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Once upon a time in Felarya, Petra's First Date (Romance)


In the ruins of a once-mighty empire, slithering back and forth in what once was a ballroom, was one of the scariest predators of Felarys, panicking like a scared child. Petra was a forty foot tall Naga, rather short for one of her spices, her hair, which she was fidgeting with, was naturally pink, matching her eyes and going down to her shoulders. Her long tail, which Petra was using to pace back and forth with, was orange with black spots all over it.

"Oh, I should never have agreed to this stupid blind date! how am I supposed to know what this Dave looks like!?" Petra was always a bit on the nervous side, but it was worse tonight, seeing as she was waiting to meet up with a complete stranger. She was talked into it by her friend Candie; she said that Dave was looking for a relationship and that she said she would help him out, and that is when Candie asked Petra to do her a solid. Wich Petra was already regretting as waiting for him alone was making her a nervous wreck, it was at that moment that Petra heard the sound of building collapsing and the thuds of footsteps, more then she was expecting.

"Dame it Candie; did you just pimp me out to a group?!" Petra muttered to herself as she peeked a look to see who was out there, and what she spotted shocked her. He had to be seventy feet tall, making Petra a little more than half of his size, but what stood out most was his legs, all eight of them. He was a Dridder, something Candie forgot to mention, his legs and backside were jet black matching his hair and on his backside were red markings of some sort.

"Hello, is there someone named Petra around here!?" If there was any dought in Petra's mind if that was Dave, they were gone, Petra, acting braver then she felt, slithered out to meet him.

"H-helo you must be Dave, I am Petra nice to meet you."

"I'm Dave, nice to meet you, Petra." Dave had to crouch down to be just a head taller than Petra, and he then held out his hand, smiling down at Petra in a friendly way. Petra shook Dave's hand, seeing how much bigger it was then hers just made the pore thing even more nervous.

"So I know about this dungeon that humans are almost always coming in and out of, do you wanna go see if we can catch a few?"

"Sure, lead the way." Petra fallowed Dave closely as they went out of the deeper parts of the woods and into the outer edges, Petra hated awkward silences, but she hated starting the conversation more, but after a whole minute of walking, it looked like she had no choice.

"So, um... How do you know Candie?"

"Oh, that is a fun story! So I come home to my lair and guess who I find trying to sneak out with a whole roll of my webs?"

"*groan* I swear that little human goes out of her way looking for trouble, so how come you didn't eat her?"

"Not for lack of trying mind you, but I am sure you know how hard that little witch is to catch. So after a good ten minutes of me trying to grab her up, she offered me something worth more than a snack, the location of this dungeon! Speaking off looks like we made it." Petra looked to were Dave was pointing, and she spotted what looked like as Candie would call it a cheap movie set, Petra then spotted what looked like four humans coming out with all sorts of treasure. Petra was fare less nervous; she did not have to think too hard with this, as Dave climbed into the massive tree the dungeon was built in the roots of Petra went low. And just when the adventurers thought they were safe and victorious, that is when Dave fell from the tree, looming over the little humans menacingly making them run towards Petra. The moment they were close enough Petra grabbed two of them up, as the last two stopped in their tracks, Dave plucked them up carelessly.

"Wow, that was a good ambush Petra, I'm impressed."

"Oh it was nothing really, you did all the hard work I just picked up what was right in front of me is all."

"Well, I still say you did a good job." Petra was blushing all over again hearing Dave complement her hunting skills like that, she then focused on enjoying her meal, starting with the man in her left hand moving him to her open mouth and setting him in it. Petra loved the taste of humans, and the way he wiggled around in her mouth was satisfying as well. Petra quickly gulped him down; she even liked how they felt squirming down her throat and moved on to the other human giving him a good lick first, savoring him before tossing him into her mouth. Swallowing him down like the tasty treat he was, Petra looked over to Dave as he finished off the last of his humans.

"That was satisfying, thanks for bringing me to this place, Dave."

"No problem, so how do you like our date so fare?"

"Might go better if we find something else to eat, as tasty as those humans were, they are not very filling."

"Let's keep hunting then, so how do you know Candie by the way?" Petra and Dave then continued to have a good night hunting and talking, and all of a sudden Petra did not think blind dates were such a bad thing after all

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