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Author's Chapter Notes:
Third chapter! There will be at LEAST a fourth and that'll be coming sometime next month! Don't know about a fifth or more but at the very least a fourth is on the way!

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“We… we can’t just stand our ground! You know what they do to people who don’t do as they say! We should just…”

As Thalia spoke her voice trailed off. Her proposal made since in her head, but as the words were prepared to come out of her mouth they just felt… ridiculous. What, should they just surrender to the cops and see what happens? She knew exactly what would happen! They would be charged with murder! And property damage! What would their defense even be? Excusing homicide as “underestimating my strength” Would be a hell of an excuse, but it wouldn’t gain herself or Lily any mercy from the justice system! They’d think she was insane! And then-

No… it would be worse than that. If push came to shove then they could still prove that they had superpowers. Hell, all of the cops had seen Lily holding a car over her head! That had to be enough… right? They could do more demonstrations afterwards, and then ask for forgiveness… maybe? Would that work? Would they sympathize with the two college-aged girls who’d made a mistake while trying to confront a bully for years of torment?

Of course they wouldn’t.

And even if they did… then what? She and Lily would probably be forced into a laboratory. Spend the rest of their days being experimented on as scientists attempted to figure out their limits! And possibly recreate the conditions that had granted the two of them these wondrous abilities in the first place! Then they could use that knowledge to…

Lily noticed her friend beginning to hyperventilate. It was something she’d always warned the girl about, as her thoughts tended to spiral out of control when she would panic. She just wanted to step closer and comfort her, but knew that any movement on her end that wasn’t dropping to the floor would be an excuse for a swift bullet perforation.

Thalia would have to ride this one out alone. As air left her lungs the girl could only envision increasingly dark things happening to herself, her loved ones, or even the entire world! Visions of jackbooted soldiers enhanced with superpowers invading other countries and going to war over stupid reasons flitted through her mind. She could feel herself sinking into despair. If she and Lily gave up right here then that could mean the end of the world. An arms race between countries on who can create the most powerful super-soldier. All of the death and destruction that would be caused in the process, and then there was-



Thalia snapped out of her thoughts and turned to Lily, who was looking at her friend with worry. She may not have been able to comfort her physically, but she wanted the girl to know that she wasn’t alone in this, and gave her a friendly nod. The warm look reassured Thalia, even as they were being yelled at. Her heart was still racing, but at least she felt like she could finally think again.

“Lily… what do we do?” Thalia asked, her greatest fears now realized. There was no easy solution. She didn’t want her horrible visions of the future to become reality… even if there was one that excited her. At least a little.

She’d tried to push it away initially, but it always bubbled back to the surface. The thought of being able to truly see what she was now capable of was… exciting. If she were experimented on they’d likely be supplying her with all sorts of materials to see what she could do with them. Thoughts of swinging a tank by the barrel like an oversized baseball bat were pleasant, as were images of throwing cruise ships around for fun. The rest of that potential future scared her off, but that singular aspect held a certain appeal.

Thalia swallowed audibly, looked over to Lily, then back to the cops again. Surrender clearly wasn’t an option, but… she would get the chance to flex her muscles if she confronted them. Grisly images of what would be required to make it through this came to the front of her mind, but finding an alternative didn’t seem possible.

“Lily…” She whispered, biting her bottom lip afterward.

Lily looked back to her friend. The brown-skinned girl smiled, and nodded quietly. A knowing look passed between the two of them. Neither of them wanted this. But both of them knew there would be no other way out. Lily had come to that conclusion a minute prior, and though it had taken Thalia a bit more time, she now realized that there wasn’t anything else they could do. At least, not if they wanted to even attempt to go back to something resembling their old lives.


Lily and Thalia both turned at the same moment a hail of gunfire sprayed down the small alleyway. Both instinctively raised their arms to shield themselves from what they still thought could very well have turned out to be a painful, grisly death. Sharp, stinging pain was sure to rip through them at any moment as even their super-powered bodies would fail to resist the hot lead traveling hundreds of miles per hour.

The pain never came.

Bullets plinked pitifully off of their soft skin as they covered themselves. Lily watched with amazement as rounds crumpled against their bodies, falling to the floor uselessly with all their momentum sapped. The two girls looked to one another, a look of confidence forming on each’s face.

“They can’t hurt us.” Lily whispered. Thalia knew that already… but it still felt nice to hear Lily say it out loud.

The pair turned back to the cops. Lily took a moment to lift her shirt over her head, step out of her shoes, and then her skirt as bullets continued whizzing by. Clenching her small hands into fists, she instantly exploded in growth. Her body doubled, tripled, and then quadrupled in size before an astonished crowd. As she did so she reshaped her body ever so slightly, foregoing the petite form she carried around in her day to day life for something curvier, and more exotic. Her hair lengthened, her breasts grew from small mounds to heavy orbs, and her hips flared out so her legs were pushed further apart.

A smiled formed on the giant woman’s face, and she stomped forward. Her foot crashed into the cement loudly, leaving behind a perfect footprint and bouncing every single car in the immediate vicinity. Multiple officers were knocked from their feet, stunned at what they’d just witnessed, and were suddenly hit with something resembling a conscience now that their lives were the ones on the line.

Thalia didn’t give them the time to dwell on it. While they both took a lot of joy out of growing their bodies, Thalia was also incredibly interested in exploring her physical limits. Rather than growing, she bounced on her heels for a moment while plotting out a course for the cars in front of her. Then, taking a deep breath, she broke into a sprint, smiling as her friend’s huge stomp knocked the cops off balance.

The officers were beginning to recover. They raised their weapons again, only barely managing to catch sight of an incredibly fast-moving blur headed straight for them. It seemed to care not for anything that fell into its path, carving straight through their vehicles like butter as it zig-zagged around the area. Unbeknownst to all of them, the blur also took a moment to reach over and shut off any body cameras it spotted, before boomeranging straight back to the front of the pack.

The officer at the front had hardly noticed a thing. The indescribable shape had moved around so quickly he wasn’t even aware all of the cars had been disabled. He only raised his weapon to fire at the giant woman again.

And the next instant his body was gone. The blur traveled straight through his body like it was just another obstacle, converting a fully grown adult man into a fine, bloody mist. The blur stopped, revealing the excitable form of Thalia, who looked over her body and was ecstatic to see that she had run through the guy so fast that none of his remains stuck to her.

“LILY! DID YOU SEE THAT! I WAS MOVING SO FAST!” She shouted up at her giant friend excitedly.

Lily responded with a polite nod, then finished closing the distance between herself and the rest of the cops. Some had managed to recover from the first stomp and trained their weapons on her, while others had instead moved to pointing at Thalia who had suddenly appeared in their midst. Lily didn’t care, as she simply raised a bare foot high over the officers directly underneath her, ready to experience what it felt like to crush a live human with her feet

This wasn’t just her imagination running wild, and it wasn’t just another empty vehicle. Part of her psyche demanded she feel some form of remorse for what she was about to do, but it was completely smothered by the raging fire of arousal over the idea of how much power she held to be listened to.

“SO LONG!” She giggled, and slammed her foot down onto the nearest uniformed man.

As with Thalia, it had been no contest. Lily’s bare sole came down onto the standing individual like she was crushing a can of soda, only he crumpled significantly easier. He cried out in terror for just a moment, before he found his face pressed into the bottom of Lily’s soft sole. He resisted for a moment, noting how soft and pliant the sole was, before the giantess’s weight fell upon him and crushed him flat.

The rest of the cops in the immediate area shouted in surprise. They had only a moment to digest what had just occurred before a tremendous spray of gore shot out from under the giantess’s sole, covering them in their fellow officer’s remains.

Most had come to the conclusion that they should probably try to escape when they’d seen their bullets bounce off of the petite girl’s form harmlessly. Not wanting to be known as the first one to chicken out and leave, they all stayed. Now it was too late, and they could only watch as things grew exponentially more dangerous with every second waited.

After that display, every single one of them wanted out. Bodies fought against one another to try and get into their cars, only to have the vehicles themselves fall apart. None had even realized that Thalia had run through them for the sheer joy of feeling a vehicle shear apart against her body, and they were well and truly trapped with the pair.

Loud screams echoed into the night.

Thalia was efficient in her disposal of the uniformed men. She smiled with joy as she wrapped her small hands around big men’s necks, and crushed their throats with but a clench of her fingers. She grinned while wrapping her arms around a man’s midsection, and hugged him so hard that his spine snapped backwards. She laughed when one man tried to avoid the painful deaths of those around him by raising his own gun to the side of his skull.

With super-perception Thalia caught sight of this, and was on him in the blink of an eye. Time seemed to slow for the young woman as he watched the muscles in his fingers tense in excruciating detail. She had a feeling she could have pushed this ability even further to perceive the following instants over the course of hours, but she was eager to see the man’s reaction. From his perspective the trigger was pulled, the loud crack of a firing gun echoed into the night… and nothing. He looked to the side, feeling something brush against his face that wasn’t there before, and gasped.

Thalia was standing next to him, grinning widely. As if she were a cartoon character she’d stuffed her index finger down the barrel of his weapon, and completely stopped the bullet from ever leaving. He broke into a panic, tossed the gun aside, and tried to run away, but was tripped by the small woman before he could finish his first step.

“Oops.” Thalia giggled, walking over and past him. The defeated officer could only curl up into a ball now that he had the powerful woman’s full, undivided attention, and she couldn’t help but frown in disappointment. The chase had been short, but she couldn’t deny the thrill that ran through her body as she could drink in the man’s terror from up close. She wanted more of that, but he seemed so thoroughly cowed it didn’t seem like she’d get any more out of this.

With a shrug of her shoulders, Thalia strolled up to the man’s head, gingerly placing her heel atop his skull. With excruciating slowness she gradually pressed down, smiling to herself as she watched his hands shoot up to try and stop her from having her fun. She could never be overpowered by someone so weak, however, and he could only beg for mercy as her foot exerted thousands of times more pressure than a hydraulic press, and flattened his skull into a messy puddle under her sneakers.

Wiping her foot backwards, Thalia looked over the rest of the gathered officers, eager to see what they thought. Those who had seen were quite perturbed by the look of obvious satisfaction she wore, but most were focused on the other, far larger threat looming overhead.

Lily had turned into a rampaging monster. One that carved her way through the crowd with a smile. She bent over to pick up screaming officers, bending them in half until their spines snapped in two. She grabbed hold of one man by the legs, ignoring his sputtering cries as she pulled him apart until she was held two separate pieces of him. His insides hadn’t even fully spilled out of his body before she had picked up her next victim, and brought him to her newly-inflated chest with a firm hug.

With astounding power she crushed his body against her superior form with ease. Ribs cracked, his spine snapped, and pathetic little fists tried to push her away. The giant woman took great joy in his last moments, then pushed her gigantic breasts together. For just a moment his skull molded to the soft flesh, before splattering between them like an overly ripe melon. She smiled, letting what remained of his body slop onto the ground in front of her, before turning towards the final officer.

The last man took a step backwards. He hadn’t even realized that he was the last man standing until he whipped his head from side to side. Now he had the full, undivided attention of the girls who had utterly destroyed every officer who’d come after them. He searched his mind for a way out, or a way to convince them to spare him, but he could see no options. He was here to protect and serve, dammit! What was he supposed to do against a threat like this?! His weapons had proven useless, the vehicles were disabled, and he had serious doubts that any amount of backup would rescue him. Unless their numbers were so numerous they could literally act as a living shield between himself and the girls.

“D-DON’T HURT ME!” he squealed, his voice cracking. He didn’t know what else to say.

Thalia took a step forwards.

The man gasped, and fell backwards. He looked up as the excited woman approached, while the naked giantess walked closer so she loomed over the both of them. His bottom lip quivered as he looked around. He was still alone. He could only think of one thing to do at this point.

Clasping both of his hands together, he began to beg. Wild sentences strung together in his mind as his pleading made hardly any sense. He just wanted to appeal to whatever sense of mercy remained in the pair and hope they could forgive him for firing at them. He acknowledged their inherent superiority over himself, and the rest of humanity. He offered to worship them, drop to his knees and kiss their toes. Perhaps even become their acolyte, do anything if it meant that they would let him live!

Thalia’s response was to grab his collar.

The gibberish the man was speaking devolved even further. Fat tears formed in the corner of his eyes before streaming down his cheeks.

“Lily.” Thalia said, looking back at her friend looming over her with a grin. “Catch.”

Whipping her arm back, Thalia tossed the man she held onto straight up into the air. She hadn’t put an excessive amount of force into the throw, and was still very satisfied to see him fly well over a hundred feet straight into the air. His screams faded as he ascended at such incredible speeds he found it hard to breathe. Both girls watched, eager for the inevitable.

A second later, he began to descend. His arms and legs flailed wildly, hoping to find something to break his fall. Anything that could prevent him from cracking every single bone in his body on the hard concrete below. There were a lot of ways he thought it could all end, but falling from a great height had to be among the worst of them!

Thankfully, a way out did eventually present itself.

As he fell he caught sight of the giant, naked woman smiling up at him. He hoped that she was planning on catching him, and wasn’t just going to throw him again. Or do something even worse. So when she opened her mouth, and positioned herself so he would be falling directly inside he swore he could feel his sanity snap in half.

Thankfully, he wouldn’t have to deal with the after-effects of that for long.

A second later he slammed inside of Lily’s open mouth. She caught him with ease, but he was a bit too big to comfortably land on her tongue or slide straight down her throat. His arms and legs caught her bottom teeth, bending for only a split-second before cracking ominously as the rest of him splashed onto a squishy tongue. He groaned in pain, hardly noticing anything as the mouth around his head closed, cutting him off from the outside world.

Lily could tell immediately that he was too big to swallow. At least, he would have been if she was a normal human. If she had simply grown to about twenty-five feet or so in height she could see herself choking on this man the size of a submarine sandwich. And in front of Thalia, too! That would have been embarrassing.

She had a bit more faith in her abilities now, though. While the upper limits had yet to be tested, she leaned her head back, and let the small man slide to the back of her throat. He yelped in surprise, but couldn’t fight against it as his limbs had been damaged too extensively to resist in any meaningful capacity.

Lily was able to close her mouth entirely, and waited. She knew well how the digestive system worked, and she wanted to see if her hypothesis would prove true. It would undoubtedly be… thrilling if it were. And if it failed? Well, she could always just spit him out and crush him.

While the last remaining officer used his good arm to try and push himself back up to the giant woman’s lips, he grabbed hold of the back of her throat for leverage. It was only intended to be a handhold. A lifeline that would allow him to drag himself up and try, no matter how hopeless it seemed, to get out of here in one piece.

So he was very surprised when he felt the giant woman’s throat close around his hand. The muscles yanked him down, and he cried out in surprise when he felt himself be dragged further into the back of the woman’s throat.

With her mouth completely filled, Lily’s lips curled up into a smile.

That was just the first part. Her throat detected there was food that needed to be carried into her stomach, and responded in kind. Normally food didn’t try to put up a fight as it went down, but given the extreme strength disparity between the two of them Lily could not foresee that being an issue. The scared man suddenly realized what was happening and began to scream, crying out for mercy from the giant woman who was making a snack out of him.

Neither of the girls listened.

His arm was dragged further inside her throat. Given the woman’s size it was uncomfortably tight as she did so, making it even more difficult to break free. Another swallow followed, and he was pulled in up to his shoulder. He kicked at the giant teeth behind him as he considered using his shattered arm for more leverage.

Lily’s throat was relentless. More of his body was dragged down the fleshy tube, quickly making it painfully obvious he would not be able to win this fight. Another swallow, and his head was captured as well. The giantess sighed in satisfaction as terrified screams echoed around the inside of her throat, but she knew they would not last for long. A moment later her throat continued to drag its prey down, and she knew what her enhanced strength would do to him.

When his still-freed shoulder attempted to join the rest of him he could tell that he would not fit. It did nothing to calm his nerves any, but he at least felt some small sense of relief over the thought that he would be spit out.

That didn’t happen.

His shoulders being too wide to fit down Lily’s throat didn’t matter after just a second. Her powerful muscles simply crushed his body until it did, cracking a dozen bones in the blink of an eye in order to force his body deeper inside of her. This process repeated a dozen more times as more of his body was forced down the giant woman’s throat mercilessly. A once impossibly tight space to squeeze down quickly became the officer’s grave as his entire body was violently squeezed to fit.

The bulge he made as he slid down Lily’s throat was incredible, but didn’t hurt her in the slightest. Nor did she feel the need to gasp for air as she fought to keep down something so big. There was only smug satisfaction as she only wished that she had given in and grown bigger. If only so she could find out if her stomach acids had also increased in strength. Perhaps he could be flash fried if he dropped into her stomach in one piece. What would happen if she swallowed plastic, or rubber… or even steel! The thoughts were all so engaging she hardly noticed as the bulge finished its trip, dropping inside of her stomach entirely.

“That… was cool.” Thalia whispered.

“It was…” Lily answered, looking down at her flat belly. There was no sign of a body inside of her. Her inner muscles were simply too strong to be deformed by the contents of her stomach, and his body was further compressed to fit inside of her completely. She nevertheless gave her belly a rub, eager to note how it felt to swallow something that big all at once.


Lily looked down to her friend. Thalia bit her thumb, looking around at the aftermath of the pair’s confrontation with the police. They had both been acting in the heat of the moment… but now that the immediate danger was gone there was definitely a look of concern hidden in Thalia’s expression.

Try as she might not to admit it… Lily could feel the same thing.

“What do we do now…?” Thalia asked, walking back to where Lily had stripped away her clothing before growing.

“Maybe… we should find a place to stay the night? Find out what anyone saw before we do anything? If we’re lucky, maybe we can just… return to a normal life…” Lily said, her size gradually fading as her voice trailed off. She’d just been struck with an immense wave of sadness at the idea she’d never get to do something like this again. Even the sensations of the fully-grown man inside of her belly being violently crunched and compressed with her reduced size did little to cheer her up. She feigned a smile for Thalia’s sake, then took her clothing back.

Curious, Lily put her clothing back on without reverting to her natural body shape. A small flutter of excitement coursed through her at the sight of how incredible inappropriate she looked this way. Her breasts strained her far-too-small shirt while she inadvertently ripped the shorts she’d been wearing earlier. Pale skin was visible everywhere, and the sleeves on her short were so tightly gripped around her arms they would have been dangerous if not her durability.

With a soft sigh of disappointment, she returned her body to normal, feeling a bit relieved once her clothes returned to their natural fit. Looking more like a supermodel was fine and all, but being in her own skin was very comforting. She looked to Thalia, who had placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Let’s… find a place to stay. Somewhere that isn’t home.” Lily suggested.

Thalia nodded, dusted herself off, and followed.

The two ran off into the night. Thanks to their enhanced senses they could hear in the far-off distance more sirens that were coming from the direction they had just left behind a number of slaughtered officers, and hoped that they hadn’t left too much evidence behind. If all went well they could just return to their normal lives. Just what she’s always… wanted…


Lily and Thalia sat under a highway overpass. They didn’t need any shelter from the elements thanks to their new abilities, and after the momentary high from letting loose like that had worn off their taste for destruction seemed to fade. Both of the women sat in silence, watching as the occasional car drove by, uninterested in what the two girls were doing out alone at such an hour.



“Did we…” Thalia began, finding the words caught in her throat.

“We did a bad thing.” Lily sighed, folding her arms over her chest. She’d had nothing but time to come to terms with both of their actions over the past hour. She knew she should be disgusted with herself… but the feelings just weren’t there. She sulked in the hopes that they would show, but they never did. She could only wait, and hope that eventually things would return to normal. With any luck they could head back to class in a day or two, worry free! And, even better, they wouldn’t have to worry about Sophie ever again! Surely that was a positive… right?

Lily knew she should feel bad for thinking about the death of her classmate in that way. But it was just how she felt, now. She was just having a hard time viewing Sophie as a person. She and Thalia were real people. She couldn’t do a thing about how she felt. No matter how unreasonable it seemed.

“Are we going to be in trouble?”

Lily looked to her friend. She could sense it in Thalia as well. She attempted to feign disgust with herself over her actions… but the conviction just wasn’t in her voice. They’d known each other for years. The girl might as well have been an open book to Lily and there was not an ounce of conviction in Thalia’s tone.


Thalia smiled.

Lily smiled back.

“What do you want to do now?” Lily asked, feeling the tension dissipate between the two of them. She knew she should be unnerved by how that was what put them both at ease, but she was having a hard time processing this anyway. What if she truly was more than human, now? Should she feel bad for dominating those beneath her in such a thorough manner? People didn’t feel bad for stepping on ants, for instance. Granted, ants also weren’t six feet tall and fully sentient…

“A cruise ship.”

Lily raised an eyebrow.

“I want…” Thalia began, biting her bottom lip as she questioned if she really wanted to share this.

“Go on.”

Thalia looked at her friend. Lily’s smile was as warm and friendly as ever. She slid across the cement to be closer to her friend, sighing in relief as their bodies touched. She just wanted to be held right now, but didn’t want to just bring that up to her friend so this was good enough.

“I want to try and visit a cruise ship.” Thalia began, looking up into the night sky. “At like… a really big size. Super big. So big that…”

“Go on.” Lily said, sliding closer to her friend so they were bunched together tightly.

Thalia cleared her throat.

“I want to grow… super big. Just huge. I’d estimate I’d have to be like, thousands of feet tall. I want to be bigger than Godzilla, and step out into the ocean. I want to watch my big feet kick up huge waves as I walk out into the water, and feel the rush of power as I know there’s no force on earth that could stop me. I mean, we already know we’re pretty invincible at normal sizes, but multiply that by a couple hundred and not even the military would be able to entertain the idea any of their weapons could do anything to stop me. At all.

I want to feel my size as I’m out on the open ocean. To have the ocean’s water splash onto me, and make my body sparkle under the hot sun. I’d look like a living, breathing Goddess. The sun would be of no concern, of course. There’s no way I could ever be burned by something so weak.

I’d wander aimlessly. In my path I would come across the military. Using every worthless weapon at their disposal they would attempt to put a stop to my rampage. Try to… save lives, and stop me from rampaging further. Tiny explosions and microscopic gunfire would slam into my body, but I would never even feel them. I’d even consider just walking past them. Let them know they were so ineffective they didn’t even slow me down… but I’d also want to make sure that they didn’t go away thinking that I was lending them any sort of mercy. I would take one step past, stop, and turn around. Their confidence would have already been shattered, but with a flash of an excited grin they’d go absolutely feral.

I’d be so big and them so small that it would be trivially easy to scoop them out of the water. Once in my hands they’d keep trying to do whatever they could. Their helpless little boats would tip over without water to keep them straight, and those on the outside decks would spill out onto my big palm. They’d remark on how differently my skin feels from the earth. How soft, and squishy my hand felt. The more battle-hungry among them would continue trying to fight. Firing weapons and such into my skin in the hopes that doing so at such close range would do something to me. It wouldn’t.

Then… I’d just sprinkle them onto my boobs. Which I’d probably…”

“It’s okay.” Lily said. Neither of the two ever felt too ashamed of their appearance normally, but neither of them was so satisfied they ever felt bad about modifying themselves. If anything she found it empowering to be able to change herself into something she enjoyed more without the months of diet and exercise that would be required in doing so naturally. And she wasn’t entirely convinced that getting basketball-sized breasts would ever be possible given her genetics outside of surgery.

“Thank you.” Thalia replied, resting her head on her smaller friend’s shoulder. “My boobs would be these two huge round orbs for them, like miniature planets all their own. They would be wanting they could enjoy themselves more, but the suddenness of their drop would mean that they couldn’t stop themselves.

I wouldn’t care. They’d fall from my chest, and splash into the water so far below. Some would hang onto my nipples, but given the enhanced size of my… assets they wouldn’t be able to hold on for long. Every movement would send my chest wobbling.”

Thalia stopped to giggle at that thought.

“Then… I’d keep going out into the water. Until I found it. A cruise ship. Packed to the brim with rich, hoity toity people who were having the time of their lives. People who are content to spend their days doing nothing of importance while the rest of the world continues to do things for them without them ever lifting a finger. People who thought themselves safe from my wrath, because they were out on the water instead of on land. All because they had the good fortune to be born into this lifestyle. And-“

“And you want to hold that kind of power over people too, don’t you?”

Thalia stopped, and looked at Lily. Though her skin was dark, it was obvious that she was blushing at what Lily said.

“It’s okay.” Lily sighed. “I’d like that, too.”

“And… I’d pick up the cruise ship. I’d love how light it feels. I bet I could pick one up right now, at this size… but when so big it would be like holding a feather. I’d bring it up to my face, watching the little people inside and all around it screaming for help. The religious among them would pray to whatever they believed in, while the rest would just hope for something to come save them. An air-rescue of some kind, or something. A real life superhero. Anything to pull them out of this terrible situation.

But help would never come. Once I’d had my fill of drinking in their fear, I’d lower them once again. They would have a premium, up-close view of my body as I bring them slowly down between my legs, and… spread myself open.”

Thalia cleared her throat.

“I’d just… just slide it inside. All of their little screams would be so loud, and terrified that they’d make for a weak vibrator at the same time. They’d hope that they could appeal to our shared humanity in some way, and stop me from doing what was obviously about to happen to them. But I don’t know if I’d be able to… I’d just be so strong. And I think that even sliding it just a little bit inside of me would set me off. After that, I wouldn’t be able to stop. Not for a million, billion…

Thalia trailed off, biting her bottom lip.

“I don’t know. I know it’s not a nice thought… but it’s one of the ideas I’ve had in the back of my head for the past couple of days. I don’t think I’d ever go through with it, though. It’s just so-“

“No.” Lily said, sitting up straight again and turning to look at her friend. “Don’t feel bad about it… because it’s not just you.”

A look of surprise formed on Thalia’s face.

“Only mine’s an airplane.”

Thalia’s surprised face effortlessly transformed into an eager grin.

“Do tell.”

“Well… I’d like to find out if we could fly first.”

“I don’t know if we can. Maybe?”

“And I’d just kind of like to… you know. Mess around with a plane mid-flight. Just fly up there and start changing its direction, and listening to the people inside as they don’t know what to do about me. They’re already thousands of feet in the air. Even if by some miracle they find a way out of the plane they wouldn’t have anywhere to go. And if they tried jumping anyway… I’m sure a good hit from the laser eyes would make for fun target practice.”

“Ugh. Laser eyes.” Thalia said, rolling her eyes. “Come on, Lily. At least call it Heat Vision like the comics do.”

“Fine! Whatever! Just… trying to hit a falling target would be cool. I’d probably just completely melt someone. Watch them bubble away and dissolve before they’re more than a hundred feet down. I feel like our powers have also made us really good at aiming and stuff. We could probably throw a car from here and have it crash into the chem lab at school if we really wanted.”

Both girls stopped. At that moment a car drove by the underpass. They stared at it together, thinking about what Lily had just said. Neither made a move towards it, though they did watch as it faded off into the distance silently.

“Yeah… that would be cool.” Thalia whispered so silently even Lily almost missed it.

“I wouldn’t just stop there, though.” Lily continued, her voice dreamy and breathy as she whispered. “It would be neat to try and like, tear a plane in half while flying. Crack it open like an egg and watch all the people fall down. And not even try to help them. Just for my own amusement.”

“I think I can see why you didn’t want to admit this.” Thalia giggled.

“Yeah…” Lily said, thinking hard about whether she wanted to continue. “And… that whole thing with the cruise. I’d like to try that out with a plane, too. Just grow so big that I don’t even need to fly to pluck it out of the sky. Have my fingers be so big I can hold an entire plane between them. The stupid little thing’s fuselage would dimple under my strength, utterly unable to compete with me. I’d smile, and wave it around as the people inside begged for mercy. They wouldn’t be able to believe what was happening to them, but I wouldn’t even let them have the comfort of thinking that they might have a shot at getting out. All I’d have to do is move my fingers to the side doors, and give it a little squeeze. Then pop! And they’d be disabled.

A plane would be an awkward shape to just… slide up in there like a cruise ship, of course. So I’d probably snap the wings off first. Really drive home just how strong I am to the people on board. Stopping a plane mid-flight is impressive, sure, but it lacks the noise, and destruction that shearing its wings off would have. Through their tiny windows they’d only be able to catch slight glimpses of my huge body as they fought for the illusion of safety.”

“Wow…” Thalia whispered. “Now I kinda wanna try a plane out. I didn’t even think that the little people would be able to just jump off the side of a cruise ship to get away.”

“Well, to be fair it wouldn’t really do them much good. The fall into the water would exert tremendous force on their bodies, and the impact alone would likely crack a few bones. They’d have a hard time getting away through the water on their own, but doing so with broken limbs would make it a hundred times harder. Then they’d have to deal with potential shock, and-“

“Alright, alright! I get it” Thalia laughed. “Thanks for the biology lesson, nerd.”

“Sorry.” Lily giggled, pulling her knees closer to her chest. “But… yeah. I’d like to try shoving huge, people-filled things like that… you know. I never used to have these kinds of thoughts. I wonder if whatever affected our bodies also altered our brain’s chemistry.”

“Do you really care?”

Lily looked down at her feet. Despite it being the middle of the night with a moon shining high overhead she felt she could still see very, very clearly. She tried focusing on the question. It seemed obvious on paper, sure. Hell, it almost seemed like a trick question if she really thought about. Of course she should care. It was her mind she was talking about! But… she felt so happy like this, now. Happier than she’s felt in ages! Are a couple of admittedly violent intrusive thoughts not worth that? It’s not like she’d ever act on th-


The blonde gasped. Her heart had skipped a beat. She felt an intense wave of sadness come over her when she tried telling herself that she would never truly act on those thoughts. Like she would never be happy again. Like she should just go to the police station right now and confess to everything she’s done tonight.


“It’s nothing.” She answered, clearing her throat. She didn’t want to dwell on those feelings. She thought back to the idea of the airplane. Of ripping the top off to expose the dozens of people inside. Letting them see her giant, smiling face through the hole in the aircraft… and then tipping it back. Watching as dozens upon dozens of pathetic, helpless little people fell from inside and onto her tongue. Given the immense size she would need to be to do this at all she would hardly even feel them. Their little bodies would be only slightly bigger than grains of sugar splashing onto her tongue. And she would swallow them all effortlessly.

Her chest felt lighter, her breathing calmed down, and Lily felt as if she could think straight again. She turned to her friend, smiled, and bit her bottom lip.

“Something up?”

“I think… we should do something.”


“The school.” Lily said, trying to find the words for this new thought that had invaded her psyche. “I want… no. We need to visit the school again. And probably make sure that the lab is destroyed, or something. If we were caught on a camera, they might check tapes, and if they find out whatever turned us into… this they might do something with that information.”

Thalia thought long and hard about this. She could tell that Lily was uncomfortable even bringing this up, and nodded her head reassuringly. Her friend had never steered her wrong before.

“Should we go now?”

“N-NO!” Lily stammered, surprised at the volume of her own voice.


“No! We should… wait until morning. And we’ll just walk right on in. And probably get rid of all the chemicals ourselves. Like nothing’s out of the ordinary. Nothing at all.”

A tense, silent moment was shared between the two of them.

“You just want to wait until there’s people around so we could have more fun with it, don’t you?”

Lily looked over to her best friend. Thalia wore an impossibly smug grin on her face, and lily could feel her face flushing a bright pink as she looked back at her.

“I mean-“

“I get it.” Thalia said, sighing audibly. “And I’m on board with it.”

Lily smiled.

The hours passed silently as the pair continued to converse. It reminded them of the sleepovers they used to have some time ago, though they both noticed that once again they did not seem to feel fatigued in the slightest. It had been over a day since either slept a wink, but there was no exhaustion in either of them when the sun began to rise again.

If anything, the anticipation made it all the sweeter.

The following morning was a normal one at the university they’d been attending for several months now. Lily was tempted to try and act like everything was normal to see if there was any rumors about what had happened to Sophie, but she didn’t want to admit that to her friend. There were murmurs of something “crazy” going down the previous night that left police baffled, but no specifics. Which made sense. If there was footage of them dismantling the cops it would definitely not be released so quickly.

“Well. What do you want to do first?” Thalia asked as the two walked onto the campus as if nothing was normal. “Should we grow? Or maybe toss some things around, or-“

“I think we should wing it.”

“Really? You think we should wing it? I can’t think of a single time you’ve left anything to chance. You’re normally so organized, and-“

“Yeah, yeah. I get it! I just… don’t have to worry about things anymore, you know? I wanna try out not having to think about my actions ahead of time for a change.”

“Fair enough.”

With that, Thalia turned around, and hurried back into the parking lot with exceptional speed. It was for only a moment before she picked up a parked car, and tossed it right to Lily. The surprised blonde caught it, watching as Thalia picked up another car for herself.



With that both girls leaned backwards, and launched the cars they held onto from their hands in the direction of the chem lab. They’d both walked around the campus enough to know exactly where it would be, and were more just curious about what it would look like to hit it from all the way back here.

A second later one of the cars crashed into a second-floor window of the lab. The sounds of a car crashing and glass shattering broke the quiet calm of the school’s morning, but it was nothing compared to just a moment after when the car Lily had thrown soared over the building entirely and crashed into a courtyard.

Screams of panic erupted all over the campus as the girl’s cover had been broken. They smiled at one another, and watched as the chaos erupted all around them. No one had been around them to see them actually throw the things, so they only witnessed their eventually explosive conclusion. That was good enough.

“Are you ready?” Lily asked, looking to Thalia. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she thought about what was soon to come. It didn’t feel real. This was a big step for both of them, and they didn’t know what would become of their lives after they finished.

“I am.” Thalia said, looking to her friend. She grabbed one of Lily’s hands with her own, and held her tightly. She was thankful to have such a kind, warm presence with her as she dealt with all of these complicated feelings. She wasn’t sure what she would be doing if she had to face these problems alone. Probably just try to suppress the urges, and live a somewhat menial, boring life.

Lily squeezed Thalia’s hand back. They were both grateful to have each other.

And, as if the squeeze itself had been a trigger, both of the girls began to grow. Their clothes ripped away from their bodies, leaving them bare to the crisp morning wind as they rose in height further and further. Things remained silent for just a moment, before there was a cacophony of cries as their heads rose above the nearest buildings.

They had been noticed.

No longer hidden from the world. There would be no trying to write off their actions any longer. They had both been exposed, and they had done so with confidence. Not a single alteration was made to either of their faces. There could very well be people looking up at them right now that would be able to identify the pair. There would never, ever be any going back from this.

Still holding hands, they took that first step at their new, gigantic size together.
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