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Author's Chapter Notes:


Or just to chat and stuff


A commission

“You better not be slacking off,” Jessica called out from across the farm. Tim looked up from the bail of farm food he had pulled out for the animals. There was no way she could see him, but that didn’t stop her from calling out. Jessica always had something out for him since day one. No matter how hard he worked or how much he put in, Jessica was right there to critique his work or effort. It got so bad that he was sure she had something against him for whatever reason.

Ignoring the sounds of Jessica’s voice, Tim rolled his eyes as he picked up a bucket of fed for the other animals, “Yeah yeah, whatever,” Tim called out as he chucked a mighty helping into the pig pin. The dozen or so oinking pigs came rushing and buried themselves into the deposited food. The snorting animals were all over the dropped food like it was their last meal. Tim sighed as he went back to refill the bucket to bring the rest to the chickens.

As Tim was preparing the food to bring to the chickens, he watched Jessica approaching him. Normally anyone in their right mind would be attracted to that body. Years of farming and taking care of her inherited family farm had toned and worked her figure into the perfect shape. Slim but with just a smidge of fleshy curves in the right places made her look like Daisy Duke. She even had that signature cowgirl hat on that would have made Tim stiffer than the wooden barn doors, but the moment she spoke it killed any lust he had for her looks.

Jessica’s demanding and stern tone floored Tim back to reality as she spoke to him, “Got to go to town, which means I’m leaving you all in charge of the farm. Is that something you think you can handle?”

Tim didn’t respond except with a single grunt as it was clear he was used to running the farm. It wasn’t abnormal for him and the other two, Garry and Jane, to do most of the hard labor while Jessica took care of the more financial stuff. Still it wasn’t till Tim tossed more seeding into his barrel that Jessica let out a noise to bring his attention back to the more than annoying owner.

“I didn’t catch that, CAN YOU?” Jessica asked, emphasizing that she wanted an actual confirmation.

“Yes boss,” Tim muttered loud enough for her to hear him.

“That’s better, the least you can do is say something when I'm talking to you,” Jessica replied as she walked off. Tim had to hold back his rage and the urge to chuck the heavy bucket in his hand at her head. The will to watch the object collide with her head and knocking her off her feet was almost too comical to pass up, but the last thing Tim needed was to get fired from this job. Work was hard to come by and this was a more than decent paying job. Besides he’d feel bad for the animals, having to deal with Jessica all day would probably lead to a decline in their happiness.

Rolling his eyes at Jessica’s bitchy attitude, he couldn’t help but look up and watch that strut she did as she walked off. The sway of her hips was so enticing, it almost made Tim forget about her attitude. Shaking his head he went back to work as he muttered, “I feel sorry for whatever schmuck that tries to hook up with her.”

Grinning at the joke, Tim went back to work and brought the feed to the chickens on the other side of the farm. Tossing handfuls of yellow corn based feed for the chickens, he watched as they flocked to the areas he pelted with the food.

Garry, one of the other farm hands, came over and checked in on him, “So what’s up for the day Tim.”

Tim sighed, “The usual… boss going into town, got to do the rest of the choirs ourselves.”

Garry snorted, “Don’t even know why I bother asking. Jane in the barn,” Garry said, jerking his thumb toward the large red barn housing the bigger farm animals. “She’s busy feeding the cows and horses.”

“Alright,” Tim replied, “Got the pigs already, just need to chuck some more feed to the birds and we can help out with Jane.”

Gary nodded as he hiked up his jeans as he went on, “Are we really draining Sebastian today? It’s been a while and I don’t know, I think he’s-”

Tim let out a tired sigh, “Yeah… Jessica told me there's someone looking for his seed to breed with. Considering how healthy and in shape he is, Ronald has been looking for a male to help his livestock. We can make some decent change off it.”

Gary didn’t look too happy about the news, “Fine… but I’m not touching-”

Tim rolled his eyes at the slightly older man, “Yeah yeah, I already knew you wouldn’t. Anyway, let me finish this up real quick and then we can move on. Still got the fields to tend and need to clean the farming equipment too. Gonna be a freaking busy day.” Heading back to the container holding the feed, Tim got another helping of chicken food in his bucket and went back to dump the last of it out for the birds to feed on. The barking of the barn dog could be heard as Trigger bolted out of the barn and after God knew what.

“Jesus,” Gary laughed, “What’s gotten into Trigger?”

“Fuck if I know,” Tim laughed, “Looked like he smelled another dog in heat or something.” Not wasting anymore time, Tim hurried up with the bird feed and tossed the remaining amount through the pin with the dozens of hungry chicks. Each chicken plucking up their food for the day, clucking and flapping their wings around. As messed up as it sounded, Tim kind of envied the birds with their simplistic life. No one to really boss them around or demand much, they just laid eggs and ate food. Although he didn’t want to think about what happened later in their lives when sold off as food… okay maybe not the best life to compare to his.

“What’s that face for,” Gary asked as he walked with Tim back toward the barn.

“Oh just thinking… what it be like for these poor things,” Tim said, pointing to the pigs and chickens.

Gary laughed, “Yeah, I can see what you’re saying. Nothing more sad and pathetic than being a barn animal. Luckily we ain’t no barn animals, am I right?”

Tim snorted and nodded as he took another step closer to the barn. Before Tim could respond he heard something. It was soft and quiet but something out of the ordinary. Tim paused as he thought maybe it was a tornado alarm going off, but that didn’t seem right as it didn’t’ sound like the alarm and it wasn’t coming from the town. “You hear that,” Tim asked, looking around for the source of the weird noise.

“Hear what,” Gary asked looking confused.

Before Tim could remark, the sound grew louder and closer as it seemed to be hovering over their heads. Tim looked up but saw nothing as the loud noise grew even harsher. Suddenly Gary and Tim clutched at their ears and fell down to their knees as the sounds assaulted them. It was deafening as it pierced into their skulls and brains. It didn’t matter how much Tim tried to cover up his ears, it still found a way through. Tim felt himself blacking out as he looked around the farm. Not a single animal seemed to hear or be affected by the noise. Pigs were still eating and rummaging around, the chickens clucked and plucked up their food, Tim couldn’t hear any of the cows or horses going wild in the barn up ahead. It was just him and Gary crying out in alarm as they withered on the ground. Tim felt his eyes grow heavy and starting to roll into the back of his head as he spasmed a few times until it all went black.

“WAKE UP!” a loud and panicked voice barked at Tim as he felt his body being shaken around, “TIM!”

“Owww,” Tim groaned as he slowly sat up, “Not so loud, what the heck happened.”

“Tim you’re not gonna fucking believe this,” Gary’s worried voice told him.

Winching at the throbbing headache that echoed into Tim’s skull, he slowly opened his eyes, “Believe what?” Tim was trying to recover from that weird noise he heard, which was hard with Gary shaking him around. “Can you get off me?!” Tim barked at Gary as he swatted at the hands still holding onto his shoulders. “What the hell are you so panicked about,” Tim asked as he finally started to open his eyes. “You’re acting like you seen…” Tim’s words started to die out as he spoke and saw the massive world around him. Tim couldn’t finish that statement as he looked up at the mountain sized barn before him. Slowly he turned his head back toward the chicken coop. What used to be a few dozen yards was now a few miles away, the fencing was enormously tall, and the small holes in the fence that barely let a chicken beak poke through looked to fit a whole car.

Tim was still looking around and panicking when Gary gave him another shake, “TIM! What the fuck is going on?!” He asked scared shitless right now.

“I-i don’t know,” Tim explained, starting to sound just as worried. “How… why is everything so big??”

Tim looked over to the side and saw the empty bucket with the bird feed laying on its side. The bucket which could carry a gallon of water now looked to be able to fit a whole farm in it. The little scraps of corn feed in the bottom of the bucket were easily the same size if not a little bigger than Tim’s whole body now.

“Is everything big, or are we just small,” Tim asked Gary.

“What?” Gary replied, sounding confused, “Is there a difference?!”

Tim brushed Gary’s hands off him again as he started to stand up, “Just calm down, no use in panicking. As confusing as it is that we’re the only things that changed size, I’m gonna guess we shrank. Why or how, I don’t know, but complaining about it wont fix anything. Okay?”

Gary seemed hesitant but slowly nodded in agreement, “yeah your right.” After a while of looking around themselves, comparing sizes and sights to their now minuscule size, Tim came up with their actual size being somewhere around an inch or smaller. Knowing their size now, kind of helped in a way. However it wasn’t very positive information knowing your about the size of pebble or so. Tim looked toward the barn that seemed to be the closest object near them, “I think… Maybe we should try and look for Jane. She was in the barn last you saw right?”

“Yeah,” Gary nodded, “You think she’s okay?”

Tim shrugged, “I have no idea. All I know is I don’t want to be out in the open this small, don’t need any fucking bird swooping down and grabing us for a snack.”

Gary’s eyes grew wide at the thought, “OH FUCK THAT!” Gary started to hurry toward the barn after Tim. Luckily the barn door was open, and they were relatively close… or were if they were at normal size. Now at this tiny miniscule size, it was a good mile or two distance to travel. Tim wouldn't even consider it ‘close’ anymore.

Both Gary and Tim were heading toward the gigantic open doors that lead into the barn, however it wasn’t as simple as walking there. The ground might have been flat and smooth at their original size, but at their current height… the small pebbles and rocks their shoes flattened with ease were now large obstacles in the way. It was more like a hedge maze to travel through, each object the size of a bush blocking their path. Sure Tim could push them out of the way, but walking around them would be so much faster.

The weaving and swerving they did between pebbles and stones that lead to the barn was making it less of a run and more of a walk to the barn. Still, they made their way toward the only other safe place they could see. So long as they were in the barn, they would be safe from any wild animals, after that would come the hard part. Thinking up a plan or a way to get changed back. Maybe they could get Jane’s attention? Hopefully she was safe from whatever it was that caused this. Tim hated it, but in the worst case scenario they would have to try and get Jessica’s attention when she returned from town. Tim really hoped that Jane was in the barn, something inside him told him that Jessica wouldn’t be the best option to rely on.

Tim hurried toward the looming gates that were the barn doors still wide open. The towering wooden monolithes grew up to the sky at their current size. In fact Tim was sure if the door was shut they might have been able to crawl under the narrow gap. Heading into the darker barn room, Tim started to look around the massive building when a sharp and loud sound barked behind him. The sound of Trigger returning from his run could be heard inside the barn’s entrance.

“TRIGGER!” Gary shouted looking at Tim with a horrified look.

Unsure if the panic was needed, but Tim knew Trigger enough. He tended to track down small pets like rats and mice in the barn and, well it wasn’t a pretty sight when he was done with them. So for him to find Tim and Gary might not be as happy of a reunion as Tim would hope. “Hurry get in the barn,” Tim shouted, shoving Gary ahead of him as they rushed through the threshold of the barn doors.

The loud barking and woofing from Trigger grew louder as the seconds passed, the canine was easily catching up to them. Still Tim pushed and urged Gray forward into the barn. As they entered the large building, Tim looked around for a place to hide. There was farming equipment all over the place but nowhere to hide from Trigger. Overturned buckets and other objects that offered no hiding spot. Cows and horses lined the stalls throughout the barn making moos and neighs as Tim tried to think where to go.

It wasn’t long before the sound of Trigger approached. His barking and woofing soon turned to sniffing and snorting. Tim turned back to see the mut already burying its nose into the ground. Trigger was sniffing something out, and considering that was where Tim and Gary were, he was tracking them by their scent. “Dude hurry the fuck up,” Tim shouted as he pushed and ushered Gary deeper into the barn. “Trigger caught our scent, we need to get the fuck out of here or cover ourselves up.

Gary spotted a mound of farm droppings on the ground. Tim glared at the spot and back at Gary, “Are you fucking stupid? I”m not fucking diving into shit! Look,” Tim barked, pointing toward a mound of hay for the farm animals. “That will do,” Tim told Gary as he headed toward his suggested hiding spot. Gary stood there for a few moments considering if the dung was worth diving into, but quickly followed after Tim to use the barn hay for cover. It was clearly gonna be less smelly, and humiliating.

“Hurry up,” Tim called out to Gary who was trailing behind him. The pile of hay wasn’t as close but it would do better than what Gary had in mind. Seeing as they were coming up close to the pile of straw, Tim decided to turn around and see how far away Trigger was.

Tim felt his thoughts die as he watched the slobbering slurping saliva filled mouth belonging to Trigger sniffing around. The puppy was right behind Garry as Trigger continued to track them down. As far as Tim thought they got away, the enormous canine wasn’t letting it happen as his face was already covering more ground than they could run.

“Hurry up Gary,” Tim cried out as he approached the yellow layered stack of dried grass. Gary was right behind him as he continued to follow after Tim. Tim found his feet picking up speed as he made it closer to the loose pile of hay.

It wasn’t that much longer before the familiar sounds of Trigger’s snorting and sniffing growing that much closer. The sound meant clearly he was on the right path and following them. Judging by their distance from the Trigger, he would be on top of them any second as the hound was hot on Gary’s heels. Tim pointed it out quickly to Gary. Turning toward the danger, Gary seemed to freeze from the hazardous creature coming closer with alarming speed. His body stiffened before he quickly spun around and screamed, “GET TO THE HAY!”

Tim didn’t need anyone to tell him to run harder as he dashed like his life depended on it. The sounds of Trigger growing closer was terrifying as the massive mutt smelling and sniffing filled the air. Each step he took was followed by a strong sound of air being inhaled by Trigger’s nose. The sight of the enormous beast so close would make any grown man quiver in fear. Trigger was tracing a beeline toward them. His nose was waving around left and right like a minesweeper but always kept its path true as he followed after Tim and Gary with deadly precision.

Not bothering to try and see if they can appeal to the large dog at this point, Tim rushed toward the hay before them. Entering the stall, Tim made his way to the hay before calling out to Gary, “Hurry up!”

Tim was wasting no time as he hopped over the rocks and other debris littering the floor between him and the possible safety of the straw. At their current size, the rocks and wood chips were like the hood of a car, as Tim slid off the top and kept his momentum flowing. It wasn’t till Tim was getting closer to the massive mountain of yellow grass, that he turned around to see just how far behind Gary was. He was far enough back for Tim to be shocked at the distance.

“Gary, hurry up,” Tim pleaded to him as he saw Trigger already closing the small distance faster than he hoped. Tim was near the fluffy pile of hay, but Gary was still a good distances off. He was trying to around all the debris that Tim hoped and jumped over. Those precious seconds he took to run around were crucial to his survival. “GARY!” Tim called out seeing how little time he had left. Trigger was close enough he swore Gary could feel each and every breath the dog took smelling him out. Each step Trigger made, was at least twenty or so feet for Gary, and he wasn't making that distance constantly. It wasn’t long before Tim saw Trigger bearing down on Gary as he tried to run around some wood chips that blocked his path.

Tim didn’t say a thing as it finally happened, Trigger came up to the panicked and horrified looking Gary. Gary didn’t even try to run as Trigger’s nose and mouth were right on him, breathing down on his face with the hot humid hint of hound breath. Tim could only imagine the smell that Gary was being assaulted by as the panty puppy peered down at him. Trigger’s tongue dropped out as his nose and mouth hovered over Gary continuing to explore his scent with each pant.

Gary did the only thing he could, he turned toward the dog, “Good puppy… Come on… Trigger you know me, I gave you a snack the other day,” Gary laughed weakly as Trigger’s deep vibrant eyes looked at him.

Tim thought for a moment that Gary got through to Trigger. However it was only for a split moment that things changed drastically. One moment Gary was there before Trigger, the next, Trigger’s mouth dipped down in a lightning fast pace, a bright red tongue darted out and slurped up a petrified Gary. One second he was there, standing next to a few blocks of chipped wood fragments and the next moment Trigger was pulling his head up from the ground with a very tiny person in his mouth.

Any hope that Tim thought he had for Gary vanished while he watched Trigger chomp and lick his lip around a few times. Like finding stray food off the ground, Trigger made quick work of Gary. A few more chomping and gulping motions, and Trigger had completely swallowed Gary and anything else Trigger picked up in his mouth. Wagging his tail vigorously, his noise went back into the ground and started to sniff again. Trigger was looking for Tim, and it seemed he found the smell cause he was now heading right for him with a speed that was horrifying.

“FUCK OH FUCK!” Tim whimpered as couldn’t help but feel speechless at what he just witnessed. Gary was gone, or if he was still around it wouldn’t be long till end up like everything useless in Trigger’s gut. Tim tried to forget Gary as he was trying to think of what to do. He didn’t want to end up like his friend, he wanted to live. Having no choice, Tim turned back toward the massive mound of hay before him. He needed to hide and hope that Trigger couldn’t track him in this grass pile. Not wasting anymore time, Tim dove into the straw stack and quickly dug deeper into the mound. Squirming and struggling, Tim did all he could to go deeper than just the surface of spare hay. The sound of Trigger catching up, only had Tim burying himself deeper into the mask of grassy remains. Tim made sure to shift and shove those enormous slices of dried greenery out of his way as he wormed himself deeper and deeper. The last thing he wanted to do was end up like Gary, a quick snack for Trigger.

As Tim pushed and shoved layers of hay behind him, he heard less and less of the sniffing. Either Trigger lost his scent in the hay, or didn’t want to dig into the pile of grass before him. Both were a win win for Tim as he sighed in relief hearing the mut starting to back away from the mound.

Trigger was pausing for a moment and suddenly the sounds of the excited puppy running off was heard, as Tim was left in the crowd of hay, he continued to keep hiding for now. With no Trigger snooping around, Tim was safe and secure in his hay stack. Relaxing on the fluffy material that was all around Tim’s body, he took this time to reflect on what the heck was going on. One moment he was normal then he shrank, not just him but also Gary. None of the animals changed size either, so why just him and Gary? Wait, what about, “JANE?!” Tim called out for no reason other than to remember that she was somewhere in the barn, normal sized or worse tiny. Either way he needed to find her to make sure. Tim started to get up from his fluffed position and started to aim for the entrance and exit he made into this haystack.

As Tim started to crawl toward the small “him” size hole left in the pile of straw, there was a sudden noise. Tim was confused at what he was hearing as the loud roar came from above, it sounded like something was mooing. Tim only had time to realize what animal made that kind of noise when things got crazy.

Suddenly Tim felt the straw around shift and move as it started to collapse around him. Like an earthquake everything shook and moved. The opening he had before him vanished under countless layers of the dried grassy material. Tim panicked as he saw his exit collapse under heaping mounds of hay. Tim tried to push some of the long straws out of his way but there were more noises as again another earth shattering shudder shook him and the material around him. More shifting happened from above and even more stray strands of straw piled in, over stuffing the direction Tim wanted to go. He was now trapped in darkness.

“Help!” Tim cried out trying to lift some of the straw but they were too clumped and intertwined to move. Sure he could try and move one out of the way at a time but with so much in the way it would take half an hour at the least to get out from the way he came in. Tim was starting to feel claustrophobic as he couldn’t see and felt the walls constantly shifting and pushing in around him. Each second more hay filtered around him, filling any empty space it could slowly smother him.

Just as Tim started to freak out, there was another shift in the landscape around him, and some light came peeking through above. Tim looked up and saw that whatever was happening, freed up a tunnel upward and toward some light and the outside. Seeing as it was the only way out of here, without being buried alive, Tim started to climb. It wasn’t as hard as it sounded as the strands of straw were easy to use as handholds and footholds to push himself up. It didn’t take long before Tim got closer to the top of the haypile.

Pulling himself up the last little bit, Tim was now staring down the large mountain made of dry crispy straws. Tim was thinking about sliding or tumbling down the side back to the floor when something blocked the light. Looking toward the obstruction he gasped as he recognized what it was. The sound of the living creature let out a snort and a deep rumbling moo again.

The hungry cow was standing just before the hay that was tossed into the side of its personal stable. Tim was focusing on the massive white and black herbivore as it was still chewing a mouthful of hay. Now out in the open, Tim could hear the crunching and chewing the cow was doing. The way its ears flicked around swatting the air about. The slow movement it was doing, swaying around as it examined the food below, still munching on its mouthful. Tim could hear the grinding of teeth and mixture of saliva and grass together as the bovine continued to stare down at the pile of food before it. It wasn’t till a loud gulp and a deep bass filled Moo that the cow started to dip its head down toward Tim and the hay.

Tim was freaking out at the size of the beast that was till he recalled something and relaxed. Luckily cows and other herbivores weren’t into eating meat, so Tim was safe. At least that’s what he was thinking till he saw the giant beast before him open its mouth wide open. Those flat and white teeth lining the inside of the enormous gaping mouth. The back of the cow’s throat darker than any blackness that Tim had ever seen. It was looking into a black hole of death. The opening to doom was before Tim and he couldn’t do anything but stare back at its vast emptiness. It grew larger as it approached, and it wasn’t till the last moment that Tim realized where the cow was eating. Its massive mouth was aiming right for where he was.

“NO NO!” Tim screamed as loud as he could as he watched that long faced creature push its head toward him. Tim had no time to try and escape, he couldn't climb up and out of the way and going deeper didn’t seem possible with how fast the slowly looming face was coming toward him. He was frozen in place as the cow’s might maw made its way toward him. The smell of freshly eaten grass hit Him hard, it was like someone just mowed their lawn in the summer and spewed the smell of fresh cut grass through the air. The smell was so strong that it made Tim gag as the mouth came down. He had no way of escaping now as the enveloping lips widened to gather more food, along with Tim who had yet to move.

The enormous teeth of the farm animal was already diving deep into the heaping amount of food around Tim. The sounds of those teeth scooping up the enormous mouthful around him was startling. It was like a dozen cars crashing as the fibrous material was engulfed by the cow’s mouth. Tim was carried along, like a passenger, along for the ride. Tim watched as the light vanished as the animal holding him in its mouth shut its lips to the outside world. The darkness engulfed him as did the sounds of wet squishy sounds. Tim stayed still as he didn’t know what to do…

However nature knew what it was doing, as the animal did what was natural, it started to chew. Tim was tossed around as the mammal went about its regular habit of eating the food in its mouth. All hell broke loose as Tim was in a hurricane of hay and spit spun around him. Saliva rained from all sides as he was heavily coated in the liquid. Tim’s tiny body, along with the crushed and shredded remains of what was once his cover, were now in a slurry of straw smoothie. Tim felt slathers of grassy material pelter him as he was tossed and thrown around the massive mouth. The movement under Tim’s body was sudden and direct as he was thrown and tossed around, barely missing a chomping or a chew from the deadly teeth larger than his entire being. The shuddering and shaking shook Tim each and every bite the beast chewed on. Tim had no light to see as he could only hear and feel the chomping close or far off. One moment he wasn’t near any teeth, the next he felt the splattering of wet food, splattering him a few inches away from the impact.

Tim didn’t know how long it had been, but he could feel the objects around him lose their form. Instead of long pipe-like shaped grass, it felt more like a lawn mower had just freshly cut the grass and threw it all around Tim. The hay was more of a pulp than strands. Layers of cow spit slather not just Tim, but the food too, it was like sitting in a swamp or a marsh. Tim for the first time felt everything stop for a moment. It was the first time Tim could catch his breath in the hot grassy smelling mouth. It was now that Tim knew what the inside of a cow's mouth smelt like… and it wasn’t pretty.

Gagging on the scent of smells swelling around Tim, he had enough time to sit up and wipe whatever was stuck to his face. It wasn’t till now that he realized what was about to happen. Sure enough, like any other creature in the world, when it’s done chewing, it swallows.

Just as it occurred to him, the beast before him did just that as everything surged around him and pushed him along with the massive mound of mush. Tim felt a tidal wave of slop behind him push him with little effort deeper than he wanted to go. Flushed down the throat with an immense wave of grassy food, it only helped solidify what was happening to Tim. He was being eaten.

The journey was quick as Tim slid down with a heap of hay before landing in a very thick mess of digesting food. Tim started to scream out in horror as he felt liquid touch him and expected it to burn like stomach acid… however it didn’t. It wasn’t till Tiim calmed down a few notches that he noticed and recalled where he was. Yes, he was in the cow’s stomach, but actually not really. Food needed to be processed in a cow’s rumen before heading to the stomach for more digestion. This process would break down plant fibers and help the cow absorb more nutrients.

“Right,” Tim muttered as he swam in the seaweed-like sludge that surrounded him. At least he knew where he was, and as much as he hated the smell of this stomach, it wouldn’t break him down… not like the next stomach. Tim shuddered at the delay of his fate. Being passed from one gut chamber to the next only to be broken down like any other food swallowed.

A loud rumble was heard as the cow he was in let out a loud roar, or moo depending on your size and where you were to hear it. The chamber vibrated and shook from the throaty sound the cow let loose. Tim covered his ears till the sound passed.

“I have to find a way out,” Tim said out loud, coughing at the stench already building up here. Trying to find out where the ‘entrance’ was, Tim slowly swam around till he heard the distant sound of more food being deposited in here with him. Tim followed after the sound and found he had to be under the entrance of the Rumen.

Now knowing where the entrance was… how did he make that an exit?

Tim continued to drift and shift around in the cow’s gut, not sure what to do or where to go. All he knew was that there was one way out of here and if he didn’t want to stay stuck in here forever, he needed to find a way to use this opening to get out. Still trying to think of a way to escape, Tim felt some waves starting to build up in the sludge he was in. The liquid and plant remains were starting to move more than before. It seemed the cow was already starting to try and move onto the next step of digestion. As much as Tim knew he would be fine in the rumen, the cow’s other stomachs wouldn't be so kind to him. Just like any other creature digesting its food, Tim would end up melted and mixed into a meal that would supply the cow whatever nutrients it needed from his body.

Things were not looking good for Tim, and it was getting harder to think with the thinning air too, all the gasses were building up. The smell was increasing all around Tim and he was gagging every time he inhaled. The smell of old plant food and other foul odors mixed together forming a hazy fog of smells that made Tim want to throw up at the odors around him. Minutes passed by and the stench grew and grew, the air was thick with the gasses. Tim felt the rumbling and shifting sea of food move as another wave of gunk landed down near him, the fresh smell of hay and cow spit hit the air, but it didn’t last long as the overwhelming smell of stale food swarmed and killed off the “fresh smell”.

Tim could feel his head spinning from the scarce amounts of oxygen left in the chamber. This was where he was gonna die? In the belly of a walking stake? How could this be happening to him?

Still all the grievances that he had, they wouldn’t stop the fact that he was stuck inside of a cow. He was inside of a cow with no one knowing, so there was no help. Tim was on his own, which meant he needed to find a way to escape or he would end up doomed inside of this massive mammal. Something he wasn’t looking forward to experiencing. Tim thought of some kind of strategy to-

There was a loud gurgling noise as things seemed to bubble around Tim. The chamber was flexing and wiggling forcing a surge of fluid and gunk of grass around. Tim was getting swept and battered by the many waves produced by this action. It was like being trapped in a pot of boiling water as more and more bubbles and surges flowed over Tim. Grassy strands clung to Tim as he was pelted with the remains of previous meals. Just as Tim thought he would be pulled under the mighty movements around him, things took a turn for the best.

Suddenly like a volcano erupting, Tim started to be pushed upward with a mighty mound of muck. The gooey grim that filled this cow’s rumen was being pushed upward. Tim was carried off in a ball of nasty goo. Old straw and other fibrous plant remains were pushed upward out of the first stomach. Before Tim knew it, he was back in the cow's mouth. The remains of pulverized and digested food spilled out around Tim as the cow hacked him up.


Tim couldn’t get more out when the cow started to chew again. The digested and preprocessed food was being sloshed around the mouth and toward teeth to help break it down even more. It was chewing and crunching anything that didn’t break down in the rumen. Feeling the tongue under him moving and flicking food around, Tim wasn’t gonna get caught up in this mess again. Instead, Tim decided the safest place in the cow’s mouth was the front, the non chewing teeth…

Heading to the only place he thought was safe, Tim moved along the moving member under him. The crossing was hard, but not difficult as Tim seemed to be missed beyond the other many tons of food being tossed around. Tim was near the tip of the tongue, near the entrance of the mouth and stayed there as he heard the rest of the mouth moving and munching. The sickening sounds echoing around.

It was hard to ignore such noises, but when it all stopped and paused for a moment, Tim was prepared for the gulp. He hoped he was far enough from the esophagus that he wouldn't be pulled down to the NEXT step of digestion, the real stomach…

However that fear was soon dashed away as nothing happened for a moment. There was a sound that Tim heard. It was soft at first, but I grew louder and louder as it seemed to be coming up the cow’s throat. Like a roar of thunder, a blasting force of air blew out of the cow’s throat and through its mouth. Tim hardly recognized the mouth behind him was opening. Instead he was too busy witnessing the throat opening to swallow…. Wait not swallow, it was…

Before Tim could think of what was happening a roaring sound came out of the deep depths of the cow. A strong powerful wind came tumbling out of the back of its throat, air rushed past Tim dragging him with the winds as an enormous burp erupted from the bovine's throat. The rumbling loosen any hold Tim had on the cow’s tongue as the gust of gas blew past him picking him up. The smelly spray of cow breath blew over Tim and dragged him along for the ride. The rushing roar ripped Tim off the massive tongue and out of the cow’s open mouth.

Tim screamed in horror as the whiplash had him flying through the current of air that exited the mouth. Having no way to direct himself, Tim did all he could to try and gain some sort of control. He was now out in the open, hundreds if not thousands of feet off the ground, riding the winds of an expelled bubble of gas from a cow.

Unaware of where he was going, Tim could only curse and scream for help as he flipped and fumbled through the confusing air. Hitting air drafts and currents he didn’t know existed in the barn as he tumbled around in some direction. Just as he thought he was gonna start to fall or something, Tim felt his body collide with a surface and bounce a moment before skittering to a halt in the new location. Tim felt the ground below him, and it wasn’t hard. Well it was firm, but not solid or stiff. It was firm enough to support him but a slight sense of squish or springy like resistance to it. Tim slowly got up standing on the material and looked around. What he saw was confounding as behind him was just darkness, but before him was a wide open circular opening. Following toward the only light source he had, Tim headed toward the opening of this cavern-like chamber. It was enormous, larger than any building he had been in.

As he walked forward toward the lip of this cave, Tim looked out to see he was relatively high off the ground. Well below him was the floor, a drop form here would be fatal for sure. Looking across the vast room, Tim saw the dozen of cows in their stall chewing and mooing before him. The very one that burped him out of its mouth was already going back to eating the hay pile he was picked up from. The mound of food was already looking low.

Tim was glad he didn’t stay there-

There was a sudden and loud sound of a door being sung open wide followed by that voice…

“TIM?! GARY?!” an enormous Jessica bursted into the barn without a warning. “You little fucks better be in here,” She growled as she looked around. “HELLO?! I’M CALLING FOR YOU…”

Tim rolled his eyes as he was sure his words wouldn’t have reached the annoyed and pissed off woman looking around the barn. Finally after a few long moments Jessica let out a very annoyed sound, “Of course! I leave for ten minutes and they fucking take off. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted them.” Tim felt insulted that the first thought of him disappearing was him running off. Sure, shrinking wouldn’t even reach the top ten insane reasons he was missing but still, she could cut him some slack. However Jessica wasn’t having any of that as she called out a few more times before looking extremely pissed off. “JUST GREAT… why did I even think I could rely on them,” Jessica grumbled again by the barn door.

As much as Tim wanted to argue how fucked up it was and how wrong Jessica was right now, he couldn’t even get her to hear his cries for help. He was way too tiny for her to notice, instead she marched into the barn and started to do the daily chores left beyond by all her hired help. Feeding the rest of the cows, changing water, and leaving out the gear that needed to be cleaned. Tim could do nothing but sit in the hollow hole watching the large and grumpy Jessica do the basic jobs he usually did. Part of him felt bad, but the other part of Tim liked watching that bitchy Jessica struggle with the daily work he and the others had to complete. It was almost ironic and comical to see the young owner of the farm panting and out of breath before midday.

It wasn’t till now that Tim smirked at the final job Jessica had to do. Sebastian's breeding. The mighty beast was a handful even for Tim to work with, so to have the hot sexy farm girl try and manage on her own, well that was something Tim was itching to see.

Tim sat there smirking as he watched Jessica struggle to get to the stall and pull out big old Sebastian. The sizable stallion was beyond words. The length of him was well in the double digits. Still the monster was struggling as Jessica led him out of his stall.

Laughing at the effort Jessica had with Sebastian, he couldn’t help but watch the irritated woman do what she could. It took minutes, maybe even hours to drag Sebastian over to the matting mount. Tim was too busy chucking and laughing to notice how close Jessica and Sebastian were to him. It wasn’t till Jessica was panting and huffing from yanking Sebastian that Tim frowned at how close she was. In fact it was like she was planning on setting Sebastian up right where Tim was …

The might thumping that echoed around Tim startled him as Jessica patted the top of the chamber he was in. Jessica panted as she said, “Come on boy… up and at her… time to do the thing. Come on Sebastian, let’s do this…”

The sudden realization and horror that filled Tim was unimaginable. Tim’s happy and mocking mood toward Jessica’s activities soon turned to pure dread as he realized where he was and what was going to happen. Tim was in the mating machine, the device used to simulate stallions and help MALE animals to experience simulated sex for their seed. A fuck machine to be more exact, and Tim was stuck inside one about to be used by a very big horse.

Horrified at his revelation he quickly looked down at the floor to see if he should jump. The distance was horrifying enough that he was sure it was a death sentence, however being in this mating device, Tim wasn’t sure how good his odds were. He might want to jump...

Apparently his luck was horrible as the massive monster of a horse started to get into position. Tim watched with horror as the front two legs walked toward his opening. Sebastian let out a few noises and snorts as if agitated, but willing to do what was about to be done. Tim spotted the large monstrous member making its way out from Sebastian’s body. The foot long, possibly longer, snake slithered out and in the open, giving Tim enough time to see how massive that slong was. It wasn’t till Jessica commanded Sebastian to “mount '' that Tim came back to reality.

“OH FUCK NO NO NO!” Tim screamed as he spun around and went the only direction he could, to the back of the mounting device. Tim booked as fast as he could across the rigged and squishy ground toward the back, and hopefully the safest spot from what was about to happen. Tim hurried as fastly as he could when he heard the sound of something massive slamming up above him. Tim looked behind and whimpered as he saw the light that used to be there blackened out by a brown and dark colored coat that belonged to Sebastian.

He was already in position and mounting the device Tim was stuck in.

The feeling of the giant multi-ton beast jumping up on Tim’s prison shook him to the core as he landed down on the squishy jelly like floor. It was only now that he realized what and why the floors were like this. The groves and bumps that littered the ground that baffled Tim, that was up until now. Hurrying to get up Tim continued his escape from what was about to happen.

Unable to not look back, Tim turned around just in time to see with pure horror and disgust, as Sebastian’s stick started to make its way toward the opening of the cave. The enormous and godly object made sure to line up rightly before the entrance to the long love tunnel that Tim was in.

Jessica’s voice sounded off to the side, “That’s it boy, get up there and make mama proud.”

Tim would have gagged at those words if it wasn’t for his life being in danger right now. If he even stopped for a moment his life would be doomed. The sheer size of the stallion behind him was big enough to fill out the tunnel he was running in. This wasn’t the first time Tim saw Sebastian use this machine, he knew how quickly the horse would get going. Tim didn’t have a second to spare for remarks on Jessica’s comments. At Tim’s current size, he had at least a football field or two to run before Sebastian got busy, and Tim wasn’t the fastest runner.

Sprinting with all his might to the end of the tunnel, Tim heard a mighty neigh before the whole chamber shuddered and Tim was forced to the ground from the earthquake. The mighty force of Sebastian trying to insert himself and sliding out of place caused the vibration as his hips smacked into the structure before him. Tim was certain that if Sebastian thrusted into the mating device, he would run him down like a cheetah after a fat overstuffed cow-

Tim winced at the thought of a cow. After what he went through, he didn’t ever even want to think about any cows or cow products. Trying to focus, Tim redoubled his efforts as he headed further into the long dark tunnel.

Jessica’s reassuring words could be heard from nearby, “Not so fast, come on Sebastian, nice and easy. You’ve done this plenty of times before…”

Tim heard more neighing and vibrations as the whole chamber shook again from a thrust that missed its mark. Thank God Sebastian was impatient when it came to this kind of stuff. Still Tim was nowhere near the end or even safe as he felt like he had to be half way there. Taking a glance behind him, Tim watched as Sebastian was in a frenzy trying to line up and get inside, but failing each time.

Finally the words Tim dreaded to hear were spoken by Jessica, “FINE! I’ll lend you a damn hand… where the hell is everyone to fucking help me with this shit,” Jessica muttered loudly.

Tim knew his time was now up, with someone helping out Sebastian, he wouldn’t miss his mark again. Instead Tim bit down on his lip as he booked it toward the only safest space he thought there was, the back of the breeding mount. Racing against the clock, Tim could hear the agitated stallion getting assistance from his very grumpy helper. Something that would have been comical if it weren’t spelling Tim’s doom. Finally Tim could hear the dreaded sound of something being pushed and filling out the opening of the mating machine far behind him. The sound of something plugging the chamber was soon followed by a mighty delighted nay that shook the hollow chamber.

The vibration of an excited horse was soon replaced by the sound and force of a multi-ton train conducting itself toward Tim at an insanely fast pace. The meaty monolith made its way toward him at alarming speeds. The pitch black darkness didn’t help give away how close it was, but Tim could tell by the smell and sense of something chasing him down in the dark. The sound of a flood of flesh could be heard as Sebastian shaft was shoved deeper inside the tight chamber. Tim finally felt it, as something smashed into his back, like a speeding car that just ran him down and rammed into his back.

The pure force and momentum carried Tim off his feet and along with the massive wall of horse cock bashing into his back. The strong stench was there as Tim felt locked in place like on a roller coaster taking off and throwing him backwards. As terrifying as it was being dragged along, it only lasted a few moments before Tim felt a jerking stop, launching him off. Flung forward, Tim tumbled and landed into a firm wall in front of him. It seemed he finally made it to the end. The thick wall before Tim was the marking point of the finish line, it was what he was looking-

A sudden rush of air and a mighty thump was heard as a massive object slammed into the wall before Tim. The shock caused Tim to fall down and the enormous object slamming into the wall before Tim gave off a deafening thud. Tim was at a loss of words at the sound and force. What could that have been? There was no way Sebastian could reach-

The sound of something sliding out of the breeding chamber only to be quickly thrusted back forward filling the compacted space made Tim cry out in horror. Sebastian was truly a large male as his member was reaching the furthest depths deigned in this fucking breeding machine. Tim didn’t recall him being this large!

The sound of Sebastian thumping and smashing into the back end of the insemination device made Tim fear for his life. Tim was curled up into a ball fearing for his life. The large collision of such a massive dick slapping into the back end of the matting barrier was more like a car crash simulator. The air pushed out from the super sized slammer smashing into the stopper was enough to push Tim around.

Sebastian didn’t slow down after his first few thrust and he never would. Tim was too busy trying to recover from the first attack that happened to prepare for the onslaught. The slurping and surging sounds of such a massive horse cock coming and going was something that Tim knew all too well. This wasn’t the first stimulated simulation for Sebastian to mate with. Tim knew how Sebastian would react to the artificial vagina and womb he was fucking. It wouldn't take the horse long to release his semen and coat everything in his stallion seed. A moment that wasn’t something Tim was looking forward to. In fact he was dreading this more than anything, drowning in such a fate was more humiliating and horrible than anything he could think of right now.

However as much as Tim wanted it not to happen, that couldn’t stop the massive beast from doing the deed. The mighty thrust were growing in tempo as Tim heard the crashing and clopping that filled the chamber with it’s loud fucking sounds. The vigorous noises increased to a point that Tim knew it was time for the finally. Sure enough Sebastian let out a wicked neigh that shook both Tim and the device from the cry. A nose that Tim feared to hear since the moment it all started. However the next noise was what made Tim scream out in horror as he heard a sudden sound of liquid gushing out. A splatter and another copious amount of cum came crashing about. Tim could hear and smell the massive amount of male spluge spraying about. Unable to escape or stop it, Tim was quickly washed away in the mighty mass of sperm. One second Tim was in the dark the next a wet wave of horse fluids flowed over him.

If the sound and smell didn’t tell Tim what exactly was carrying him around the dark, the feeling of sticky slime sliding over his skin with such warmth helped remind Tim what it was. He had handled Sebastian’s load more than once and the disgustingly warm sensation was a firm reminder. Tim was gagging and coughing as he tried to stay above the swelling semen surging all around him. Each second the waves grew larger as Sebation bucked and pumped his primal puree into the little fucking machine Tim was in. The goo gathering at the end of the chamber and building up into a massive amount, looking for somewhere to go.

Still disgusted, but trying to stay alive, Tim did his best to ride out this horrible and horrendous water ride as he bobbed above the cum, staying surprisingly safe. Yet, things were not in Tim’s favor today. As Tim heard the stallion slowing down his release, Tim figured he was now safe. He just had to stay alive, for however long that might be.

As if there was someone listening to Tim, he felt the flooding fluids around him starting to get directed somewhere. The torrent of tar like material tugging on Tim, started to pull him along with the current. Unable to out swim in the dark dank dungeon that Tim was trapped in, he could only flow with the fluids. The sudden sloshy feeling of being pushed around from the creamy current around him soon turned to a dropping feeling as Tim felt himself being sucked downward. The rapids quickened and twirled around him as he was slurped downward like through a drain. A tube or opening inside the breeding chamber was open and Tim was being forced to follow the flow. Sure enough Tim was back in murky light as he and the goopy remains of Sebastian surrounding him flew down a tube.

Tim was expecting a bucket or container to collect Sebastian male meed, but to Tim’s shock he was splattered down on the hard ground of the barn floor. Along with what felt like gallons of goo, sputtering and leaking around in a mighty puddle, slowly forming into a pond.

Confused at what was going on, Tim looked around to see that there was nothing to catch the stallion’s semen. Jessica must have forgotten or didn’t know about this part of the breeding process…

Sure enough Tim heard a heavy cursing from Jessica as she discovered the sound of leaking fluids. “WHAT THE FUCK WHY- WHO DIDN’T PUT A CONTAINER DOWN THERE?! IT WAS THE VERY LEAST THEY COULD HAVE DONE BEFORE FUCKING OFF FOR THE DAY!”

Her heavy yelling and anger went on deaf ears, or at least tiny deaf ears as Tim was trying to empty his water filled ears from the liquid soaking in them right now. She quickly walked off annoyed and pissed, while Tim started to recover form the ordeal of being nearly fucked to death and taking a spluge ride to safety. In fact he still had the contents covering his body. Not something he wanted to think about as he lay in the puddle of cream.

“What’s next,” Tim muttered as he had just about enough for today. He started to walk out of the white lake forming below the breeding machine. Luckily the fluid wasn’t up further than his ankles, or he might have had to keep swimming in Sebastian seed to get out. Tim continued to trudge through the sloshy stallion sperm. Sadly the nearest dry spot was toward Sebastian himself, forcing Tim to look toward the large creature that nearly killed him. Sebastian was still hooked up and connected to the large breeding device, and didn’t look like he was moving anytime soon without Jessica’s help.

Tim wasn’t thinking as he continued to walk away from the ever expanding pool behind him. He didn’t know where to go or what to do, all that he knew was to try and walk off the trauma he went through.

“TIM?!” A familiar voice called out causing Tim to frown.

“Jane,” Tim asked himself as he heard his fellow coworker. Looking up from the ground he was staring at, he started looking around from under Sebastian for a Jessica sized Jane. However it wasn’t till he heard his name being called out again that he looked lower. Sure enough, from behind Sebastian, a tiny Jane came running toward Tim. She was the same size as Tim and Garry were. She must have been in the barn when she shrunk by herself, which was why it took so long for her to find him.

“TIM,” she called out again, heading over as quickly as she could.

Tim felt guilty that he was glad he wasn’t the only one still shrunken. As bad as it sounded, he was glad that Jane was small like him. Of course, that was something he would never tell her. Instead he felt a little hopeful that he wasn’t the only one left.

“Jane,” Tim called out almost in tears at the sight of the fellow tiny coming toward him. Tim felt some of his strength and will coming back as he hurried toward Jane. Together maybe then we can find out what happened and how to change back to normal. At least he wouldn’t be alone anymore.

As Tim and Jane started to unite, Tim had a sudden sense of dread. A feeling he had most of the day, but now it was coming back harsher than before. Tim didn't know why but he couldn’t help but glance up as he ran toward Jane. They were about to come together, just as they were meeting under Sebastian. Tim’s sight glanced skyward toward the stallion still buried into the breeding machine. Looking past those large testicles that nearly drowned him with its sperm, and toward the back end of the horse. The tail was flickering and slowly lifting upward revealing its backside. Tim’s eyes grew wide as he knew what was going to happen next.

“NO,” Tim screamed as he looked back at the oblivious Jane as she ran under the horse. Tim shook his head and threw his hands out to warn Jane, but it was too late.

Jane frowned as she looked at Tim’s frantic reaction.

Tim watched as something massive and dark dropped from the sky. The large brown orb splattered next to Jane causing her to freeze. Jane had just enough time to look up before it was all over. One moment Tim was watching a horrified looking Jane, the next a downpour of the foulest smelling sludge balls pelted the ground around Jane and herself. One second she was there, the next half a dozen house size shit balls smashed down on her with the most disgusting sound, splattering around all over the place. The mountain of horse poop piled up and rolled off itself as Jane was lost under two tons of crap. Sebastian slowly stopped his release, never once moving from his spot as he dropped his dung right there on the floor. Tim gagged as he watched one more boulder size ball collide and put the cherry on top of this shitty Sunday standing before Tim.

“J-jane,” Tim called out as he approached the enormous waste pile where his friend should have been. “JANE?!” Tim called out as he hesitated before the reeking mound before him. He had to help her…

Tim was tempted to start clawing and scooping shit out of the way to look for his fellow shrunken comrade, but… there was so much shit, like a ton, literally a ton of shit. By the time he got to Jane under it all, and if she wasn’t crushed to death, she would have suffocated. He just didn’t have the time or the strength to save Jane. Every second he froze he tried to look for a sign that she was alive under all that poop, but he didn’t so much as see any shift in the mass or sounds escaping it.

Jane was gone before they ever got to greet each other…

Tim stood there in silence as he felt his whole world shatter before him. The only other sounds were Sebastian making random noises or flicking his tail. At this point, Tim didn’t know what to do as he continued to stand next to the shit pile.

It wasn’t till he heard that giant annoying pissed off voice booming around him, “OH AND NOW YOU TAKE A SHIT!”

Tim looked toward the enormous Jessica who looked even more angry than before, which was almost impossible. She was holding the collecting container for Sebastian’s seed and spotted his droppings. Heading over to the drainage area Jessica slammed the bucket down below it and glared at the horse. “You better be ready to fill this up, cause you’re not leaving till I get enough to sell off.”

Almost as if Sebastian knew what she was saying, he neighed before starting to use the device again. The horrifying sounds of the horse going back at it with the device above him, cause Tim to have flashbacks from not too long ago. The time it took Tim to snap out of his terrifying trama, was just enough time for Jessica to grab a shovel and pail for the mess that Sebastian made.

“Time to clean this shit up,” She grumbled as she went to scoop up Jane’s graveyard. As massive of an amount that there was to Tim, Jessica was able to scoop it up in one go. The shovel gathered most of the droppings, leaving almost nothing on the ground, along with Jane’s body as Jessica chucked it into the large bucket. It wasn’t till Jessica went back to scrape up the last remaining amount that he noticed the shovel being directed toward him.

Shaking his head, Tim started to run away. The sound of the shovel scraping over the ground and toward him was ear shattering. Tim panicked and only ran away as Jessica was gaining ground on him faster than he could hope. Tim ran back under the fucking horse, as Jessica tried to scoop him up with the last of Sebastian’s shit. There was not enough time to run away as the large scraper was hot on his heels trying to pick him up. It was just barely nipping at his back when he heard it suddenly stop.

Tim, shocked, turned around to see Jessica narrowing her eyes directly at him. Did she see him?

Tim turned around and started to shout out to Jessica, something he was sure she didn’t hear over Sebastian doing his thing. Tim watched as Jessica pulled the shovel back and dropped the rest of the remains into the bucket, never losing eye contact with Tim.

“What the…” Jessica grumbled as she got lower to the ground and beneath Sebastian.

With how Tim’s day had been going, he half expected Sebastian to kick Jessica in the face or her just assuming he was some kind of bug or just a trick her eyes were playing on her. However it didn’t take that long for Jessica to recognize Tim’s tiny body. She gawked at him before nearly screaming his name, “TIM?! HOW- what the hell happened?!”

Tim wanted to cry but he didn’t have it in him to start weeping. Instead he headed toward Jessica, the last person he thought would save him. As much as he hated that sexy lady, she was his savior. Tim didn’t know if she could hear him, but as he rushed toward Jessica, he started to tell his horrible tale. As soon as Tim reached Jessica, she helped pick him up. It wasn’t till he was nearly over with his explanation that she just frowned, “I can’t hear a dang thing you said.”

Tim sighed as he figured that would be the problem. At his current size, he was lucky to have been seen. Tim was just happy he was safe now.

“If you're tiny, then where are the others? Did Jane and Garry shrink too,” Jessica asked as she seemed to be looking around on the ground.

Tim nodded his head and when she asked where, Tim just shook his head.

“Did something happen?” Tim nodded and it looked that Jessica understood as she gasped and looked sadden at the news. Tim nodded at her reaction as he felt the same. “I can’t believe it,” Jessica said, sounding pained at the loss. She sighed, “Now I have to start looking to hire not one, but three more helpers for the farm…”

Tim frowned at how Jessica phrased that. Was she really only worried about finding replacements for them?!

Jessica let out a huff as she grumbled, “I’m gonna have to do all the choirs around here for a while too, what a pain in my ass…”

Tim was astounded at how Jessica was making this situation into a HER problem! Hell she didn’t even seem to worry that people shrank on her farm, it was just having to find new help. Tim was so stunned at what he was hearing that he didn’t realize where Jessica was moving. Instead of heading to the house for safety she was carrying Tim over to a small washing station. He was soon hit with a wave of warm water and soap as Jessica started to wash her hands and Tim together.

The soap bubbles rubbed around him and the enormous fleshy palms, as Jessica rubbed and carefully washed and rinsed both herself and Tim. Once Tim was drenched and nearly drowned from the surging water, Jessica held him up close to her face as she looked at him.

“So, for slacking off and shrinking, which I don’t even know HOW you three did that… I’m gonna have to find you another job to do. A more personal job, seeing how small you are now.” Jessica told Tim, her large mouth spitting out words in a harsh and annoyed tone. “So here’s the deal…” The sound of Jessica’s belt buckle being undone was heard over Sebastian continuing his carnal activity in the background. “I still got the rest of the choirs to do, that you all didn’t finish.”

“HOW WERE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THAT?!” Tim screamed as he saw Jessica not reacting to him

“So while I do that,Jessica pulled her jeans down to her knees, her bright pink underwear she was wearing showed off on her lightly tanned skin. “You're gonna be up close and personal. Can’t have you disappearing while I’m doing your job. Soooo,” Jessica announced as she slowly leaned forward and started to reach behind her back with her free hand. “Gonna keep you tucked away back here.”

Tim’s mouth hung open at Jessica’s news. “No, no you can’t be fucking serious,” Tim cried out clearly not being heard.

Jessica’s mouth twitched for a second, “Sounds like you disapprove. That’s fine, I can’t make you do it… however, I should warn you, that you are going down there. And you can choose not to do anything, like how you don’t do that much work around the farm,” Jessica told Tim.

Tim was stunned and horrified at what he was hearing. Not only was that not true, Tim did over 70% of the freaking work around the farm, when did he have time to do nothing? However, it seemed Jessica thought otherwise, and now he was being into Jessica’s backside for a misunderstanding?!

Jessica went on with her warning while Tim flailed around and protested at her words, “If I don’t so much as feel you back there, massaging and keeping me …” Jessica smirked, “Entertained.” That smile was a mischievously cruel grin that Tim couldn’t’ help but freeze his struggling between her fingers. Jessica went on after a few moments pause, “Well, let’s just say the pigs could always use a little extra something in their next meal.”

Tim gulped at the thought of being tossed in the pig pin with their food. Those ravenous beasts would eat anything and everything, and Tim didn’t want to end up in another stomach. Being swallowed was bad enough, he didn't want to change his life on being burped out again by a pig.

The air was silent with Jessica’s threat hanging over Tim’s head.

Finally the barn was filled with Sebastian letting out his mighty roar as he finished himself off which led to Jessica nodding, “Good. Now that he’s done, time for you to start your job while I wrap up the rest of the choirs.”

Tim had no say in the matter as Jessica brought him back toward her mighty crack. The pink fabric was already being held open as her hand with him started to descend. The smell of her backside was already wafting upward from the opening made. Tim probably would have gagged and vomited if it weren’t for the stuff he went through today seemed worse than this. Between the horse shit, cum, and cow stomach… This was by far the best smelling of the other three. However it was still someone’s ass, so it wasn’t like he was sniffing flowers. It wasn’t too long as Jessica lowered her fingers and Tim went down past the pink barrier. On the inside of the underwear now, it was dark with the slightest pink hue from the light going through the panties fabric.

The fingers slowly stopped descending and held him close to something in the dark that was warm and almost humid, almost like the cow’s mouth. Tim gulped as he felt himself being pushed forward and soon colliding with a sticky and warm wall. Tim shuddered in disgust while the butthole quiver with delight as he was mushed into the wrinkly wall of filthy flesh. Jessica let out a soft laugh as she let go of Tim, who remained stuck to the wall and not the finger.

Tim looked up as those cruel fingers retreated and soon the fabric above snapped shut sealing him away in the enormous depths of Jessica’s butt. The sound of Jessica’s jeans being pulled up could be heard as she hiked her clothing back up her body. Tim took one last look at the pinkish light shining in before it was soon eclipsed by a dark wave of blackness. The jeans blocked out most if not all of the light as Tim was soon sealed away in Jessica’s mighty ass.

“Enough playing around, back to work,” Jessica said in a happy tone.

Tim knew that she was saying that more to him than herself as she started to walk. Disgusted at where he was, and what he had to do, Tim did as Jessica had instructed. Tim started to massage and please his once bitchy boss, now turned mighty mistress. All Tim could do was hope things couldn’t get worse. If only he knew how wrong he was about that...

Chapter End Notes:

Let me know what you think.  Sorry if some of it might not have been accurate when it came to animal stuff... will be honest it's a new thing to write.  Hope it wasn't too bad/wrong off "real life" but enough to be enjoyable.

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