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Reviewer: Slacker28 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 05 2024 10:57 PM Title: Better for everyone

It is a shame I was hoping to see this story continued but I get life gets in the way.  I hope your ok!

Reviewer: Darien Fawkes Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 03 2020 7:55 PM Title: Better for everyone

I'm really enjoying this story. Normally I'm more of a fan of equality between different size roles. The giantess loves the tiny and views him as an equal, which admitably you don't see here often. However I find myself enjoying this. It's like a Twilight Zone episode where the world is crazy and the protagonist is sane, but may be losing himself. That's an interesting dynamic to explore, and you've done it well so far by having Thomas question why he's becoming so aroused by his mother and sister's feet. Speaking of which, the foot fetish aspect is pretty erotic so props to you for also writing that well.

Now I have two requests. Normally I don't make requests of authors because I don't want to tell you how to write your own story. Please, by all means continue the story as you see fit. It'll be at its best quality that way. These are more just private wishes

1) I love brother and sister relationships, and I hope to see one bloom between Thomas and Julia. At the very least I hope no one's too cruel to Thomas.

2) Would it be alright if my next story draws inspiration for it's two main characters from Thomas and Julia? It was originally inspired by the story Growth Potential, but I wanted to make a version of that between siblings, and this story is a lot like what I was aiming for. Only instead of a shrunken brother it'll be a giant sister

Regardless of my thoughts, keep doing what you're doing, because it's really good. I've already added this to my favorites, so that should be obvious enough already.

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 24 2020 7:21 PM Title: Birthright

What a family! kkkkk Not only the mother, his sister also really likes to have him at her feet. She even seems satisfied he cummed at her toes. I foresee jealousy and competition between the giantess to see wich one he prefers - his sister or his mother.

Is it possible? I mean, is it possible for a caretaker to be substituted by another family member? 

Reviewer: meereten01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 20 2020 2:16 PM Title: Underfoot

This story is evil. Thomas really gets robbed of his life by his family.

Thank you for writing and until nex time!

Reviewer: WTH I Love This Signed [Report This]
Date: January 18 2020 4:42 PM Title: Underfoot

Great chapter! Very descriptive, and the dynamic with Dianne is great! 

One thing does confuse me. Thomas says, "I will survive. Whatever it takes. Only a little over a year until college." You've mentioned "this year" a co uple of times in the previous chapters, and I didn't think much of, but now I'm curious. I thought that because of NGR, being shrunk meant he was now basically the property of his caretaker indefinitely.How can he get away, or does he only think he can, only to be surprised later on? Is it different because he was raised in it, so he gets to choose after one year? How does it all actually work? 

Can't wait for your answer! Keep up the good work! 

Author's Response:

Yeah I was trying to imply that the program he takes part in lasts only a year. 

More information on the details of NGR and its legal situation will follow in the future but I´m deliberately being a little vague with it. I took this liberty to be a little more flexible and plan the story out as I go.

So please forgive me if I don´t give a lot of concrete answers to these questions in your reviews, as legitimate as they are. It´s still always a pleasure to read your thoughts and feedback :)

Reviewer: Shrunkjoey Signed [Report This]
Date: January 18 2020 12:52 AM Title: Better for everyone

Absolutely love the whole concept. Story is amazing so far, keep it up 👍

Author's Response:

Nice to hear, thanks!

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 17 2020 7:18 PM Title: Underfoot

I was going to comment on ch. 4 about the mother "hungry" eyes, but thoght it would be better to wait and I was not wrong. She clearly has feelings for Thomas and wants him under her sole, probably because of what happened with her husband. She rationalizes her craves by using the predominat ideology, hence her statement: "It's only natural".

The question is if the sister will internalize such ideology and manifest similar desires. We know they are bonded and Thomas is influenced by her pheromones because of the shrink procedure. We have yet to see if this bond will affect the both of them.

These are my thoughts so far. 5 stars again. Your writing is superb, the descriptions are good and you are very creative with the plot. I can only praise and encourage you to continue! 


Author's Response:

Wow, thanks man. Really appreciate it!

Reviewer: WTH I Love This Signed [Report This]
Date: January 15 2020 10:23 PM Title: Better for everyone

@el_rooto That's interesting, I forgot to consider that the drugs from the treatment wearing off could be a factor! 

As to the first thing you said, I understand where you're coming from, but I don't mind sister stuff(even though I prefer maternal stuff). This side of my fantasies has always kind of confused me because when I'm having them, my own family members are the furthest people from my mind, so I don't even understand where the arousal comes from. But I've learned to just go with it, hence my name, lol! 

As to writing the reviews, you're welcome! Thanks for appreciating them! 

Reviewer: el_rooto Signed [Report This]
Date: January 15 2020 10:30 AM Title: Reborn

I'm not terribly fond of things within the family, especially without an age difference - for some reason, my brain automatically converts mom/aunt to boss/teacher/generic-authority-figure, but not sisters/cousins.

Which means I'll be rooting for his mom to have as much time with him as possible compared to his proper carer...

Personal tastes aside - good job!


@WTH I love this I assumed the way he reacts was due to the treatment, which somehow makes him not care/want to be that way. Even if the husband in chapter 3 shows that even that has its limits :)

Anyway thank you for writing all those reviews, you've taken a big burden off our shoulders :D

Reviewer: Firestone Signed [Report This]
Date: January 13 2020 12:57 PM Title: Reborn

Well, someone enjoyed Disco Elysium

Author's Response:

Yup! GOTY btw

Reviewer: WTH I Love This Signed [Report This]
Date: January 13 2020 2:23 AM Title: Reborn


If I could just add one more suggestion, it would be to make Thomas's( as well as any tiny man's) mental state under the influence of the pheromones a little more lucid. The smuttier scenes are gonna be harder to write if, every time he's under the feet of a woman, the narration turns into a vague fog of euphoria and existential fulfillment. I like that the pheromones give him pleasure because it adds to the humiliation of the situation, but if it completely overtakes his mind so that there's no embarrassment or frustration when he's actually under foot, then it takes the conflict out of the situation. (And that doesn't really add up because the woman in the waiting room's husband didn't seem too ecstatic about his position.) Because if there's not at least a little fight in him, then he's not being trained in NGR so much as he's being drugged. Of course, Thomas's goddess-vision of Julia could have simply been a groggy, half-awake dream that was only enhanced by the pleasure of the pheromones, in which case my criticism is unfounded and I should've just waited a little longer! 

Anyways, that's it. Thanks for always reading my reviews. I hope you only take this criticism as constructive! Keep up the good work! 

Author's Response:

No need to apologize^^ It´s helpful to hear specifics and your opinion on some things especially since I´m new at writing. Some of the things you said may make more sense later on in the story but you´re mostly right I think.

Reviewer: titantonic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 12 2020 7:52 PM Title: Better for everyone

Love it! Really nice writing of Julia's character as well. Keep it up!

Reviewer: WTH I Love This Signed [Report This]
Date: January 12 2020 7:37 PM Title: Reborn

I guess I only really have two criticisms of this chapter. 

The first would be that Dianne's tone is a little too preachy and esoteric for my taste. It kind of sterilizes the reality of what she's doing to him. I know that sounds a little hypocritical given that I've ranted so much about how I like the rhetoric of the ideology that is NGR, but when it's overdone it kind of takes the eroticism of the situation out of it for me as the reader. I get that the point of her character is to be preachy, but I hope it is balanced out with a little more playful candidness in the future. (I certainly know we'll get that from characters like Julia.) I guess another way of putting it is that I think she uses big words and technical language exclusively. There's not enough practical talk to balance out the more abstract principles, in my opinion. Given all of that, this is a minor criticism, and if you did nothing about it, I would still be ok with it. 

The second criticism is actually bigger than the first: I don't like how nonchalant Thomas is about the whole situation. His inner monologue seems devoid of the frustration and humiliation that we would expect from a young man in his position. We get glimpses of it in comments like "Good god..." and "Why did it have to be her?" in the first chapter(and a couple of other lines that I can't recall off the top of my head in other chapters), but other than that he just seems kind of mildly annoyed with the situation, even though that's not the case. (I think a good example of the kind of inner monologue and narration/descriptions that do a good job of conveying the horrifyingly humiliating reality of this being your permanent place in life, as well as the embarassment of each scene in itself, is the "Time-Out" series by Jacksmith, if you wanna get inspired!) Thomas just seems way too resigned to his fate to be believable. 

All that being said, I obviously LOVE this story and your work with it so far. I just hope you take these points into consideration. Thanks, and keep up the good work! 


Reviewer: WTH I Love This Signed [Report This]
Date: January 12 2020 6:51 PM Title: Reborn

Chapter 4 was worth the wait! 

This chapter had so many interesting developments! I wasn't expecting that the pheromones of a woman's feet would cause a micro to experience a euphoric exaggeration of her beauty, even on an existential level(as you mentioned a sense of purpose filling Thomas as he looked at Julia). I love the way Dianne treats Thomas, exuding sweetness as she strokes his head and scratches his back. I am excited to see more action as the story progresses, and I can't WAIT to find out who "her" is! Keep up the great work! NGR just keeps getting better, and I can't wait to see how you develop it as Thomas's "training" progresses. 

P.S. I contacted you, just in case you didn't see!  

Author's Response:

Ah sorry bud. Didn´t check my e-mails.

And thanks for the kind words^^

Reviewer: WTH I Love This Signed [Report This]
Date: January 10 2020 3:35 PM Title: Better for everyone

Sorry meereten01, I updated it. Did you mean me? :) 

Reviewer: WTH I Love This Signed [Report This]
Date: January 10 2020 3:34 PM Title: Nature

Ok, I couldn't resist! I had to write a longer review. 

I am absolutely IN LOVE with this whole setting. I am excited to see more of how NGR's rhetoric works. I love how this isn't the cliché "Men have always abused us by being bigger and stronger, so we need to make them smaller and weaker." That motivation was understandable, but way too simple! Here, you've created something truly interesting! Instead of the stereotypical "masculinity is toxic," it's "masculinity and femininity are both good, but they're imbalanced, and need to be corrected." We can see this through the training videos and Dianne lauding "virtues of masculinity" like humility. Instead of "being a man," being a bad thing, NGR sees it as something to be encouraged, which is all the more reason it needs to be fixed, so that every male can truly "be a man." By making it more about the good of both women AND men, it provides NGR with a counter to the “but most men aren’t abusive or cruel” argument. Instead of the attitude toward shrunken men being "Good, now they can't hurt us anymore," it's instead "Good, now we can grow together, the way it was always meant to be." 

The ideology of NGR provides a "New World Order" type story that the men of this universe could actually be convinced to be on board with(without needing a fetish)! Again, I'd love to see how normal women (and even men) are convinced by NGR. Can NGR resolve the frustration that it would inevitably cause in the natural sexual desires of normal men and women? If so, how? (Perhaps even women who cling to having normal-sized men are shamed for putting their personal desires over what’s best for their men!) 

For example, I'd love to see a story from this universe with a normal couple. A couple who are in their early-mid twenties and have been happily married for a few years. The woman is one who, like most, enjoys having a big strong man to love and provide for her. A woman who loves when he picks her up and holds her in his arms. A woman who loves sitting in his lap, making out with him, resting her head on his shoulder, having him be a little rough and take charge in the bedroom sometimes, etc, etc. I want to see how a loving, adoring wife, who enjoys all there is to her normal relationship, can be converted into one who is intent on having that same man she loves secured, sweetly and gently, into the toebox of her nylons! And I'd love to see that husband undergo an equivalent transition. To see how he goes from being an independent man and caring husband, who has a normal life and perfect relationship with the woman of his dreams, to be converted into one who is firmly convinced that he belongs in her work heels when she goes to the office and in her slippers when she's at home, only being allowed to explore her body above her ankles again, except for kisses and face/nose nuzzles, on occasion. (We see a hint of this in Dianne's "milktoast normal-sized relationship" comment) 

Or, for another example, maybe a story about two high school sweethearts who are excitedly planning a happy future together, only to have both of their families(or just his) indoctrinated into NGR, and now they have to figure out how to make it work. Which is even more difficult when the boy in question now BELONGS to his mother or sister. If it's a sister, I can just imagine how much she'd tease the girlfriend. Like, she comes to visit him, and the sister answers the door like "oh did you wanna see my brother? Hold on I'll get him for you," and then proceeds to take him out of her sock and give him to his girlfriend, and then walks away like, "I'll give you guys one hour, but then you're back on toe massage duty, lil bro!" Or who knows, maybe the Mom would be the same way, but in a sweeter, more "mother teasing and embarrassing her son in front of his girlfriend" way instead of the sibling torment way. And maybe in a scenario like that the girlfriend would be totally on board and just giggle at how sweet her boyfriend’s relationship with his mom is. The possibilities are ENDLESS! 

Or, imagine a young couple walking arm in arm on a college campus. The girl has been watching some promotional YouTube videos, and brings the topic up yet again to her athletic boyfriend. “I mean, you said that I have pretty feet, so I mean it wouldn’t be that bad, right baby?” she giggles. “Come on, I promise that if we get you registered under my name I’ll be so good to you baby!” She insists, gripping his muscular arm a little tighter. Then she lowers her voice to a more serious tone. "I just want what's best for both of us, babe." 

In the conversation between Dianne and the woman in the waiting room, you do see a tiny bit of the "frustrated, neglected wife gets revenge on burly husband," but you can tell that's not the start and end of NGR philosophy. Obviously there will be an element of that to NGR, as they could argue that men being bigger disrupts the natural order and causes some men to abuse it, and thus making men smaller restores true balance between the sexes. 

Btw, I'd love to see Dianne in a role like Judy Stevens from Jacksmith's "Time-Out" series, where she administers punishment on her nude son in her stockings while completely disregarding how utterly humiliating and embarrassing it is, or even believing that that feeling is necessary for boys like him to have "growth." (Btw, just a suggestion, I also think that in later generations of NGR, the boys should still be normal-sized until they turn 18. That leaves the door open for endless teasing opportunities throughout childhood and adolescence! And perhaps little girls are encouraged to play with and "practice" with their fathers and/or other adult family members.)

I agree with Mr in A Suit, and I'm glad that someone else is on the same page as me in wanting to see a story where ALL women aren't so one-dimensionally cruel like only women in a fetish story could be. He also resonates with my desire to see how Thomas and Julia's relationships outside the home are affected. (Perhaps Thomas is in one of those "frustratingly mixed-size" high school relationships like the kind mentioned above!) 

Sorry, that's an even LONGER review than my first one, but I hope you read it all! I cannot stress enough how thoroughly EXCITED I am to see where this goes. The world setting you've made here is absolutely OVERFLOWING with potential and possibilities! Seriously, keep up the GOOD WORK!

Author's Response:

You made a lot of scarily accurate hypotheticals I had in mind xD

I love to see how much thought you put in this! If you want, please feel free to write a story in this universe and adapt it as you wish :)

Reviewer: meereten01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 10 2020 3:03 PM Title: Nature

This is a really good story! The only thing I can say about it is that I would like more of those long chaptersi 

I'm really digging this new world order setting.

Thank you for writing. I'm looking forward to the next one.

PS. Wow, the reviewer before me, well ehh, reviews 

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 09 2020 1:36 PM Title: Nature

Beautiful. These 3 chapters are very very... very GOOD!! Can't wait to see where the relationship between Julia and Thomas and of them with their mother will go. Right now it's plaint unfair and Julia is just a foolish entiltled teen who thinks only about herself, whyle her mom suports and feeds her selfishness.

Can both, mother and sister, be such despicable characters? But we know not everyone is like that. There is a gender egalitarian movement and there is a lot that can happen. What about Thomas and Julia teachers and friends? They all believe in the system fairness? What about their mother´s sister?

Can't wait to see the rest! Five stars :D

Author's Response:

Hey buddy, it´s always a pleasure to read your thoughts on the story!

Reviewer: WTH I Love This Signed [Report This]
Date: January 08 2020 6:55 PM Title: Nature

Still doing great so far! The anticipation is killing me!

Keep up the good work! 

Author's Response:

Glad to hear^^

Reviewer: meereten01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 07 2020 3:01 PM Title: Talking the Talk

Thank you for writing! It's seems it will be a good story, I'm looking forward to when the action starts!

Author's Response:

Great to hear :)

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