Penname: Ava Greenwood [Contact] Real name:
Member Since: April 27 2023
Membership status: Member

Hello, everyone! My name is Ava Greenwood. When I was young, I was obsessed with stories & media involving giants & tiny people. As I grew older, my obsession also grew & evolved. I am a long-time consumer of giantess stories. And I feel that I have a deep understanding of the fetish. Because of this understanding, I feel drawn to writing my own stories. I'm interested in giantesses who are shockingly sadistic or delightfully gentle and everything in between. Mostly, I like the idea of a giant person toying with someone small & vulnerable.
Most of my writing skills come from 10+ years of private journaling. But I've always had a secret passion for creative writing, which is a perfect platform for giant & giantess content. I'm a quick learner. So send me lots of feedback. Thanks for reading!



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Stories by Ava Greenwood

In a distant land, there lives a giant green monster with one red eye. One day she stumbles upon a tiny human village. She decides to show the pathetic humans their place. But one of the puny villagers catches her eye.

Set in a fantasy world.

WARNING: Sexually explicit content intended for adults. All characters are written to be 18 years or older.

Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Giantess, Breasts, BBW, Butt, Crush, Destruction, Fantasy, Feet, Humiliation, Insertion, Maternal, Mouth Play, Odor, Violent, Teenager (13-19)
Characters: None
Growth: Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.)
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2071 Read Count: 4164
[Report This] Published: March 31 2024 Updated: March 31 2024

Borrowers are a race of tiny humanoid beings who live in a world hidden under the feet of average-sized folk. They often keep to themselves, making homes in walls, under floorboards, or behind furniture. The miniature people view humans as giant monsters who might threaten to squish them. But for survival, they borrow scraps of food & other tiny trinkets from humans, or "human beans" as they refer to them.

Aster is a sprightly Borrower girl who has yearned for adventure all her life. But when she wanders too far from home, she runs into a human bean named Betsy, a rough-looking cowgirl with broad shoulders & muscular hips.

Aster does what all Borrowers do. She sneaks & searches for things to borrow from the giant gal. But the young Borrower finds herself staring at Betsy's lumbering legs & thick thighs with a strange fascination. The intimidating sights fill the tiny girl with a warm feeling that is novel to her. Will Aster get too close to the giant woman? Or will she remain unseen & go about her borrowing business?

WARNING: Sexually explicit content intended for adults. All characters are fictional & written to be 18 years or older.

Thank you so much for reading & supporting me in creating more content!

For early access to this story & more, consider checking out my Patreon at:

Or view my Amazon exclusives at:

Categories: Giantess, Teenager (13-19), Adventure, Breasts, Adult 30-39, Body Exploration, Butt, Crush, Entrapment, Feet, Humiliation, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Muscle, Odor, Unaware, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.)
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 11947 Read Count: 28223
[Report This] Published: July 26 2024 Updated: January 17 2025

A shrunken girl found by her deranged younger sister. The tiny gal discovers how smelly her sister's giant feet are. But will she survive the weight of her toes?

WARNING: Sexually explicit content intended for adults. All characters are written to be 18 years or older.

Categories: Giantess, Breasts, Crush, Feet, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Humiliation, Incest, Lesbians, Odor, Slave, Violent
Characters: None
Growth: Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.)
Shrink: Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1670 Read Count: 4455
[Report This] Published: April 07 2024 Updated: April 07 2024

Janis is a stoner girl, whose life is slowly crumbling apart after the death of her mother. Daniel is a devout yet judgmental Christian man. The two may seem like an unlikely pair. But when Daniel is mysteriously shrunken to pocket-sized & transported into her disheveled apartment, the two might just find they were meant for each other.

A predominantly gentle giantess story with some light teasing/humiliation. Adventures of the stoner variety.

WARNING: Sexually explicit content intended for adults. All characters are written to be 18 years or older.

Categories: Maternal, Giantess, Adventure, Breasts, Body Exploration, Entrapment, Gentle, Young Adult 20-29
Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.)
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1291 Read Count: 4748
[Report This] Published: May 12 2023 Updated: May 12 2023

It is the night of Halloween. And the air is electric with festive excitement, in a small American town. Ghasts and ghouls are wandering from door to door in search of sugary sweets. Wicked glowing jack-o-lanterns are illuminating through the fog. And teenage delinquents are roaming the streets with eggs and toilet paper in hand.

Derek Collins, a troubled teenage jock, sees the fall holiday as the perfect opportunity to get some satisfying revenge on his strict high school teacher, Ms. Baker. Unfortunately for him, she catches him in the act of egging her front porch. The naive boy discovers the unassuming middle-aged woman may not be all she seems when she shrinks him down to a more manageable size.

WARNING: Sexually explicit content intended for adults. All characters are fictional & written to be 18 years or older.

Thank you so much for reading & supporting me in creating more content!

For early access to this story & more, consider checking out my Patreon at:

Categories: Giantess, Breasts, Body Exploration, Butt, Crush, Entrapment, Fantasy, Feet, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Humiliation, Instant Size Change, Mouth Play, Nose, Odor, Slave, Vore, Teenager (13-19), Adult 30-39
Characters: None
Growth: Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.)
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 8085 Read Count: 12096
[Report This] Published: November 22 2024 Updated: January 24 2025

When a nerd finds one of her bullies shrunken to pocket-sized, she gets a chance at revenge. Will she be forgiving? Probably not!

WARNING: Sexually explicit intended for adults. All characters are written to be 18 years or older.

Categories: Giantess, Teenager (13-19), Body Exploration, Butt, Entrapment, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Humiliation, Violent, Watersports
Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.)
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1003 Read Count: 4374
[Report This] Published: April 27 2023 Updated: April 27 2023

High school is a confusing time of sexual awakening for many young students. But navigating the bizarre social climate of high school becomes even more bizarre with the spread of a strange new disease, the Shrinking Virus: a virus that affects men at a disproportionate rate.

In the new world, diminishing teenage boys must discover their growing bodies, simultaneously shrinking. They must witness the beauty and danger of their goddess-like teachers. And they must dodge the deadly footfalls of colossal classmates as plaid skirts flutter overhead. All while the overgrown women discover their place as the dominant sex.

Ms. Stone, a strict yet encouraging math teacher, witnesses one of her only male students, Adam, shrink in her classroom. The teacher soon decides she must guide the younger generation of women as they navigate the world of shrinking men. And Adam will make for the perfect teaching prop, whether he likes it or not.

WARNING: Sexually explicit content intended for adults. All characters are fictional and written to be 18 years or older.

Thank you so much for reading & supporting me in creating more content!

For early access to this story & more, consider checking out my Patreon at:

Categories: Giantess, Teenager (13-19), Breasts, BBW, Adult 30-39, Body Exploration, Butt, Crush, Entrapment, Feet, Gentle, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Humiliation, Maternal, Mouth Play, New World Order, Nose, Odor, Slave, Unaware, Violent, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.)
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.)
Size Roles: FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 5324 Read Count: 16515
[Report This] Published: December 20 2024 Updated: February 07 2025

In a world plagued by the Shrinking Virus, tiny victims shrink down to pocket-sized. They find themselves at the mercy of strangers, friends, and even loved ones.

Aubrey Bell, a young blonde girl with an energetic & ditzy personality, has always dreamed of having a Tiny of her very own. The doll-sized people are super adorable from her giddy perspective. And she often daydreams about what she would do if she ever got her hands on one. The Tinies look like little toys! And the possibilities fill her with a child-like wonder.

Her older brother, Alvin, has always been a bit of a brute, with his constant teasing & admittedly harmless pranks. But when he catches the Shrinking Virus, Aubrey finds that her wish has finally been answered.

WARNING: Sexually explicit content intended for adults. All characters are written to be 18 years or older.

Thank you so much for reading & supporting me in creating more content!

For early access to this story & more, consider checking out my Patreon at:

Or view my Amazon exclusives at:

Categories: Adult 30-39, Giantess, Breasts, Body Exploration, Butt, Crush, Entrapment, Feet, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Humiliation, Incest, Mouth Play, Odor, Slave, Unaware, Vore, Teenager (13-19)
Characters: None
Growth: Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.)
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 12512 Read Count: 63591
[Report This] Published: June 21 2024 Updated: November 15 2024

For most of his life growing up, Bobby has been dependent on his stepmother, Vivian, a buxom Latina woman with a caring & motherly personality & a fiery temper when things don't go her way. After Bobby's father mysteriously disappeared, Bobby becomes depressed & more reliant on his stepmom. Vivian is tired of her stepson's pessimistic attitude. She is at her wit's end. But when Bobby catches the Shrinking Virus, everything changes. How will Bobby adjust to his life as a doll-sized boy? Will Vivian continue to care for her tiny stepson? Or will she use the new power dynamic to teach her son a valuable life lesson?

WARNING: Sexually explicit content intended for adults. All characters are written to be 18 years or older.

Thank you for supporting me in creating more content!

For early access to future chapters check out my Patreon at:

Or view my Amazon portfolio at:

Categories: Giantess, Teenager (13-19), Breasts, Adult 30-39, Body Exploration, Butt, Crush, Entrapment, Feet, Gentle, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Humiliation, Maternal, Odor, Unaware
Characters: None
Growth: Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.)
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 19191 Read Count: 111702
[Report This] Published: April 14 2024 Updated: November 01 2024