Playful Mother-in-law Loophole (Foot-Focused) by Tiny_Significance

Calling anyone who's interested! 

For some reason, I am obsessed with the fantasy of a mother-in-law exploiting some kind of situational loophole in order to obtain her son-in-law as her permanent shrunken foot slave/pet/toy, especially when she has no hard feelings towards him. 

Possible examples of this include a birthday present gone wrong, a shrinking virus “finders keepers” legal rule, a bet gone wrong, some (fictional) cultural misunderstanding/technicality, a different legal or business issue, lab protocol, or some other tricky inescapable situation where the daughter and son-in-law are helpless to prevent, stop, or reverse the situation. (This can include fantasy or sci-fi scenarios! Just try to avoid licensed characters, please.) 

As for the lady in question’s motives, I already said that there are no hard feelings. This means it's NOT the stereotypical “you were never good enough for my daughter” resentment. Instead, this lady has more of a casual, playful, or teasingly dominant attitude, almost as if she thinks the whole thing is just fun and not serious at all even though she knows it very much is. 

While her motive is not resentment, the other extreme to avoid is jealousy. In my mind, this lady does want her daughter's husband, but not in a romantic or sexual way. Rather, she wants him in the way that someone sees a cute pet or fun toy and decides they simply must have it! 

I also imagine the lady in question fully acknowledging the relational/emotional damage caused by her separating her daughter and son-in-law in this way (including the sexual frustration), but is simply either indifferent, finds it amusing/cute, or is sympathetic but not enough to outweigh her own fun. 

I would also like the daughter to be aware of the situation, at least by the end of the story. (This means no keeping him a little secret forever while daughter always wonders where her husband disappeared to.) Daughter also never moves on, staying loyal to her imprisoned husband, which her mother is happy with and may even encourage. 

I know I'm putting a lot of specifics in it, but I like to think of that as part of the creative challenge! 

If this kind of story sounds like something that you'd be interested to write, then please go for it! Feel free to contact me as well! 

Best wishes to everyone :) 

Categories: None
Characters: None
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Brandon's mother-in-law, Camila, has never been the most discerning when it comes to fact and fiction on the internet. Usually, it isn't too bad, but when he catches the shrinking virus while staying over at her house he'll find out just how much of a problem her lack of social media literacy can be. After all, it's a common myth that tinies imprint on the first person they see, and require their feet to survive.

This story was commissioned by the wonderful Tiny_Signifigance. He has been nothing but kind in the near month this took me to write, and he also helped out a ton with workshopping it and editing. This story absolutely wouldn't exist without him so go check him out here:, or over on his Twitter:

Categories: Slave, Young Adult 20-29, Middle Age (50+), Couples, Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Humiliation, Legwear, Maternal
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: Playful Mother-in-law Loophole (Foot-Focused)
Challenges: Playful Mother-in-law Loophole (Foot-Focused)
Challenges: Playful Mother-in-law Loophole (Foot-Focused)
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 15399 Read Count: 5329
[Report This] Published: October 19 2024 Updated: October 19 2024