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Lust: The Harvest

By VivettaVenray


(WARNING: Contains cruelty, vore, absorption, planetary-immolation, gore, strange insides, digestion, and a lot of lewdness among other things.)


(NOTE: This story is part of the "Seven Sinful Size Stories" loose anthology thing I said I'd try to do. This story has a little to do with "Lust".)




Chapter 1: Collection


The construct warped outside Vo’s orbit not even 15 minutes ago. Before the emergency Vomud council even got into their board room to discuss a plan of action, it drew upon their planet with its bright orange light. The presence of the titanium monstrosity dominated the Vo skies.


The humanoid Vomuds lived on the only planet in their system, yet kept prepared for war just in case. One never knows what’s out there lurking the stars, after all. They weren’t advanced enough for post-light detection measures, and so had no intel on any galactic threats. This was their first invader, and it seemed to be quite a doozy.


Free-floating satellites both in and out of orbit helped the silver-skinned sentients get an image on the threat. The construct was clearly artificial, and several time larger than their entire planet. Its open front faced their eastern-hemisphere and emitted an an ‘eye’ of orange light that blacked view of its ‘innards’. Trailing from that opening along the chassis, the synthetic invader’s body widened out to a bulbous end. This made it look something like a rigid, spherical water skin.




Some mechanism started up within that monolithic machine in the sky. Metallic, curved and claw-like ‘teeth’ around its circular ‘mouth’ started to whirl. They rotated around the orange light-eye, which glowed with each word of the invader’s robotic, feminine voice.


“Please minimize movement until harvesting process is complete.” she said.


Her voice rumbled across the world’s surface and, for efficiency, the construct infiltrated into the primitive computer systems of the civilization so as to send the message via the screens and radios of the world.


Gravity on the planet turned strange as the orange light flitted and warbled. People felt light as feathers one moment, then heavy as boulders the next. Strange clanks and bangs echoed loud from its great bulk as unknown devices and mechanisms got to work.


The Vomud weren't just gonna follow instructions of course. Their military lit up the invader with surface-to-space missiles of all sorts, but the planet-dwarfing robot intercepted all projectiles with lasers of its own. The beams of searing red light shot from its metallic surface with the weapons spaced as evenly as pores.


At last this synthetic entity seemed to have found the right tuning of gravity to modulate at the planet, since all the lifeforms and their two-legged vehicles fell stuck to the floor or ground.


All the Vomuds felt heavy. Their more fragile possessions collapsed from the tug but they themselves seemed to survive. There were accidents sure; Many a Vomud hiding under a table got smashed as the top of it compressed down from this new gravity, but for the most part they were alive and immobilized.


Then the planet started to move, up and towards this invader. The billions of lifeforms could only watch in horror as they were drawn into that machine’s mouth. The teeth spun around their world and dispersed a fine mist into their atmosphere once they crossed the threshold into the construct. Their sky turned orange and glossy, as a film now covered them.


Once inside this synthetic super structure, the orange light faded in intensity from blinding to daylight. There were a lot of sights to take in here. A variety of strange devices of all shapes: many held behind a clear translucent barrier of advanced plastic or glass. The Vomuds hardly thought of those though as they saw the most surprising sight in within the machines insides.


Other planets, each with an orange ‘film’ around them.


The worlds were bunched up atop each other like candy in a bag. Planet Vo was drawn to them by some clanging whirring process. The entire Vomud civilization felt waves of dread as they were sure to be crushed on a collision course with some purple-green world, almost twice their size and straight ahead. They were so close they could see in their sky the mushroom-like skyscrapers dotting that world’s cities.


This was it, the moment of impact and... they were fine. The strange orange films of both planets warped slightly as the two worlds made the sound of marbles hitting one another. Otherwise, no harm. Not a single building out of place.


Like a package, they were wrapped up nice and safe in that film, affixed by this gravitational force. The giant machine that ‘ate’ them started up another cacophonous melody of clanks and whizzes. All the sounds faded in the presence of a loud sibilant hum. The orange light flashed brightly in a pulsing rhythm. The mouth of the machine closed like a shutter.


“Prepare for FTL warp in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.” said the voice again.


The machine disappeared from the star system and took its prizes with it. Near-instantly later, it zipped into a new area of space.


Alongside dozens of constructs just like it.

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