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Reviewer: Deadrekt Signed [Report This]
Date: June 10 2024 1:09 AM Title: Imprisonment

Hope you at some point decide to write another Omega series, This is the best thing I've ever read on this site 

Reviewer: memesRlife Signed [Report This]
Date: April 09 2021 11:50 PM Title: Imprisonment

Damn no ones reviewed on this thing in six years

Reviewer: Cain Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 22 2015 2:57 PM Title: Imprisonment

What sub-plot was Rachel in? Another awesome couple of chapters keep them coming.

Author's Response:

Fully new. And thank you.

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 15 2015 6:18 AM Title: Imprisonment

Melody lying for Corey is not a big thing as she's her girlfriend, I wonder what Stephanie said to claire! Jenna seems to have real emotinal issues! 

Author's Response:

We'll have to find out later :3. Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Cain Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 06 2015 3:27 PM Title: Imprisonment

I just found this story and I do believe I was so hooked I read it all in no time I couldn't stop then I saw the other Omega series stories and read them all as well and I am currently reading this again! Oh my god man! the feels and the storyline are amazing also the universe you have created leaves me begging for more please please keeping writting on this series for as long as possible!!!!

Author's Response:

Glad to hear you've enjoyed this little project of mine :). And don't worry. While I can't always promise speedy new additions, I intend to keep adding to this series for quite some time.


Thank you very much for commenting.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 03 2015 3:04 PM Title: Imprisonment

Re: my chapter 8 review? I meant to say "Jack Smith." My bad!

Author's Response:

I was very confused for a moment!

Taking in all your comments at once, thank you very much for giving my little series a spin, and for your kind words. Hopefully I continue to make the time investment worth your while!

Reviewer: applecore666 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 03 2014 10:52 PM Title: Imprisonment

Wonderfully cute little story arc, but it's so bittersweet to see some sudden updates before you have to disappear again (I assume it's fall break time or something like that for University this past week).  So, will you basically be waiting until the end of the semester/winter break to finish up Consequences?

Reviewer: happiest_in_shadows Signed [Report This]
Date: November 02 2014 2:55 PM Title: Imprisonment

That was a fun read. Claire's affection for her adoptive father was quite nice though I do wonder a bit about her childhood. What type of guidance could he have offered her that would cause those particular bonds of attachment to form? It's one of the things i struggle with at times while writing and trying to think of something a fellow could do for a giantess. It is likely even more difficult when that's your daughter. There is also something else I've been wondering about the story. I understand that they were working on a means for betas to protect themselves. However, wouldn't one form of protection be a recording device almost like a cell phone on a dedicated line? I was thinking something that a beta could push if they felt threatened and it would begin recording. It wouldn't save their life or may not but it would help insure the alpha didn't get away. Now this wouldn't work if the beta was already dead but the device could also be set to record constantly. Given the tech the omegas seem to have on hand storing the information doesn't seem like too much to ask but if need be the information could be flushed daily unless something happened to the beta in question then it could be reviewed.

Reviewer: applecore666 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: October 28 2014 12:13 PM Title: Imprisonment

Good stuff, I'm glad to see I can still look forward to getting an Omega fix.  Was starting to feel like I might need the lifespan of an Omega myself to see the next update.  :p 

Out of curiousity, about how far along is the story of Consequences as a whole at this point?

Author's Response:

I basically have this and then two more multi-part things I'm gonna do to close out the story.

Reviewer: Her-chocolatebar Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 27 2014 7:22 PM Title: Imprisonment

Wow! That was truly brilliant! :) Even read in braille, which I must say, took quite some converting. Staid up for a very enjoyable sleepless night with not a hint of tiredness however alas, perhaps RSI of the trusty left and right index finger! haha :) I must admit, I wept like a baby at the end though. in a moved way though! Thank you for writing such a capturing story. Haroon.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: August 11 2014 7:51 AM Title: Imprisonment


Well at least Omegas now aren't just going around gobbling up Alphas they deem evil...Its progress. Although I agree, there isnt much in place keeping Omegas in check besides Kaylas good will.

Reviewer: NightEye Signed [Report This]
Date: August 11 2014 3:45 AM Title: Imprisonment

@angeloflife : "they seem to be running around with nothing to stop them from focing their will on everyone."

Not only nothing can stop them from doing whatever they want but it is strongly implied, in this story and in others, that they DO anything they want.

They just appeared one day, normal Alphas touched by the "Fire" (whatever it is) and suddenly they are huge all powerful beings. It's implied they do whatever they want (which is protecting Betas) without any kind of consent or discussion with Alphas governments. They simply impose their will on Alphas. Which is why most elected Alphas officials are anti-Omegas. But they don't have the means to fight back.

I'm wondering if there was a point in the past when Alphas tried to kill the Omegas with their military - and how that went. As it is, Omegas could just as well be an alien occupying force on Earth.

Reviewer: Jimbob Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 10 2014 8:41 PM Title: Imprisonment

I was almost expecting Stephanie's facade to finally crack here. It's so close now...

Reviewer: MrSirk Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 30 2014 9:40 PM Title: Imprisonment

Story aside you really are raising the bar as far as writing.Every time I read a new chapter it inspires me to try that much harder on my stories. Thank you.


Chapter wise you pretty much nailed it this was the most engrossing chapter for me by far and it's because Stephanie's such a well crafted character. You really feel the weight behind her comments and emotions and you almost hate Claire for forcing them out. It's a bittersweet situation where you want Stephanie to own her pain and accept it yet at the same time let her repress it to spare her from it.

Author's Response:

Heheh, thank you very much for the kind words. I'm very proud of this chapter from a technical standpoint, but it's still humbling to have my writing act as some form of inspiration. Again, thank you.

And yes, it's a hell of a thing, isn't it? We want Steph to heal, but it's such a painful process for her that we almost want her to just be left alone to save her from that pain.

Reviewer: Xkcd0088 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 22 2014 9:48 PM Title: Imprisonment

Operating under the assumption that the use of force in deterring crime is the accepted norm, I'd think it would be both more humane and effective for the Omegas to intimidate Alphas into compliance before they victimized Betas, rather than after.  Granted this would kinda be punishing people for pre-crime, which is generally a negative, but in the event that waiting for a criminal to act has potentially/likely irreversible consequences it makes sense to use a little bit of force to deter an action (saving both parties' lives) instead of a lot of force to punish someone's actions (possibly ruining one to two). 

You would think that Stephanie's parents would have acted after she initially started exhibiting cruel tendencies towards her father, especially since it seems obvious (in hindsight at least...) that they were triggered by her brother's death.  For all I'm against the Omegas' dictatorship, I'd rather it be a relatively benign one than the current Ministry of Love deal they have going on.  Why not talk to or if need be scare the kid straight early, instead of waiting for the time bomb to explode?  

It just seems more efficient, especially since the Omegas aren't likely to worry too much about silly little things like parental rights or the ridiculousness of punishing thought crimes... If you're going to run a tyranny you should at least be economical about it! 


Reviewer: sithlordnergal Signed [Report This]
Date: June 22 2014 10:51 AM Title: Imprisonment

Oh my, this is going to be emotional. =< I kind of feel bad for Steph. However, I still don't feel that Marion was the major cause of what happened to Stephanie. Closing up like she did is a defense mechanism, as I said before. And it is one I am familiar with. ^_^;;;; 


I desperately want to see a dream sequence with Clair accidentally crushing her brother...just to give her a way to fully appreciate what Stephanie is going through. This is an amazing story, keep it up.

Reviewer: sithlordnergal Signed [Report This]
Date: June 02 2014 11:44 AM Title: Imprisonment

You know, reading that chapter really shows just how much Stephanie cared for her little brother...and it also makes me wonder if it really was Marion's doing that made Steph into a cold and uncaring person. As someone who has gone through a period where I found it easier just to not feel anything at all, I can tell you that it doesn't take someone else to do that to you, just the right, or rather wrong, circumstances. Considering how much she loved her brother, finding out that she accidentally killed him would be more  than enough to push a person into not wanting to feel emotion.

Which in turn makes me well would Claire fare if she found out she accidentally killed her brother? Devastated yes, but I also think she might have ended up a lot like Stephanie.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: June 02 2014 5:47 AM Title: Imprisonment

@chlorez, she tries not to see them as people in order to avoid feeling the pain she felt for killing her little brother, it's not because she hates them but it is to mask her pain.


Reviewer: happiest_in_shadows Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21 2014 6:30 PM Title: Imprisonment

This has been a very fun read. The new world order tag had me a little worried as normally that means very bad things but in this case it seems the world was already in awful shape. I loved the confession with Melody and Cory and I have to say I'm quite glad that you made Melody very well developed physically. I like the thought that when a giantess says she'll take care of someone she actually tries to make sure she can. A strong lady seems better suited to give protection then a soft one to me.


Of course with so many things going right for Cory i can't help but worry something is going to go wrong.  I'm hoping that's just paranoya on my part.


I was a bit surprised to learn that the fire planted within the omegas increased aggressive behavior. With the way they behaved towards the betas I was actually thinking these females must have extremely develop empathetic regions in their brain and very strong if not overwhelming maternal drives. It reminds me of an idea I'm having fun with in which a group of rather powerful beings actually enjoy a level of pleasure comparable to a narchotic whenever they're nurting a weaker being to the point that if they don't have someone to take care of they go into withdrawl.

Author's Response:

Glad I shirked expectations a bit and that you've enjoyed the story so far! And yes, I wanted to have at least one of the girls be physically developed, and Melody seemed like the prime selection for that. Something about having easily the most gentle girl also being the most physically imposing felt right to did having my, and I use this term loosely, "meanest" girl be the most unassuming.

No comment on Corey :3

Ah, actually, what the Fire is doing is....actually, I'll just copy and paste from a response I mad a long while back: 

Think of what the Fire is doing as this: Normally, Claire does attain a sense of satisfaction from acting kindly toward and helping a Beta due to a combination of instinctual and learned behaviors, whether they be learned from her own experiences with Betas/from how she was raised/from the lessons given at the Institute. The evolved Fire perverts this, and establishes a link between those behaviors and delivering a punishment to an Alpha. What might have originally been an act that was carried out with some level of resignation becomes one carried out with a level of satisfaction, because it's "helping."

That idea actually sounds very neat, I'd love to see what you could do with it. I've always loved your stories, particularly Kate's, and honestly it's a bit flattering to see you enjoying my own tale. Thank you for commenting.

Reviewer: Kusanagi Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21 2014 5:50 PM Title: Imprisonment


A helpless sympathetic girl....who left Jenna's friend a crippled heap on the ground because she could. :p

Really I'm joking though. I can fully understand from a reader's point of view why it's easier to sympathize with Naomi. We actually don't even know the full extent of the crime and Naomi's role in it till she's already been introduced. If the first chapter had been from Corey's point of view during the assault it probably would be the reverse.

Still me and team Jenna will fight the good fight. :D


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