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Sonantis was a significantly sized Scarlet Elf who was often bored of seemingly just being another relatively powerless elf in the realm she resided in, with mostly her long braided hair, her yellow dress, and the bells she wore around her feet and head to truly differentiate herself. She wanted to visit somewhere new and not just anywhere would do for her! The elf wanted to go to a place where she would not just be one of many and could try all sorts of different activities she never tried before. For as long as she could remember, this remained in her mind as a sort of metaphorical pipe dream that she feared would always remain that way. However, this would all start to change when she met quite a unique and magical human lady.

As they got to know each other, she learned that this human who went by the name of Katerina was supposedly from another realm vastly different from this one where there was only one dominant species by far. In that world, the species in charge was also the only greatly intelligent one as well, with the other ones such as elves not existing there at all except in their fictional stories. Sonantis was not that close to Katerina or any of humanity if she was honest about it all, but she cared about talking to her about the strange dimension compared to anything else. This Scarlet Elf’s wishes seemed not to be that far-fetched the more she heard about the unique planet named Earth and everything different about it from food to the fun all found there.

This human-dominated realm also possessed no magic users there but would be a world with many brand-new experiences. The only way for humans to learn that art like Katerina would require them to learn it from a world with magic and then return there later. Even that human only managed to leave that world with a portal that she did not even put there, which would only happen to appear under special conditions she was lucky enough to have. The elf also had to promise this human that she would not abuse her stay to attack humanity and would have to stay there under the guise of a so-called cosplay to attempt to blend in but still somewhat stand out like she wanted. However, Sonantis did not truly care about following these directions.

She would most likely follow them anyway because the mage was probably much more powerful than the outsider would ever be, and would be there to show her around and to keep her in check as well. Katerina knew quite a few powers that would hopefully help if worse happened. This included her specialty of using long-range and effective telepathy if they ever got separated, which was strong enough to use up a good deal of her magic as well. After giving a long talk about what to expect and do, Sonantis admittedly was barely listening and would probably need to be reminded. After all that was said and done, the two of them were as ready as they will ever be to teleport each other to Earth using a newly acquired, complex spell that was hard to master.


Katerina opened her eyes after the blink-inducing flash that followed the teleportation. She saw that she stayed the same in appearance with her gray hair with a red streak, the red pendant she wore, and a fairly traditional office outfit with black glasses, leggings, and heels. She was in her familiar home city just like she desired, but Sonantis was nowhere to be seen from any of the four sides of her. This human started to call out the name of her foreign friend for a brief moment or two. That would in turn eventually come to a stop soon enough when there was a somewhat intense rumble almost like an earthquake, that shook the entire city causing people and the surroundings to sway and sometimes even fall if they were frail enough.

As the mage held on she could sense that this disaster was not all that natural in the usual sense and eventually used all her strength to force herself to move and then gaze upwards toward where she believed the source would be. She was not the first nor the last to notice what lay out in the distance at an insanely and seemingly impossible size. It looked almost like her bare feet but at an incredibly colossal size, quickly many miles high, but the color of it was an almost familiar reddish shade that the mage could almost recognize. Then the universe traveler finally decided to use her brain a bit more as she connected the dots and truly figured out what was appearing to go on. It was a foot and no optical illusion that most likely belonged to Sonantis.

“So much for secrecy” Katerina mumbled to herself seeing the result of an unmastered teleport spell causing the huge mishap with almost everyone else focusing their attention on the giant. The mage could only hope that her friend realized what was going on with minimal destruction and then would go along with the promise she originally agreed with. However, she honestly knew that having all that come true would be unlikely and she probably could not stop her at that size especially if the Scarlet Elf wanted to continue the destruction. Even her magic could probably not make a difference, if everything was fully considered. Even with all this against her, this particular human would not stop herself from losing hope as the consequences.

Otherwise would be almost guaranteed to be quite deadly, so the hard-fought journey that only Katerina could have a chance of stopping would officially begin. She could of course use telepathy which would have a higher chance of working, but kept that as a backup due to how much it would drain her. To avoid causing any of the collective fear to be targeted to her, she would also keep most magic far from any sort of public eye. This young lady ran to the nearest fast, abandoned, and still-running car and then yelled an apology right before breaking the associated law.  She proceeded to start up the vehicle and be one of the few going in the direction of the invader, telling herself she was borrowing it although she would likely never return it.


Sonantis opened her eyes surprised after a flash most likely caused by the teleport, now with a greatly unfamiliar environment greeting her. It was vastly different than the world that Katerina described to her with seemingly only puddles, some sort of strange, gray moss, and the occasional small patch of grass. She hoped that the teleport spell did not go too far off and was still somewhere on Earth. Either way, she figured that the human mage that she knew would come to her for help eventually so she might as well enjoy her brief alone time in this mysterious land. With her mind more at ease, the Scarlet Elf noticed that the ground beneath her feet felt quite soft and was breaking apart quite easily similar to how sand would on most beaches.

This elf proceeded to examine the unusual moss-like substance before her as that stood out a bit more than anything else around her field of vision. She believed herself strong enough to not be damaged so quickly if the gray beneath her was actually in some way poisonous and curious enough to attempt to find out. However, she still wanted to be at least a little careful and not touch so much of it all at once. A sort of mental compromise Sonanntis had with herself involved her simple poking that unusualness with the top of her big toe on her right foot. When she did so, it somehow broke apart much easier than the ground beneath her when she arrived with her initial step causing a vaguely small amount of shock evident in her facial expression. 

She was a little surprised by all of this because she figured whatever this was would not be able to survive on its own if it was so easily destroyed. The only possible explanation that came to mind was this was somehow a protected species of something like a fungus for some reason. Perhaps it was endangered due to its frailness and provided some use that was worth keeping around for. Whatever may be the case, the Scarlet Elf could always pretend to be ignorant of all of this to Katerina, when she hopefully ended up finding and retrieving her soon. The elf was smarter than she looked after all, which might not seem to mean much but it actually could end up helping her to ironically play dumb to a clever degree every once in a while. 

After her brief toe poking and moments of thought concerning that as well as her surroundings, she figured the mysterious substance was safe enough to touch as much as she wanted to. The only action she would hesitate to do with it would be to ingest what she thought was the moss-like object or perhaps a group of objects, as she was still unsure of the exact science behind it all. Due to this, she started to poke it some more with various other toes and even some of her fingers this time. She enjoyed the crushing sensation that it made and would briefly entertain her for the moment. After all, she was unsure of how long she would be here before she would see or hear anyone else so she would take what she could get. 


Katerina drove along towards the impossibly tall creature in the distance who went by the name of Sonantis. As the mage was in her newly acquired car, she could see that quite far away from her location that the enormous elf did not seem to be staying still at all. From the giant’s perspective, she was slow and calculating but to everyone else almost every movement no matter how slight seemed to have a disastrous outcome. After the colossal being had an initial moment of stillness, all of humanity that was vaguely close to her could see the death and destruction she was probably bringing with each action. Those with a close observation could tell that so far she was merely poking a city with her right big toe but even that was too much for many to bear.

The toe brought great devastation to a great deal of that city in the distance. So much so that Katerina could somewhat see the catastrophic act even though she was not at all close to it. Structures collapsed either directly by the impact or by shockwaves caused by a huge earthquake that the body part touching down happened to produce. Lots of people were crushed alongside these buildings or that which was built to protect them from disasters ended up collapsing on them and being the instrument of their deaths. Those that were not in too much pain or shock to move either attempted to flee the area or get the resources to help out their comrades who were hut but still had some life left in them. 

The amount of damage just a woman’s big toe caused, especially someone who was not supposed to be a threat was quite devasting. This does not even include the amount of psychological damage a great many experienced from the sight of it all and the impact that followed. Not to mention that the stretch of the feet themselves which was not too noticeable at her original size, was magnified by an insane amount causing those that smelt it to gag, vomit or even have trouble breathing. Of course, this was only the beginning of the horrid event as even if it was able to be stopped there will probably be worse consequences that followed beforehand. Either way, there was no bringing back the dead or fixing those that were scarred from it.

Most of the town’s population were either stuck, fleeing, hiding inside, or attempting to rescue those in distress in various ways. While this happened, it only got way worse as more body parts of similar size belonging to that beast touched down. The city did not stand an ounce of a chance as one after another toes and even fingers too crashed into it. Similar kinds of devastation from before seemed to come back but now was magnified by the sheer amount of it occurring, as everyone who lived in that location was completely wiped out no matter what the cause happened to be. Even the surrounding cities were not holding up much better as the death and destruction were so encompassing that it was spread to those by the incredible impact. 


Sonantis was not aware in the slightest of the consequences of what she considered to be petty actions she happened to be taking for her amusement. She was too big to tell, even though her senses were substantially better than the average human’s. It was not enough with all the constant yelling, honking, and other noise underneath her with some even caused by Katerina herself, as the Scarlet Elf did not even hear a peep of it at all. Of course, this gave her no real reason for her to stop what she was doing so she just continued crushing the strange gray substance. What she decided to be next was to feel another one crumble beneath her body parts since the spot she was playing with seemed to be a lot barer than before.

As she already felt the pleasant sensation under her fingers and toes, she found it to only be fitting for her next step of doing so involving her whole hands and feet. She would start with her right foot as she slowly raised it and then almost immediately lowered it onto one of the unusual patches making a fairly deafening ringing to many from the bells attached. It almost seemed to be a snail’s pace to her as it touched down with virtually no resistance in a similar way to how she had expected it to all go. Next, she would do the same with her other foot on the left side of her body getting an almost identical reaction to her previous one. She continued onwards with her fun as she repeated the movements but with each of her hands one after another instead.

The Scarlet Elf briefly wondered when that human friend of hers would show up and was starting to doubt it was anytime soon. She was thinking about what to do to pass the time some more and decided to wander around on the moss-like substance as her mind was metaphorically wandering. Then if on cue her stomach started to rumble for what should have been an unsurprising amount of time. After all, Sonantis had not eaten since arriving at this strange place and not that recently before either as she wanted to save room in her belly for the foreign cuisine here. An idea suddenly popped inside her mind due to her thoughts racing regarding wanting to consume a meal.

This elf’s idea consisted of actually eating the strange gray spread before her like it was simply food. It would probably sound crazy to most considering she had no idea what it was made of and if it was safe at all to digest. However, Sonantis did not care one bit about all that as she would rather take that risk than end up going hungry for that much longer. So with no more hesitation, she bent down to get a good look at her future snack and gave it a good sniff to make sure it smelled tasty before anything else. The weird object did not smell like much of anything but almost made her sneeze if she so happened to be not skilled at holding that in. Finally, she reached her tongue down to take a long drown-out lick of a great deal of it.


Meanwhile, Katerina was going as fast as she could to the Scarlet Elf whom she still considered to be her friend. As driving in itself may have not been enough on its own she decided to boost her vehicle’s speed with the use of discrete magic as she went forward through nearly everything on her path. The whole time she had her window open so she could yell and honk hoping to get this humongous monstrosity’s attention no matter what. Some negatives to doing this for the mage involved hearing lots of noise that she would rather not hear and a lot of traffic laws that she would end up breaking in doing so. For the most part, it worked out fine, but she did end up hitting someone or two, or the way there she prayed would end up being alright.

This was not her top priority sadly enough as she figured that many more would end up dying if she could not stop this catastrophe from continuing. That was shown to likely be true as the death count was seeming to multiply as Sonantis got more unintentionally aggressive with the cities around her. It was bad enough with just her fingers and toes poking the various structures and surroundings of these towns, which only got way worse as the intensity and speed of it all increased. Having her entire hands and feet crush the majority or the entirety of whole groups at once with just about everything negative that came with that tragically happened next. This continued as the simple pressing of the feet eventually turned to full-on steps with her walk.

This was not all the increasing torment that happened to occur, as the sheer variety of the Scarlet Elf’s ways her body cruelly interacted with these citizens and where they lived also got vaster.  That consisted of her first bending down and increasing the pressure that her hands put on the ground causing more quakes and rumbles to occur across the land. Then it only seemed to get worse once again as a powerful suction was created like a massive hurricane that blew practically everything nearby into one of her two nostrils. This would only increase the terror for many who were not sucked into the humongous vacuum-like body parts. It was when these people would realize that the impossibly huge giant was simply breathing in through her nose. 

Some of the smarter citizens wondered why it took until now for her to do something so simple yet so devastating as taking a breath. However, it soon became quite obvious with the next action she would commit after she desired to figure out the stench of the cities. After a look of disappointment on her face, many hoped she would stop at least what she was doing at the moment but Katerina knew her enough to know better. Sadly the upcoming disaster she would predict would show to be true as Sonantis opened her mouth to stick out a tongue. This was not just a show of humiliation but instead, what would lead to a devastating display of power and destruction with her licking the surroundings to get a good taste of everything that contained. 


After this Scarlet Elf quite literally felt her snack mostly melt inside of her open maw, she found the salty and strangely metallic taste that seemed to pop in her mouth to be quite satisfying to her pallet. She continued to feel it dissolve in her mouth as took another moment to stay still and enjoy the quiet and unusual scenery that was around her. Sonantis briefly wondered yet again if and when Katerina would come and get her unaware that she was much closer to her than she could ever imagine. The elf briefly thought of what else to do or if she should just repeat what she was doing before such as having another taste of the weird ground. Before the elf would even fully come up with what else to do, she finally heard a noticeable sound since her time arriving.

As the silence she experienced was broken she quickly recognized the noise that was being heard had sounded like a voice and not just any, but one belonging to the same human friend that she was waiting for. It only took her less than a few seconds to realize that Katerina was using telepathy to communicate with her. This was mainly because of past conversations the two had previously plus the time when this human had done it with the elf for a moment in those times before. As the situation was explained to this Scarlet Elf she was immediately confused and filled with doubt about all of it like it was some elaborate prank. However, as the conversation developed through their minds it quickly became apparent that all of this was true.

One of these factors included the fact that she had not heard anything even with her enhanced senses due to the bells she wore drowning out those smaller sounds. Then as she gave another now more careful look at the ground beneath her and was able to make out entire cities with her newly acquired knowledge. Once asked the location of this particular human she was currently conversing with, she naively got an accurate response that she assumed was most likely the truth. It happened to be a library located in a place almost already crushed underneath her feet due to the mage’s current need for shelter and her familiarity with this environment. Sonantis was even given an up close and far away view of this building telepathically as well.

In the telepath’s recent desperation and possible hope of help from the colossal, she foolishly told her the answer to just about everything she asked. She ideally should have thought more about it but time was a luxury she did not currently possess. Instead of the impossibly massive beast doing what she wanted, this knowledge only helped to arouse the giant’s lust further and increase her hunger. This was shown when instead of listening to directions, she instead dug a hole in the ground around the city that housed that particular library and then carefully picked it all up. Once again silence would greet the incredibly, humongous one.


Katerina’s little ounce of hope was cut short once she realized what she had done had only made the situation worse. With no time to further perfect or even try the teleport spell once again, her insanely grown threat would likely be the end of her quite soon. She could see those massive red hands slowly but surely head down yet again, mainly being that color from being born with it. However, she no doubt figured out that bits of that similar shade would be seeming to blend in with that body part consisting of the minuscule splots of blood from her victims slightly coating her different areas of herself. Once her fingers firmly touched down the telepathic connection was cut that was already proving hard to maintain was fully cut off.

Soon this particular human now trapped in her library from the falling debris caused by the recent crash that was triggered by an earthquake that this incredible movement had created. She could still somewhat see the outside due to not all the windows being entirely covered, unlike the passageways to the exist. It was not a big enough opening to escape and she realized that just fleeing the structure would only no doubt delay the inevitable. For these reasons, she stayed and watched as she quickly figured out what was going on. The mage could not do much of anything to help as the ground was being moved up and people still alive herself included were starting to get lightheaded from the sheer height above what they were used to.

Katerina used her most likely final moments to think about her entire life that lead to this moment. It was hard for her to avoid her increasingly growing guilt due to being one of the ones responsible for this event to occur. She had possibly doomed her entire home planet mainly to appease the fun of another, whom she was not even that close a friend with. While looking out the window again and seeing the Scarlet Elf lick her lips, the mage could tell quite well what probable death would await her momentarily. The human watched those weaker than her lose their lives around her similar to how she saw before, but this time realized she would most likely be next.

Sonantis’ friend would see that same person she was once growing closer with now being the instrument of her destruction and many more before, and no doubt an even greater number after these events. Many thoughts appeared in Katerina’s mind as if her brain was becoming overwhelmed by both the events that happened and what could have been. These ideas consisted of her life seemingly flashing before her eyes like it would in the tragic parts of stories that she sometimes read. She simply closed her eyes as she waited for the inevitable right after seeing the bit of land she was on being carefully lifted to the colossal beast’s awaiting maw. When she opened her eyes again revealed the insides of a mouth, then a throat, and her final destination.

This place would be the same as where most food that this elf ate ended up which was evident in the intense pain that filled her victims when they broke apart into a quite small amount of nutrients. This place was no doubt her stomach which was even more obvious by the fact that this world’s insanely huge foreigner could slightly feel her meal being digested. As she lightly rubbed that same belly in delight she took another moment to reminisce about how it tasted incredibly delicious again. Then she thought back to how the witch Katerina was indeed included among those getting a tour of her pearly white gates. Sonantis knew this because she could feel a bit of magic course through her body coming with the snack that once was a mage friend of hers.


The magic must have somehow combined with the previous mishap in the teleport spell the scarlet one had experienced because it happened to enhance her size once again. These gray patches now revealed to be entire cities only seemed to get smaller to her as the strength she had turned her own more. With her social connection to this world vanishing one would think she would hesitate less, but instead decides against it to not run out of toys. She then stripped off that yellow dress which had now become slightly dirty due to her recent playtime and threw it as far as she could. As it landed in the distance crushing numerous towns and the people it contained, she grinned as she thought of the fun she could have with all this power she possessed.

Fluids were already leaking out of her vagina and sticking, burning, and flooding some of the surroundings before her. Meanwhile, she made sure to finish her meal of the entire city which was remaining and not touching her cum. This elf was fairly turned on but wanted to enjoy herself a bit more as she stuck her fingers into her gentiles slowly masturbating and leaking more of her liquid inside of that body part. Once she had finished eating the snack and felt like she used her fingers enough to pleasure herself, she started to use the remains of those buildings and those nearby to grind against that same private part. Soon there seemed to be virtually no survivors left in that particular gray patch, so she looked nearby to see the others.

It was time for some experimentation with her body parts as Sonantis might have referred to what she was doing at the moment. She used everything from the more traditionally attractive aspects that were part of her such as her butt, breasts, and even more of her vagina. This also would eventually include just about everything else part of herself including but not limited to each of her feet, both hands, her stomach, back, legs, arms, thighs, and even her entire head with the extremely attractive face it contained. The elf looked through her own body and the numerous holes it had and tried to stick various parts of cities into whichever she thought would give her pleasure. As her pleasure continued to increase so did her desire for more enjoyment.

People and buildings alike ended up going up through every opening in one’s body from the anus, nostrils, ears, and belly button to even the mouth or gentiles once again just like before. This invader of the Earth greatly enjoyed herself as her fun often increased in the ways that she wanted it to. She was correct in the assumption that crushing, consuming, and even smothering various bits of land and what it contained with her different body parts turned out to work just fine for her. One could even say more than simply content for the scarlet one as she filled herself with such an insane amount of pleasure that it started to become overwhelming. It was so much that she started to lose consciousness similar to how one might fall asleep after losing energy.

The Scarlet Elf was not quite sure how much time had exactly passed when she finally had awakened from her deep slumber. However, that was so little concern for her that she barely took a moment to think about it. When she looked around she quickly noticed that she was in space and judging by the seemingly marble-sized Earth had grown a lot as well. Both her new size and ability to breathe in space must have been her recently acquired magic power becoming more potent inside of her. She soon wished she had the power to send herself back home and if on cue a portal similar to how her mage friend had left her home appeared close enough to her for it to be visible. 


Humans, their structures, and much more broke apart by countless methods that would take an unreasonable amount of time to describe. As this was all happening the survivors prayed for it to be over and leave with minimal injury and psychological damage. Instead, the impossibly big monstrosity of an alien woman just continued to have huge growth spurts of size and continue her destruction. Before long, she grew so much that she was huge enough to fall off the planet and somehow still manage to survive. Those left in this world felt there was a hope for salvation when many saw her gaze turn to some sort of gateway, but that hope too would soon die when her facial expression and movements showed no signs of stopping her destruction. 


Sonantis thought she might as well have her last bit of fun with the Earth, as she took a few seconds of what would be both an enjoyable end for her and a humiliating one for the planet. Suddenly a thought popped into her head and quickly decided to reenact that idea right away which she found so funny that she was almost hysterically laughing. Thankfully no one could hear her voice due to it originating in outer space or the shockwave from that loud noise might have already destroyed that particular inhabited world. Without further delay, the dimensional traveler carefully picked up the Earth. She then slowly stuck it up her butthole as she felt land crumble inside her anus and pleasantly warm lava spilled out, before leaving through that portal.


The End!

Chapter End Notes:

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