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Another Comission set in the same universe as Shrinkism



Chris sat nervously in Isebell’s hand as she walked toward the house party. Chris was shaking either from his nerves, the music vibrating the air, or Isebell’s walking that kept sending small tremors through her hand. It was probably a combination of all three to be honest. Chris didn’t know why he agreed to come to the party, especially as a shrinky. Chris had just started shrinking about a month ago. Luckily Isebell didn’t seem to mind Chris’ new size. In fact if anything Chris thought she enjoyed him this way. They spent more time together and if anything Chris felt much closer to Bell than before with her looking out for him and taking care of him.




So when Abby invited both of them, Isebell figured it wouldn’t be too bad if they went to the party together. Chris didn’t want to be rude and tell Abby no, so he figured, “Yeah sure.” Now here they were, the moment of truth as Isebell walked toward the large red portal that vibrated by party music. The moment Isebell knocked, the door swung open and Chris was assaulted by the trembling air waves before Abby stood in the door way. Her larger framed body blocked more of the sound waves than the door.




“BELL! You made it!” Abby said happily as she was already holding a red cup in one hand. Abby was dressed in her typical dark and blackened clothes and makeup. Her tone was totally different from her appearance.




“And Chris too,” Isebell said lifting Chris up a little more to show him off to Abby.




“Yup,” Abby said without much emotion as she had with Isebell showing up. “Well, both of you come on in,” Abby told them making way for them to enter the house.




Chris looked around the home he had been too so many times before. Abby liked to throw a party like every other weekend. Something that he usually looked forward to, but after shrinking last month… well he figured it would be best to stay away from the social event. It wouldn't be as fun when he was too small to do anything other than hang around Isebell. Isebell didn’t go to them either because, well it was probably because Chris wasn’t there. However Isebell figured they might as well try it out.




Someone in a dark hoodie called out from across the room. It was Beth, one of Isebell’s friends, “Bell, your here.”




“BELLY,” an excited voice came from behind Chris and Isebell as her best friend Emily swooped in to hug her from behind. “You came! Oh this is perfect, we were wondering if you were going to show up.” Emily smirked, “I wasn’t sure if you got cold feet.”




“Cold feet,” Chris repeated obviously unheard through the music.




“… no, no I thought it over. I think you guys are right. This is for the best.” Bell told Emily.




“The best? The party does seem kind of fun,” Chris remarked again more for himself as he looked around the slightly crowded room. It seemed Abby invited about 15 or so people. Most of them were from school. Chris saw a few faces he remember seeing before he dropped out of school thanks to Shrinkism. However most of the faces were of people Chris never even seen before in his life. Maybe from another school? Chris spotted someone looking at him, Chris gave him a wave hello that seemed to have been ignored, or maybe he just didn’t see Chris. He was pretty small at this size.




“Well, come on, let’s get you to the kitchen,” Emily smiled as she lead the way. Chris smiled too as he looked up at Isebell. The slight worried look on her face when they left her place was now gone and that smile was slowly coming back. Chris was happy that she was looking happier, more at ease than normal. It seemed all she needed was a party to cheer her up.




“You’re looking happier,” Chris laughed. Isebell on the other hand didn’t seem to hear him over the music. “That might get annoying,” Chris said feeling ignored but it wouldn't be the first time something he said didn’t reach Isebell.




The three of them entered the kitchen where Isebell held out her hand toward the counter top.




“Uh, okay,” Chris said as he took the hint and hopped off Isebell’s hand.




“Here you go,” Emily smiled as she handed a drink to Isebell, “You go have some fun, I'll take care of Chris.”




“Thanks,” Isebell said with a sigh.




Chris looked between the two giant girls before Isebell headed out the kitchen doors. “What? Hey, what?? Bell?! What’s going on?” Chris asked looking to Emily. She gave Chris a weak smile. A smile that she never showed him before. One that made him feel uneasy at this moment.




“Yeah… your probably wondering what’s going on,” Emily said as she leaned into the counter, resting her elbows on the counter top. The large arms on either side of Chris, as she looked down at his small body. He had to tilt his head upward as she looked down at his small form. “You see, Bell is kind of done with you.”




“Done… done?! What do you mean done,” Chris cried out. “BELL?!” Chris tried to call her but she didn’t respond. She was still gone.




Emily went on, “She can’t deal with it anymore, the whole, shrinky thing,” Emily told him. “I don’t blame her, she’s had to put up with a lot of changes. I just can’t believe she put up with your problems till now, what a trooper.”




“I don't believe you,” Chris shouted at Emily. “You’re lying… or playing a sick joke?”




“Sorry,” Emily laughed, “I can’t hear a word your saying. But it doesn’t matter, I'm pretty sure it’s not that important anymore.” Emily shrugged, “Anyway, I guess I should put you with the rest.”




“The rest-” Chris cried out as Emily effortlessly picked him up by his clothes and carried him around to the other side of the counter. “Where- oh god...” Chris’ words died in his throat as he saw a large punch bowl below him. However there wasn’t any punch in it, instead there were about 15 or more small people down there. Each of them had the same horrified expression that Chris was having right now.




“I would tell you all to say hello,” Emily said before dropping Chris into the semi crowded container, “But it won’t matter soon.” Emily took a sip of her drink, “… actually,” Emily said as she turned her head to look at the entrance of the kitchen, “One wont hurt.”




“One...” Chris repeated as he watched Emily smirk as she dipped her large fingers into the bowl to pick up one of the protesting Shrinkies. Chris reaction was filled with horror as the body sized fingers were aimed toward him. He didn’t budge an inch, she wouldn’t… would she?




The fingers plucked up the girl next to Chris and carried her out of the bowl and high into the air.




“You look tasty,” Emily simply dropped the screaming girl into her cup. The faintest sound of a splash could barely be heard over the music. Chris watched as Emily looked at the cup before saying, “Bottoms up,” Emily cheered, as she took her cup and tilted it upwards toward the ceiling. Chris felt his legs shake in fear as Emily took several large gulps before she finished her cup of liquid with a loud sound of satisfaction. “Mmmm, now that hit the spot,” Emily sighed as she licked her lips. “But I should save the rest of you guys for the others. I mean it is a party after all, got to share,” Emily winked at them before walking off leaving Chris with the other Shrinkies.




Chris felt any sense of safety vanish as he realized that he was just another shrinky.




“We got to get out of here!” Someone screamed inside the bowl.




“There’s no way out,” Someone responded behind Chris.




“We have to try,” a female voice called out sounding desperate.




Chris was still stunned by what was going on to even responed to the conversation around him. Why was he here? He didn’t belong here, he wasn’t like the others! He was Isebell’s boyfriend, not a shirnky. Chris knew that Isebell would come back looking for him, or if what Emily was saying is true, he had to talk to Isebell and clear up whatever mistake this was. It wasn’t like Isebell-




“Hey,” Someone called out to Chris, grabbing his shoulder and shaking him out of his thoughts. “We’re trying to get out, we need you to help us,” He told him.




“Uh… yeah,” Chris said still not fully aware of what was going on. He saw the shrinky leading him to a cluster of 10 or so others trying to form a human pile or tower to climb.




“What’s your name,” The man asked.




“Chris...” he told him. “Is this really going to work?”




“It has to, otherwise…” he didn’t have to finish that sentence as Chris already knew what fate was awaiting them. A bowl of shrinkies at a party was never a good thing, at least for the shrinkies. Chris followed the stranger toward the group huddled by what seemed impossible to climb.


A girl around Chris’ age let out a huff, “There’s no way we can make it up there! Look at the curved side of the bowl, and how tall it is!”




“We have to try,” The man who seemed to be the oldest and in charge or at least the one coming up with the idea told everyone. “It’s better than doing nothing and ending up like Katty,” he grimly responded. Chris didn’t know who Katty was but he figured it was the poor girl that was now swimming in Emily’s stomach, along with whatever else she drank and ate so far at the party.




“Than who gets to be on top,” The girl asked. Chris could tell she wanted to be the one trying to escape and not the one supporting the escapee.




Chris didn’t know why but he suddenly spoke up, “My girlfriend. She’s at the party. If I can get her attention she should be able to help us-”




The girl who was arguing made a disgusted sound, “The bitch that drop you in here? Or the one that left you in her hands? Cause neither one of them wouldn’t help us!”




“Bell isn’t like Emily! She’ll save you, I swear it,” Chris shot back.




“Alright fine,” The man said, “If it’s a small chance, it’s still a chance.”




“No way,” The girl protested. “You can count me out!”




Chris could see that the man was struggling from lashing out at the insufferable girl, but he held back. “Alright, everyone else come on, let’s help Chris.”




Apparently a lot of the people were unsure about it, as they seemed to be hesitant thanks to the bratty girl walking off, however there was still a good number of them left to help Chris out. Slowly they started to group together and make a mini base to hold up the next row of people as they made a human tower. Chris watched as after the fourth row of people stood on each other, that they were just barely a man short from the top. Everyone was straining to hold the ones above them up as they were ready for Chris.




“Hurry,” Someone groaned as everyone agreed as Chris just nodded and started to climb up. Chris placed his feet on someone’s shoulder’s and pulled himself up over another and another till he was the man on top. Chris looked to the edge of the dish and found that if he jumped… maybe he could make it. The sounds of everyone straining and struggling to stay up grew. Chris decided to give it a shot and jumped. Chris’s hands slapped onto the side of the bowl as he held onto the side.




“I GOT IT!” Chris cried out as he hung there. The tower itself hadn’t collapse.




“Alright,” The stranger somewhere down at the bottom of the tower called out, “We can try-”




A sudden shudder filled the bowl as it grew with more tempo, as thumping of footsteps were heard entering the kitchen. Chris watched as the tower shook and fell down as everyone collapsed inward and on themselves. Straining his hands, Chris tried to keep his hold… but the shaking of the bowl vibrated his arms and body so much he lost his grip, he went hurtling downward into the pile of people before landing on someone. The groaning of everyone was drowned out as the sound of the feet approached them. It was Abby. Here slightly chubby checks had a massive grin on them.


“Where you all trying to escape? Oh my god that’s so funny,” Abby chuckled, “Stupid, but funny.”




Chris felt the entire bowl shake as she picked it up with ease and started to carry the container with everyone in it. Chris felt the people under him squirm and roll out of the way as the bowl shifted and tilted people around with each and every step. It was pure chaos and Chris felt someone hit or bump into him multiple times till finally Abby slammed the bowl down in a new room. Looking up Chris spotted a few faces, none he recognized. Abby was still in view as the five faces looked into he bowl.




“Well grab some, can’t play ball without them,” Abby ordered them. Chris wasn’t able to avoid the large hands that came into the bowl and grabbed at the mass of shrinkies. Chris ended up being one of the unfortunate ones pulled out of the bowl. The large fingers wrapped around him and a few other people he didn’t see. He couldn’t tell if it was someone’s body or one of the fingers that pinned him to the palm of the large fist. All Chris knew was he couldn’t move, and neither could the others stuck with him.




The pressure on Chris soon vanished as one second it was dark than there was light as he started to fall through the air. Chris let out a yelp as he tumbled through the air. He was only to catch glimpses of things as he fell, a few people standing here and there, something below, a glimpse of Abby. Finally Chris landed in something. It was a large pool of liquid that caught his fall. Submerged under the fluid, Chris floated to the top of the golden fizzy material. Catching his breath, Chris noticed two things. The first was the heavy smell and taste of a certain beer like drink, the second was the container he was in now had large walls scaling high up and impossible to climb. The material of the walls were a white plastic like substance. He was in a cup.




“Rack them up,” A giant called out as Chris saw a large hand hover over the top of the cup. T hey easily gripped the top of the cup as it lifted it off whatever surface Chris was on. The cup moved and sloshed the beer around causing a small wave to ripple and splash into Chris. He was just small enough that he couldn’t touch the bottom of the cup, but the cup wasn’t fully filled, more like a third or half so. Chris gulped, just enough for a drink. The sound of plastic clunking into each other was heard and Chris watched as the hand let go of his cup. Finally after a few more clinks and clunks the giants that were moving things seemed satisfied. “We got first shot,” the same giant called out.




Chris looked up as he watched a bright neon orange orb fly above through the sky. There was the sound of plastic hitting plastic before a small splash could be heard.




“He shoots he scores,” The giant cheered as there was a high five just a little off. The sound of gulping before a cup being tossed could be heard throughout the room.




It was pure dread for Chris as the uneasiness spread through him as he knew it was the other side of the table’s turn to throw the ball into a cup. If the ball lands in his cup, he was a goner. The sound of plastic hitting the lip of the cup and the slight tint of orange just popping into view, gave Chris a heart attack before the ball had too much force and jumped off the lip and somewhere else. Chris wasn’t sure if he was lucky or not, but by the sound of the giants near him, it sounded like the other team missed.




“Go for the one on the left,” Chris heard one of the giants on his table call out. Again the sound of plastic colliding and a small splash could be heard. Some gulping and another cup tossed to the floor.




It was time for Chris to pray that they tried another cup.




They didn’t, the orange ball came back into view for a split second causing Chris to cry out in alarm as now the ball had more force to it. It bounced into the cup swirled around the rim, rocking the cup of beer before jumping out and landing into another cup nearby.




“DRINK UP!” Someone shouted.




A hand passed by the top of the cup, when it retreated Chris could see it holding a large red cup in it’s hand. Chris could hear someone crying out as it passed by. The screaming and crying was gone in an instant, however Chris could hear the loud gulping sound for a few seconds before the sound of a cup being crushed and tossed to the ground replaced it.




“Our turn again,” A voice said.




Chris was horrified as he watched the ball sail over head, however it seemed the perfect aim that the giants had before wasn’t as good as they thought. The sound of the ball colliding with the table could be heard before it was the other teams shot.




Chris was subjected to this mental torment for too long. The beer was starting to get to him, as it wasn’t as cold as it used to be but the smell was making him feel sick, or maybe it was the constant dread of seeing that orange ball landing in here with him, signaling it was his turn. The sounds of clunking plastic or the ping pong ball hitting the table continued on for what seemed like forever. Chris was forced to wince every time someone downed a drink and finally some dreaded words were spoken by the giants across the table.




“3 left, rerack,” someone called out.




“Hey you can’t do that,” one of the giants on Chris’ side of the table argued. “It’s against the rules.”




“House rules, right babe?”




Chris heard Abby’s voice, “My house my rules, each team gets one rerack.”




Chris didn’t know what that meant, but suddenly the giant hand came back into view as it picked up the cup by the top and started to move Chris somewhere. Soon his cup collided with another and the sound of another. The last three cups left on this side of the table were grouped together… which meant easier time to land a shot.




“This is some BS,” one of the Giants grumbled, obviously not agreeing with this rule.




The sound of someone bouncing the ping pong ball on the table could be heard before there was a dreaded silence before the ball was being thrown. Chris watched the ball arc through the air, with perfect precision as the ball headed straight into his cup.




“Ahh,” Chris cried out as the large orb splashed into the cup and nearly collided with him.




“BINGO,” Someone shouted as Chris tried to throw the ball out of the cup, but obviously wasn’t able to.




Soon two fingers dipped in and pulled out the orange ball and than grabbed the cup. The liquid sloshed around as Chris watched the lip of the cup starting to tilt toward two fleshy lips. The drinker’s face was obviously looking pissed that he was forced to drink, but other than that it didn’t recognize Chris. Most likely because he didn’t care or whatever.




“STOP!” Chris shouted as he felt the tide of the beer starting to tilt while everything started to be drawn toward the closed mouth. Chris watched the lips part and a row of teeth were exposed as the cup was tilted more upward. Soon the mouth opened all the way showing the dark pit of despair that Chris was heading toward. “NOOOO!” Chris screamed as gravity and the rushing liquid started to drag him toward the hole-




“Don’t drink, he cheated,” Someone said off to the side.




Chris immediately had his whole world reverse as the cup was yanked downward and he crashed to the bottom of the cup along with the beer that was about to take a trip into the young adult’s stomach.




“We didn’t cheat,” Someone argued.




“Your arm crossed the table,” A giant nearby protested. “That means the shot doesn't count.”




“Now that’s some bullshit and you know it,” The other Giant argued.




Chris looked up still not recovered from his near death experience and watched the looming face not looking down at him but at the other side of the room. The fighting went on for a few more back and forth before the Giant holding Chris’ cup lowered his hand to set him down. It was obvious his attention was else where, so he didn’t see it, but the cup was at an angle. Chris felt the cup tilt and fall out of the owners hand. The cup hit the table and knocked the other two cups over too, spill it’s content all over the place. Chris rode the wave of beer as everyone at the table jumped back. He and the other two shrinkies were washed along the table and toward one of the edges.




It all happened too fast for Chris to react, however he saw the other two that were trapped already getting up. The man from earlier and some woman he kind of remember noticing in the group of shrinkies before.




“HURRY UP RYAN,” She called out as they ran toward the edge of the table.




Chris than realized he should be running too!




Getting up from the soaking table, Chris rushed through the ankle deep puddle of beer as he rushed the almost football like distance to the edge of the table. Chris was catching up to the other two shrinkies when a shadow blocked out the light. It was obvious that the Giants at the table were now trying to recatch them.




“NICE MOVE IDIOT,” Someone shouted at the clumsy giant that tipped the cup over.




“Shut up asshole, it was an accident,” The giant yelled back at him.




“Both of you shut up and clean that mess up,” Abby ordered from somewhere. Chris watched as a giant hand swept toward the two shrinkies at the edge of the table. The man quickly shoved the woman off the table just as the hand grew closer and snatched at him. Chris couldn’t tell if the woman would survive the fall, but it looked like the man was the only one caught by the Giant. Chris on the other hand didn’t have much better luck as he was snatched up and dropped into an empty cup by himself. There was still a little residue left from the split beer, but other than that he was at the bottom of an empty solo cup.




“Hey where’d the other one go?”




“I can’t find it,” Someone complained.




“You lost one,” Abby asked sounding upset. “You idiots, how do you spill a beer,” She groaned as it sounded like she was getting closer. “Go get some napkins or paper towels,” Abby said as she grabbed the cup that Chris was in, her face had a look of annoyance, “Now my place is going to smell like beer for a week,” She muttered before looking down at Chris. Abby’s look went from annoyance to a smile, “Oh my god, Chris? I can’t believe it, your still here!” Chris gulped as Abby brought the cup closer to her face and mouth. Her dark lipstick around her lips peeled back revealing her white teeth, “I would say lucky you but,” A soft laugh escaped behind her massive mouth blowing air with each chuckle into the cup filling the already beer scented cup with more alcohol stench, “We’ll see.” Before Chris could say anything Abby opened her mouth wider before chomping her teeth together above the cup, sending a teeth clacking sound through the cup. Chris shivered from the sound, as Abby giggled at his reaction. Pulling her mouth away from the cup Abby lowered the cup from her face as she started to tell someone to grab the others.




“Abby,” Chris called out trying to get her attention back to him. “ABBY! WHERE’S BELL!” Chris cried out trying to get her attention or to answer him, however he was either too small or she didn’t care about what he was saying.




Soon Chris’ prison was handed to someone, it was Emily. She had the same reaction as Abby, “Oh Chris, long time no see?”




Chris was aghast at how both friends had written him off so easily. “YEAH! Now bring me to Bell,” Chris called out.




Emily just shrugged, “Sure.”




“YOU BE- wait you will?” Chris called out confused at how she simple gave into his demands. Something felt off.




“Sure, well, I mean, you’ll see her, but I don’t know if she’ll see you. There’s another game coming up and we WERE short 1 person. Now we have enough,” Emily smiled at Chris. He didn’t like the feeling he was getting off her smile. One that normally gave him a warm feeling whenever she did it, but now it was a cold one. There was something extremely not right about it. Emily soon tilted the cup and Chris and the little amount of beer left in the cup spilled out into the same bowl he was in before. Some of the shrinkies let out a sound of disgust or complaint as the couple bucket fulls of beer splashing them as Chris landed near them.




Once Chris recovered from being dumped out into the container he looked around to notice that there were definitely a lot less of them. In fact he would have to say there was roughly half the original amount now than before. Chris gulped as he looked past the edge of the towering walls to see a group of 7 giants and giantess hanging around. The three men, Chris had never seen before but the other 4 he knew. Abby, Beth, Emily, and Isebell. Chris immediately looked onto his girlfriend as she was standing there with her phone in her hands texting. She wasn’t even looking as Chris was carried out of view.




“BELL! HEY! BELL DOWN HERE!” Chris shouted, but she was already out of voice shout. Chris wasn’t sure if she saw him down here or not. He had to get her to see him before something else happened to him.




“Truth or dare,” Abby called out as she picked up the bowl again and started to tip the container. Soon everything was shifted at an angle and all the remaining shrinkies, including Chris, were being pulled down toward the edge of the bowl. Chris struggled to keep from falling but the surface of the bowl was too smooth to grab anything for grip. However he was on the other side of the container, so he wasn’t the first to fall out, it was someone else. The clear container was than set back up preventing anymore people from falling out or escaping.




Chris didn’t know what truth or dare had to do with a shrinky. However he was getting a bad feeling just like all the other times. Abby picked up the single girl that fell from the bowl and on the ground. It was the previous girl that refused to help them escape earlier. She seemed to be pleading with an unapthetic Abby who just plucked her up and dropped her into an empty beer bottle.




“So here is how it’s going to go,” Abby told everyone in the room. All of the seven normal sized party goers started to sit around the bottle. Chris was able to see everything as Emily picked up the bowl and sat down holding all the shrinkies in her lap. “I’ll spin the bottle with the shrinky in it. Whoever it lands on picks truth or dare. Truth you have to tell the truth and than you get the shrinky. If dare we have to do the dare with the shrinky. Simple right?”




Chris was horrified as he looked up at Emily who seemed excited for the game. In fact everyone except for the girl in the bottle seemed interested, even Isebell. Abby placed the bottle on its side and gave it a strong spin as the bottle spun around on the ground. It kept spinning until it slowed down and finally the bottle stopped on Emily.




“Oh oh, dare, I pick dare,” Emily said excitedly as she seemed to be bouncing the bowl in her lap with everyone still in it. Chris was thrown to the ground from the tremor of the small action.




“I dare you to put her,” Abby said showing two fingers and an upward motion, “Inside you.”




Chris paled at the dare. No… they wouldn’t do that to her. Emily wouldn’t-




“Hand her over,” Emily laughed. “Let me just head to the bathroom-”




Abby shook her head as she dropped the now petrified shrinky in her hands, “We got to see you do it.” Abby smirked waiting for Emily to back out of the dare.




“What? That’s so disgusting,” Emily commented. “In front of everyone?”




“Yup or you can give her back to me, and I'll show you how it’s done,” Abby taunted. The giant boys all seemed to be taking pleasure in hearing this conversation. They were really in for a good show.




Chris and the other shrinkies in the room were not in the same mood. However Emily seemed to accept Abby’s taunts.




“Fine,” Emily commented as she held the shrinky in her hand. “Gonna pay you back for this, you know,” Emily spoke to Abby who stuck out her tongue as she sat down next to the male giant she had been with all the night. It seemed they both were very close. Chris watched Emily as she moved the bowl out of her lap, however they weren’t moved too far away. Chris was still able to see what was going on as Emily didn’t move much but brought the shrinky closer to her jean covered crotch. Emily took her free hand and carefully unzipped the crotch area exposing the dark opening to as few people as possible. Chris looked horrified as Emily was actually going to do it. Everyone else was trying to see past the bowl that was blocking most of the view, however Emily wasn’t let them see anything. She quickly started to move her hand down to the opening and quickly maneuvered while sitting down to do the deed. Soon her fingers and hand holding the shrinky disappeared. Chris watched Emily’s face frown up a little before a surprise face and than back to normal as she slowly extracted her fingers and hands from her crotch. Chris saw that there wasn’t a shrinky any more in her hands, Emily slowly zipped up the jeans and quickly took her fingers rubbed any residue on her jeans before pulling the bowl back into her lap.




“There done,” Emily told everyone. “Ohhh, well not done, she still squirming in there...”




Everyone had a different reaction, some of the guys laughed, Abby smirked and seemed pleased with the dare completed, Bell didn’t seem too interested as she still was on her phone and drinking to notice, and Beth just kind of had a blank look. She was hard to read, which was what always made Chris nervous about her. Abby quickly dipped her fingers into the bowl and snatched out a random shrinky. Chris spotted it as the man from earlier who was shouting at her to wash her hands. However she didn’t pay attention she dropped the small man into the bottle and quickly spun the bottle. Chris watched the bottle slow down before stopping on Beth, who looked surprised.




“Truth or dare?” Emily asked.




“Truth,” Beth spoke.




“Is it true you had a crush on Chris,” Emily asked smirking from above.




“WHAT?” Chris spoke looking back between Emily, Beth, Bell, and Abby’s expressions.








“You have to tell the truth!” Abby said sounding shocked. Chris looked to Bell who too was waiting for the answer.




“...Fine, yeah I do,” Beth said looking embarrassed as can be.




“You did or do? Like you still have a crush on this guy,” Emliy asked dipping her hand into the bowl and quickly finding Chris. He was too shocked to move as the massive fingers lifted him up and out of the bowl.




Beth glared in Emily and Chris’ direction as she held the shrunken man from the bottle in her hand. “I already answered your stupid question,” Beth told her sounding upset that her secret was reveal to everyone in the room. Beth tossed the shrunken man into her mouth before lifting up her red solo cup and did a quick gulp before pulling the cup away from her mouth and saying, “It’s my turn.”




The room seemed a little tense with Beth’s new reveal of her crush. Especially for Chris himself. Beth has a crush on him? But, Bell…




Beth put a tiny in the bottle and spun it. It landed on a grinning Abby who already said, “Dare.”




Chris watched Beth walk over and hand the shrinky to Abby and dare her. “I dare you NOT to hurt this shrinky.”




Chris wasn’t sure what Beth was playing at but everyone in the room seemed confused and looked to Abby and her response. She seemed very upset, “What? You can’t do that.”




“Oh you going to break the dare?” Beth asked, watching Abby getting mad at the childish dare.




“Why you being a bitch about this?” Abby asked sounding upset




“You told Emily!” Beth shot back at her.




“It wasn’t on purpose it just came out,” Abby protested as both friend got into a verbal fight.




“Well the dare just came out, my bad,” Beth sarcastically said as she sat down in her seat. “So? You going to spin the bottle?”




Abby huffed as she looked at the small person in her hands. Obviously the person looked kind of relieved about the dare. Chris was still in the bowl as he watched Abby tilt her head as she thought of something, “Fine. Paul,” Abby said turning to the boy that she had been with all night. “Kiss me,” She told him.




“Uhh, okay,” Paul said hesitant but didn’t seem like one to back down.




Chris watched as Paul went in for a kiss before Abby pushed the shrinky into his surprised mouth. Than she went into a kiss as she made out with Paul while the other guys oooed at the scene. The make out scene was intense and it was clear that more than their tongues were sliding back and forth between each mouth. After countless black smooch marks were left on Paul, Abby swallowed more than just spit, “Oooops,” Abby mocked at Beth, “Paul pushed the shrinky down my throat. It wasn’t me, I swear,” Abby beamed at Beth who squinted at her in a very aggressive way.




“Anyway now it’s my turn,” Abby got up and headed over to the bowl and picked it up. Chris found that he was being singled out as Abby reached in and grabbed him. “Time to make this fun,” Abby commented still with venom in her voice. “Okay, Chris!”




“WHAT?” Beth and Bell both looked at Abby and Chris in her palm. “Truth or dare?”




“Wh-what,” Chris repeated as he looked up at the mischievous Abby’s face. Her makeup on her lips was obviously smudged and smeared around from the kissing.




“Truth,” Abby spoke again, “OR,” She leaned in and gave him a toothy grin, “Dare.”




“Abby what are you doing,” Isebell asked obviously not amused at what was going on now.




Beth seemed to be fuming at Abby.




“Hurry up and pick or I might just pick for you,” Abby said to Chris.




“T-truth,” Chris stuttered.




“Who do you like more, Beth or your girlfriend Isebell, ops EX girlfriend I mean.”




“She’s not my Ex,” Chris said looking at Isebell for confirmation. “Right?”




“This isn’t funny, Abby,” Isebell told her.




“Well, you going to tell us,” Abby asked Chris as she held up Chris who looked between the two girls. Beth, who it turned out had a thing for him, and Isebell who supposedly was trying to dump him. However it was obvious who he liked.




“I mean… Bell of course,” Chris told Abby and pointed to Isebell, “She’s my girlfriend duh!”




“You hear that Beth? He still like’s Bell, even after your confession.”




“You’re such a bitch,” Beth shouted at Abby.




“Yes, I am,” Abby said owning up for it. “Welp here you go Isebell, you get Chris.”




Chris never felt more happy in his entire life as he was slowly handed back to Isebell. Once he was in Bell’s hands again, he felt safe. As horrible as it was through the party and everything he went through, now he was with Isebell, and she would keep him-




Isebell let out a tired sigh, “Why? Why did you give him back to me?”




Chris felt something break at those exhausted and annoyed words. “What?”




“I wanted to get rid of him not keep him, Abby,” Isebell told her.




“What are you saying?!” Chris cried out and finally Isebell looked at him since the arrival of the party.




“Chris...” Isebell sighed, “I can’t be with you. It’s just too much. All the looking after and helping and, and, it’s just so… different.”




Chris wasn’t understanding, “Different? What are you saying?”




“Chris you know how much I hate change and well… you changed. Literally,” Isebell told him








Isebell rolled her eyes, “Yeah, but you been more clingy and stuff there’s a few other things but, well… I think it’s best if we just break up.”




“BELL, THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT,” Chris yelled at Isebell who just gave out another tired sigh.




“Yeah I figured you would act like this,” Isebell slowly got up and walked over to Abby, “I’m going to go.”




“WHAT?!” Chris screamed out as he felt Bell’s hand turning and dropping him out of her palm. He tried to grab her fingers or skin but he slipped too soon and landed on Abby’s waiting palm.




“You leaving,” Abby sadden by the news, “But it’s your turn for truth or dare.”




“Yeah, I just got a text from Dillian, he wants to hang out.” Abby seemed to cheer up at the news as it only crushed Chris even more. Abby’s fingers started to curl up into a ball trapping Chris who was watching his girlfriend starting to leave. She paused before leaving the room and rolled her eyes before asking, “Truth or dare?”




“DARE,” Abby cheered as she opened the top of her hands so Chris could see her looming face looking down at him as she waited for Isebell to dare her to do something with Chris.




The tone in her voice had no sympathy, no love, no hate, or malice. It was just a simple goodbye for Isebell, “I dare you to say goodbye to Chris for me. Just take care of him for me will you?”




“Sure thing,” Abby cheerfully agreed.




“I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Isebell said as she left the room and soon out the door. Everyone said bye, some happier than others about her leaving.




Chris screamed out for her to save him but it was pointless. She wasn’t going to help. She just condemned him to his death.




Suddenly everything started to move as Abby got up off the floor, “Welp you guys have fun continuing the game.”




“Where you going,” Emily asked.




“Me and Paul are about to give Chris a nice goodbye,” Abby commented as she pulled Paul up off the floor and to follow after her.




Chris looked around, “Someone help me! YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” Chris screamed for help that he was sure no one but Abby heard. He caught Emily’s smile as she went to pick up a shrinky and continue the truth or dare with the others. Chris caught Beth’s look and it was one of sorrow and pity. Something told Chris if he picked Beth she wouldn’t have let this happen to him. Why did he think that Isebell was going to save him in the first place! SHE WAS THE ONE THAT SET THIS UP!




“BETH HELP ME!” Chris called out, but she didn’t look. Instead she looked down at her cup before getting up and heading in the opposite direction away from the room that Abby and Paul were heading to. It didn’t take long before Abby closed the door and find that they were in the bathroom. Abby locked the door before turning around and looking at Paul. “Abby what are you doing,” Chris asked as he was now in between Abby and Paul’s body. Abby just laughed as she ignored Chris.




“You liked that kiss?”




“That was amazing,” Paul recalled.




“Well you haven’t seen anything yet.” Abby told him. “I want to see it.”




“See what,” Paul and Chris asked.




“Your dick, pull it out for me.”




“WHAT?” Chris shouted.




Paul nodded but didn’t say anything. He fumbled with his pants as he started to undo them. Sure enough he was in his boxers before he stripped those down. Chris watched as his excitement was already showing. His shaft was rising as he stood nude from waste down.




“Ooo, you’re bigger than I thought,” Abby commented as she slurped her lips. “come here big guy,” Abby started to kneel down so she aligned perfectly toward his rising wood. “And let’s put you here,” Abby said dropping Chris to straddle Paul’s cock.




“WHAT,” Chris cried out disgusted at what was going on. However, Abby’s hand wrapped around Chris and Paul as she pushed him down into the fleshy log. Chris let out a whimper as he felt Abby’s hand slowly drag him up and down the throbbing member. The heat coming from Abby’s hand was nothing compared to the heat coming off the stiff member. Chris tried to escape but it wasn’t happening. The sound of Paul gasping was blocked out by the sounds of Abby’s delighted laughing.




“I think we’re teasing him,” Abby told Chris as she opened her mouth and gave the tip a long lick. “How you holding up,” Abby looked up at Paul as she gave Chris and him a nice firm squeeze.




“Ahh,” Paul gasped.




“AHHH,” Chris cried out as he felt his body getting crushed into the hard cock in Abby’s hand.




“Ahhh,” Abby said opening her mouth wide open. Chris looked down the length of the penis he was on as it was slowly being pushed into the dark cavern. The mouth was wide enough to engulf the head of the penis and than some, as Abby moved forward toward Chris, and toward Paul’s hips. Abby slowly closed her lips just inches form Chris as she slurped and pulled back on the member. Chris let out a startled cry as Abby moved back toward him a little more aggressive now as she gave Paul some head. The blackened lips rushed up to meet him.




“Abby, ooo that feels soo good,” Paul called out from above as she slithered up his junk.




Chris on the other hand wasn’t feeling so good. He felt sick as he watched Abby’s dark lipstick lips cross over his face for the briefest of second, enough to slobber him with some spit. Than they pulled back leaving a nice gloss over him and the penis he was being pinned too. It didn’t last long as Abby went full deep throat on Paul and shoved everything into her mouth surprising everyone in the room. One moment Abby was at the tip, than she was pinned to Paul’s hip sucking his seed out. Chris was engulfed in darkness and the humid mouth of Abby as she sloppily licked the dick inside her mouth catching Chris and taking him off the cock. Once Chris fell off, he landed in a pit of slim and possible a tooth from how hard the object was. The large massive penis was pulled out only to be jabbed back into the mouth and slam into Chris’ back. He was hit by the massive organ as something slimy from in front of pushed him into the tip of the cock. Abby was using her tongue to swirl him around the top of Paul's penis and give him some stimulation while torment Chris in the process. As the cock was pulled out again, Abby opened her mouth wide and let Chris see outside.




“Ahhhh,” Abby moaned open mouth and jacking Paul’s dick furiously. She was trying to get him to cum.




Chris was covered head to toe by a ton of spit build up as he was in the middle of Abby’s tongue, while she curled at the tip keeping all the liquid in her mouth.




“ABBY DON’T” Chris screamed with all his might.




Paul grunted.




“NOOOOO!” Chris screamed.




“MMMMMM,” Abby moaned.




Chris wasn’t ready for it as the cock just at the opened mouth spluttered out a wave of white cream. It flew through the air and into Abby’s mouth colliding with Chris’ chest and knocking him back onto the massive tongue before another squirt landed and hit his head blinding him. After the second shot, the cock was thrust into the opening of Abby’s mouth as he plugged it up and started to blast it’s load into her mouth. Abby moaned as Chris and her mouth was assaulted by the warm hot cum blazing into her mouth and all over Chris. It seemed to never end as cum and saliva flew all over the place as Abby’s tongue flicked everything into the center of her mouth, gathering and collecting the seed and Chris. Finally the cumming cock was slowly losing it’s vigor and popped out of Abby’s mouth as she left it partially open before closing and sealing Chris away in the dark cum filled maw. There was swishing around as more and more waves of hot sticky semen and saliva pilled up on him and hit him from all over. Finally the storm settle down as Abby slowly opened her mouth. Chris was assaulted by the bathroom lights and when he was able to see after removing the layers of goo from his face, he saw himself. He was a small dot in a vast pool of watery spit and cum mixture near the back of Abby’s tongue. He saw Abby looking through the mirror and at her open mouth as she have him a wave bye bye.




“Buhbuh,” she muttered with her mouth still open. The sound coming form directly behind Chris, who looked back. The opening of her mouth spammed from releasing those words. Than slowly Abby tilted her head back slightly and Chris felt himself and everything else in Abby’s mouth get pulled back to her throat.




“No,” Chris muttered as he couldn’t grab anything as he fell face first into the open hole. The black hole that spread apart swallowing him and all the cum and saliva in Abby’s mouth.




“Noooo,” Chris gurgled from the goo rushing over him, as he was pushed together with the massive spitball of sperm and drool. He was quickly forced into the confines of Abby’s hungry throat. He didn't’ stand a chance as she swallowed the load and him in one good gulp.














Abby closed her mouth and ignored the bad taste left in her mouth by Paul.




“What a mouthful,” Abby said tracing the lump down her throat and to her chest and all the way to her stomach. Before letting out a sigh of content, “Ahhh.” Abby gave her slight pudgy belly a nice rub enjoying the sensation of it’s contents. A lot of beer and alcohol mixed in with two shrinkies, Paul’s seed, and various snacks she had been munching on all night. Turning to Paul who was still recovering from the blow job she gave him, “Okay let’s get one more in here,” Abby told Paul as she patted her gut. “And than we can go have some fun in my bed.”




Paul’s eyes lit up at those words as he hurried with pulling up his pants and to grab one more shrinky for Abby to consume. Paul was about to have the best night of his life.




Chapter End Notes:

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