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Leanne stomped into their efficiency apartment, a thunderous look on her face and a six-pack of wine coolers hanging from each hand.

She dropped heavily into her recliner, and twisted off the top of her first drink, taking a huge gulp. Her purse was flung away, and the remaining eleven drinks were set on the floor near the sides of her chair for easy access.

Derek spun in his custom-made plastic office chair away from his workstation on her dresser top and took a good look at her state. “Rough day, Honey?”

Leanne glared at nothing in particular, took another deep draught, and rubbed her forehead with the palm of her hand. “I hate my fucking job.”

Derek frowned in concern. “Anything I can do to help?”

Leanne picked at the label on her wine cooler with her short fingernails. “I could really use some stress relief. Would it be okay if I put you in my panties for awhile?”

Derek blinked. It wasn’t like he was able to rub her back or shoulders. “Sure, Babe. Anything you need.” He stood from his chair, removing the heavy soft cotton shirt and pants he’d painstakingly cut from handkerchiefs and sewn together. They weren’t pretty, but they were comfortable and warm.

Leanne drained her first bottle, walked over to her dresser and picked up her naked boyfriend in a single, chubby fist, then stalked back over to her chair.

Leanne didn’t bother to change out of her uniform, nor did she bother to clean herself up any.

She popped the button on her uniform pants, lowered the zipper, and shuffled into a slouch almost petulantly. Without another word and still looking like storm clouds were hiding in her expression, she shoved Derek behind the barrier of her underwear until he felt right.

Then she picked up another drink and opened it.

To a casual observer, nothing would seem amiss. Just a tired, irritated wage slave drinking alone and still in her work uniform, pants undone with blue panties poking out of the gap in a semblance of hurried comfort.

If a person would look closer, they’d notice the faint movements happening behind the crotch of her pants, as her six-inch tall boyfriend toiled away at her sweaty pussy.

Derek didn’t know how long he was working on massaging and squeezing the agitated woman’s clit. He thought she’d had two or three small orgasms, and she felt wet differently than the sweat he’d started with, but really he didn’t know if he was even helping or not.

In any event, Derek enjoyed all of it. He liked the smell of her sweat, and the smell of her pussy, so it followed that starting with sweaty pussy was good, too. He labored in the heat and humidity beneath her panties without complaint, for an unmeasurable amount of time. He worked right up until a giant clumsy hand grabbed him and dragged him bodily up her fuzzy pooch until he was halfway out of the underwear. The elastic of Leanne’s panties stretched across his lower back, and he sank into the fluffy curve of the lower portion of her inverted belly.

Derek tried to gauge Leanne’s expression, but it was difficult due to his angle and the sheer size of the big woman’s bust. Her eyes seemed to be in a little better of a mood, anyway. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Nooooo,” the big woman slurred. “Juss ‘ad to work real hard today. Like, real hard. Got all sweaty.”

Derek chuckled and nuzzled her softness with his face. “I noticed.”

“Yeah. An’ it sucked. Issa good thing mah boyfrien' don’t mind no sweat.” Leanne leaned in more towards him as though sharing a secret, and whispered loudly in an alcoholic exhale. “He likes mah sweat!”

“Leanne, Baby… How many drinks have you had?”

Her brow furrowed in thought, and she leaned over to the left, counting the empty bottles in the carrying box. “Five.”

Derek’s eyebrows raised. “Five?”

Leanne stared at him, glaze-eyed, then leaned over to the right. “Oops. I meant nine.”


Leanne finished the drink in her hand, emptying the bottle. Then looked to her right again, and then her left. “’Leven now. One leff'.”

Derek buried his face in the ultra-soft fluffy fat of Leanne’s tummy, and laughed quietly to himself. Her math skills were shit when she was tanked. Still, how long was he in his girlfriend’s drawers that she had time to put down eleven wine coolers?

He finally got control of himself, and looked back up at her face. As soon as his eyes made contact with hers, her face lightened up with happiness. “’Err's mah sexy boyfrien'!

Derek humored her good-naturedly. “I’m sexy?”

“Uh-huh,” Leanne nodded, and palmed her pussy to rub up and down it. In actuality, she was rubbing her cooch with Derek’s legs, not that she noticed. “Ahm so glad I was wassa one ‘oo saw you shrink, an’ you let me bring you ‘ome wid me. Sexiest man ever… in mah panties.”

Leanne’s eyes bulged, and she burst into drunken laughter. “Yeh got in mah panties!” she exclaimed, laughing even more.

Leanne’s laughter, booze-fueled though it was, was incredibly infectious. Derek couldn’t help laughing along with her as his platform wobbled and shook gelatinously.

She reached over the armrest, grabbed her last bottle and cracked it open, the cap fumbling out of her clumsy fingers. “Hey… Hey! Less' talk about de porn sellin’! Make bunches of money, righ? An’enn quit mah job.” Her face darkened momentarily. She didn’t seem to realize she was still rubbing her pussy lips with her boyfriend’s legs.

Derek slowly shook his head. “I don’t think making this decision when you’re drunk and irritated is the best idea, Babe.”

Leanne chugged half of her last drink in one long swallow. “Sure it is! Cause mah boyfrien’ can talk me into doin’ it now! Yer really smart, han'some man. I bet you gots loss’ of idears. Whass' de one dat I’d haffta be dis drunk for?”

Derek sighed in defeat, and mentally ran through his list of ideas for the safest. “The pee one,” he decided.

“Okay? An’ whad I gots ta do?”

Derek realized there was no stopping her, not right now. “You have to set up the recorder on the bathroom floor, and get that enormous wine goblet you have, put it in front of the camera. Then you drop me into the glass, tell me it’s a punishment, and pee into it.”

Leanne snorted, “No, really. Whass de idea?”

Derek shrugged, the elastic across his back getting uncomfortable. “You asked which one you’d have to be drunk for. This is one of the themes. You just really have to wait until you think you’re going to piss yourself, to fill that goblet as full as possible. If you really want to do this, you should finish that bottle and start drinking a bunch of water.”

Leanne blinked bleary at the little man pinned to her belly by her underwear. Then she drained the last of her bottle, stood, and stumbled over to get the video camera, pants undone yet staying up due to her wide hips, boyfriend in the open gap of her zipper and forgotten about for the moment.

She managed to get the camera on the floor and turned on, then retrieved the giant clear-glass goblet, the container looking like a round wine glass but ten times the size, with a thick, stubby stem that led to a wide base on the bottom.

Derek found himself in a staring contest with Leanne’s deep, dark bellybutton as she gathered the supplies.

She placed the comically large glass on the bathroom floor, right in front of the camera. Then she remembered the man in her panties. “Is’sat good?”

Derek craned his neck to look behind him. “Further out, Honey. More towards the wall.”

It took time, but eventually Derek had talked her into taking her clothes off and guzzling glass after glass of water.

“How much more water do I gots ta drink?” she whined.

“Until you can’t hold it anymore, Leanne. Besides, it’ll help with your hangover.”

“Oh,” she stated dumbly. “Issa good thing yer so smart.”

“Now remember, push record, put me in the glass, and tell me that I was a bad toy and I’m getting my punishment. Oh! And for the video, my name is Billdo, and your name is Goddess. Got it?”

Leanne snorted in laughter. “Like a dildo, but a Bill, too!” She drank more water and smiled happily. “An’ I’mma Goddess! An yer– Uh-oh. Gotta go right now.”

Surprisingly to Derek, Leanne remembered to do everything even though she was way past ‘hammered’ and on her way to incoherent. She grasped him in her clammy hand with a grip just a little too tight, and staggered into the bathroom.

She pushed record on the camera, dancing foot-to-foot in the international pee-pee dance, and staggered around to in front of the camera, feet on either side of the glass goblet.

“Yer… yer a bad toy, Billdo!” she slurred. “A bad, bad toy! An’ now, yer gonna get yer p'nshmn't.”

Derek begged convincingly in character as she dropped him into the enormous wine glass, the rim at least four inches above his head as he stood up in the center of the transparent encasement. He couldn’t help but to stare upward as Leanne drunkenly squatted over the rim of his clear prison, her musky scents filling his glass tank with humid vaginal odor and stale sweat, and a few drops of hot piss dripped down on him before she simply opened up the floodgates and everything came shooting out in force.

The powerful, thick urine stream knocked him from his feet, and kept him under the surface as the mockery of an aquarium began to fill. As the level rose, he got caught in the current, swirling around and around the circular glass. Foam bubbled and rose to the top of the liquid, nearly mimicking a beer pour.

Leanne’s piss was body temperature hot, and the alcohol content within it made Derek’s eyes burn even though they were clenched shut. He held his breath and tried to scramble to the surface.

He made it once, before Leanne’s still-powerful stream dunked him into the brine again.

He could hear the stream as it punched through the surface of the rising piddle, and he almost sighed in relief when it quit. A bubble still managed to escape his mouth, floating upward through the yellow liquid. Then a short burst of more pee shot down. Then one more.

Derek swam to the surface, grasping the rim of the goblet and wiping his eyes clean, coughing and retching. While he normally enjoyed Leanne’s fluids, her booze-piss wasn’t very pleasant at all.

He finally took stock, noticing that Leanne had filled the goblet to an inch below its rim, which was a sizeable feat. The glass was designed to hold at least two entire bottles of wine. Maybe three. He flung his arms over the side, holding himself up like he was in a public pool.

Derek glanced around the room, finding Leanne passed out, sitting on the floor against the wall with her head bowed low and her legs wide open, directly across the wineglass from the camera.

He heaved one last time, and spit the taste from his mouth over the side. If the video turned out as epically as he thought it did, it was going to sell really well. Not that it was any fun shooting it.

He looked at his snoring girlfriend, then at the vat of cooling urine he’d been deluged under, the foamy top dissipating, and then at the sink, so very high above his head.

“Aw nuts. Outsmarted myself.”


Leanne awoke feeling about a hundred times better than she had any right to. She had an awful crick in her neck and back, she had a slight headache, was a little queasy, her bladder was full, and the room stank to high heaven. Still, after her binge the night prior, the woman felt pretty good, considering.

She cracked open her eyes, catching sight of the huge glass filled with her piss, which led to thoughts of Derek.

She’d passed out, and left him naked in a swimming pool of her urine! Leanne frantically scanned the room for any sign of her missing boyfriend.

He wouldn’t have slid himself into my vagina to keep warm, would he?” she worried to herself. He KNOWS that my pussy tries to eat him!

She carefully checked with her fingers, uncomfortably wedging between the tacky lips, and found herself empty. Leanne breathed a sigh of relief. She carefully got to her feet and checked her butt-crack for a wayward half-foot man, again coming up empty-handed.

She edged her way around the Goblet of Yellow Fire, and sat on the toilet to relieve her bladder. She slowly hefted one breast, checking the fold beneath, then the other.

With still no sign of Derek, she emptied the glass into the toilet, flushing everything down, and rinsed it out in the bathtub just once.

She left the bathroom, being very careful where she put her feet down, and finally found her man sleeping in her discarded uniform top on the floor.

She nudged him with a finger, gently. “Hey, wake up Honey.”

Derek cracked his eyes open and stretched. “Hey. How're you feeling?”

“Better than I should,” she admitted. “I'll bet you’d like a bath.”

Derek grinned ruefully. “You'd be right. Last night wasn’t one of my better ideas.”

Leanne chuckled and went to fill the bathroom sink, not moving as fast as she did most days. On their excursion to Derek’s apartment, she’d gathered his own shampoo and body wash, so she pumped a small dollop of each on the rim for him to use.

Once Derek was in the water and scrubbing himself down, Leanne sat on the toilet to talk.

“I feel like I should be apologizing to you, Honey. I should never have pushed to make a video, and I really shouldn’t have fallen asleep before you were cleaned up and someplace safe.”

Derek paused with his hands full of sudsy hair. “I’m pretty sure that most of the blame falls to me. You were determined to make a video, and that was the only idea I had that guaranteed you wouldn’t pass out with me trapped inside of you somewhere.”

Leanne thought that over, and shuddered. She would have passed out, and the idea of him trapped in her pussy, or even in her ass, unable to breathe and slowly dying while Leanne drunkenly slept was horrifying. “Good thinking, Baby. This really was the best you could have done. Did… did you look at the camera at all?”

“No. Not yet. If you’ll help me hook it up to the laptop, I can download it and see how it came out later. I had to try and dry myself on the bathroom mat, and then I slept in a pile of your uniform. You’re going to have to wash those, sorry about that.”

Leanne shrugged carelessly. “I was going to have to go to the laundromat tomorrow anyway. Do… do you think that we should try and sell it? The video, I mean?”

Her boyfriend kept scrubbing himself down with his body wash, scooped from the rim of the sink. It was his second pass. “I do, but that shouldn’t be the first one we post. We can talk about it when you feel better. Are you calling in to work today?”

Leanne shook her head. “No, this wouldn’t be the first time I went to work achy and hungover. I appreciate you making me drink all that water, I feel almost normal.”

When Derek had finished his bath, Leanne carried him to the dresser top, holding him close to her face and taking deep sniffs. She loved how he smelled when he used his own bathroom supplies rather than hers.

She connected the camera to the laptop, as directed by him, and then went to clean herself and get ready for work.


Once upon a time, Leanne hated going to the laundromat. With nothing to occupy her while her laundry was washing or drying, she’d begin comparing herself to the other woman there, and would always leave feeling depressed.

For instance, that skinny girl at the arcade machine, the one with the beautiful red hair that held all the hues of a campfire? Old-Leanne would have hated her for making her feel fat and dull. But that was Leanne in the pre-Derek era.

New-Leanne had a much better outlook.

That redhead couldn’t know what it’s like to have her boyfriend do a gymnastics floor routine on her lumpy mattress for no other reason than to entertain her. While he was naked. She couldn’t know what it was like to have that boyfriend not be angry when she laughed at his comical falls, but to instead laugh right along with her.

Those two college girls in the corner? Neither of those snickering bitches got an intense, gushing, G-spot orgasm every Monday morning to start her workweek. Neither knew what it felt like to have her boyfriend tap her clit for forty-five minutes straight, or how good the penetration felt right after.

That heavily pregnant, harried-looking woman, trying to both do her family’s laundry and corral a rambunctious three-year old?

Well, Leanne was still envious of her. Some things Derek just couldn’t fix.

But that blonde who looked like she’d just stepped out of the cover of a fashion magazine? Just seeing her would have sent Old-Leanne to a liquor store on the way home, to drink herself into at least one bad decision and an ovary-crusher of a morning.

New-Leanne knew better.

Supermodel-Blonde didn’t have a man who both could and would lay in her panties like a hammock. Didn’t have a man who would choose to spend hours slowly teasing her with caresses from doll-sized hands all over her most sensitive areas in the middle of a public laundromat until she felt like she was going to explode.

Leanne casually looked around, and seeing no one was looking her way, cupped her hand between her thighs and pressed her boyfriend in to smash his hard chest against her clit.

She rubbed him around in a slow circle, twice, and then just kept the pressure there while she silently came and came. That little bit was all she needed to pop the cork on her fireworks.

Once she’d finished, she gave him a single caress from her finger, through the layers of her sweatpants and her underwear, and went back to folding her clothes.

Most importantly of all, though, Supermodel-Blonde couldn’t know what it was like to have such awful self-esteem, such self-disgust for decades on end. She simply wasn’t old enough, for one. For another, she was too pretty to have ever felt as badly as Leanne. The blonde couldn’t know what it was like to be so low.

So it followed that the blonde couldn’t then know what it was like to have the most wonderful man in existence dropped in her lap like he was a gift from The Almighty Himself. She couldn’t know what it was like to have that man inspire her to feel attractive for once. To feel sexy.

Supermodel-Blonde couldn’t know what it was like to genuinely feel beautiful to herself after a lifetime of feeling not.

No, Leanne wasn’t envious of the blonde. Not even a little. The girl didn’t have Derek like Leanne did…

And she didn’t have boobs like Leanne did, either. Blondie would have to stuff her bra to fill an A-cup.

Leanne set the folded t-shirt on top of the others, and picked up the laundry basket to bring to her car, the second to last. Her giving boyfriend began to tease her again.

As she backed into the door to open it with her arms full, Leanne caught a glimpse of the blonde's backside, and shook her head in pity.

The girl was shaped like a two by four, the poor thing.



Goddess and her Billdo


Watch Goddess slowly envelop her human dildo in her hungry cunt as she masturbates! Poor Billdo tries to get free, but Goddess's pussy is too powerful!

Runtime: 15 minutes.

Price: $19.99

Coming Soon!


Watch drunken Goddess punish her Billdo by pissing on him until he nearly drowns! Billdo can’t fight the awesome power of Goddess's mighty pee!


“Is that a smartphone!?”

Leanne looked up wildly, a bite of half-chewed food still in her mouth, as her manager sat across from her.

Chrissie glanced at the messaging bubbles on Leanne’s phone, then smiled knowingly at the woman. “You have a man,” she stated with certainty.

Leanne stalled, “What makes you say that?”

Chrissie started ticking points on her fingers. “You’re wearing makeup every day. You suddenly have a smartphone, and you spend all of your breaks texting with a smile on your face. Leanne, you’re happy. Absolutely radiant. So, what's his name?”

Leanne locked her phone. She didn’t need her boss reading what she and Derek had been actually texting to each other. “Derek. His name is Derek,” she groaned in defeat.

“What’s he like? How come you haven’t brought him around?”

Leanne blinked at her excited manager. “He's nearly perfect,” Leanne finally admitted. “Handsome, funny, nice, generous… He’s out of my league. Way too young to be with me,” she added as an afterthought.

“So how did you land him?”

Leanne was grateful she and Derek had concocted a story in case anyone became curious about him. “Derek’s got that anxiety thing where public places and strangers make him uncomfortable. Like, he just shuts down. It turns out that he lives on my floor. One day he tried leaving his apartment, and I bumped into him. For whatever reason he doesn’t feel any anxiety with me at all, so we got to know each other. Then more happened. So we only date at home, and he doesn’t ever leave his place, or let anyone inside but me.” Leanne shrugged, “That’s pretty much the whole story.”

None of the story was technically a lie. Derek was terrified of someone else discovering him in his helpless state. Being in public and unhidden definitely would cause him anxiety. He lived with her, so technically he lived on her floor, too, and most days she did bump into him. Rhythmically and repeatedly.

Chrissie leaned in, eyes sparkling. “Do you have a picture?”

Leanne unlocked her phone and showed Chrissie the only photo she had of him, one from his Facebook page before his shrinking problem happened.

Chrissie took a good long look at the picture. “I don’t believe you,” she finally stated. “This guy? And only you can see him? It sounds like you invented a boyfriend who lives in Canada.”

Leanne took her phone back and smiled brightly. “I really can’t bring myself to care,” she stated with both confidence and cheer.

Chrissie blinked. “What?”

Leanne picked her soda up, swirling the ice around the interior. “It’s not my job to convince you that Derek’s real. I never said a word about him, not once, not until you asked. You’re the one who came over and stuck your nose in looking for gossip. So, either believe me or don’t, but I’ve got ten minutes left of my break, food left to eat, and a boyfriend who’s probably wondering why I’m not texting him back. So if there’s nothing else?”

Leanne watched in satisfaction as her shaken manager walked away from her. It felt good to be assertive for once.


Leanne sat on the bathroom floor, leaning over the tub with her arms crossed, watching Derek swim laps around the tub in four inches of tepid water.

He finally stopped for a break, heaving himself onto the heavy, upside-down cooking pot Leanne had placed in the middle of the tub as an island and breathing heavily as he reoxygenated.

Leanne lazily dropped her hand to the water and casually flicked her fingers through it. While a lot of Derek’s condition was less than ideal, having an indoor heated swimming pool on call was but one of the silver linings.

“Have you checked the video sales?” she asked. It had been a little over a week since they’d put the first one online, and she couldn’t contain her curiosity any more.

Derek covered his eyes with his hands and groaned. “Yes. Well, yesterday before you got home.”


“It’s insane. Over four hundred downloads. More than half of those are from Japan alone. Our page at Vids4Sale is crammed with comments, suggestions, questions, and one psycho who demanded a refund because you didn’t eat me at the end.”

“You're kidding,” Leanne stated flatly.

“No I’m not. Apparently, swallowing your shrunken man alive is a thing. They call it ‘Vore'.”

“Not that! World’s full of all kinds. Internet, more so. Whatever, moving on. Four hundred? How much money is that?”

Derek finally removed his hands from his eyes. “Well, about twenty bucks a pop times four hundred is… eight grand?”

Leanne’s playing hand dropped lifeless into the bathwater. “Eight... Thousand dollars!?”

Derek sat up to rest his arms on his knees. “We're going to want to stash a good chunk of that for taxes, but yeah.”

Leanne looked into space. “We’re making eight grand a week.”

“No, just this week. I’d be surprised if this video sold a fraction as much from now on. But if you want to get your hopes up? Maybe every video we post can make this kind of money in its first week, at least for awhile.”

“What are we going to do with it?” she wondered.

“Save up and buy you a new car,” Derek said seriously.

“What!? My car is fine, Honey. There’s so many better things!”

Derek sighed. “I worry. I get to worry. Your car is really old, Leanne, and while I haven’t looked under the hood, I can hear both your engine and your transmission. It’s on its last legs, Babe. What do you do when it breaks down? I can’t come get you from wherever you are. I can’t help at all, for that matter. All I can do is try and get you something reliable.”

Leanne looked at him, really looked. “Is this why you’ve been all money conscious lately?”

“Partly,” Derek confessed. “Part of it is your car, part of it is maybe you’d like a little bigger of a place and better clothes and such. Most of it is so you can find a job you actually like so that you’re happier, and won’t be stressed about money while you do so. When I was little my dad used to tell me that if you’re not enjoying most of your life, you are clearly doing it wrong.”

Leanne blinked away tears. “This is all for me? All this thought, and planning, and the porn thing? I had thought you were just being perverted or something.”

Derek grinned unrepentantly. “You like it when I’m being perverted,” he teased.

Leanne slowly nodded her head in agreement. “Yes. Yes I do. And to show you just how much I do, I’m offering you whatever you want, right now.”

The little man sitting on an island in the bathtub looked up at her face skeptically. “Really?”

“Oh yes,” she breathed. “I have a burning need to fuck my thoughtful boyfriend, right this very second.”


“Are you sure you trust me? Because I don’t trust me. Not for this.”

Leanne looked at her boyfriend, reverse-gripped in her fist with his hands held securely to his thighs by her pinky. Most of him was outside of her grip, dangling upside-down from the bottom of her fist.

Derek rolled his eyes at the absurd question. “Of course I trust you. Three or four, then let me take a breath. Or just pause every ten seconds or so.”

Leanne blew out a shaky breath. “But what if I… What if I forget? Get too into it? I know I’m going to like this, Honey. I’m afraid I’ll like it too much.”

“It'll be fine. But can you start now? All the blood's kind of rushing to my head, here. Adventure!” he exclaimed.

Derek filled her days with adventures. Not exotic ones, or wild ones, but instead with really sexual adventures. She had never been the adventurous sort before, and she adored her little man for bringing some into her life.

“Adventure,“ she parroted back to him, and moved her occupied fist between her splayed thighs.

Leanne readjusted her heels on her mattress. “Here we go, Honey. Deep breath.”

Leanne dragged her miniature lover’s hair up and down her leaking gash, getting it good and wet, and then shoved him face first into her pussy to the hilt of her fist. She pulled him nearly out, and then rammed him back in. Fucking herself with four inches of her boyfriend’s body like a dildo. In and out.

At the count of ten, she pulled him all the way out so he could breathe deeply for a few seconds, and then she plowed him right back in.

It wasn’t a furious buildup to an orgasm for Leanne. The forced pauses ensured that. Instead, there was a long, slow build that would make the coming explosion one for the record books. She could feel it.

Every time she paused for Derek to get air, she found herself fucking her pussy harder and faster with him afterward. He was more contoured, more supple than the best of any dildos ever made, ever. The only way it could have been any better is if she had more than four inches of him to work with.

Her juices splattered over her hand and wrist as she worked herself over with her man. A sensation yearned deep within her, not quite an itch, not quite an ache, but she needed it touched. Needed to be filled.

Leanne grit her teeth, moaning and writhing at the absolute pleasure of it, until she just couldn’t stand it any more. She pulled Derek completely out of her one last time, gave him as much time to breathe as she could without losing her edge, and then shoved him back inside.

She loosened her grip on his legs, and nudged him all the way inside of her needy core, to touch that place that so desperately needing touching, to fill the void that seemed so very hollow.

Her pussy, always wanting her boyfriend entirely in her, helped him along until his feet had vanished. Then Leanne scrubbed her throbbing clit, assaulting the bundle of nerves until her hips were as far off the bed as she could get them.

Her vaginal muscles clamped down on Derek’s entire body. Leanne wailed as the really big orgasm she’d anticipated fulfilled all expectations, and then some.

For a long moment that stretched on and on, Leanne came. She could feel Derek begin to struggle within her, needing air, and God help her Leanne couldn’t stop cumming. She liked having him all the way in, and her pussy did as well, and the writhing and movements of his little body inside of her amplified everything.

A powerful convulsion happened within her, and she felt Derek’s head wedge against, then pop into her cervix. It should have hurt, or even been uncomfortable, but it wasn’t. Not at all. Her orgasm spread from her vagina to run rampant all over her body.

Still, Leanne couldn’t stop cumming.

Eyes rolling all over, she darted her hand back to her pussy, accidentally nudging her big nipple with her arm which sent electric shocks racing right to her spine.

She clumsily dug her thumb and forefinger into her hole, fighting past the tightly clenched walls, and fished around for something, anything. She couldn’t wait for her orgasm to end to get Derek out. It likely wouldn’t ever end as long as he was inside.

She found a wiggling foot and grasped it, pulling her struggling captive out of the fleshy walls of his prison and feeling his head pop back out of her cervical entrance. But he was very slick, and slipped from her grasp. Leanne’s pussy wetly slurped him back in without any input from Leanne herself at all.

Leanne groaned. She didn’t know if it was the pleasure or the terror that caused the vocalization. Fear-sweat was leaking from every pore she owned. Her face, her tits, her armpits, her ass, even the backs of her knees. Derek’s struggles were becoming weaker, and Leanne couldn’t even get her eyes to focus. The smallest of her movements sent unexpected, unwelcome bursts of even more pleasure though her. Even the feeling of her nearly threadbare mattress sheet on her back and butt was stimulating her.

Leanne felt Derek stop moving altogether, and she suddenly clapped her hands loudly together, trying to get the noise to help her focus. If she didn’t get him out now, and right now, she might pass out from the intensity, and then her wonderful little man wouldn’t make it. Already she could hardly breathe, herself.

She rammed her fingers back into her still-clenching cavern, determinedly found one of Derek’s horrifyingly-still limbs, and fought him back outside of her danger-slut cunthole.

Eyes still unable to focus, she simply kept them shut and pointedly ignored her full-body shakes in the aftermath of what very well may have been a lethal orgasm.

She laid Derek on his back on one of her hands, pressing his chest with her thumb in a gentle pressure and motion to maybe help get his lungs clear. Again.

Instead she was shocked to feel Derek calmly grasp her thumb with both of his tiny hands.

Her eyelids snapped open, and she brought him up near her face, but Leanne’s eyes still roamed the room wildly and out of her conscious control. She couldn’t seem to form any words, either.

“Hhhhh…. Howwww?”

“I’m okay, Babe. I’m okay.” She felt Derek press a butterfly kiss to her thumb-tip. “Once I felt you try to pull me out, I knew something went wrong. When I went back inside, I started trying to conserve my air. At first I was just wiggling my feet and legs a little so you could find me, but then I stopped altogether.”

“Sssss… S… Sssso–“

Derek intuited what she was trying to say. “No sorries. I’m safe and sound, and you’re still in the aftershocks of what I’m guessing is the biggest orgasm ever.” He rubbed her thumb comfortingly. “Adventure!” he softly triumphed.

Leanne dropped her boyfriend to the space between her giant breasts as they careened off to the sides of her body. He impacted with a wet-sounding smack and simply laid there, riding her chest up and down as she heaved huge lungfuls.

Leanne finally got her breath back, and a small smile crept onto her face.

“Adventure,” she whispered to herself.


Leanne had never contorted her body into such a strange position before.

Her back against the wall, all of her not-inconsiderable weight was supported by her shoulders on the mattress top. Her giant tits rolled up past her shoulders to bracket her face and her legs hung over her head, knees nearly touching her upside-down boobs.

At the apex of her inverted body, Derek rested in her vagina up to his chest, calmly stroking the quivering, plump pussy lips to his left and right.

She began to squeeze him involuntarily.

“Ah-ah-ah!” he sing-songed at her. ”No slurping down your boyfriend like a noodle.”

Leanne whined soundlessly. “This is stupid! Just let me get off!” she begged.

“Nu-uh. Not until you can leash your dangerous pussy. This is training!” Derek exclaimed smugly, and tweaked her clit.

Leanne’s eyes narrowed. “I'm failing the training today. You shouldn’t have done that, Honey.”

Leanne immensely enjoyed Derek’s widening eyes as he realized he went a pace too far. She enjoyed his expression right up until she purposely slurped her boyfriend into her unleashed pussy like a noodle and she couldn’t see his face any more.

She churned him inside of her powerfully, indulging herself in freely squeezing his entire body and just how good it felt. For just under a minute, Leanne ground him up in her vaginal walls.

With a mighty force of will and no little effort, Leanne pushed and evacuated Derek halfway out. His torso flopped forward onto her clit.

With a not-all-that-gentle slap, she crammed his now very slippery form between her juicy lips, against her button, and used him as a surrogate palm to jill herself off.

Droplets of her own juices dripped down towards her face, but Leanne ignored them. With a smile full of anticipatory joy, she felt her delayed orgasm begin.

“Oh God! It’s so goo—”

Then Leanne had to stop talking as a short-lived river of female ejaculate poured out past her boyfriend, beneath her hand, and directly into her mouth, open as she was talking. The entirety of it completely bypassed her tongue to strike the back of her throat like an impossibly thrown bullseye.

Leanne hacked, but her juices were too far back. She was forced to swallow it, which she did with a grimace of extreme distaste. Then she gave a disgusted squeal.

Soft chuckling made her zero-in on her boyfriend above her, limply hanging down her pussy.

“Outsmarted yourself, huh?” Derek calmly observed. "I know what that’s like.”

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