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Jessica stood in the middle of the street, contemplating if what she was about to do was worth it. Obviously it would help her work out her own problems, but it was always so… messy. She didn’t like cleaning up.

Sighing quietly, she looked all around her again. At this hour the streets were quiet, and empty. She was alone with nothing but her thoughts, giving her plenty of time to go over the events that lead her up to this point.

Her fingers balled up into a fist as she reminisced. There were many ways to cope with rejection, and Jessica had tried them all. From meditation, to sipping on a hot mug of tea, to talking things out with someone else. They’d all worked to varying degrees, but none were truly effective where she needed them most. Every one of them had their faults, but that was okay now.

Jessica wasn’t like most people. Physically that was most obvious, as the girl stood just over nine feet in height. There were depressingly few buildings she could stand to her full height inside of, and her love life was… spotty, at best. When she got rejected, which was depressingly common, she tended to spend her evenings drinking to forget about it all. That would only work to a certain extent, though. She had urges that needed to be addressed, and they were what lead her here. Standing out at one in the morning, bundled up in a hoodie as she looked at the one house on the street with lights still on. Mike had always described himself as a bit of a night owl, which just made things more convenient for her.

It had begun just a week prior. Jessica and Mike had spent what she’d thought was a… tolerable evening together after matching on a dating app. They’d messaged each other for a day before setting the date. Mike was… not subtle about his desires. He openly commented on how much he loved Jessica’s enormous curves, and could hardly wait to express how he wished to bury his head in her pliant flesh. It wasn’t cute in the slightest, but he had a cute, waifish body that was certainly appealing to Jessica. And it had been so long since she felt another’s touch she decided she would, despite the innumerable red flags, agree to a date. She saw no reason to be afraid for her own safety, and she had enough willpower to endure a night of ridiculous perversions if she got to relieve her own urges at the same time.

Jessica went into the date with impossibly low expectations. Despite this, the date had not gone well. Though her profile clearly listed her height front and center, Mike had assumed it to be a joke. When they met up, she had been sitting on a bench, and was still taller than him where he stood. The boobs he’d talked about wanting to motorboat were big enough to slide his entire body between, and Jessica looked capable of crushing his tiny body between her thighs if he made an errant move in bed. The giant woman smiled, introduced herself, and extended a hand forward to greet him.

Mike made little effort to hide the fact he considered Jessica’s size an immense turnoff. He preferred women smaller than he was, which was not always easy since he stood at the midway point between five and six feet tall. He was looking for an evening out with a petite, stacked woman who would love him for all of his faults, while being submissive and demure to his desires. A proper woman, in his eyes.

That was not Jessica. Still, she thought maybe he would change his mind as the night progressed. Some time together to really show off the powerful curves barely contained within her clothing might be able to change his mind. She would have been fine dumping him after a single night together, too! She wasn’t faultless in this, as she’d intentionally ignored the red flags for the sake of slaking her carnal desires. But Mike remained steadfast in his refusal. He would not even entertain the idea of being with a woman of Jessica’s size, and even said as much.

“Why would I want to sleep with a… thing the size of a car?” The line still stung, and even now Jessica could feel her anger flare up. There she was, offering this insignificant little thing the night of his dreams, and he turned her down wholly.

Jessica hadn’t taken it well. That was what lead her where she was now. Ready to deal with this problem in her own way. Every day that passed without satisfying her urges with another person lead to her growing more desperate. And when she was desperate, it was nigh-impossible to operate normally.

She thought he may need some time. She was getting pretty desperate, but figured that she could hold off for a few more days. Maybe he’d come to his senses, and apologize. He’d realize his stupidity, and come crawling back to her on his hands and knees. He’d place kisses on her toes, and offer himself to her willingly.

He didn’t.

So she’d sent him a message. They needed to meet up, she said. Needed to have a discussion about how he feels, and how rude he’d been.

He never answered.

Now here she was, standing out in the street and finding it difficult to remain in control of herself. Perhaps it was the excitement over what was to come that kept her on edge, or just the idea that she would be putting such a piece of shit in his place once and for all. Couldn’t he see what a fucking catch she was? She was far too good for him. Hell, he should probably be thanking her for what was about to happen.

Exhaling softly, Jessica figured it was time to stop delaying the inevitable. She was already here. She wasn’t about to turn around and head back home. Stepping off the sidewalk and into the front yard of Mike’s house, she could feel her excitement begin to bubble up inside of her. It was a nice place if she was being honest, and she’d have loved to see it during the daytime. Maybe she could’ve been convinced to stick around more than just a single night if he hadn’t been such a shitheel.

Stepping up to the porch, there was no longer any hesitation in her heart. She pushed the doorbell, knocked on the door, then crouched so her face could be seen under the comparatively tiny frame. After a few seconds she heard movement behind the door, followed by the light above her going on.

Leaning forward, she brought her own face up to the small peephole, and waited. Several seconds passed, and the door was eventually unlocked. She smiled as it swung open, revealing the comparatively tiny man in front of her. He looked far up at the giant woman crouching in his porch, and was not amused.

“What do you want? Do you have any idea how late it is?”

“Can I come in?”

“No. Get out, or I’m calling the cops.”

She’d expected that, but he’d already done all she needed him to. Experience had taught her it was considerably more difficult to hide her actions when the outside world could see a front door ripped clean from its hinges. Even if it was so late out there was a minimal possibility of being spotted she was nothing if not thorough.

“I’m coming in.” She said, and thrust one palm forward. Her hand was as big around as Mike’s entire chest, and launched him backwards into his own house where he banged violently into a wall. As he groaned and tried standing back up, Jessica cautiously moved her gigantic form through the small doorway. She hated front doors. They were so inconvenient!

“What the fuck are you doing?!” He screamed accusingly as he clutched his back.

Jessica didn’t answer. She did her best to squeeze her huge form through into the doorway without causing any damage, then turned as best she could to get her ass in right after. Once inside, she turned and closed the door behind her, making sure to lock it from the inside.

“I just want to talk, Mike! I swear!” She laughed, standing to her full height. To her great surprise she was actually able to do so, as the ceilings in this place seemed unusually tall. Oh she would have definitely given Mike more than just a one night stand in a place this nice! The opportunity to stand to her full height indoors was such a luxury!

“I’m calling the fuckin’ cops!”

Jessica whipped her head towards the man, made note of the direction in which he was walking, and spotted his phone. With her considerably longer strides she easily beat him to it, catching him mid-step by wrapping her arm around his neck. He weighed so little she almost threw him backwards as she tried to pick him up, while his pathetic attempts to beat her away did nothing to dissuade her.

“I just want to talk, Mike. But first I need you to unlock your phone.” She said, bringing the tiny device closer to him.

“Fuck you.”

Rolling her eyes, Jessica tightened her hold around his throat, instantly cutting off Mike’s airflow. He gasped for air, eyes going wide before immediately giving in and reaching to unlock the phone held before him. Utter subservience from her playthings was always nice, but Jessica always got a great deal of enjoyment of bending someone to her will.

Once unlocked, she scrolled through his messages, and confirmed that the ones she’d sent were there. They’d even been checked! And apparently she wasn’t even worth a response.

“So, Mike.” Jessica said, dropping him so he collapsed into a pile around her feet. He groaned while standing back up, dusting himself off as he looked up at the giant woman angrily. “I need your help with something.”

“Give me my phone.”

“This?” Jessica asked, holding up the phone still displaying her messages on it. “…Nah.” She said, smiling mischievously as she balled her fingers into a fist. The tiny fragile thing bent almost instantly in her powerful fingers, shattering the screen and sending tinkling shards back to the floor beneath her.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” Mike screamed.

“Shut the fuck up, Mike. God.” Jessica said, rolling her eyes. As she did so she pulled her hoodie up over her chest, revealing a tanktop underneath that was straining to contain her gigantic breasts. She fanned herself for a moment as her glistening skin made it obvious how hot she had been under that thing.

A moment later she bent over to untie her sneakers, and handed them to Mike. Not knowing what else to do he accepted them, and could feel their gigantic presence in his hands, how much they weighed, and how they’d be able to cover the entirety of his chest if she were to step down on him with them. A heady aroma drifted from the warm footwear up to smother his face, and he wrinkled his nose before dropping them, wondering why he’d accepted them in the first place.

“Get out of my fuckin’ house!” He said, kicking Jessica’s shoes back at her.

“Mike!” Jessica shouted, cowing the man instantaneously. She smiled at his show of submission, and placed an arm on his shoulder. “Relax I just wanna sleep over for the night! It’ll be fun! We could talk about our favorite movies. Or classic cars…” She said, stepping away from him as she began to step out of her thick sweatpants.

A look of realization dawned on Mike. “…Look, do you want an apology? Fine, I’m sorry I…”

As Mike was in the middle of apologizing Jessica had pulled down her sweatpants, revealing her naked thighs and a tightly-packed pair of panties underneath. She sighed, fanning herself again, and adjusted the thin garment.

“Mike, are you a virgin?”

His tiny face turned bright red as he looked up at the giant woman. He swallowed audibly, looked in every direction, and took a step backwards. This wasn’t what he wanted! He wanted his perfect little woman to be his first time! Someone pretty, and small! Not this mountain of a woman! That wasn’t too much to ask for, was it?!

“No.” He lied. “And I’m not going to… with you.”

Jessica sighed, then crouched so she could look the pathetically tiny man in comparison in the eye. As she did so she leaned forward, bringing the valley of her massive cleavage fully into display.

“Mike, I’ve got some bad news for you.” She said, rubbing a hand between her legs.

The statement hung in the air for a moment. The silence was palpable. The tension so thick it could be cut with a knife. Jessica’s giant body seemed to radiate heat, and Mike could feel beads of sweat forming on his own body as he looked at the woman. He didn’t like the direction this conversation was taking, and he began to wonder how he would defend himself against this giantess if the need arose. His eyes looked towards an umbrella holder, a fake plant, and a coffee table, wondering which would prove the most useful.

Jessica looked at the tiny man. It was almost certainly having lower standards thanks to her arousal, but she was really beginning to appreciate looking at the skinny little thing in front of her. He looked like he’d be so easy to bend to her will. So simple to… break. He stood no chance against her on her worst days, and she could have her way with the petite man and his thin figure all she wanted. The fact he fancied himself an alpha who deserved more than her was only the icing on the cake, and would make it so much more enjoyable to finally get him into bed.

“Mike…” She finally said, breaking the silence. “…I’m not asking.”

Mike’s eyes went wide as the giant woman’s hands reached for him, and he darted backwards as quickly as he could manage. He narrowly evaded her reach, and began to run, all thoughts of fighting back fluttering out of his mind. There weren’t many places in his home that seemed like they’d provide some sort of safety for him, but there was one had in mind!

“Aw, come on, Mike.” Jessica said, standing back to her full height as she watched the tiny man scuttle away. She stepped after him, her foot shaking the entire home as she did so. “Is that any way to treat a lady?”

A door slammed shut. Mike didn’t know where to go, and figured that his bathroom would be the safest bet. The room was small, but he had a bit of a complex in regards to his privacy. As such, the door had been fitted with numerous extra locks that would make any guests walking in by accident a complete impossibility. It seemed the best bet!

Mike’s heart pounded as he set about getting himself locked down as tightly as possible. He didn’t care what happened to the rest of his place. If Jessica decided to rob him blind he could wait it out here all night.

The doorknob turned, and Mike held his breath. The entire door was nudged, but the locks held. Jessica didn’t appear to try very hard, before she pressed her ear up against the door to listen. A smile formed on her face before she pulled away, and knocked.

“No way!” Jessica laughed as Mike’s heart throbbed painfully in his chest. “Mike! You fucking pussy! Are you crying in there?!”

He hadn’t even realized he was doing it himself. A mixture of terror, hyperventilating, and not knowing what to do was messing with him! There was another doorway in the bathroom, but it lead to a side of the house without any exits. Getting out through there would just loop him back around to where Jessica was, and his heart seized at the idea of even trying.

Jessica held her breath. He’d been broken… so easily! Past sexual partners tended not to break until the point of insertion, but her sheer presence alone had brought so much fear to this short little man that he was already…

Exhaling softly, Jessica felt a stirring within her crotch. Figuring she’d built the suspense long enough, she hooked her fingers into her panties, and pulled them down until they bunched around her ankles. Her crotch was completely smooth, with no discernable features whatsoever until she grabbed hold of it, and began to pull.

A wet slurping sound filled the air and a heady aroma filled the entire living room as Jessica gradually pulled an absolutely phenomenal monster of a cock out of her pussy like she was pulling Excalibur out of the stone. She paused for a moment after she finished, and let her hefty, shiny cock dangle in the open air for a few seconds.

Proud of her huge cock, Jessica gave it a few wiggle to shake off some of the excess liquid. Tucking this monstrous appendage away was the only way she was able to live anything resembling a normal life. Even fully flaccid her cock tended to leave a gigantic bulge in anything but the absolute thickest layers of clothing. Hiding it away like this was the only effective way for her to live something resembling a normal life, but it also meant that if she ever grew too aroused she would not be able to even step outside the house anymore. Her flaccid length left her looking like she was smuggling a watermelon in her pants, but her erect cock would prove a nuisance everywhere she went. She’d constantly knock things over, bump into people by accident, and had been kicked out of innumerable places for being unable to keep the two-foot tent under control.

Masturbating didn’t work long. Only a good and proper fucking would clear her head and get her back where she needed to be for a considerable amount of time. Luckily, she was going to satisfy herself tonight. And Mike’s consent wasn’t going to be taken into consideration.

“Mike…” She whispered, knowing he’d be able to hear it through the door as she leaned her gigantic body against it. Her colossal tits flattened out above the small thing, but it was at the right height for her hefty cock and the twin wrecking balls underneath it to press into the door itself. She listened intently, feeling her arousal peak as she could hear the pathetic sobbing on the other side.

Jessica was so intent on listening to get herself more excited she remained unaware that her steadily-growing cock was pushing into the bathroom door. The wood began to bend, before it reached a point that it could no longer. An ominous cracking sound followed shortly after, and when she could feel the wood begin to splinter she looked down in surprise.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” Mike screamed, the cracking sounds from the door terrifying him further.

Jessica’s cock surged forward at his miserable, petulant tone. Beads of precum began to form on her fat tip and slide down her length, leaving a shiny trail on both her cock and the door alike. Her solid erection bent the door further, and finally, with a powerful thrust, she broke through.

“HEEERE’S JESSICA!” She shouted as the head of her cock speared through the door. The shrill scream that followed sent her into a laughing fit, making it clear that she was greatly enjoying herself at his expense. She gradually slid her gigantic erection through the freshly created hole further, before a flurry of movement could be heard inside.


“Oh? You didn’t know I was packing heat?” Jessica asked, pressing her waist into the door to invade the smaller man’s personal space as much as humanly possible. A moan slipped from her lips when a tiny pair of hands bat at her gigantic head, followed by a shout of surprise. He probably hadn’t expected her head to be coated in sticky precum.

She thought that things were going well until she heard another door open. What kind of a lunatic had two doors to the same bathroom?! Gradually withdrawing her cock, she raised a bare foot high, and slammed it into the door. The ruined thing was ripped free from its hinges, as well as the numerous locks keeping it in place, and smashed into the shower behind Mike’s slight form. She’d studied this place before knocking on the door and knew there wasn’t any exits on this side of the house, so this was all very much still a game to the giant woman.

Jessica still couldn’t walk through the door like normal, but even that was quickly remedied when she grabbed hold of the space above the frame with her bare hands, and tore it apart as if it were made from tissue paper. Now able to walk into the bathroom, she looked down over her heavy chest and barely noticed the tiny man run through the bathroom’s second door in a desperate bid to put more distance between the two of them.

“What a cute bathroom!” Jessica giggled, stepping into the comparatively tiny restroom. Everything in here was so small! If she tried to wash herself in the shower she wouldn’t even be able to fit her tits, much less the towering spire of flesh jutting from her hips inside of the shower curtains! It looked like it needed something, though…

Rearing a bare foot back, Jessica kicked at the pathetic toilet, breaking the ceramic thing apart with her foot in the blink of an eye. A panicked yelp could be heard from nearby as the sound shocked the fleeing man, before Jessica turned to face down her next obstacle.

Like the prior door, this one had a number of locks set up, but none of them had been placed. She could certainly just open this door if she wanted… or she could scare Mike more by doing whatever the opposite of that was. The question was given no thought, and the answer came easily as she kicked this door open as well, ripping the entire thing completely from its hinges so it slammed to the floor directly in front of her.

“You can’t keep this up, Mike. So why don’t you stop running so we can just talk things out!” Jessica taunted, stepping into a small hallway.

“JUST GO AWAY! I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING TO YOU!” He shouted, though it was muffled.

Jessica smirked. The hallway had three doors in it, and thanks to Mike’s head start she wasn’t completely sure which one he’d stepped into. Thanks to his idiocy in replying to her taunt, she knew that he was in the furthest one. He was probably hiding out in there only now realizing his stupidity. Scared out of his wits, hoping he could do something to stop her.

“You’re being very rude to your guest.” Jessica said, punching through the door frame of the first door in the hallway easily. She ripped it open as she had the others so far, making as much noise as possible as she revealed… a small study.

“I’m guessing you don’t spend a lot of time in there.”


Jessica’s cock throbbed. The desperation in his voice was so palpable he’d lost all common sense. He was so terrified of her he continued to give his location away freely! She’d get to him soon enough, but there was still another door she knew he wasn’t behind, and with a swift punch she broke it apart to reveal… a laundry room.

“I’ll keep this one in mind for later.”

Walking up to the final room, Jessica made sure to stamp her feet loudly so her approach seemed more ominous. There was little reason for subtlety at this point, as she’d effectively trapped him. So instead of ripping this door apart as she had the others, grabbed hold of the doorknob, and pulled it open.

It was locked.

Rolling her eyes in annoyance, she wrenched the knob so hard the lock broke apart, and she was able to pull the door open. Behind the final door was… a bedroom. A very nicely-decorated one, if she was being honest. It looks like he’d spent a lot of money on a lot of extravagances. Which made sense, as Mike seemed like the kind of guy who’d want to impress potential dates with his bedroom.

More importantly for her own purposes, there was no windows and no other doors inside, meaning Mike had to be somewhere. Given that there wasn’t even a closet, his hiding spot seemed pretty obvious to her.

“Where is he?” She said aloud, while carefully stepping into the bedroom. Again her colossal tits proved a problem, but this time her cock was the biggest outlier as she maneuvered her way into the small doorway. She gasped when the huge thing brushed against the door’s frame, before it swung back into position, knocking a vase off a table like a baseball bat.

“Oops.” She said with a mischievous grin as she closed the door behind her. Of course, with a broken lock it would be easy to escape even with the door closed, so she made sure to bend the door itself out of shape so it no longer fit properly into its frame. This way, it could not be opened again. At least not by Mike.

“Now where did my little man go?” Jessica asked, wandering around the room idly and admiring his many things. She’d been in many men’s bedrooms but there were so many little things positioned everywhere she could hardly resist playing ignorant and knocking them aside with her cock. Naturally, she made no effort to hide this fact, as she liked the idea of him being forced to watch all his precious belongings break in her presence. Often after they were smeared with a fresh coating of her precum.

“Think, Jessica.” She said aloud, walking right up to the bed and sliding her bare toes underneath it. “If I were a tiny, weak, pathetic little man who’s about to get his brains fucked out by me… where would I be hiding?”

As she thought she drummed her toes on the floor, casually moving them further under the bed, and bringing them dangerously close to the tiny man hiding underneath. She looked down at her gigantic cock again, and ran a few fingers along its length, then cupped her hefty balls. She was so backed up, and her cock needed to bury itself inside of something soon.

“Geez. Did I go into the wrong room? I have no idea where he could be… or maybe he’s just too small for me to see?” She said, turning around and raising her gigantic ass over his tiny bed. It was barely wide enough to fit over her oversized posterior. Sighing in relief, she sat onto the bed, feeling it sag considerably under her weight, while her heavy balls came to a rest just before the edge of it. Her cock sprang up to attention afterward, slapping between her soft tits with a quiet sound.

“Maybe I should just have a nap and look for him later?” She asked, grabbing hold of her undersized tank top and pulling it over her head. As the garment fluttered to the floor, revealing her naked chest, she pretended to yawn, and slid her ass back further onto the bed.


All at once a tiny pair of hands scrambled out from under the sinking bed, hoping to break out. Jessica looked down at the small hands dragging a body out from under the bed between her legs, and waited until he had pulled himself fully halfway out of his hiding spot. He obviously didn’t know that the door had been ruined, and must have been operating purely on a survival instinct.

It would be probably be helpful if he didn’t notice the door just yet, though.

“Hey.” She said, bringing a bare foot up and planting it onto Mike’s tiny back. Jessica’s huge, warm foot settled onto his back, keeping him pinned completely to the floor. The sudden touch startled Mike, and he reacted so violently he more closely resembled a helpless insect knocked onto its back than a man.


“Shh…” Jessica whispered, moving her other foot next to the small man. Digging her toes under his chest, she flicked him onto his back. He got quite the eyeful as he got to see her bare tits now, as well as the huge cock resting between them.

From inside of the bathroom he’d only had a moment to process it, but without anything distracting him it seemed even bigger than it had prior. The absolute biggest cock he’d ever seen stretched far above him, attached to the biggest woman he’d ever met. Her thighs were bigger around than his chest, while he seriously wondered how much each of her giant tits weighed, and if they were heavier than him. And then there was her cock…

His own tiny erection stirred underneath the bed, and he was thankful that it could not be seen. The massive slab of meat rose between Jessica’s legs like a proud spire even as it vanished between her breasts. She was like a living edifice of sex appeal sitting directly above him. It wasn’t what he was into himself, but it would be hard to deny how utterly attractive she was, even as he looked down at the well-maintained foot planted on his chest. Every part of her was just so… big. And so soft. He could feel the heat from her huge soles spread all over him, and his every breath was filled with a warm, pleasant aroma that wafted off of them.

“Jessica, please, just let me explain-“

“Not yet.” She interrupted, moving her bare foot up to plant it over Mike’s tiny face. She smiled as his tiny gasping breaths moved across the bottom of her foot, and she applied more pressure to his tiny nose between her toes. Pulses of pleasure traveled up the length of her cock, and she looked down at the river of pre consistently spewing from its tip to slide down her considerable length.

“You made me do an awful lot of chasing to get to you. Why don’t you make it up and help my feet out?” Jessica asked, pressing her bare soles into both sides of the pathetically small man’s head. His skull was so tiny between her feet it would have been easy to crush it where she sat. Not only that, but she was no stranger to ending previous sexual encounters in similar ways. Listening as a pathetic mewling figure under her toes begged and cried for mercy. Feeling their features break and deform under her warm soles. Hearing that ominous CRACK as a tiny skull buckled, and being so enthralled by the sensation that she would put all her force into it the next chance she got. Digging her big, meaty toes around in the gray matter left behind, while working herself to climax.

Jessica shivered, then count down from ten to calm herself.

Mike, however, was not doing as told.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, looking down at the small face framed by her soles. “What, do you think you’re too good to kiss my feet, Mike? Just pretend like I’m that car you mentioned. And you’re… inflating my tires? I guess. Whatever. It’s a stupid comparison you made in the first place.”

Jessica slapped Mike’s tiny face with one foot, and when he winced in pain she mashed the toes of her other foot into his mouth. A devious smile formed on her face as Mike gasped for air as Jessica’s toes were so big they filled his mouth completely. The giant woman casually scrubbed her digits around inside of the moist hole for several seconds as he attempted to cry for help.

“Are you going to kiss my feet now?”

Mike remained rebellious. At least, that’s what it looked like. With his tongue held between her toes and most of his face hidden behind a foot it was sort of hard to tell. All that mattered is his hands didn’t immediately move up to massage her feet, so she considered that another instance of disobedience.

“Mike, there’s a few things you have to learn today.” Jessica said, twirling her hair around a finger. “The first is, you do as I say. Or else.”

Punctuating that statement, Jessica drove her big toes into Mike’s mouth with far more strength than she’d used on him up to this point. Tiny screams immediately reverberated around her feet, sending a fresh surge of pleasure through her cock as her casual movement knocked more than a few of his teeth loose. With blood spurting around her toes she squeezed his tongue a few times, threatening to rip it out before releasing, and pulling her foot out.

A quiet gurgling sound came from Mike’s throat as he tried to deal with the excessive amount of blood and saliva filling his mouth, and he began to spit in-between cries of pain to better let himself breathe.

“The next time you disobey will be much worse. Got that, Mikey?” Jessica asked, smiling sweetly as a small spurt of precum dripped from her cock and onto Mike’s chest far below. He nodded as best he could while tears welled in his eyes.

“Good, but now you went and got my toes covered in your wretched blood..” Jessica said, rolling her eyes as she looked at the mess he’d created after she’d knocked so many teeth loose. “So why don’t you go ahead and clean that up?”

Mike’s bright-red tongue came out and pressed itself against the warm flesh of Jessica’s sole, and the giant woman smiled in satisfaction. She stretched her arms over her head, and looked past the massive cock obscuring her view of the action below. Idly stroking the meaty appendage, she cooed to draw Mike’s eyes upwards as he stared at the huge woman pleasuring her immense cock.

“You’re doing a great job down there, Mike. Just look how excited She is!” Jessica laughed, moving her foot forward so her heel came to a rest over his face. Twisting it back and forth for a bit, Jessica felt more waves of pleasure course through her body as Mike squealed in discomfort and a fresh burst of blood splashed out of his nose and onto her heel.

“That’s a shame.” She finally said, pulling her foot away and looking down at the prone figure beneath her. Mike’s face twitched in discomfort as he wanted to nurse the nose she’d just broken, but with both of his hands trapped he was completely at the giant woman’s mercy. His eyes sparkled with fresh tears as he tried to blink them away.

“Alright. It’s obvious you’re just not good at this kind of thing.” Jessica said, rolling her eyes as she leaned to the side to ease the pressure on Mike’s chest. Though sitting in this position was awkward, Mike weighed so little she was easily able to rip him out from under the bed, and hold him in front of her.

Mike’s eyes could only go wide as he was confronted face to face with the giant woman who had so casually injured his face. He tried locking eyes with her, but was unable to meet her gaze as the utter contempt she wore was too much to bare. He could only look away in shame, but even that was a terrifying notion, as her mighty cock was sandwiched between the two of them.

Without exchanging any words, Jessica casually grabbed hold of Mike’s shirt. He immediately tried to pull the cloth out of her fingers, but she wasn’t deterred as her hand yanked back and ripped it off his body entirely. His skinny chest now exposed, Mike tried covering himself up as the mighty shaft between them bobbed at the sight, then rest on his chest.

“Nice.” She said matter-of-factly, running a finger along the small man’s chest. He was thin all over, but not enough to be skeletal. Just enough to hide his ribs, and not much else. Her cock throbbed again at the thought of pressing her erection into his tiny body, and watching as he struggled to take it. A fresh surge of precum spat from her tip, drooling all over Mike’s chest.

Mike opened his mouth to scream, but doing so only drew fresh waves of pain leading him to cover it with both hands after. The giantess paid little mind to his outburst, and instead hooked her fingers into the top of his little jeans. Why he was still dressed like he was planning on going out at this hour was beyond her, but it would be coming off no matter what he was wearing so it didn’t really matter.

“Let’s see what you’re working with down here.” Jessica said, and with a quick flick of her wrist tore his jeans free from his lower body with a violent ripping sound. Mike’s tiny hands immediately rushed to cover himself up, but Jessica brushed them away with two fingers as she looked at what he had hidden underneath.

“Tighty whities?” She asked, smirking at the sight. “That must be so convenient. My options for underwear are pretty limited, as you can probably tell.” She said, gesturing to hard pole pressing between the pair. “They look good on you, but I think they’ll look better on the floor.”

She hooked her finger into his underwear, and again Mike resisted. His hands lowered to try and pull the waistband back up, but Jessica was relentless and forced them down around his ankles quickly. Before she could get a good look his hands moved down, and she again had to push them away to get a clear view.

She knew his cock would be nothing compared to her own. For innumerable reasons, really. But she wasn’t expecting… this. The little nub between his legs looked more like a nipple than a penis, and she cooed audibly at the sight of it. Having a hard time believing what she was looking at was real, she looked back up at his face that was no longer bright red from just the blood smeared all over it.

“I don’t believe you.” She said. “Err, about not being a virgin.” She quickly corrected herself. “Mostly because I can’t believe anyone you may have had the opportunity to put that in would have considered that penetration.” She said, running a finger along the minuscule lump of flesh between Mike’s legs.

Again, she stopped suddenly. Her eyes narrowed as she touched it again, and watched it bounce back into place.

“AND YOU’RE HARD, TOO?!” She shouted incredulously, bursting into laughter at the tiny man’s expense. “I can’t believe this.” She giggled, picking him up and positioning him over her enormous cock. In the middle of all her laughing she dropped Mike onto her erection so it sagged under his weight, but managed to hold him up before he could fall off entirely.

Jessica clenched, and watched as Mike scrambled to hold himself onto the huge erection as it bobbed up and down. As with the rest of her body, Jessica’s cock was incredibly powerful, and her great size enabled her to do a lot of things most others could never dream. This was just one she’d discovered several partners back, but even she was amazed at how much easier it was to carry Mike in this way. Though he was still groaning in pain, he found it within himself to cover his face out of embarrassment, as his pathetic nub was sticking straight out of his crotch looking like a thimble sitting on a log.

“Look at that, Mike! She can carry you all Her own!”

“Please… just let me go.”

All the humor in Jessica’s face vanished, and she grabbed Mike by the throat. With a savage throw she sent his tiny body flying into a wall, where he collided with a powerful THUD and collapsed into a pile on the floor. He gasped for air, and could only watch with fresh tears wetting his eyes as his giant attacker stood from his bed and walked after him.

“Get up.”

Not wanting to anger her any further, Mike shambled to his feet as best he could. He hiccupped several times and could feel blood pool in the back of his throat while he looked straight ahead. His eyeline was even with Jessica’s cock, and his heart sunk when she took a step forward. Raising his head to beg her not to do whatever it was she had in mind, he found the words caught in his throat when the fragrant head of Jessica’s cock pinned his neck to the wall.

“Apologize to Her.” She said, pointing to the cock she was wielding like a weapon. He tried to look down, but found his head was stuck firm in this current position. Jessica’s cock felt like her own arm had a second prior when she’d thrown him, keeping him from moving his head in any way.

Mike tried to find the willpower to do as asked. He hadn’t realized it until he needed to speak, but Jessica’s cock was slowly sliding up the wall as she held him in place. He was already standing on his tiptoes as the monstrous appendage threatened to choke the life out of him, and he could only grab it with both hands in a fruitless attempt to push it away from him.

“That’s not the answer I was looking for.”

“I’m… sorry.” He gasped, his face starting to turn blue. He looked up at her in fear, hoping that was good enough.

The looming giantess considered his plea for several seconds, then shrugged. Stepping back, she released him from his elevated position, leaving him to cough violently, red flecks shooting all over the floor as he did so.

“Sorry, Mike. But it’s not up to me. You’ve got to tell Her you’re sorry.” She said, pointing to her cock and stepping forward again. This time she didn’t mash her cock into his body at all, but the forward momentum pressed it the huge tip into the wall where it slid upward. Another step forward brought her so close to Mike she consumed his entire field of vision, while her huge, churning balls came to rest just in front of Mike’s face.

“Show Her how sorry you are.” Jessica ordered, grabbing hold of her cock with one hand and idly stroking it. Mike could only look at the huge sack resting on his face, feeling slightly perturbed about the sounds they were making. Figuring she wanted him to show some act of subservience towards them, he grabbed hold of her balls as best he could with both hands.

He could feel them pulse in his fingers. He didn’t quite know exactly what that sensation was, but his soft touch led a fresh spurt of precum to leak from Jessica’s tip, and slide down the wall to pool on his hair. He squinted in discomfort, and tried to move her balls into position so he could plant a kiss on them as asked.

They were too heavy.

Jessica giggled from above.

“Really, Mike? I could tell by looking at you that you were weak, but this goes beyond the pale.” She taunted, swinging her hips from side to side so her hefty balls swung into his face. “But she appreciates your efforts. Why don’t you give it another shot?”

He didn’t want to do that. He could tell as soon as he’d tried he wouldn’t be able to, but didn’t want to risk any further retaliation. The searing pain overtaking most of his mental processes was rather distracting and he’d have done anything to prevent more of that. Taking a deep breath, he filled his lungs with the thick scent coming off the testicles as big around as his head, and tried to push them away.

His small fingers pressed into the warm, wrinkled skin but when he tried his damnedest to move them he was met with the same impasse. Everything about this woman’s monstrous cock was too big and had thoroughly demoralized him. All he wanted to do now was curl up into a ball and let her cum on him or whatever it was she had in store.

“You’re nothing but a string of disappointments, are you Mike?” She asked, palming Mike’s head with one hand and burying his face into her heavy balls as she stepped away. She smiled at the sensation, and could feel more wads of precum dribble from her cock. She’d been edging herself for so long she was about ready to cum from teasing him alone.

“Come on, Mike.” She said, throwing him by back onto his bed by his head. He rolled over on impact, as Jessica’s gigantic ass had irreparably ruined many of the springs and left a huge divot behind. While he struggled to right himself, Jessica walked up to the bed, dropped to knees, and held her balls with both hands.

“Open wide, Mike!” Jessica taunted, dropping her balls onto his face. He instantly became a flurry of activity as his already wounded nose and face were severely agitated by having the hefty weight plopped onto his face. His screams of pain reverberated under Jessica’s sack nicely, rapidly depleting his limited air supply as they threatened to smother the life out of him.

“Hold on… I need to see something.” Jessica said, grabbing her cock and lowering it so it laid flat against Mike’s skinny little body. With her balls resting on his face she watched in amazement as her gigantic cock stretched long past his throat, his chest, and came to a rest just in front of his own tiny cock. Leaning forward, she pinched the tiny little nub between two fingers, and rubbed them together.

To her great amusement, a small splash of pearly white liquid dripped from his cock almost instantly, splashing the tip of her own. He was so teeny he could have probably slid the entire thing inside of her cock with room to spare! Such a uniquely inadequate person was almost enough to make her regret what would be coming soon.

But… she did have needs that should be tended to.

While Mike’s struggles weakened underneath her, Jessica raised her hefty cock, and slapped it onto Mike’s chest. Not expecting that, the small boy’s hands let go of the balls resting on his face, and tried to shield himself from any further blows.

Jessica was not deterred. She hefted her hard cock with one hand again, and slapped the entire length against his torso. She didn’t do so particularly hard, as she knew she could do a considerable amount of damage with her size alone. Finding out that she could crush ribs by swinging her cock like a club was a true learning experience for the giant woman, and though she loved watching Mike cry out in pain it was not the ending she wanted for them.

“Mike, I don’t think we can keep this up any longer.” Jessica said, raising herself slightly and backing away. Immediately the small man began to cough, and beg for air as his bloodied face was smeared with her sweat. He clutched his mouth and nose as best he could, and writhed in agony on his bed. There was no sympathy to be found from the enormous woman who looked down at him while massaging her length.

“I mean, look what you’ve done to Her.” She said, wrapping both hands around her mighty cock as best she could, and waving it above his face. “Your mewling cries for forgiveness. Those fat salty tears of yours, and especially that little… thing that I seriously can’t believe is actually a dick. You’ve gone and made Her all excited.” She cooed, stroking the top of her cock like it was a pet she needed to calm down.

Mike could only look up as best he could. With blood in his eyes and sweat covering his mouth he found it difficult to focus on what she was saying.

“You need to take responsibility for what you’ve done.” Jessica said, picking him up as casually as one would a bottle of water. “Just help Her out with that, and we’ll both leave you alone. I think all the repairs this place is gonna need will have been punishment enough, and you’ll never see either of us again.”

Mike nodded his head furiously, before clutching his jaw in pain.

“Good.” Jessica said flatly, picking Mike up by the ribs and carrying him over her gigantic cock. She sat his tiny, flat ass on the head of her cock, and looked up at him. He looked back down at her in confusion, not sure what she was talking about.

Then, she began to push him down.

Almost immediately Jessica’s enormous cock spat a fresh, warm load of precum all over Mike’s ass. She smiled, and figured she would need more leverage below the belt if she was going to insert herself proper. At her size it was trivial for her long fingers to wrap around his thighs entirely, though it made it a bit more difficult to hold onto him.

“I hope you’re fucking ready Mike.” She said. Licking her lips, Jessica steeled her nerves, then violently yanked him down as hard as she could manage.

Two resounding cracking sounds echoed around the bedroom, followed near-instantly a distressing scream of pain as both of Mike’s legs were broken in Jessica’s big hands. The giantess couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Her cock was so unbelievably big compared to the hole she was trying to jam it into that her master plan for getting it in ended with both his thighs cracked in half! Why had she thought that would work?

“Oops.” Was all she said by way of apology before moving her hands back up his body. She really thought that would do the trick, but it clearly hadn’t and now he was screaming bloody murder! What a noisy little thing, she thought, covering his mouth with one hand and bringing his tear-filled face closer to her.

“Don’t worry, Mike.” She whispered as he screamed his lungs out over her fingers. “She always manages to get in.”

Moving both her hands back to Mike’s ribs, she grabbed hold of him tightly, and began to push his body down with all of her considerable strength. She’d hoped she could just yank it down and impale him, for some variety, but it seemed as if bones as small as his just weren’t strong enough to withstand that kind of pressure from a woman of Jessica’s caliber.

So it was back to the ol’ slow and steady. Mike’s cries for pain were intermixed between pained attempts at begging her not to do what it had quickly become obvious she intended to, but she paid them no mind. More precum spat from her cock to ease the impossible task ever so slightly, and she repositioned her colossal head under his minuscule balls.

“Look at this.” She said, tickling his tiny testicles with her fingertips. “It’s hard to believe that we’ve got the same thing down there, isn’t it?”

And with that final bit of taunting, she began to really and truly push his body down. There was no reason it seemed like it should work, but Jessica was an expert at sticking her cock in places that were… resistant to her whims. A good deal of twisting and enough downward pressure to put a hydraulic press to shame were excellent starts, and when Mike’s pained screams took on a decidedly shrill quality she knew she was making progress.

“You’re doing great, buddy!”

Jessica smiled as she felt the hole that seemed like a pinprick in comparison to her gigantic organ stretch in preparation of accepting the huge thing. Mike began to flail wildly, sending fresh waves of horrific pain through his body as his still-broken legs protested such a stupid decision.

“Oh, I was talking to Her.” Jessica said, feeling the need to correct herself. “Not you, Mike. You’re actually doing a pretty piss-poor job.”

The tip of Jessica’s cock entered Mike slowly, and carefully. She cooed in pleasure, and looked down at the sight before her. Mike’s pathetic penis was flopping uselessly over the brutish rod working its way through him, and she breathed a sigh of relief now that she felt she had enough leverage.

“Hold your breath, Mike.” Jessica said, hugging his body closer to her as his tiny form vanished between her pillowy breasts.

And with a sudden downward thrust, Jessica slammed Mike’s frail body down the spire of her cock with a horrific fleshy ripping noise. The sensation was phenomenal, as she was again greeted by that pleasant sensation of an orifice surrendering to her might. Taking her gigantic girth in by whatever means necessary, and gripping her so tightly that any movement sent fresh waves of pain through her prey’s body.

Jessica loved this feeling. She lived for it. Taking someone who so clearly didn’t want any part of this and thrusting herself into their pathetic form was a sensation she felt would never get old to her, and she gradually pushed her cock out from between her tits to check out the damage.

The sight was, as expected, grotesque. A pink foam was coming out of Mike’s mouth as he struggled to breathe with the colossal invader tearing apart his insides. Only about half of Jessica’s cock had slid into him, but it was obvious that his tiny form was not intended to contain such a huge thing. The outline of her mighty member was visible clear as day through his little chest, and when she flexed she watched his entire body bobble as he twitched from the sensation.

“I knew you could do it!” Jessica said, congratulating her cock as she rubbed her fingers along the outline of its head through Mike’s body. She stroked herself through his body, treating him like a living fleshlight as she closed her eyes and focused on the pleasant sensations his writhing soon-to-be corpse provided.

Jessica hadn’t ever been with a man as small as Mike, before. Her partners were usually more capable of accepting this, though they all ended up the same way. As a doll clinging to life on the end of her cock, waiting for it to end. But Mike seemed almost special, in a way. Everything about him was so small she had a feeling if she could get just a little bit further inside…

“Don’t you dare fucking die on me yet, Mike.” Jessica spat, feeling overwhelmed by pleasure as she grabbed hold of the fleshy sleeve clinging to her body, and pulled it down again. Fresh screams of pain came from her living fleshlight as she did so, but she didn’t mind. It was just more fuel to add to her upcoming orgasm.

“Oh… FUCK!” Jessica screamed, shoving Mike back between her tits as she pushed his ruined body just a few more inches down her cock. She could feel his muscles tear and his organs shift as she did so, as it provided a bit of pleasant stimulation to her cock. She closed her eyes, and focused on what she could feel with those extra inches.

A dull, muted thumping. And a soft, rhythmic massaging sensation of something squishy pressing into her cock. Normally she’d have to drive her cock all the way into an unfortunate soul to feel things like this, but Mike’s petite frame meant she reached it at only three quarters of the way in. Exhaling, she looked down at the head situated between her tits, and ruffled his hair. She’d thrust her mighty pole straight up his body so far that she could feel his heart beat against the head, and his labored breathing massage her cock with her lungs.

She could have sat there for hours and enjoyed herself, but she knew that it wasn’t going to work that way. Mike was barely there as it was, and those extra few inches sent a fresh wave of blood and bile up his throat to spill all over his naked chest. She smiled when fresh tears welled up in the corner of his eyes, before sliding down his face.

Jessica didn’t let them. She was o aroused at the sight of this pitiable man living his final moments in excruciating pain she slipped her tongue out from between her plush lips. Plastering the wet organ across his cheek, she gave his face a long, languid lick, tasting his fat tears on as he moaned in discomfort.

“Mike I hope you learned your lesson.” She gasped, pulling his body away from her cleavage to watch him gasp for air that would never reach his pushed-aside lungs. “You should always respect others. You never know when someone might just break into your house and fuck you to death.” She concluded, smiling warmly at the barely-conscious man impaled on her cock.

With that final message, Jessica began to slowly pump Mike’s body up and down her erection. Bones cracked, organs were pulped, and his tiny body convulsed as the invading pole threatened to tear him apart at any moment. Her fingers left huge bruises on his chest as she pushed him roughly, and she could even feel chunks of his skin slough off from the rough treatment. He wanted desperately to cry out in pain again to make his pain be heard, but even the quiet groans had become impossible, as Jessica’s cock rubbed against his vocal chords.

A rush of pleasure flooded Jessica’s entire being as she held his body by both hands, and began to drive it down even further. It wasn’t enough for her invading cock to separate his ribcage and break his sternum in one go. It wasn’t enough for his heart and lungs to be pushed aside as the gigantic cock traveled inexorably further up. It wasn’t enough for the head of her cock to begin bulging up his throat.

Try as she might to continue holding back, Jessica knew she didn’t have much more in her. She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes as she heard Mike choking on a cock that had entered his body from the wrong side. He would be passing any second now, but she ran her hands up and down the length of his torso, masturbating herself from the outside. Waves of pleasure rocked her entire body, threatening to consume her own consciousness as well.

But if Mike could hold on through all of the mind-searing pain racking his psyche, then she could maintain her hold through the unbelievable pleasure. Biting her bottom lip, Jessica felt herself crest that final hill, and her eyes went wide in surprise.

Jessica opened her own mouth to scream, but found no words came out. Her hefty balls pulsed, and squealed as her cock bobbed violently with the man stuck to it. She watched in excitement as first a small spurt of pearly white cum dribbled out of Mike’s mouth, and onto Jessica’s chest.

A split-second later, the back of Mike’s jaw and head were completely torn apart as a geyser of boiling cum exploded out of his throat, and struck the roof of Mike’s bedroom with such force that it gouged a hole into it. A second burst followed, this one tinged pink as a number of small, hard objects she assumed to be Mike’s teeth came with it and punched a second hole into mike’s ceiling.

The bruising on Mike’s upper body quickly turned an ugly shade of black, and Jessica’s own attempts at jerking herself off grew so violent it felt as if he were literally being torn in half from her ministrations. Through it all she kept focused on Mike, wanting to not miss what she was building herself up towards.

Hidden beneath the calamity of yet another hole being punched into his ceiling, Jessica finally heard it. A quiet rattle in Mike’s lungs, as he breathed his last. What little light remained in his eyes vanished, and his body convulsed ever so slightly.

“That’s it for you, Mike!” Jessica taunted, grabbing hold of both his hands as they dangled lifelessly next to her cock. With a fresh burst of strength she pulled them back as far as they could go, enjoying the sound of snapping bone and tearing flesh. Nearly delirious with pleasure, Jessica let go so his abnormally lengthened arms came to dangle under her killer cock, as she aimed the huge thing around the bedroom.

Treating her cock like a weapon, she delighted in just watching all of Mike’s precious possessions fall prey to her mind-numbing orgasm. A huge TV was knocked from its stand as sizzling cum smashed it in half. A second shot followed shortly after, hitting the wall behind it like a grenade and spraying everything around her white. A third shot worked its way up her length, and she turned to the side to make sure she got ample coverage of the small man’s bedroom. It had been some time since Jessica had come quite this hard, and could feel her huge balls tensing with every additional spurt that came out of her cock.

For three long, uninterrupted minutes Jessica continued to spray cum all over Mike’s bedroom. No stranger to long orgasms, even she was surprised by just how much pleasure she was able to wring out of his body, and as the final spurts of hot jizz dribbled out the tip of what used to be Mike’s throat, she could only smile.

The room was an absolute mess. It looked as if some unruly mischief-maker had broken into it and thrown white paint onto absolutely every surface. Not a one of Mike’s belongings was not despoiled by Jessica’s cum. Even better, not a drop of Mike’s blood could be seen, so thorough was her orgasm in covering nearly everything. A profound sense of disappointment now that it was all over began to flow through Jessica’s huge form. Her cock gradually began to deflate, finally satisfied now that it had claimed another life.

“It smells like sex in here.” She said to herself, not sure what to do now. After such a lovely fuck she usually liked to unwind with a quiet nap, and rest for the night. But… the entire room had been thoroughly drenched in her cum. Not that her excessive cum bothered her, but going to sleep on a soaking-wet bed, regardless of what it was covered in didn’t sound particularly nice.

“Fuck.” She whispered, looking over her naked body, then back to the dangling body sliding down her cock. Now that it was no longer hard it was much more manageable, and the weight of what was left of Mike’s body was beginning to remove itself with the help of gravity. Shrugging her shoulders, Jessica grabbed Mike’s ruined legs, and slid him off of her cock entirely, before turning him around to check out the damage.

It looked like his body had been at ground zero near an explosion. His arms and legs were utterly ruined. His chest had been simultaneously stretched out from her invasive cock, and looked oddly compressed after that same cock had cracked all of the ribs that normally gave it its shape. The upper half of his head flopped around useless after it took the full brunt of her cum.

Picking up the back of his head, Jessica looked over the still face, and frowned. He didn’t look nearly as cute as he had a few minutes prior, and she was almost ashamed to have spent a night with him. Sighing in annoyance, she balled her fingers into a fist, crushing what remained of the tiny skull, and tossing aside his broken body absent-mindedly. It hit the floor with a mushy splash, while she stepped back up.

A powerful kick shattered the door she’d bent out of shape earlier, allowing her to step out of the bedroom. She could figure out how to get out of this in the morning. Until then, she was looking forward to a good nap, and maybe she could try to cram her enormous form into that tiny shower of his. Maybe she could raid his fridge, too. She figured she had a couple days before anyone noticed he was missing, and this was was a really nice place!
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