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One upon a time in Felarya, Mum'matherix's Breakfast (Drama)


In the heart of Strom in a lake's worth of silver gold and jewels rested a mighty and terrible beast. The monster was a dragoness, her scales that covered everything except her face chest belly and crotch, was as black as the void itself. What little skin she had matched the gray membrane of her wings. Mum'matherixe opened her purple eyes reluctantly, as her slaves sounded the bells and gongs. From under the treasure, she buried her self under last night, Mum rose up to her full height, last time she measured herself, she was a bit over two hundred feet tall, though she use to be much bigger. Mum shrank during hibernation, a state she was forced into when a mighty hero mortally wounded her over a thousand years ago, a fact that she made sure no one knew about. When she woke up from that hibernation, Mum quickly went about rebuilding her once-mighty empire, but even now, it is only a shadow of its former glory. Mum went about her morning ritual, being bathed by her two Naga slave girls, having her mouth cleaned by dwarven slaves as her Naga slave oiled her scales. Then came the only part of waking up she enjoyed as she climbed to the top of the tallest tower. She looked into the balcony window to see the sleeping form of her most precious treasure of all.

"Nova my dear, It's time to wake up." Mum smiled as she could see her child getting up just as begrudgingly as she did.

"Good morning mother, how was your bath?"

"Lovely as always, dear, thank you for asking. Now come here so we can start the day together."

"Um, I have meant to ask... Would it be ok if I started eating breakfast in my room from now on?"

"But we always eat together, what has changed my daughter? You're not hiding a boy in your room, are you? You know how I feel about uninvited guests."

"N-no mother, nothing like that! I just want to have more time to myself is all; I am not a little girl anymore and would like some space." Mum looked her child over carefully; she knew Nova was lying about something she could tell that much.

"And you may have it, but I expect you to be at the table when dinner is served, understand?"

"I do, thank you, mother!"

"Your welcome, now hop on so you won't be late for your bath, little missy." Mum then held out her open hand, letting Nove get onto it; she knew her child loved the view of the countryside from her hand. The first thing Mum'matherix did after concurring Strom, was setting fire to the jungle surrounding the city, the scourging of the green historians called it. Mum laughed at that description, at her prime, she turned half the continent into a desert for the pleasure of bathing in the flames. After dropping Nova off for her bath Mum made her way to the dining hall, and waiting for her was her loyal lieutenants. Her general Zeseari, a Dridder warrior who leads Mum's army when she has better things to do. Her thrall mistress Flora, a Miaxi queen who Mum took as a baby after killing her birth hive who uses her children to enforce Mum's rule. And lastly, Mum's admiral Mordrid, a human who manages the fleets for both trade and raiding other nations.

"Hail to the empress Mum'matherix! Is princess Nova not feeling well?"

"She will be eating her morning meals in her chambers from now on; now before we eat, I want a full report on the state of my realm. Thrall mistress, you go first."

"Thank you for the honor empress; I am happy to report that all public works are proceeding on schedule. There was a small rebellion in the southern province, but they were fed to our more loyal slaves."

"Excellent news, and you, Mordrid, what news from the sea?"

"My captions have reported a new city to add to our maps empress. We are conducting trade negotiations as we speak but can begin raiding on your command. Aside from that, all is well in our waters, my empress."

"I think we can wait to see if they are as good as our other trade partners before tacking what we want by force, keep the peace talks going for now. I hope you have just as good news for me general."

"I am s-sorry to report empress that I do not; our invasion or Char was a failer." The whole room went dead silent as Mum'matherix gave her general an annoyed look. Sweat dripped from Zeseari, unable to look her empress in the eyes as she reported her failer. Flora, on the other hand, was amused by the general's panicked look, as they did not much care for one another.

"Tell me what happened, Zeseari."

"Well, m-my empress, our scouts informed us that the city suffered substantial damage after the massive earthquake, so we moved in. What the scouts did not tell us was that the foreign air fleet that appeared a few months ago now waved Char's flag and was undamaged by the quake. And they were fully armed and ready for the army when it arrived, it was not a battle empress, it was a slaughter." An angry look formed on Mum's face; the city-state of Char was the only thing stopping her eastern expansion and was proving to be a consistent thorn in Mum's side.

"Flora, you will refocus your efforts on dissecting the airship we captured, I want us on an even playing field with Char as soon as possible!"

"It will be done, empress."

"Good, now let's eat!" As soon as she ordered it, Naga slave girls appeared carrying bowls filled with the most delicious morsels imaginable. In the dishes were high elves, covered in a mix of dwarven beer and Miaix honey. Mum became far less annoyed the moment she smelled the drunk, high elves, scooping three up with her spoon the moment they were set down in front of her. One managed to jump off of the spoon and back into the bowl before Mum could get all three into her mouth, but his time would come. The dragoness savored the meany wonderful flavors in her mouth before swallowing her prey whole. Mum then did the same with the next spoon full, and the one after that, and the one after that. Until there was nothing left in her bowl but a minor amount of beer and honey, after which she continued her day ruling the city of chains as the cruel and evil creature she was known as.
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