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*present day*

“Hi guys, it’s Anna, your ‘Queen’. I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and I realized that I made a lot of mistakes. So I’m sorry to everyone I hurt. Starting today, I want to make everything different. The annual dance is coming up in a couple of days, and I asked the principal if I could make a speech. I want you all to hear it. Please bring your dates and come. Thanks everyone.” A video of Anna McLean filming herself, uttering this speech, spread across the people of Chestnut Boarding School. The Queen, the Goddess who caused so much terror with so much power, was now apologizing. It was a complete 180 for her, and nobody expected it. People soon started to speculate that her strange interactions with Matt Dexter had something to do with it. Perhaps he was the one behind this, and through his manipulation the Queen was forced to apologize. To some he became a hero, to others he was a mystery, but everybody found him intriguing and soon he became famous around the school. Matt was walking down the hallway when a group of girls surrounded him. It was a intimidating situation, to be surrounded by four giant girls, but Matt was not affected. One of the girls held a camera, another held a notepad, and the other held a microphone. The last one was standing there with her arms on her hips.

“Hi,” the girl with her arms on her hips said, “We’re members of the Chestnut News Society, and we kind of want to ask you some questions.” Matt looked up at her.

“Sure,” Matt responded, and the girl with a microphone bent down to point the giant microphone at his face.

“What are your relations with Anna McLean?” the hands-on-hips girl asked.

“We have only had a few interactions,” Matt responded.

“How were you able to escape her?” the notepad girl asked, “And why were you captured for the second time?”

“There was no second time, that was my choice.”
“Are you romantically involved with her?” the microphone girl asked.

“That seems like something Ms. McLean would like to keep private,” Matt responded.

“Did you force her to make the apology video?” the hands-on-hips girl asked. Hearing this, Matt sighed.

“Alright, prop me up,” he said to the girl, “I’d like to say something.” The girl shrugged and bent down, picking Matt off the floor. She then placed Matt on her shoulder. The microphone girl followed Matt with the microphone.

“It seems like Matt Dexter wants to have a word,” hands-on-hips girl said to the camera, “Mr. Dexter, go ahead.”
“I’ve heard the rumors and theories,” Matt said, looking at the camera, “Someone even said I mind controlled the Queen. Mind control does not exist, at least not yet. Let me tell you this: I am not the hero nor villain of this story. The person who decides what Anna McLean does is Anna McLean herself, not me. Yes, I may have been a bit of a discussion partner, a brainstorming helper if you will, but that does not mean I make her decisions. It is quite unbelievable that a man such as me would be able to force a woman such as the Queen to do anything, for example lying. Therefore, you must believe that she will answer honestly if you ask her this: who had more of an impact on her decisions, Matt Dexter of Daniel Porkingston?”

“Wow,” Ned said as he finished watching the video of Matt on his phone. He was eating lunch with Ella, who’s arm he was leaning against on the table.

“And you said the Queen came to talk to you?” he asked.
“Yup,” Ella nodded, “At first I didn’t believe anything she said but…she seemed sincere.”

“And Matt was with her?”
“Yes he was.”
“Holy shit. Maybe he’s not so stupid after all.”

“No. No no. Matt is stupid.” Ella crossed her arms, causing Ned to fall on his back. She immediately realized that she moved her arm that he was leaning on.

“Ow,” he said, sitting back up.

“I’m sorry,” Ella apologized, putting a giant finger on Ned’s back, “I should’ve warned you.”
“Nah, it’s okay,” Ned said, his face turning red. He then stood up.

“I need to get to class early,” he said, “See you after school?”
“Yeah of course,” Ella nodded with a smile. She picked up Ned from the table and set him on the floor. They waved at each other as Ned left, making his way out of the cafeteria. Ella sighed as she put her face in her hands. She did not realize somebody sit next to her.

“Ella,” a female voice said. Ella looked up and turned to her right.
“Anna,” Ella hesitantly nodded.

“That boy you were with,” Anna said, “You like him don’t you?” Ella’s face turned red.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she denied. Anna laughed.

“I think you should ask him to the dance,” the redhead suggested.

“What?!” Ella exclaimed.

“What, you don’t want to?”
“I…never said that. But why would I? I don’t even know if he would say yes.”

“Of course he will. You’re too pretty to reject.” Ella was taken aback by this sudden compliment.

“Sorry,” Anna awkwardly apologized.

“No it’s okay,” Ella smiled a little, “So you think he’ll say yes?”

“Of course. But can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” Ella nodded.

“Why do you like him?” Anna asked. Ella pondered on this question.

“Um I don’t know,” she finally said, “He’s nice I guess.”
“A lot of people are nice,” Anna commented, “What’s so special about him?”
“He talks to me. He hangs out with me. This morning he was just sitting there, leaning on my arm. It was cute.” Something sparked in Anna’s eye.

“What?” Ella asked, observing this.

“I think I know why you like him,” Anna said, her sinister grin appearing on her face.

“Um…why?” Ella asked, a little scared.

“You think he’s cute, don’t you?”

“That’s what I just said.”
“I mean that he’s so small. It’s cute that you can do anything to him, being so much bigger.”

“I uh…” Ella could not find it in herself to deny it.

“I know you’re a kind girl Ella, you would never try to ‘dominate’ a boy,” Anna continued, “But you feel like maybe Ned will let you, and you want him to.” Ella gulped.

“I’ve never…you know…” she stammered.

“Listen,” Anna said, “As long as he enjoys it, I don’t see anything wrong with having a little fun with him. You know boys like Ned want it badly.”

“I guess?”
“Ask him to the dance, and once the event is over, bring him to your room. Once you do, pin him to a wall, take off your-“
“Okay you can stop there Anna,” Ella interrupted, “Hey, why is this all about me? What about Matt? Are you going to ask him to the dance? You two seem to be close these days.” The mischievous expression on Anna’s face went away.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, standing up.

“Oh so, you’re not denying anything either,” Ella teased, “The Queen finally has some feelings?”
“As the Queen I order you to shut up,” Anna laughed a little. She then started to walk away. Ella shook her head.

“Was she always this awkward?” she said to herself.

Chapter End Notes:

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