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Chapter Two

“Every wall is a door.”

                            Ralph Waldo Emerson



            I still hadn’t gotten use to this, I hadn’t even accepted this. People don’t get smaller. It’s scientifically proved to be impossible. I shouldn’t be able to breathe right now, and yet here I am. It’s been stated that if this were possible, I should be hungry, I should need to eat many times my body weight and yet, that’s not true either. I’m hungry but if I needed several times my body weight I would have starved to death by now. It also stated that I should be able to lift many time my body weight and yet I can’t do that either. All of this shouldn’t be happening, and yet here it is.


I was trapped in my own car, well use to be my own car. The worst part was I had no where to go. I couldn’t escape from here because everything is too big, and even if I could, where would I go? I don’t know where I am in this city, and Minneapolis Minnesota has a couple of people, and a few blocks. I wouldn’t know where to begin how to get home. I didn’t like any part of this, and who would? The only thing I did know was that if I hoped to survive I better start making do.


I was kicking myself for cleaning out this car so well. I desperately scanned as far as I could see for things I could use to start making a place to live temporarily, but when I was cleaning this out I left nothing. It was the first time I ever found myself regretting doing a good job.


As I searched and traveled around the car I had begun to realize just how small I was in this new world. I am small enough for this car to be a world. I spent the better part of the night walking towards the driver seat. I had figured that I would make home under the drivers seat. It was well protected, I wouldn’t have to worry about shoes or feet, it’s always dark so I can sleep when I want. If I ever had to leave, it would be through Brooke so it was best to stay close.


When I had made it beneath the car seat my body just collapsed. I dropped to the floor. I was physically, and mentally exhausted. I fell asleep almost immediately, not even noticing the cold night air.


I awoke to the back door of the car being opened. I heard the crashing of items falling onto the back seat of the car. It made my heart leap as I watched Brooke enter the car without care. I watched her heave her backpack to the floor in front of the passenger seat.


I hurriedly tried to make my way out from underneath the seat, but I found my new size made it quite difficult. The carpet fibers which made up the floor made my progress slow going. I just made it out from underneath the awning of the driver’s seat when a pink foam sandal flew overhead. I watched in amazement as it slammed down onto the ground. It kicked up many of the rocks and dirt pieces that were pelting me before, just when I thought it was over her opposite foot slammed down to the right of me. The car shimmied and shook a little as she sat down. My eyes panned from left to right, it was slow like in a Hollywood movie. My heart was pounding almost in tune to the music from jaws just before a shark attacks. My eyes locked onto the massive pink foam sandal resting on the ground beside me, then her foot resting on the pink foam sandal almost as if the sandal was a pedestal for it to look down at the world around it. I turned my head in the opposite direction and saw the same. I was in awe by not only how large her foot was, but the sandals. I looked upwards and saw her legs extending up further and further into some short, tight pink shorts.


“Hey Brooke” I screamed instinctively. Somehow hoping that she would hear me, I guess you could call it blind optimism. My mind wouldn’t let me give up, nor would it easily accept the reality my eyes were displaying to it. I was about to yell again when I saw a large oblong shape descend down upon me. I was like a deer in headlights at first. I was just watching it get lower and lower.


I could never understand before this moment why those stupid deer just stood there. It’s like hello fast car coming right at you. Move somewhere. But now I fully comprehend why they do that. It’s a complete shock, but more then that. It’s so big, and expansive you don’t know where to go. I just kept watching it closer and closer, I could identify light pink little hearts and light blue squares covering the tan cloth object.


“Shit, that’s her purse” I cursed, then almost as if the realization of what it was triggered something in my brain I found myself running back towards the underside of her seat. I glanced upwards and saw her purse getting closer and closer. I could practically feel it touching me. The hairs on my body were standing up straight as I dove beneath Brooke’s seat. I rolled end over end several feet before I settled down. My heart was racing as sweat poured out from my body. I was breathing heavily, as I watched her purse hit floor which sent a small tremor towards me.   


I rolled over onto my back and just looked up at the underside of the seat for a few moments. My chest rose and fell quickly as I tried to suck in as much air as I could. I finally sat up and saw Brooke’s purse blocking the way out. I then turned behind me and saw a ridge which extended up nearly to the bottom of the car seat. I was trapped for the time being.


I struggled to catch my breath, as I lay on my side staring at the monstrous purse. I had to fight back the tears as the near death experience kept replaying in my mind. All I could think about is if I had been a little slower. I would have been crushed to death beneath a purse which weighs as much as an aircraft carrier.


The rumbling of the car and the stopping and starting motion brought my mind back the present. I climbed back to my feet and looked upward towards the tips of the carpet fibers which shrouded much of my view of the gigantic purse. 


“This car is like a whole new world.” I say to myself as I push with all my strength against one of the carpet fibers. Absolutely hopeless, I mutter to myself as the realization that pushing one of these fibers over is a lot like trying to push a wall. No matter how hard you try you aren’t going to get very far.


As I made my way towards the now dormant purse I could feel my heart starting to race once again. Fear and trepidation was coursing through my body as I approached the very thing which had just about killed me. It’s all I could think about as I reached my hand out towards the purse. I ran my hand over the canvas like material of the purse. The giant colored squares were much larger than me.


I craned my neck upward staring at the giant pink square before me. It was simply daunting when I thought how large a single square of this pattern is in comparison to me. I run my hand across the canvas material of the purse. It has a rough feeling to it, however I suspect that I could climb it if I had to do so.


My thoughts came to a halt as everything once again started to rumble, the entire purse moved forward and struck me with more force than I ever thought it was possible to produce. I found myself rolling end over end until I struck one of the carpet fibers which stopped me cold.


I was left watching the purse lift upwards higher and higher into the air until I could no longer see it. My senses were then assaulted as a strong wind swept across the floor from Brooke moving her purse and legs. I winced and covered my ears as the car door let out a loud screech as it swung open followed by a slam of the door being reclosed.


I looked out at everything around me and realized that this would never work. I needed to somehow get Brookes attention, or at the very least get out of this car as there was nothing to eat and with all the movement and random things being brought in and brought out, it would only be a matter of time before I end up getting crushed to death. I knew then and there I had to formulate a plan and get out of here.

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