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Author's Chapter Notes:

A bit of plot development here...

but I decided to publish it as a separate chapter, because I did not want to make you wait another month for the continuation...

I hope you enjoy it!

-- I hope my style isn't getting too funny: I like this somewhat retro-experimental style of writing, but as a non-native speaker there is always a risk that I might go too far and start sounding weird. So if you see that something strange is happening, please tell me! :)

The titanic body of Leon’s girlfriend gradually expanded as she lay there amidst the ruins of her own careless conception, a veritable crater in the vast plane of roofs, spreading endlessly in the shadow of her growing form. 

The last spasms of Lily’s self-oriented pleasure ran through the subsequent groups of her humongous muscles that twitched under her marvellous skin, which had many times over proved capable of obliterating anything that dared to question its invincibility. 

By each of the ever less frequent muscular convulsions, the gorgeous buttocks of the giantess bounced and jiggled, the abundant layer of fat underneath soon to be enriched by the nutrients derived from the bodies of her helpless prey, at this point but slime slowly seeping through the pyloric sphincter at the bottom of her stomach, down to the awaiting absorption apparatus of her bowels. Under that arse, a whole building could easily fit to meet it's premature end, and it seemed to Leon as though he could jump out of the helicopter and land right on one of the wonderful half-moons fully unharmed to roll down its round slope, right onto the pink pussy which would devour him with its deadly softness. 

Yes, that was about the only sexual interaction Leon could now hope for with regard to pleasuring his love. 

“Just look at her! Isn’t she magnificent?” asked Matt, raising his hands in a solemn gesture, proudly pointing towards the giantess as his eyes shone with glare of morbid fascination.

Since the head of the giantess was turned to the side, only her beautiful jawline along with some portion of her face were visible, several strands of hair partially obstructing the view of her cute and innocent blush of a young woman in the afterglow of a powerful orgasm. The rest of her raven mane enfolded the rubble covered street where a large number of tiny people were still struggling to regain freedom. The head of the giantess was now much bigger than that street was wide, and she could easily swallow down an entire city bus, much easier in fact than her first human meal and even the police van. At present, she would not even need to crush the vehicle; to her, no bus was thicker than a simple wiener anymore.

Leon’s eyes met those of his treacherous friend. He still did not comprehend the nature of the situation entirely, but it looked as though Matt was, and ever since the beginning of their acquaintance had been, a mad scientist of some sort, and one of no lean wallet, which fact the huge helicopter, now serving them as a vantage point to watch the terrifying progress of Lily’s lustful rampage, asserted.

Leon had been taken aboard the machine soon after his departure from the scene of his lover’s initial crimes. A rope was lowered down for him, and he climbed on, despite utmost bewilderment at the fact that in his friend's possession there should be a kindred machine. Then the truth was revealed to him. 

Though moved deeply, Leon had remained silent. Despite the fact that the three servants of Matt, one of whom performed the office of the pilot, notwithstanding their having helped him climb into the cabin, had not once come near him, the young man somehow feared they might be there to secure the safety of their employer should he not keep his emotions under control.

“Matt… I still don’t understand! How could you!” Leon’s voice trembled as he finally contrived to open his mouth. The fact that the body of his girlfriend lay bare for the entire world to see was not making it any easier for him; to better term it, he was infuriated, in particular by the way Matt looked at her and spoke of her. “How could you have done this to Lily! To us!”

“Oh, come on! Don’t tell me the giant version of your girlfriend isn’t just that much hotter!” 

Leon was at a loss to believe that the enunciations to reach his ears indeed stemmed from his apparently former friend’s mouth.

“Shut up, Matt! You lied to me!” he accused, gritting with his teeth. “I trusted you…. I was desperate to heal Lily’s depression… and now she’s become so big I can’t even make love to her anymore! And worse… After all she’s done, the military will come to eliminate her! How could you make use of her condition like that!” 

“Oh, Leon…” Matt’s eyes shone with strange light. It was as though he had something more to share with regard to the alleged depression; but instead, he chose to move onto a topic he fancied more relevant: “Do you really think that any military force could measure against her?” 

The uncanny lustre emanating from Matt’s eyes caused Leon’s blood to run cold as the mad scientist continued with his soliloquy, undisturbed, for disturb him he dared not: 

“You are afraid of the repercussions she may face for having committed all those crimes! Is that what you fear?

Well, let me enlighten you!

Have you not seen how her invincible soles crushed everything that dared to stand in her path? 

Have you not seen the entire city bus, reduced to a thin piece of metal by the strength of her pussy contractions alone? 

Have you not seen her devour people and vehicles alike, without the slightest blink of an eye?”

Matt was breathing heavily, as if morbidly aroused by the words he had spoken. As he resumed his discourse, his voice acquired a hoarse quality: 

“Beautiful like a dark angel, she grows with every one of her orgasms as she further continues her lewd game of pleasure; her potent digestive system absorbs everything, not leaving any residue, any wasted matter! All that she ingests, without exception, will be converted into nutrition for her body for it to steadily grow, become more and more huge, more invincible! Soon, no army on earth and no creation of man will be able to stop her! And then–”

“And then what?!” asked Leon, grabbing one of Matt’s shoulders and shaking him in fury whilst preparing his other hand to slap his face. 

He could not bear listening to those atrocities any more, and seeing this traitor, this monster, tremble from excitement at the verbalisation of the intricacies of his evil conception. He was clearly a mad man, getting off on such things as concern the death and suffering of his kin, and, the worst of all, having made his dear Lily the core figure in this insane phantasy of his! 

“Of course she won’t face the repercussions! You will face them, because it’s all your fau–!”

“And then…” The man slowly directed his gaze to meet his disheartened friend, who was caught from behind and pulled away from him by one of his assistants, before he could inflict any harm upon him. “I will take over this world!”                                              

“Mad man!!” Leon cried out, struggling as the man subdued him. “She won’t listen to you!”

“Oh, don’t worry! She will…” He paused to brush his hair back with his palm, using the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead to help him keep it in the desired shape. “I have included the right thing within the formula. When the time comes, I will be able to make her my marionette… Humanity will have non choice but to marvel at the pre-eminent perfection of my design!” He licked his lips. “But for now, let’s see what she comes up with on her own! It looks like she’s getting up!”

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