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“What?” Ned said, “No way, I hated that movie.”

“It was cute!” Ella replied, “Especially the scene with the dog.”
“What is it with the dogs?” he laughed, “Do those things make movies automatically better?”
“Yes they do,” she responded, “And they aren’t ‘things’ Ned, they’re treasure.”

“Treasure? So you would trade in a pile of gold and a magic ring for a freakin dog?”
“I would trade in ten piles of gold for a freakin dog.”

“You two seem to be having fun,” said Matt as he appeared at his locker. There stood Ella, leaning against the giant wall, and Ned sitting on her shoulder.

“Hi Matt,” Ella waved.

“Good evening Ms. Ester,” Matt replied.

“Ella said she’ll join us for dinner,” Ned said from her shoulder, “Come on, let’s go.”

“I’m sorry Mr. Hoffman, I’m gonna be a while,” Matt said, “Please, go on without me.”
“Really?” Ella asked, “Are you okay?”
“Never better. I’m alive and not bleeding as much, thanks to the both of you. I really don’t know how to repay you.”
“Repay us by staying safe,” Ella pointed her index at Matt.

“I cannot promise that,” Matt grinned. Ella shook her head with a smirk.
“Come on Ella let’s go,” Ned said. Ella started to walk away. As soon as the two of them left, Matt’s expression turned serious. He put his backpack into his locker. He then took out his phone, wallet, and keys, and put them in his locker as well. He made sure all his pockets were empty. He took a deep breath and nodded to himself. His friends were gone, but there were still people in the area. He then heard the loud footsteps coming towards his direction. Not the light and careful footsteps of someone like Ella. These were much more forceful and confident. The footsteps became very louder and louder, then stopped. Matt took off his roller blades and put them in his locker as well. He closed his locker and turned around. He looked up to see the redhead giantess looking down at him.

“Matt Dexter,” Anna said, putting her hands on her hips. Today she was wearing a simple yellow T-shirt, jean shorts, and sandals. Everyone in the area stopped to observe the interaction, and felt pity for the boy she called the name of.

“Ms. McLean,” Matt nodded, looking up at her.

“I’ve heard things Matt Dexter,” the giantess said, “I heard you were snooping around, asking about me.”
“The things you heard are correct, Ms. McLean,” Matt responded. The giantess bent down so her face was closer to Matt.

“If you want to get to know me,” she said in an almost whisper, “Come talk to me yourself.” She gave him a small wink and stood back up. She turned around and started to walk away.

“I’ll let you go cause you’re polite,” she said out loud. Everyone in the room sighed in relief, but some were disappointed that the anticipation of what Anna might do led to nothing. Matt walked away from his locker and into the middle of the hallway. He looked straight at the figure of the Queen walking away.

“I am your slave!” he yelled at her. She stopped walking.

“And you are my master!” he finished the phrase. All relief and disappointment instantly disappeared from everyone’s minds. People were now either staring at Matt or Anna. The redhead giantess slowly turned around. She seemed shocked, angry, confused, and a little amused at the same time. Matt stared up right into the giant’s eyes.
“What did you say?” Anna asked, taking one step towards Matt.

“I think you heard me very clearly,” he replied, crossing his arms.

“Where did you hear that?” she asked in a threatening tone.

“I know things, Ms. McLean,” Matt spoke, “You see, I’ve done my research, or what you call ‘snooping around’. I know about the things that happened here. I know what the people in power did. What you did.” Anna’s eyes widened as Matt kept speaking. Some of the people observing gulped, while others took a step back. No one else said a word.

“I know that everybody here is terrified of you, Ms. McLean,” Matt continued, “They would rather die than anger you. Look at them, they’re not even involved in our discussion and they’re still scared.” Anna looked around at the other boys, and they all cowered in fear. She turned her eyes back on Matt.

“But you see, Ms. McLean, I am not,” Matt declared, raising his voice, “I am not scared of your anger. I am not scared of your size. I am not scared of what you could do to me. I am not scared to take everything I know and bring it to the authorities that can take you down. Do you understand what I’m saying?” Anna by this point looked angry and shocked, surprised at how this tiny boy was talking with such confidence against her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She then walked over to Matt, and bent down over him again. Matt did not move, and looked up at the giantess, now so close to him. Anna let out her hand, and placed her open palm in front of Matt.

“You’re not scared,” she said calmly, “Prove it. Come here.” Matt looked at the girl’s giant hand, took a deep breath of his own, and walked onto the giantess’s palm. People in the hallway started to murmur to each other. Anna stood back up to her full height, bringing Matt up with her. She looked him dead straight in the eyes.

“There was once a boy,” she started, “His name was Daniel Porkingston, I’m sure you’ve met him.”
“I have,” Matt replied, looking at nothing but the girl’s giant eyes.

“He was just like you. Brave. Well, not this brave, but still brave.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“It was so fun,” Anna continued, her eyes turning a little dreamy, “Playing with him. Messing with him like that. By the time I was done with him, he went from a brave boy to someone that is scared of everything.” She suddenly closed her palm, her fingers wrapping tightly around Matt. He did not struggle to escape, and just kept staring at Anna. She brought him closer to her face until her mouth was right next to his ear.
“I wonder,” Anna said, this time in a whisper, “How long it will take to break you.” Matt could feel her warm breath beating against his ear. She then gave him a friendly smile, and started to lower him. While she did this, she took off her right sandal. Matt watched as he got a panned view of her curvaceous body while he kept being lowered. Anna placed his body inside the sandal she took off, and let go of him. She lifted her foot, ready to wear the sandal again, this time with Matt inside.

“Congratulations Matt Dexter,” she grinned, “You get to be my next toy.” She then started to lower her foot on him. Matt did not try to escape, and instead lay in the sandal and calmly watched Anna’s massive foot come down on him.

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