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Author's Chapter Notes:

Clara tried her best to get her hands on her favorite shoe brand's limited edition release, but they sold out before she could get to them. Lucky, a new pair made itself available to her rather quickly.

Clara collapsed onto the bench with a sigh. Her favorite shoe store had just released a whole new line and try as she might, she couldn’t even get a single pair! The throngs of people fighting over those shoes were just too much for her to compete. At least the secluded little park she dragged herself into mope was nice. The quiet of the forest around her was a nice break from the bustling stores. She pulled out her phone and idly scrolled social media. Movement in the corner eye caused her to look up moments later.


It was a woman, about her age yet seemingly more cheerful. Her blonde hair bobbed with each step as she confidently strolled down the quiet path. Clara scanned the girl’s body, from her fancy outfit to the pricy frappe in her hand that she occasionally sipped from. As her eyes reached the woman’s shoes, her heart stopped. Those same sneakers that she had spent the whole morning fighting for, those same sneakers she sacrificed hours in the mall to not even get a hold of, were right there on this woman’s feet. Clara had an idea, and she smirked as she grazed the silver device in her pocket.


“Hey! I love your shoes, where did you get them from?” Clara feigned innocent curiosity as she jumped to her feet. Just as she planned, the woman turned around, eyes sparkling at the idea of meeting a fellow fan.


“Ah! These are limited edition Vexx’s I got from the mall today? Aren’t they so cool?” She proudly posed in the sneakers, showing off the brand-new shoe.


“They look great!” Clara replied, “Are you a fan of the brand?”


“Eh, I’ve never bought from them before but I saw them and they looked so cool so I picked one up! Lots of people there though.”


Clara’s eye twitched. She had been a fan of Vexx for years, and she did not buy a dozen pairs over that time to lose out on a limited edition drop to some basic bitch who just stumbled upon them in the mall. She made up in her mind that those were going to be hers. Clara looked off into the forest, watching some squirrels playing in the autumn foliage.


“Hey, look at those squirrels, aren’t they cute?


“Aww, aren’t they? They’re adorable!” She squealed, before digging into her purse for her phone.


Her plan worked, Clara smirked proudly as she quickly whipped out the shrink gun and fires it straight into her chest.


The woman turned back just in time as the ray’s power took effect, the girl she was just talking to stretching higher and higher as she dwindled away. She stumbled back as she shrunk, dropping her bag and drink to the ground as she grew smaller and smaller.


“W-what’s happening?” She squeaked, her cheerful demeanor lost in a wave of utter panic. Clara beamed with smug pride as she stepped forward, making sure her combat boot landed mere inches away from her minuscule body.


The woman screamed as the bus-sized boot landed right next to her with an impactful thud. She could barely process what was going on, and the woman she was just having a friendly conversation had such a strange expression on her face.


“I have wanted those damn shoes for years!” Clara thundered, “Do you know how hard it is to get those? And you, some basic bitch who doesn’t give a shit about the brand or its aesthetics waltzes in while I don’t get a pair?”


“Y… you can have them! Take them, take my bag, my car, whatever you want just don’t hurt me!” She turned to try and run but barely even got a few inches before Clara’s hand swooped down and snatched her from the ground.


In one smooth motion, Clara flipped the girl upside down, letting her dangle helplessly while her fingers gingerly removed the sneakers, careful to not damage the tiny things while she carefully peeled them off. With the tiny shoes in her palm, she let the girl drop back to the ground with a helpless thud.


She tried to fight off the dizziness from the blood pooling in her head while trying to stagger to her feet with her bruised and broken body. As her vision came back into focus, a wall of grimy black rubber filled the sky. Her pleas turned into babbled hysterics as Clara smugly waved her massive boot over the tiny girl.


“Bye bitch, thanks for the shoes!” Clara spoke before firmly pressing her boot down in the shrieking bug. She desperately fought with all the might her tiny body could muster, yet her tiny limbs simply splintered as the unstoppable weight bore down on her. Her chest was next, first being immobilized, before the rubber lug sunk into her ribcage. It fractured instantly, and her wails turned into gurgles as blood and guts spewed from her mouth. Clara rolled her shoe forward, liquefying the girl in one firm motion. Her head was the last thing to break, it too cracked like an egg and melted into more goo. Clara twisted her shoe and the girl ceased to exist.


Clara looked with pride at the gory smudge dripping from her boot, perfectly matching the blobs of what was once a person smeared onto the pavement. With an air of fake innocence she smeared the girl’s remains into a streak.


“No one comes this way, it’ll be long dried and forgotten by the time anyone notices. Ah yeah.” She pulled out the ray gun again, flipped a switch and shot the shoes on her palm,. In an instant they grew right back to normal. To her fortuitous surprise, they were just her size  Already forgetting the drying smudge on her shoes she walked back home, making sure to grab her bag and toss the overly sugary drink into the trash. The day was starting to look better already!

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