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Roleplays with Anonymous Person #1


(Gentle, F/f)

The giantess’ apparence: cdn.discordapp.com/attachments…


The tiny will be taking on a more disheveled appearance for this one. Her hair will be brown and long, with no care put into it causing it to be wild. The rest of her appearance will be shabby as well due to living on the streets. So think torn clothing and such. She will also have brown eyes and be in her late teens.


The tiny groans as she stumble down the street, her stomach growling from hunger. It had been almost a complete day since her last meal at this point and all her usual places had already been looted by other tinies and animals. At this rate she wasn't sure how much longer she could last. She was so hungry she was being less cautious than earlier. She wasn't even checking if there were any humans nearby before she started walking in the open.



The giantess was walking around the street as she was making a search for a tiny pet. She was not rich enough to buy one, so she had to hope to find one in a while. She finally saw a tiny girl on her own as she started to whisper "Hey there little girl." She started to gently drop a few of her bread crumbs to get her attention as she tried to befriend her at the same time. The giantess was nervous during this a bit.



The tiny hardly even notice your voice, completely fixated on the crumbs in front of her. She hurry forward and quickly eat them all, still feeling a bit hungry but mostly refreshed.



The giantess happily noticed the tiny eat them as she did not hear her voice so much. The giantess then bring down a crumb to the tiny while it is still in the giantess’ hand to see what she will do.



The tiny hurry forward to eat the crumb but stopped part way there, staring up at the giantess. The tiny slowly begin backing away.



"Don't be scared little girl. I just want to help you out." The giantess says softly as she tries to encourage the tiny to stay.



The tiny shakes her head, still moving away from the giantess.



"Well if you come, I can give you more food than you ever need" the giantess tries to bribe.



The tiny shakes her head some more. It didn't seem like she was going to agree anytime soon.



The giantess started to realize this as she looked like I was gonna cry, so she covered her face.



The tiny can't help but feel slightly bad seeing this but she also didn't want to give herself up.



The giantess then started to sit down nearby as she looked away sadly.



The tiny nervously walks closer to the giantess.



The giantess hears a bit of noise, but ignores it.



"U-umm, e-excuse me?" the tiny asks nervously.



"Yes?" the giantess said less nervously with her eyes still covered.



"C-can I have more food?" the tiny asks.



"Would you agree to come to my place, so I can keep you safe?" the giantess asks a bit nervous.



"I-I'm perfectly safe out here..." the tiny mutters, staring at the bread in your hand.



"But you get free food and I um get a friend finally" the giantess says nervously nervously.



"B-but humans are mean..." the tiny protests.



"Not all of us" the giantess says a bit sadly.



"I don't care, all the humans I've met are mean."



"Well you should at least get to know me first" the giantess says feeling like she will cry.



"Why? So you can hurt me like the other humans do?"



"What do you mean? I just want a friend and no human wants to be mine."



"S-so you don't plan on hurting me?"



"I would never do such a thing to someone like me or you."



"T-then I guess I can trust you. As long as you bring me more food, at least..."



"Of course I will. Can I take you to my house first, so you are safe?"


Chapter End Notes:

The first collection of rp's I will post here. Let me know what you want expanded on or turned into stories. Also let me know if you want better editing. 

Please comment, favorite and watch if you can. All feedback is appreciated. 

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My personal discord: discord.gg/GabMt7R

Giantess Madoka Magica discord: discord.gg/4bzyu9n

Watamote RP discord:  discord.gg/KjuWHJn

My group about Small Civilizations:www.deviantart.com/smallcivili…

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