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The Story Continues:

Chapter 1: Freedom

As the giant ship raced through the air, the students sat down in a circle, relaxed for the first time. The threat of Ms Eve, the horrible school and its terrible practises laid behind them like a bad dream, the nightmare was finally over.

Jack sat next to Kairi, holding her with his arm around her, he hugged her tight, comforting her after the traumatic event. Ms Eve was not just a teacher to her, she was her mother. Nobody else had such a stake in the school like Kairi had, she had betrayed and attacked her own mother. And while Kairi knew she was evil, and had hated her since she was forced to attend the horrid school. A small part within her was broken, she was alone. The part of her life that was her family was forever lost.

However Kairi looked to Jack, her boyfriend, her lover, her savior and her most trusted companion. Without him, she would have still been stuck at that school, her life still be under the control of her sadistic mother. He came and through all the torture, tricks and insane schemes her mother threw at them, stayed by her side and never left her.
She loved him and could never see them being apart.

Jack held Kairi tight, never wanting to let go. She changed his life, he had nobody and was nobody before her. Not to mention how she saved his life. He was doomed to serve an eterntiy to some Alien, a slave to be sold and abused. She saved him for such a nightmare and he would never forget that.

But she was more then his savior, she was his love, his forever. He loved her like nothing he had ever loved, he shared a moment with her that can never be forgotten, a sacred bond that tied them together. He loved her, and would never let her go.

Next to them sat Aerin and Josh. Aerin sat in Josh's lap, asleep from the huge night they had. Josh looked at her on his lap, his life forever changed when they met. He sat on the empty seat, expecting it to be a blessing. The classroom filled with foreign beings and the crazy things the teacher had done to his fellow classmate, Josh actually was happy to be alone. But then she came. This small, gorgeous and perky girl rolled into his life, both emotionally and literally smothering his life. Forced to be her 'seat', he assumed that this was his life now.

But as he started to live with this girl, talk with her, bond with her. Her persona went from this bratty, high class girl to this sweet, cute, misunderstood girl who had never lived outside her bubble of fame and fortune. Late night talks and bonding over intrests started to melt away her demeanor and soon she was gentle, talked to him. It was not all easy, she apparently had to actually find out how to 'act' around him. But, once she learned to treat him as a person, he did the same. And they grew close, started to fall for each other and eventaully, did the deed that forever bonded them together. And Josh hoped that they would never be apart again.

Aerin's life changed when she went to that school. She wanted to have a taste of normal life and convinced her protective mum to send her there. A compromise, a school run by Aliens, her mother assumed she would follow the lie, attend a class not to learn, but enslave and gain a 'pet' human. However, she instead found love, found Josh. She admitted she was not kind at first, she did sit on his face day one. But she did find him cute, and he always treated her with respect and admiration. She wanted to do the same, but having never had someone like him, she had no idea what to do. However, with a talk from a fellow classmate, now friend. She changed and opened to Josh, and before she knew it, they had become closer then she had ever come with a person and soon they shared a bond that even her mother would have never approved of, and she couldn't have been happier.

In an image mirroring of Aerin and Josh, Tom layed on Aliesha's lap, using her body as a makeshift bed. She felt his body, his breathing moving his body. She had fallen for this boy, someone she had seen as a toy but learned to treat better once he was taken from her. Wanting to start anew, she had tried to repair the relationship, but she had used and abused him too much to do so. Wanting to do anything to try again, she did a stupid and dangerous thing. Taking a shrinking pill, she collapsed and almost died. However, dispite the risk, it scared him. And they mended the break they had, soon becoming friends and then lovers. They still had ways to go, but she was glad with the progress and looked forward to their future.

As Tom slept, he dreamed of the nightmare turned dream he had experienced. Joining a class and used as a toy, abused and used. He felt his life was over. His captor a girl he assumed had no mercy for him. But she had surprised him, doing a reckless thing, but he himself was to blame, not allowing her to be given a chance. Forgiving her, they bonded and grew closer. And soon close enough to be considered lovers. A word he would have never used the day they met, and yet, it was now their title.

Amy sat alone. Phil had gone to another part of the ship. Angry she did not trust him, he refused to be apart of the caper he was left out of. Amy felt bad, she enjoyed Phil, but her treatment of him was nowhere near what was acceptable. Her power over him had influenced and changed her. She had used him and then expected him to forgive her. Then leaving him out of the plan they had, she had betrayed his trust completely and now she paid the price.

Phil layed in one of the many rooms the ship hosted. Scared and alone, he was told of the plan the group had planned just hours before it was finished. Feeling betrayed and used, he refused to talk to any of them, Amy most of all. While he never trusted her, this was the final straw.

For the rest of the week the ship travelled, the group took time to relax and bond. All except Amy and Phil. Phil remained in his room while Amy seemed distant and talked little to the group. Kairi and Tom had tried to talk to her, but she refused to open up. The experience had taken a toll on her emotions and mental health.

As a week had rolled over, Kairi and Jack approached Josh, Aliesha and Tom already in the room. "Where is Aerin?" Kairi asked, Josh replied. "In her room, she woke up sick, so she is recovering in there". "Oh, thats no good, hope she is better soon" Kairi said. Jack spoke "So whats our plan, where from now?".

They had a ship and their future ahead, but no plans. Something a year of school would have decided, the short time had left them with no plans. The humans refused to return to the lives they had, most dead end jobs or uncertain futures. And the Aliens were not much different.

"No idea" Aliesha said, "But if its with Tom, I don't care where" she added, Tom gripping her in a hug. "Well then" Jack said. "Into the Unknown" Kairi added.

Writers Notes:

So I have a future for these characters, but no set path. I had planned to put them into a neighbourhood setting, with the Aliens fitting into human lifestyle. But I also know the original had a great school setting that many might want to continue that, but in a normal school and not the torture fake school of the original.

I also had ideas for them staying on the ship, its large enough for living and they could have interstellar travels to various planets.

But while these characters and their relationships are planned out, I am open to any of the above ideas or even new suggestions and whatever people enjoy.

Also any other suggestions, things you want to see happen, I am always open to suggestions. I can't promise anything, some events I have planned will always take precedence, but if its good enough and won't mess with anything, happy to include it.

Also, someone specifically asked for a custom character to be added in a review (a trusted constant reviewer). If they could list names, species (either Both human, one human one Alien or both alien) and what species they wanted (feel free to make one up, but know I will adapt it to fit the story). Please leave a review of the details.

Also, for any other people who enjoyed my last story and want to take part. I am opening 2 slots, either single or couples, to be added. You will get screen time and if solo, a relationship. So first in, first served.

Thanks for reading, this will be a much longer project and this was a taste to get the word out and the writing to page started.

Chapter End Notes:

Thanks for reading, I included Writers notes with additonal details.

Apologizes for any mistakes or errors.

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