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In this Chapter:   Kristen ventures downtown while Ginny is entrusted to watch over Maddy.  Ginny makes a strange discovery.  Kristen solves a problem that has been bothering her for weeks. 

Main Tags of This Chapter:  Crush.  Unaware.  Vore.  Milk. 


Ginny – 28

Lakeside Suburbs, USA


              Ginny stirred her black tea a few times as a few wisps of steam rose from her mug.  Sat at her kitchen table in the dimly lit nook, her laptop opened next to her, answering a few work emails between sips of her hot, caffeinated beverage to prepare for her morning, arranging to work remotely for the week to spare herself from having to go downtown.  Rather, knowing she had to go over to Kristen’s house to watch Madelyn while Kristen went to downtown Lakeside to her office building instead. 

Ginny wondering why she had gotten a weird text from Kristen in the early hours of the morning asking her what she would do if she ruled over a bunch of tiny people though instead of confirming what time she actually had to be over to watch Madelyn, Ginny playing along with a reply that she thought was cute, but it was met with silence.  Ginny unsure but was still going to walk over anyway a little later in the morning, wanting to be a good friend to Kristen and follow through with her promise.

She washed her tea mug in the sink and placed it on the drying rack before heading upstairs in her home, her husband already away from the house for work.  Ginny brushed her teeth, fixed her hair, and tidied up around the house.  She slipped on a comfortable pair of running shoes and wiggled her toes into place, making sure she looked presentable and cute in the mirror near her foyer.  Locking her front door behind her and sending a text to Kristen that she was on her way over, in which Kristen still didn’t reply to, only confusing Ginny more. 

 Walking slowly along the sidewalk, hoping it would buy some time for Kristen to respond, but no vibration came from her workbag, Ginny deciding to take a detour towards the neighborhood mailbox instead and give herself some time to think, questioning if she even had the right day in her head when she was supposed to watch the baby, but no, she checked her phone’s calendar several times to make sure, Ginny shaking her head as she placed her phone back into her workbag next to her laptop.    

Ginny had plenty of close friends while growing up in her youth, but that was because she was part of a friendly, yet mostly isolated Asian community north of the city.  Ginny’s more strict parents wouldn’t allow her to venture outside of their community or neighborhood too often, and never really having familial money for travel apart from one amazing trip to South Korea when Ginny was 10 years old to meet some of her distant relatives. 

She wore modest clothes, was a polite and intellectually focused teenager, her teachers always described her as the most curious kid in the bunch but was always pressured by her peers and parents to be competitive with her grades, not allowed to play sports or join school clubs that weren’t future college focused.    

 It wasn’t until attending university where Ginny became ridiculed by those that were different than her, people often making racist remarks to her, asking her where she was from constantly even though she had a perfect American accent, that she only got into university because she was Chinese or some other nationality that wasn’t even applicable to her, she would try to explain that she had white grandparents on her father’s side, but it never mattered to the others.   

It became frustrating for her, rather, she overcompensated by trying to be overtly friendly to everyone around her despite their constant ridicule, she dealt with it without retaliation, hoping to win them over with a genuine kindness.  She changed her fashion around, wearing makeup and charging her credit cards with debt for the latest trendy outfits and heels.  She would go out to clubs and bars, but it never paid off, most of the time it only ending up with men trying to sleep with her just because she was “exotic” looking, deeply stressing Ginny out in her early 20’s.

Graduating from university near the top of her class with near perfect grades, but without anyone by her side that she could call friends, her family though, were incredibly supportive of her, granting and gifting her some money they had saved up as a reward for her hard work through school. 

She used the money gifted to her and began to travel and backpack across different parts of the world by herself, learning about different cultures and the ways people were healed physically and emotionally.  Ginny became obsessed with closeness to nature, veganism, astrology, crystals, and fitness, they helped her unwind, clear her mind, returning to the US and Lakeside after a year abroad.  She transitioned into her career to help immigrants in US where she had met her coworker and future husband before settling down in the neighborhood. 

Ginny was skeptical about making friends with the other neighbors for a while, a little hesitant that she might face the same ridicule and racism she had gotten when she was a bit younger, but she became friends with a few people here and there, keeping her friendly demeanor made it easier, but sometimes it was too much for the others, especially when she brought up her interest in more holistic activities or vegan foods. 

Kristen moving in made it all worthwhile though, Ginny was becoming quite close with the single mother, accepting Kristen as she was, a little awkward, but intelligent, unconfident, yet very beautiful and fit, damaged, yet full of potential, much like how Ginny viewed herself, it made so much sense why there was a strong binding feeling between the two. 

That’s why Ginny was going to do everything she could for her new and, dare she say it, best friend?  Not wanting to lose such a kind and lighthearted friendship if she had failed to show up and watch her daughter, turning back from the mailbox and heading towards Kristen’s home. 

Still no text as Ginny knocked on the door anyway.  Ginny hearing a rush of footsteps as Kristen opened the door, “oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Kristen spoke.  Kristen leaving the door wide open as Kristen rushed back into her house.  Ginny noticed that Kristen was still dressed in a pink shower robe, her hair still a little wet even as if she wasn’t prepared at all. 

“Uh… may I come in?” Ginny spoke with hesitation. 

“Yeah!” Kristen shouted from the other side of the living room.  Ginny walking in, courteously slipping off her shoes in the doorway. 

“Everything okay?” Ginny asked. 

“Yeah, I just uhh, lost track of time” Kristen said as she rushed upstairs.  Ginny saw Madelyn playing around on the floor, Ginny happily greeting her with some lighthearted baby talk. 

Ginny sat herself down on the couch as she heard bumps and slams coming from upstairs.  20 minutes later, Kristen came back downstairs, dressed in heels and an office skirt with a blouse, her hair a bit of a mess as she was still frantic.  “Are you okay?” Ginny asked.

“Um, yeah, I just got my days confused, thank you so much for watching her for me… there’s plenty of food in the kitchen for you and if she gets hungry then I have some milk in the fridge, just warm it up a little bit first” Kristen said, picking up Maddy off the floor and giving her a few soft hugs, gently dropping her into Ginny’s outstretched arms.  “Be good for Ginny for me!” Kristen spoke to Maddy.  “I’ll be back in a few hours, thank you so much for doing this, I’m sorry I forgot to text you, ugghhh, I’m just… maybe we can do some more crystal healing later?” Kristen suggested, making Ginny smile. 

“Oh my god, absolutely!”  Ginny said with glee, appreciating Kristen’s genuine interest in her hobbies, tucking the baby into her arms atop her lap.  “Drive safe!  We’ll be fine here” Ginny said.  Kristen fumbling with her purse and bag, messing with her keys atop the kitchen counter and rushing out of the door to her car in the garage.  Ginny hearing the car skirt out of the driveway.  “What’s got your mommy in such a rush little girl?” Ginny playfully spoke down towards the baby.

Ginny played with Maddy on her lap while a children’s show played quietly on the television across the room for a half hour.  Ginny standing up and placing Maddy in the playpen before heading into the kitchen to check out where the milk was.  “Huh…” Ginny mumbled as she stepped up towards the small table near the windows, a sympathetic look on her face.  “Poor Kris… couldn’t even finish her food…” Ginny whispered, seeing a plate full of breakfast foods and fruits, a single slice from a banana placed on the table near the plate that must have fallen off.     

Something was strange about the slice of banana though, it seemed to be coated by tiny multicolored specks of sugar, mostly blue and white.  Ginny took a closer step up to the table, leaning over the banana, brushing her black hair back behind her ears, leaning her face downward, her deep brown eyes studying the little sugary dots, Ginny had never heard of people sprinkling sugar like that onto fruit, but it was intriguing enough.  Ginny wondering if it was some kind of strange food craving from Kristen’s overcorrecting motherly hormones. 

Ginny reached her hand down, not liking food to go to waste like that, pinched the slice of banana between her porcelain hands, her purple nails wrapping around the fruit, the pads of her index finger and thumb pressing into the sugary specks, burying a lot of them deeply into the soft surface.  Ginny raising the slice up to her face, getting a closer look, she had never seen sugar that small before as she smiled, nearly chuckling at the strange craving only Kristen could come up with. 

Ginny slowly parted her thin and pale pink lips, sticking out her tongue slightly and placing the banana into her mouth, pulling her fingers away as she closed her mouth.  Ginny immediately pressing the banana up into the roof of her mouth with her tongue with some force, squishing and spreading the banana mash around her tongue and mouth, feeling the little textures of the tiny sugar specks all over her tastebuds, but she couldn’t really taste the sweetness, more like salt instead. 

She continued to mash the banana around her tongue, feeling the pleasant squish and sweetish flavor roll around her tongue before focusing the mashed goop onto her teeth, chewing a few times to get rid of any leftover chunks, feeling a tons of brittle crunches and pops though from the sugar grinding between her molars, the taste of the banana becoming slightly more salty as a result, almost… meat like in taste, Ginny realized as she tilted her head before swallowing down. 

“That’s a craving I think I’ll pass on, Kris…” Ginny mumbled to herself, licking her teeth a few more times to get rid of the leftover strands of banana and strangely meaty specks caught in between her perfect white smile. 

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

Mertz was embarrassed, he was freed from the prison, staring up at the goddess, Kristen, thinking he was being judged by the miles-tall woman.  He was ashamed for being part of a bullshit war with the people who worshipped Kristen as a god already.  He could see now how powerful she was, towering over him, even when sat down, her hazel eyes staring down at him and the rest of his fellow prisoners of war.  He would have rather traded his life to have been from Crest instead, he would have rather served Kristen as a goddess than be forced to kill innocent people, but he was allured by her presence, being starved in his prison probably didn’t help his psyche though. 

He could smell her scent, subtle, a hint of perfume and maybe coconut from her lotion.  She was smiling as if to offer comfort, it was difficult to see her face though, her large curving tits behind her fluffy pink robe took up most of the view from their position beneath her, feeling somewhat safe that they were close to her white plate, like a cover of shelter.  “EVEN THOUGH YOU WERE CAUGHT DOING HORRIBLE THINGS, YOU DON’T DESERVE TO STARVE WHEN YOU LIVE IN MY HOUSE” Kristen spoke, her words were loud, booming, yet feminine and soft as Mertz removed his hands from over his ears to spare his hearing. 

Her miles long arm reached down towards her plate, pinching up a slice of banana, carefully and gently lowering it a few hundred yards away from all the freed prisoners.  A wet squishing noise was heard as the fruit was softly placed onto the table.  Everyone was hesitant at first, but the goddess of mercy was still smiling.  Some people weren’t sure if it was a joke or a test, they had killed her followers personally and she had flattened their entire military base as a response.  Maybe it was all just a trap, but soon after, the hundreds of now free people started to make their way to the fruit, desperate for nutrients. 

Mertz walked behind the columns of dirty and grizzled soldiers, they were dehydrated, starved, wilting, but they soon slowly started to dig into the football stadium sized slice of banana.  Guzzling the fibers and drinking the juice that seeped out of the fruit.  Mertz dug into the soft surface himself, chuckling to himself at how easy his arms could get stuck into the fruit, he began to climb and eat.  Surprised how easy it was to climb, drinking the juice on the way up as he smiled between large bites of the goop. 

Other’s soon followed, Mertz being the first to make it to the top, hauling himself over the edge, he began to walk across the fruit, and like a thick and dense snow, his boots got stuck into the fruit, but it was fun, feeling the resistance as he walked closer to the center, still seeing the goddess smiling downward as many of his fellow comrades made their way up to the top. 

Mertz began waving his arms up towards her as if to say thank you, his hands full of banana strands dripping with sugary juice, hoping he would be acknowledged by the giant woman he would now be okay pledging his life to instead of being used like a sacrifice like her worshippers in Crest would have willingly wanted for him for his fate. 

Suddenly there was a loud banging.  Kristen rushing upward as everyone nearly fell backward at the sight of Kristen standing up to her full height above them, her tits bouncing slightly behind her robe, her face in shock as she ran off, her quaking footsteps shook the survivors atop the fruit, sinking them into the quicksand like goop further down than they could get out of. 

Mertz screaming and struggling to try and unbury himself from the sweet and goopy fruit, but his body was stuck, able to breathe as his head was poking out, but it was difficult.  The quakes were rough, and they could all hear a different voice, slightly higher pitched, but still deep and shaking.  They could hear bangs with the occasional coo of the goddess’ daughter in the distance, a loud clacking of Kristen’s heels on the kitchen tile as she fumbled her keys, not even looking at the survivors on her food before she left. 

What seemed like agonizing hours later of being trapped in the fruit, the other woman came in…

Mertz could feel her quaking steps first before he saw her, they were slightly less earth shattering compared to Kristen, but the first thing that he noticed is what that she was a little taller in appearance, skinnier too, but her skin was pale, slightly creamy in color, like something he had never seen from his reality before, her eyes were deep brown and slanted, almond shaped, yet sharp and kind looking.    

She was wearing a tight athletic shirt and even tighter dark blue shorts that hugged her toned and thin thighs, her deep black hair was slicked down the sides of her naturally sweet and beautiful face a little past her jawline, a thin nose, perfectly manicured eyebrows, not a wrinkle in sight across her face after years of apparent curated skincare routines.

She approached, and it was more terrifying than most of the prisoners could fathom, but Mertz was stunned, realizing that this new giant woman didn’t know of their existence, giving him flashbacks of those first few weeks where Kristen squished countless people by accident.  “POOR KRIS… COULDN’T EVEN FINISH HER FOOD…” her loud voice pounded at Mertz’ ears, hearing the muffled screams of the hundreds of other prisoners all around him stuck in the fruit. 

Her mile wide face was hovering right above them, her eyes winced, her perfect smile took up nearly their entire horizon, but they were suddenly losing air, being picked up only solved to bury people deeper into the mush.  Face to face with her massive lips that could swallow entire neighborhoods in one gulp.  Her thin lips slowly started to part, immediately feeling her warm and humid breath washing over them as it got darker and darker.  Trying their best to scream as they were settled into the dark cavern of her mouth.  Her lips closing in the distance, it nearly being pitch black in the hot cavern. 

Mertz’ heart raced, he thought about his life, wishing he was born in Crest instead so badly, thinking of all the death he saw around him when his military invaded, but before he could even picture a different life, he was propelled upward by the motion of the giant woman’s tongue beneath him.  Zooming towards the roof of the giant’s mouth, immediately crushed to death on impact, his body exploding into a gush of blood as the fruit smushed and squished into flat chunks enamored with other survivors.

They were tossed and turned all over her mouth, caught in her saliva as they started to drown in the warm and gelatinous fluid.  The intense shaking and gurgling sounds of her tongue tossing them all around her mouth, struggling to breathe, at least the ones not covered in her spit.  Hundreds were slowly crushed and pressed out of existence into bloody stains into the fruit or on her tongue as she flipped them over again and again. 

The survivors barely having the wherewithal to process that they had been flung onto her teeth, seeing the slightly glossy white and rigid surface barely illuminated in the dark cave coming down onto them lightning fast, the intense grinding and teeth clicking noise shaking and sounding like thunder as hundreds of people tried to scream out, but they were silenced with a few bloody and hard chomps from the woman’s teeth. 

A few dozen survivors caught in between her teeth, still encased in saliva or stray chunks of banana, struggling to move, some people with broken bodies or missing limbs, but her tongue started to slide across the inside of her teeth and gums, a wet and squishy sound as her tongue impacted each divide between her teeth as everyone was swept away and smeared into red stains across the soft tip of her slimy tongue.  Very few unlucky micros that were still alive sliding down her throat as she swallowed them into the even darker void of her stomach, immediately hearing gurgling noises and spews of intestinal movements, but their skin started to itch and burn, dissolved to mere calories after their screams turned into acidic cries of agony. 


***                                                                 ***                                                           ***


              Ginny cleaned up the rest of the food from the plate, storing it in few plastic containers and washing the plate, wanting to help Kristen as much as she could, occasionally looking around the corner while she cleaned up the kitchen to check on Madelyn in the playpen, but the little girl was transfixed on the television.  “Hmm…” Ginny mumbled, seeing a pair of keys on the kitchen counter, “Oh no, I hope she didn’t need these” Ginny whispered, picking up the pair of keys and walking them into the living room, placing them on the living room table. 

An hour went by, Ginny sending text updates to Kristen about Madelyn, but she was still met with silence, oh well, Ginny thought, eventually feeding Maddy with the milk from the fridge, rocking her to sleep and carrying her upstairs to the crib, making sure the baby monitors were on for Kristen to see just in case she wanted to check in. 

Boredom set in though, Ginny working here and there on her laptop, but there wasn’t much activity going on that she needed to be involved with.  She felt nervous and grew overwhelmingly curious, like a compulsion to explore Kristen’s house, tossing the idea in her head, would it make her a bad friend?  A look around wouldn’t hurt too much though, it’s not like she was going to rifle through her drawers or go through her medicine cabinets... Ginny just wanted to see the decoration ideas, at least, that’s how she would justify it. 

Ginny placed her laptop to the side, wandering down the dark hallway, trying to open the two locked doors, making her even more curious, Ginny chuckling to herself, “oh my god, what if Kristen is a serial killer…” she softly whispered to herself, joking and giggling, but she realized that the two keys left on the counter must have been for these two rooms.  “She did say that was her art room or something one time…” Ginny mumbling to herself as she walked back to the couch, thinking maybe she could catch a glimpse of Kristen’s secret art projects that were probably really beautiful and maybe colorful, only exciting Ginny more. 

Ginny checked her phone, still no messages from Kristen, Ginny rushing upstairs to check on Madelyn, still sound asleep.  Ginny felt anxious, yet giddy and enthusiastic, like a little kid who stole some candy from a store and got away with it, she trotted downstairs and picked up one of the keys from off the table, her heart racing a bit, but she knew she wasn’t doing anything with malicious intent.   

Twisting the key into the lock and opening the door to something she had never seen before in her life…

All across the floor were miniature cities, detailed and well designed.  “So… this is Kristen’s art…” Ginny said, realizing that Kristen had been really into arts and crafts, building tiny cities from paper and maybe aluminum painted to look so realistic.  Ginny saw a little camera in the corner of the room blinking red, “huh…” Ginny mumbled.  Ginny took a step in, walking delicately in between the cities in order to not accidentally crush any of Kristen’s intricate artwork. 

She noticed that the city in the middle was the biggest and by far the most detailed.  Ginny taking few steps between the open spaces, noticing how huge her feet were next to all the miniature buildings.  Ginny squatting down in front of the largest city in the middle of the room, her purple painted toes right next to the border as even the biggest buildings barely reached up to just below her ankle.  Ginny with a wide smile on her face, “how cute, Kristy!” Ginny said with happiness, excited that her friend had such a complex artistic outlet.

The city right in between and below Ginny’s straddled legs, her short shorts rearing up exposing much of the sensitive skin near Ginny’s groin as Ginny leaned in with her smile, she couldn’t help but feel silly about how gigantic she felt next to such to-scale cities.  Ginny curious as to what the other cities were like across the room, standing back up and looking around with fascinated eyes.  Ginny tiptoeing with her arms and hands cutely curled up against her chest as she strutted over towards the leather chair in the corner. 

Ginny placing her hands on the arm rests as she twisted around on her heels, lowering her smaller butt down into the chair as she kept her legs spread and her soles on the floor near the three cities at the base of the chair, the cities that Kristen contorted herself to avoid, but Ginny without knowing, had three cities at her toes, her heels, and one in between the insides of her feet. 

“Ooo…” Ginny cooed at the surprising comfort of the chair as she looked out across the brightly lit room, there were dozens of little art project cities, Ginny smiling as she leaned forward, looking down between her feet at the little towns and buildings between the arches of her feet.  Looking up and scanning the room as she could hear a strange buzz, thinking it could have just been the air circulation of the house.  “So… this is what that text about ruling over tiny people was for…” Ginny mumbled. 

Ginny lifted her right foot over the city in between her feet.  Comparing her toes to the city alone, she could easily crush half of the city with just her toes, her entire foot covering the city as she waved and hovered her soft pale sole above the little metropolis, Ginny hearing the buzzing become a little squeakier as she pulled her foot back and settled it back on the cool flooring near the city.  “Hmm…” Ginny whispered to herself, tightly closing her lips and lowering her brow in curiosity, concentrating as she picked up her left foot instead. 

Wanting to know what it felt like, for just a moment, decided to be very gentle and delicate.  She curled her toes upward, revealing the ball of her foot to the city in the middle, slowly lowering the ball of her foot down as she reared her head around to look, her sole and toes starting to impact the city as there was a little bit of resistance, poking her foot down as the tallest buildings started to crumble into grey smoke.  Ginny could barely feel it though and failed to notice the destruction, still lowering her foot downward in hopes to feel the softness of the paper, but there was a distinct and brittle crumb like pebble feeling instead that felt a little pleasurable under the skin of her sole. 

“Oh no!” Ginny pulled her foot back when her foot impacted some of the flooring, expecting the paper or whatever material the city was constructed by to bounce back up, but it wasn’t… it was gone, flattened, a third of the city was decimated, there was a tiny puff of grey smoke wafting outward from Ginny’s sole as she pulled away her purple toes, curling her foot up to her lap, looking at the wrinkles of folded skin on her sole, seeing little grey and black crumbs stuck between within her skin. 

Ginny brushed the crumbs off the bottom of her sole with a few swipes of her hand as she placed her foot back down on the ground, pushing herself up from the chair and awkwardly stepping around the half-crushed city, Ginny became increasingly anxious, feeling like she had just betrayed her friend’s trust, but how was it so easily broken?  Surely Kristen would have used better materials to make all her little toy cities, but no, Ginny watched as a plume of smoke rose from the half-crushed city. 

Her mouth wide open as she tried to think of what to do, embarrassed, regretting her decision, looking around the room if there was any materials to maybe fix it, but no, they were too delicate to touch, Ginny looking at the floor, being extra careful as she exited the room, tiptoeing between the rest of the cities and locking the door behind her, quickly rushing up to the bedrooms to check if Madelyn was still sleeping, and she was, peacefully as Ginny’s heart raced and her head spun.   She sat back down on the couch in the living room, wondering how she was going to explain herself to Kristen about destroying half of one of her fake model cities. 

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

Kristen hit the button on the elevator, having done her makeup while stuck in the traffic on the way to the office, fixing her hair and fluffing it a few times in the metallic reflection of the elevator doors.  Straightening out her blouse and skirt before the doors opened to her office, wanting to keep her reputation of always being professional in appearance and style.  It had been several months since she had to venture that far downtown, but she needed to make her money to afford the house somehow as the child support payments from her ex-husband wasn’t enough. 

She was welcomed by many of the friendly staff members of the real estate firm, given many congratulations on the birth of her child, talking to a few colleagues and partners in the hallways and offices, a little embarrassed that her black pump heels made her a little taller than her male boss, thinking in her mind how silly it was in comparison to towering over hundreds of millions of people by a dozen miles or a couple hundred depending on what room she chose to go into. 

After an hour of catchup and friendly banter with colleagues and managers, she was given a few lower priority assignments to work on when she was to sign back into work in a few days, eager to get started on her career again, she went into her old office.  She picked up her laptop and gathered a few things from her drawers and desk, her corner room only had one window, the view of the city blocked by a neighboring building, much preferring the view of her cozy neighborhood instead.  She finished zipping up her bags, saying bye to a few people after having officially signed off for her permission to work from home. 

A few colleagues suggesting they all take Kristen out for lunch to celebrate her return, but Kristen politely declined, knowing that she had to get back to Madelyn to watch over her in which everyone understood.  Saying byes to the office, smiling wide, she adjusted the skirt around her shapely ass and lugged the bag over her shoulder. 

Kristen was a few steps away from the elevator when a colleague she hadn’t seen in a while moved in to talk with her.  “Hey, Kristen, how’ve you been?” the man said.

“Sam!  Oh my god, I’m great how are you?” Kristen replied. 

“Not too bad, I heard about you having a kid these days, that’s so crazy” Sam said.  Kristen smiling, Sam was pretty attractive, tall, well built, but he seemed like the type to only want to fuck, but it didn’t stop Kristen from feeling a little excited about the attention. 

“Heh, yeah… She’s the best though” Kristen said with a smirk. 

“Well, hey, if you’re not too busy maybe we could go get a drink sometime now that you’re back” Sam said with some confidence and a smirk, his hands folded into the pockets of his suit pants. 

“Uhh… I- yeah, maybe?  I mean I’m not back, but… yeah” Kristen said with a smile as she pushed the elevator button. 

“Great!  Just send me a message when you’re online” Sam said as the elevator dinged, the doors opening as Kristen stepped in.

“Okay!  Sure, bye!” Kristen chimed as Sam smirked and walked off, Kristen not really getting any attention from men since her divorce, mainly staying inside and only really talking to the other girls in the neighborhood, her heart fluttering a bit as she rode the elevator down to the ground floor, putting her bags in the car and driving off back towards the suburbs. 

Kristen could feel her phone vibrating, but she couldn’t think straight, she needed a little time to herself to wind down, not really venturing out of the house much, feeling well dressed and confident in her professional attire, feeling rather hot and attractive for the first time in a very long time, she looked down at the time.  She had plenty still, trusting Ginny to watch over Maddy while she did something for herself out and about around town. 

Kristen pulled into the street parking space, her heels clicking on the sidewalk outside of the upscale nail salon.  The door chiming as she walked in, her pumps clicking on the smooth floor of the amazing spa, the warmth and the calming smell instantly hit along with the tranquil music playing softly over the speakers.  “Welcome to Serenity Nails and Luxury Spa!  Do you have an appointment with us today?” the young receptionist said behind the counter.

“Uh… no, this is actually my first time here” Kristen said with a confident smile.    

“Well welcome in!  We offer a lot of services here, full spa packages, full facials, full nail service, sauna therapy, hot stone therapy, and so much more!  Unfortunately, the spa packages and massages are by appointment only” the receptionist said.

“Actually, I was just hoping to get my nails done if there’s anyone available?” Kristen asked. 

“Yeah!  We can do full a mani-pedi with a complementary foot scrub right now!” the receptionist chimed.

“Let’s do it!” Kristen said, entering in some information into the tablet at the counter and paying for the service, Kristen was all smiles, not having gotten her nails done since before she was even pregnant with Maddy, thinking it was the perfect time to expand on her sudden positive burst in mood. 

“Go ahead and pick your color off the rack over there and then I’ll introduce you to your nail technician today” the young woman said.  Kristen rubbing the bottom of her chin as she looked through the multitude of colors across the fancy rack.  Reaching her arm forward and plucking up a white and glossy polish, carrying it over to the table, guided by the young woman into the serene room.  A few other women inside getting their nails done as Kristen sat down, the technician getting straight to work on her hands with various tools.    

Drying her hands and nails to perfection before she was guided to the comfortable seat, slipping off her heels as the tech scrubbed her feet with stones and pads until they were smooth, bathing her feet in the warm water as Kristen felt more than relaxed, her head rearing back against the padding as she closed her eyes with immense pleasure she hadn’t felt in so long, that was until she heard a special ding from her phone in her purse.  “Excuse me…” Kristen said to the tech who continued to bathe Kristen’s feet and scrub before she was to paint Kristen’s nails. 

Kristen bending over to her side and picking up her phone, remembering that was the sound she assigned to her baby monitor.  Kristen swiping open the notification to see something that made her heart sink, expecting to see Ginny placing Madelyn in her crib, but no.  She saw Ginny in the middle of her city room, squatting down near the capital city and the millions of people.  Kristen trying to remain calm as the tech continued to work on her feet.  Kristen’s phone blowing up with texts from the various leaders of the cities asking for help and to get the new giant out of the room before she caused more harm.    

But it was too late, Kristen opened up texts saying that the quakes of Ginny’s feet stepping so close to the edges of many cities caused a lot of weaker buildings to collapse, thousands dying near her feet in the rubble.  They were begging her for help in that moment as Kristen saw in the camera Ginny going over to her chair to sit down, avoiding the three cities at the base of the chair much to Kristen’s reprieve. 

Kristen could feel the nice sensation of the woman’s hands rubbing her feet, looking down to see that she had begun painting her toenails that soft glossy white she had picked out.  “Fuck…fuck…” Kristen thought.  Kristen committed though, not wanting to interrupt the nail tech and have an unfinished pedicure, she watched Ginny closely, Kristen’s heart sinking as she saw Ginny hover a foot over a city, relieved when she put it back down, only to watch her pick up her other foot and slowly lower it down. 

“I could call her phone… maybe that will get her to go away…but what if she doesn’t hear it… or what if she freaks out and runs out of the room then… no…that would only get more of them killed” Kristen thinking to herself. 

“No!” Kristen said aloud as the nail tech stopped and looked up confused.  “Oh, sorry, I was just uhh… reading something” Kristen said with a half-smile as the tech went back to painting her nails.  Kristen watching in agony from the comfortable chair as her friend slowly started to press her sole into a city that she didn’t even know the name of but knowing there had to be hundreds of thousands of people dying in that moment as Kristen closed her eyes and tried to think about something else other than Ginny squishing people to death. 

Taking a deep breath and trying to only focus on the feeling of her feet being pampered.  Her phone continuing to buzz like crazy as she tossed it into her purse, wanting so badly to just ignore the problem instead, wanting so badly to just have a single fucking moment to herself where she didn’t have to think about the tiny people or taking care of Madelyn over and over, or to think about her divorce, or... maybe she could think about getting fucked by Sam for a moment as she sighed pleasantly at the thought.     

Kristen let her nails dry for a while before slipping back on her pumps, thanking the tech and the receptionist for her beautifully manicured hands and pedicured feet.  “I’ll be back!” Kristen said as she exited the serene spa.   

She drove home, pulling into the garage and carrying her bag into the house, dropping her keys off on the kitchen counter, noticing that her two room keys were there as if to look unmoved.  “Hey!  How was the office?” Ginny said from the couch, Madelyn in the playpen using the soft pads to help herself stand up.  Kristen going over to Madelyn and picking her up from the pen, hugging her against her chest. 

“It wasn’t too bad” Kristen halfheartedly answered. 

“Oh!  Did you get your nails done?” Ginny asked with a wide smile.

“Yeah” Kristen answered, staring down towards Ginny.  Kristen angry, but nervous, tapping her heels on the carpet impatiently.  Ginny’s smile disappearing as she looked at the floor ashamed, biting her lip and bouncing her feet nervously. 

“I uh…” Ginny began to speak with apparent shame in her voice. 

“I already know” Kristen said bluntly. 

“You saw?” Ginny sheepishly asked. 

“Yes” Kristen said, still tapping her heels on the carpet. 

“I’m sorry, I just.  I thought it was paper or legos or something, you did such a good job building them, I had no idea, I’ll pay for another set for you!  I swear” Ginny said.  Kristen looking at Ginny with furrowed brows. 

“Legos?  No… I didn’t build them…there are no sets” Kristen dismissed. 

“Who… did then?” Ginny anxiously asked.  Kristen simply shrugging her shoulders as she readjusted Madelyn around her chest.  “But… then how do… you, did you buy them?” Ginny asked.

“Nope…” Kristen said. 

“Kristen… I don’t understand…” Ginny spoke, her face enamored with confusion.

“You remember that text I sent you… about having tiny people?” Kristen asked.

“Uh, yeah?” Ginny questioned.  Kristen with a scowl, just staring at Ginny.  “Are you saying those are real things with real tiny people living in them?” Ginny questioned.  Kristen nodding up and down.  “But then… but…how is that…” Ginny folding her hands against her chest. 

“Please leave, Ginny… don’t tell anyone… we’ll talk about it another time…I need to go fix it and help them” Kristen said with disappointment. 

“Them?  I… don’t” Ginny hesitated. 

“Ginny please… go home…” Kristen said as Ginny slowly got up, grabbing her bag and slipping her feet into her shoes.  Leaving without saying a word as the door closed behind her. 

Kristen placing Madelyn back down into the pen and stepped into the kitchen.  “Fuck!” Kristen shouted, seeing that the prisoners of war had be cleaned off the table nowhere to be found.  Ginny must have killed them too, Kristen rubbing her head with her newly painted white nails to try and calm herself down, but it was stressful. 

Kristen grabbed the city key off the counter, walking down the hallway in her heels and skirt.  She entered the room, turning around, anxious, yet stern.  “I’m sorry about my friend, Ginny… if you need any help, please let me know in a respectful way, she had no idea what you are, a mistake I made, too… I’m going to be coming into this room at least three times a week to sit down.  We are going to figure out the food and water situations and for a way that I can better move around without shaking everyone” Kristen said, looking over at the smoking city at the base of her chair, wincing in disappointment before looking down at the city nearest to the front of her black heel pumps, realizing that many of them had a view up her tight skirt and maybe getting a look at her pink panties, curling her lips in annoyance before turning on her high heels and exiting the room. 

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

              “I’m so sorry Kristen, I won’t tell anyone, I promise” Ginny texted later in afternoon. 

              “You can’t, not even your husband” Kristen texted back quickly. 

              “Okay, I just have so many questions though” Ginny texted. 

              “Come over in a few days and I’ll explain, I just don’t want to deal with this right now, okay?” Kristen replied.

              “I’m so sorry…” Ginny texted. 

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

              “Ah… ah… ah… Ow!  Fuck!  God!”  Kristen shouted, her shower steaming around her as the hot water sprayed down her body, soaking her hair and dripping off her skin.  Kristen’s hand massaging her right breast trying to work and massage out away the blocked milk duct that had been causing her some pain for quite some time, it was getting sore and dulling.  Rubbing her large tit softly, trying to squeeze at her areola and nipple to free herself from the pain, but it just wasn’t working.  Pounding the side of her fist into the tile of the shower before going about the rest of her evening. 

              Tired and full off a meal, Kristen wanted to lay herself down, Madelyn content in her pen watching a baby show on the television.  Kristen grabbing her key and heading into the country room, holding a blanket over her shoulder as she tiptoed around the edge of the wall, her phone folded into the blanket as she carefully climbed over the edge of the long couch, placing her phone next to her and unrolling the blanket as the soft padding of the couch hugged her body perfectly and gently. 

              The warmth of the blanket feeling great as she closed her eyes for a few minutes, the naps on the leather couch hitting so much different than her living room sofa or even her bed, it felt so good and very much needed after a great day turned stressful.  Dozing off, comfortable with the subtle buzz of the country beneath her as they lulled her into the white noise she liked to sleep with. 

              Breathing gently, but a little disturbed as she woke up earlier than she wanted to because of the dull pain radiating inside her right breast once again, severely irritating her.  Agitated and angry, she pulled the blanket off of herself, forgetting where she was for a moment in her fit of unrest, she ripped off her shirt above her head and tossed it at toward the opposite end of the couch, her bare breasts exposed as she bit her lip hard and lowered her brow in both anger and determination to finally rid herself of the annoyance. 

              Clawing her right hand at her breast and nipple, squeezing first gently and then gradually harder and tighter, massaging it up and down as she clenched her teeth, breathing heavily through her nose to fight the dull and awful pain until finally, instant relief as she felt the pressure leave her nipple, “aaahhhhhh….” Kristen moaned loudly at the relief, the pain nearly disappearing as milk shout out of her nipple, opening her eyes slowly as she breathed out of her mouth, almost feeling high from the dopamine release. 

              Scooting herself up against the couch as she looked down, giggling a bit as she saw her milk trickling down her nipple and midriff, staining the blanket a little bit, her smile and laugh disappearing when she looked down further and off the couch.  A tiny and miniscule puddle of her milk staining the country, engulfing a grey spot under a massive white sea.  Kristen noticing that it started to spread a little outward from the grey mass and start to soak into the surrounding green and brown lands, washing over the tiny nano mountains like an apocalyptic tidal wave of white. 

              Kristen bringing her hand to her mouth out of shame as she watched the milk soak into the land, the grey mass totally gone from where her milk dripped.  Kristen never imagining in her life since taking on responsibility of the tinies, both micro and nano, that she would have ever killed people with her own milk. 

              Kristen slowly and embarrassingly put her shirt back on, wiping up the dripped milk from off the leather couth with the blanket she used, tiptoeing around the country, not really wanting to acknowledge that she had massacred a few hundred thousand people that occupied a small nano city near the couch. 

              “Ginny… I think… you should come over tomorrow instead, I need your help” Kristen sent a message to Ginny, Kristen thinking that she needed a brand-new approach to the entire situation instead, wanting to enlist the help of her friend, wanting to hear other opinions from someone normal and from someone the same size.  

Despite what she had done to countless people, killing them, squishing them, drowning them in milk, Kristen wondered if the same emotional weight that she had felt when she found out that she had crushed people to death was the same weight that Ginny was feeling that same night after her own discovery. 

              Kristen picking up a crying Madelyn from the crib, taking her upstairs to the dimly lit bedroom late in the evening, feeding and cuddling her until she calmed down and relaxed.  Kristen taking a deep sigh as she relaxed her head against the cushions behind her, so relieved that her breast no longer hurt, rather than thinking about the horrible death she must have caused to the nanos…thinking instead about her plans going forward, curious to see what Ginny ideas were going to be…

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