Summary: Tales of Lihyrst - Territory Predicaments
Lihyrst, the land of big and small. A super continent that supports many living beings in this fantasy land. To Monster Girls, Mythic Creatures, Elves, normal Size Humans (Norms'), and considered the biggest predator of all are Gicadians. Gicadians are almost like Norms’-sized people, however, they are bigger, much bigger than actual Norms’. They range from sizes of 50 to 300 feet.
The geography of Lihyrst is diverse and unique, just like the cultures that exist in the occupied lands. From hot deserts, and forestry, to cold snow and mountains, Lihyrst has much to offer. Norms' explorers are at a disadvantage when it comes to exploring, there is a lot to explore at such a scale they are born into - big risks as well as there are many dangers to be considered. The Norms' have occupied the continent of Lihyrst for an unknown length of time just as Gicadians did. As for right now the Norms’ have established numerous capitals that are considered a haven - but all have their own set of rules, geography, and problems. Maps have been created for generations, however, not many have set off to the seas and made it back alive. The land that’s outside the map is considered ‘The No Man’s Land’ as you are at risk of not coming back alive.
Secrets are to be revealed, but here in Lihyrst, there are plenty of stories to tell as Gicadia isn’t the only place having its own conflicts. This is Tales of Lihyrst, many stories from different perspectives you will experience in this series.
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◈ This will be my kick-off introduction to my Tales of Lihyrst series inspired by roleplays I have done and collectively put together a world building process over the years.
◈ This is a fantasy driven story, I am continuously growing ideas and alterations along the way. As always, expect me to be on the Limitless side when it comes to writing, current tags are not finalized. You've been warned as cruel and bloodshed may be included in future stories.
Categories: Giantess,
Young Adult 20-29,
Mature (40-49),
Characters: None
Growth: Titan (101 ft. to 500 ft.)Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/mWarnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 9574
Read Count: 1112