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The layout of Ella’s room was identical to Matt’s, Ned’s, or any of the boys’ rooms, except for the fact that it was scaled to be much bigger for her giantess size. It was a slightly messy room, not as messy as Daniel’s but similar to Ned’s. She entered with Matt still in her pocket, picked up clothes from the floor, and threw it in the shelf.

“Sorry for the mess,” she apologized, as she set Matt down on her desk.

“You’re an aspiring doctor, yes?” Matt asked, being set down.

“H-how did you know?” Ella asked, surprised.

“I was told you are the nurse’s assistant, the rest was easy to decipher.”

“The nurse is a man, they needed females to help them out.”
“Understandable, at least the health department know what they’re doing.”

“So what the hell do you mean,” she asked, “You’re trying to take Anna down? Are you crazy?”
“No I don’t believe I’m that crazy,” Matt said, sitting down on the desk, “Besides being too rebellious and having slight trust issues.”
“Rebelling is a great thing, don’t get me wrong, but why Anna?”
“Well,” Matt explained, “She is the most powerful person at this school, am I correct?”
“By far,” Ella responded, sitting down in her bed with a stressed expression.

“She’s at the top,” Matt continued, “Anna McLean. The Queen, the Goddess, the Master where everyone else is her slave.”
“Slave master…never heard anyone call her that.”

“She shouldn’t be up there. Not someone like her.”
“So,” Ella said while thinking, “You are going to take her down…to replace her?”
“Precisely.” Ella sighed, leaned forward, and looked straight at Matt.

“Do you know about the kind of things Anna does to boys?” she asked.

“Bits and pieces,” Matt responded.

“Then you should know that your entire operation is a terrible idea.”
“I think it’s worth it.”
“Then you haven’t heard about everything,” she said as she reached for her phone in her pocket, “Here, let me show you this video-“
“Of Daniel Porkingston?” Matt said.

“How…do you know?” Ella asked, putting her phone back.

“I’ve been doing my research Ms. Ester.”
“Well then you know what could happen to you. What she could do to you. I’m warning you as a friend…don’t…do this.” Ella put her hands on her hips.

“I appreciate your token of friendship and I gladly accept,” Matt smiled, which made Ella smile as well.

“However,” Matt continued, “I am nothing like Daniel Porkingston. I believe myself to be mentally strong enough to endure whatever Anna McLean wants to do to me.”

“Yeah well that’s what Daniel thought as well,” Ella said quietly, suddenly looking sad.

“Ms. Ester,” Matt asked, “Do you happen to have a personal relationship with Mr. Porkingston?” Ella sighed.

“He had his whole movement,” Ella explained, “And I supported him. I admired what he was doing, and I agreed with everything he had to say. This size difference shouldn’t cause a power difference between women and men. Us women, we finally have the opportunity to force equality, but now we’re becoming just as bad as men were all those years ago. I supported him and, soon other girls like me joined. It’s my fault.” She put her face in her hands.

“The Queen did not like it,” Matt continued for her, “So she captured Daniel and tortured him for a week. That’s not your fault Ms. Ester. You were not the one that tortured him.”

“You don’t understand Matt,” Ella said, showing her face and eyes that were now red, “I tried to save him, but I couldn’t. I tried to talk Anna into letting go of Daniel, but that only made her more cautious that people would still try to go against her. So she made a video featuring Daniel, and the rest is history.” She sighed, remembering all this.

“Tell me, Ms. Ester,” Matt began, “Is that the end of your interactions with Anna?”
“No,” Ella responded, her face turning dark, “Daniel was not the only one she made an example out of.”
“What kind of things did she do?”
“She changed my grades from an A to a D minus. Can’t believe she has that kind of power. She also once put a couple boys in my lunch. I almost accidentally ate one, it was horrible.” She turned really sad.

“Anything else?” Matt asked.

“She made a nickname, and made everyone call me that. Ugly Ester.” Hearing this, Matt burst a small laugh.
“What, you think that’s funny?” Ella asked, looking annoyed.

“No, I mean yes, kind of. For two reasons really.”
“Are you on my side, or did Anna send you to harass me?”

“No of course not. It’s just, that is a very unoriginal nickname. At least make it rhyme like, I don’t know, No Sex Est.” Ella crossed her arms, unamused.

“Yes I admit that’s not the best nickname I could come up with,” Matt said, “But your name is not very easy to rhyme with. However, the more curious thing is the fact that she thought you were ugly.”

“What?” Ella asked, confused.

“Because you’re not,” Matt explained, “She called you ugly even though you are not. Now that is questionable.”
“You don’t have to compliment me, really. I already pity myself enough.”
“Don’t be mistaken I do not mean to make you feel better, that is not what I’m here to do.”

“I am simply stating as an objective fact, Ms. Ester, you are extremely attractive.”
“Really?” Ella smiled, “You’re kind of…making me feel better.”

“Well that is on your own accord.”
“But wait a minute. People look away when I walk down the halls."
“Yes, that was after Anna had her eyes on you. Don’t you see? Anna is trying to make everyone convince that you are ugly! Everyone is being forced to not look at No Sex Est.”

“That is quite the conclusion to make.”

“It doesn’t matter. Thank you, Ms. Ester, I think I am finally starting to see what kind of a person Anna McLean really is. I am ready to face her.” He stood up.

“Face her?!” Ella exclaimed, “Now?”

“Of course, is there a better time?”
“Have you really thought this through? Seriously.”
“Yes I have, now please put me down on the floor.” Ella sighed and reached a palm out to Matt, which he stepped onto.

“Just be careful,” she said as she lowered Matt, “You don’t want to end up like Daniel or…” She stopped. Matt stepped off her palm and onto the floor.

“Or who?” he asked.

“Nothing,” she said as she stood back up.
“Please Ms. Ester,” Matt said, “I need to be as prepared as possible.” Ella sighed.

“Josh Cleaves,” she finally said. Matt was taken aback, surprised.

“Come again?”
“I shouldn’t be telling you this,” Ella said, concerned, “Josh Cleaves was also a victim of Anna McLean. Matt, listen to me, Josh is not someone you just walk up to and interview. Especially not you.”

“When Anna McLean captured him, is that when Josh Cleaves formed a friendship with her?”
“Friendship?” Ella asked, confused, “What do you mean?”
“Haven’t you heard? He keeps threatening people that he will call her, whenever he doesn’t get his way.”

“I have never heard that before.”

“Which means he is not friends with her,” Matt slowly nodded, “He too is terrified of her, and is using her name as a threat to deal with the fear. Thank you Ms. Ester,” he said, turning his roller blades on. He zoomed out of her room. Ella sighed.

“God dammit,” she said.

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