Summary: Garter Lamia are tiny snake-girls often purchased as pets and companions, though they have a well earned reputation for shrinking their masters to gain the upper hand in the relationship. Like most Garter-Lamia Strawberry has a crush on her master, Matteo, and frequently dreams of the day she'll be able to reverse their size difference and hold him in her hands... The problem is that Strawberry doesn't want to shrink her master, as many garter lamia conspire to do, she wants to be big. With the internet full of growth potions for sale, surely one of them has to work, right?
A commissioned one-shot about a tiny snake-girl who wants to be bigger than her human friend, and the steps she's taking to get there.
Commissioned by TheGreatRizzo
Categories: Mouth Play,
Body Exploration,
Characters: None
Growth: Titan (101 ft. to 500 ft.)Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/m,
M/fWarnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: Garter Lamia Stories
Chapters: 1
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 8786
Read Count: 4942