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Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: June 21 2020 11:09 PM Title: The Sole of Her Son

Really rare to find male giant stories. It was a fun and enjoyable story. Well, the end was... unexpected, but I am glad the son didn't end up killing or torturing his mother (on purpose at least kk).

Now I am curious about the big project you said to be working on. Could you tell me if it is anything like this story, but with more chapters?

Thanks for sharing and I hope to see more of your writing soon :)

P.S. Sorry for any misspelling. Although I am fluent in english, it is not my primary language.

Author's Response:

It's not really like this with more chapters. This is just a one and done story. I don't know exactly when I'll post next, but I'm hoping soon. I made this story very quickly so I could get something out, because I haven't release anything in a while. I'm glad people like giant male stories even though they are so rare. I enjoy them more than shrunken male stories, which are the norm on this website. My next story will be a shrunken woman story, as will all of my stories going forward, since that's what I enjoy most. The big project on I'm working on right now is closing in on 10,000 words, and I think it'll be 20,000 by the time I'm done. It'll be much different from what I've written so far, so I'm not sure if people are going to like it, but I've enjoyed writing it so far, so it'll be fine.  

Reviewer: SciFiCrazy Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: June 21 2020 3:47 PM Title: The Sole of Her Son

Thanks for posting your story.  I do wonder as to why the son reacted to finding their mom shrunk as no big deal.  Is this part of some bigger universe not mentioned?  He acted like it was normal to find a shunken person sticking to your sole.  I think it could have been better with a shock reaction and then a lead into to him not caring and putting her back on his foot.

Author's Response:

I just thought it'd be more fun that way honestly. Most of this story is just something I came up with in an hour. I wouldn't take the context of this story too seriously. I thought'd be more fun if he humilated his mom a little bit and so that's what I wrote. I knew it wasn't very consitent when I made it. Most of my writing choices here just came down to making the overall story a more enjoyable experience, even though some of them didn't work out as well as I'd hope they would. I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway though.

Reviewer: Gogblo Signed [Report This]
Date: June 21 2020 1:20 PM Title: The Sole of Her Son

interesting plot, though the "monologues" where just way to unrealistic. I doubt anyone would say something like this:    “NO, ERIC, PLEASE HELP ME. I’M STUCK TO YOUR SWEATY SOLE AND IT STINKS DOWN HER.”

Author's Response:

It's not really supposed to be the most realistic story. It's really just to be a fun little story about a mom in peril from her son. Nothing more, nothing less. You are right that the dialogue isn't that great though. I probably could've sharpened it up with time, but this was made to get something out. Sometimes you have to get out your thoughts on a page before you lose the motivation to finish.

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