others with missing limbs. The attending workers frightfully looked up to the enormous woman in front of them. “I see you are tending to my daughter’s business?” The giantess addressed the medics, “She is a lovely girl, isn’t she?” Ivis looked over to her daughter who still hadn’t noticed her, several blocks away. “She’s growing up so fast! She now wears a D cup, can you imagine?” The giant mother mused aloud, “and her gorgeous butt grows fuller every day—I wish I had a butt like that,” she laughed. “But don’t tell her I said that, it’ll go to her head!” Ivis smiled and turned back to the tiny people in front of her.
Her friendly smile turned into a wicked grin. “You seem like a dedicated bunch, don’t you? Let’s play a little game, see how dedicated you really are.” The giant foot moved over the group of injured people. Balancing her foot on her heel she continued, “I am going to crush these people like worthless insects—unless you medics are offering yourself in their stead.” The medics looked at each other in shock—was she serious? “Seems like a pretty good deal to me—I need one volunteer. I will then squish their worthless body under my toes, break their bones and pulp their organs in a death so agonizing and horrible you cannot even fathom it! And in return these people will live.” Her voice has become sultry. Describing a tiny person’s death under her pretty toes—even just thinking about it—resulted in her crotch tingling in anticipation. She slid her foot over a medical worker on the right. “How about you?” The little man immediately turned around and fled. Unperturbed, Ivis moved her foot left. “And you two?” At this point the other medics lost their nerves, they dropped everything and ran as fast as their little legs carried them. But one of the two people under her foot remained. Whether it was an attempt of bravery or the tiny woman was just paralyzed with fear, Ivis did not know. She did not care.
“Looks like we’ve found the right person,” she exclaimed, pressing down her foot. The injured people, unable to move, watched with horror as the evil game played out. Right before she touched the tiny person, the foot halted its descent. As the expected tremor and shockwave did not manifest itself, the people turned with a confused look to the giantess above. Ivis broke into laughter. “I was just joking” she told the tinies, setting her giant foot aside. “I wouldn’t have killed you either way, I’m not a monster,” she continued laughing. “At least no one has ever called me a monster—no one who is still in one piece, that is.” she giggled, as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “Continue the good work,” she ordered the remaining medic, who at this point had curled up in a sobbing ball at her feet. With that, she stepped over the small group at her feet. The giant woman continued her walk down the wide avenue, casually adjusting her step to make sure she crushed the two fleeing medics without ever breaking her stride.
The burp was loud enough to shatter nearby windows and forced the tiny people above her to cover their ears. Vera smacked her lips. The beer started getting to her head, but that only spurred her on. “Alright, next one!” Once again, Vera positioned her gaping maw underneath the balcony, for the fifth round.
The waitstaff started sweating. “Ma’am, we’re done!” The head waitress finally found the courage to tell her. “What?” The giant teenager snapped her teeth shut. “I say when we’re done here!” Her eyes turned to dark slits.
“We don’t have any more alcohol,” the waiter tried to explain.
“You’re cutting me off? You can’t cut me off!” The giant girl didn’t seem to understand. The crowd was slowly backing away from the balcony, and the smarter people started quietly leaving the rooftop restaurant while the titanic American was preoccupied with the waiters.
“Listen, we’re not cutting you off! Our storage is empty, we’ve given you all we’ve got,” the head waitress tried to calm her down. “Please, try to understand!” The small woman in her mid-thirties started pleading with the giantess—this was definitely not how she imagined her day to go when she went to work this morning.
“How dare you! Do you think I’m stupid? Too stupid to understand?” Vera clenched her right hand into a fist and smashed it into the side of the concrete tower. The tower remained undamaged, but several of the windows broke, spilling broken glass everywhere. That’s when all hell broke loose. The crowd streamed inside towards the elevator and the stairway. “Where the fuck do you think you are going?” Vera thundered. Sitting up, she raised her head until she could look directly into the restaurant. Lifting her right hand, she reached into the building, smashing through several layers of glass. The tiny head waitress cowered in fear on the floor, as the giant hand moved over and past her.
Pushing deep into the building, her arm forcefully shoved aside the panicking crowd. Her long fingers finally reached the elevator—its doors unable to close, as it was packed full with people. Wrapping her fingers around the free-standing elevator shaft, Vera started squeezing her fist. The glass frame burst and the metal started squealing. Panic rose in the elevator cabin, as the walls suddenly started denting inwards, the 8 or so people started screaming uncontrollably. One man tried crawling out of the elevator, pushing himself through, beneath the giantess’ fingers, but Vera wasn’t having any of that. With a swift motion, her giant thumb shoved the man back into the cabin. Giving him just enough time to contemplate his situation, Vera then closed her fist for good. The agonizing screams from within drowned in the shrill screeching of contorting metal. The titanic girl gave it one final squeeze and the cabin collapsed, squirting several jets of blood out of its cracks, reminding her of this old movie she had watched once, The Shining.
Vera was ecstatic, “haha, nice!” She pulled with all her might, ripping the cabin’s remains out of its steel-framed shaft, the long cables cutting through the restaurant, smashing the bar, glasses and knocking over several unlucky patrons. The titaness was about to hurl the crushed heap of metal into the Danube when she spotted the little head waitress crawling towards the restaurant. “Oh no, you don’t!” Vera snatched the tiny woman off the balcony with her free hand. “And you get the once in a lifetime chance to view Vienna from above!” Before she could make sense of what the giant girl had just said, the waitress found herself pressed against the bloody metal skin of the former elevator. She screamed off the top of her lungs, as the sharp edges pressed into her backside. With nimble fingers, Vera wrapped the elevator cable around both the tiny woman and the metal cabin, tying them together. “Alright, have fun! Don’t drink too much!” Vera laughed, as she turned around and aimed at the large river several kilometers behind her. With an expert swing, the projectile together with the puny waitress was launched into the air, flying across Vienna. The cabin didn’t make it all the way to the Danube however. Falling over a kilometer short, instead it smashed right through the city’s famous ferris wheel, taking out a fully loaded gondola, before crashing into the city’s wax figure museum beneath.
Vera couldn't tell where the little thing went, but she did not care too much either way, as her prey was getting away. She turned back around to the restaurant. “Now onto you guys!” she addressed the fleeing patrons that crowded the torn apart building, pushing towards the stairway. “Do they have ‘tapas’ in Austria?”
Reaching into the building, she grabbed the bar and ripped off a huge piece of the wooden structure. Shoving her arm deep into the building, steamrolling several tinies, she reached the stairway. Depositing the heap of crushed wood, she made sure to completely block the staircase. Before retreating her arm, she grabbed a group of people, trying to escape into the bathrooms. Pulling out her hand, she examined the three figures in her right fist. “And you lucky three will be my afternoon snack!” she declared with a wide grin on her face.
When Ivis reached Vera, her daughter was busy grabbing people from the concrete structure in front of her, and stuffing them in her mouth. “Don’t fill up on snacks, honey, you won’t have any appetite at the restaurant!” Ivis laughed.
Vera startled. Using her tongue to push her latest victim back into her mouth with the others, she closed her lips. Biting down several times, the screaming stopped. The giant teenager swallowed the half-chewed people, and smiled at her mother. “Sorry, mum!” She muttered innocently.
“That’s alright. You can take some with you, for later,” she gestured towards the fleeing mob, streaming out of the building. Ivis lifted her foot and moved it over the mob. Stepping down she flattened the front rows of the crowd—spraying blood and gore across the concrete walls, as well as the other tinies. Before the terrified mob could turn around and re-enter the building, Vera’s hands swooped down and grabbed two handfuls of people. “Thanks mum!” she exclaimed as she deposited the tinies in her purse.
“Sure thing, sweety! But we have to go now, or else we’re gonna be late for dinner!” Ivis used her toes to finish off any stragglers that tried scurrying away. “And button up your shirt, honey, we don’t want those two monsters escaping and rampaging through the city.” Ivis grinned and pointed at her daughter's heavy chest.
“Mom!” Vera flashed her eyes at her mother, “Embarrassing!” As Vera stood up she, in turn, caught a glimpse into her mother's enormous cleavage and spotted the police woman nested within the delicate laces of her bra. She smirked. It also reminded her of her little passenger. Discreetly she poked her nipple, and as a response she felt the tiny climber struggling. Satisfied, Vera turned back to her mother, who she caught snatching a man from the rooftop and quickly stuffing him in her mouth. Ivis quickly swallowed the tiny. “What?” She tried acting dumb, but failed. The two giant women broke into laughter.
“Alright, let’s go!” Vera grinned and took her mother by the hand—both strolling towards the city center.