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Author's Chapter Notes:

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James spotted GeeGee first, which was hard to not notice her as she loved to wear some flashy clothes that made her stand out the most. As he approached the small portion of the cafetiere, with the little tables reserved for shrinkies to eat lunch.  James walked over and quickly waved his hand to GeeGee, she spotted him and waved back making him smile as he hurried over to her to take a seat. Already seeing someone already there, James hurried over to say hi to his friends. As James hurried past several tables as fast as he could.  Although he made sure to carefully carry his food carefully, so as not to spill any of his lunch.

“Hey guys,” James said, taking a seat next to Mike and across from GeeGee.

“Took you long enough, “GeeGee scoffed as she scooped up some soup from her bowl.

“What? There was a line for the pizza,” James explained as he picked up a french fry and started to eat it. “Where’s Stacy and the G man?”

Mike snorted at the question, “Probably making out somewhere.”

Everyone at the table groaned at how high of a possibility that was, considering the two love birds confessed very recently. As great as it was that the two hooked up after so long, it was really kind of testing the limits of their friendship, especially when they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves whenever they got a chance. Which left the others a little annoyed.

James looked up at GeeGee, as he still felt her birthday gift in his pocket since this morning. Trying to think of the best way to give it to her, he figured he might as well just toss it at her. “Oh right, GeeGee, before I forget…” James said digging into his right pocket and pulling the gift out, “Happy birthday.”  James chucked it at the unprepared girl who frantically caught it.

“What the fuck,” GeeGee nearly shouted as James laughed when the small box landed in the unprepared girl’s hands.

James and Mike laughed at her reaction before she shot them warning looks. They quiet down a little but not completely as they snickered at the goofy reaction. Geegee, slowly opened the box, and saw the necklace that James got her. “What the… no way! Did you, how?!” James smirked at his gift for his best friend. It was a gold chain with the initials G. G. for Gabby Goldmen. She never went by her real name, always GG. Something that James learned the hard way when he first met her.

Most of James' life was a mess, but he enjoyed this.  How he ended up as a Shrinky, was kind of a long and boring story.  It all started when James shrank in eight grade. His mom wanted him to go to high school, at the very least for A GED. Luckily there was a new program and school opening for a combination of shrinkies and normal students, which most schools already claimed but never protected. However, this one was taking the claim very seriously. The school splurged on new communicators for safety, since this was probably the only school that would dare hire shrinky teachers to teach students.  Something that was extremely rare for obvious reasons.  Not only that, there was a built in tracker that would give administration the location of any student in the building and on the school grounds. All this would help keep any shrinkies who was enrolled in the school extremely safe, but the interview that was given to everyone was the sealing factor of who could join the school. If there was ever a high school that would keep their shrinky students safe, this was the best place.

Still, being safe didn’t mean much when it was your first day in high school. All the drama and anxiety was hard on James and it wasn’t till Gabby Goldmen, GeeGee, came up to him after first period in history and told him “Hey, let’s be BFFHS (best friends for high school).” James was taken back, but seeing as she was the first person to talk to him, they became great friends. Flash forward a few semesters and as seniors in school, James and GeeGee were still extremely close.

James smirked at Gabby and said, “You know my mom, she works with jewelry. I asked her if she could make something for you and-”

Gabby scoffed, “You had your mom make this for you?!”

James rolled his eyes again at how she was acting, “If you don’t want it-”

She clutched it close, “NO… just saying…” GeeGee muttered across the table, “You could have helped out with it, that’s all.”

James seemed offended, “And who said I didn’t?”

Gabby was starting to put the necklace on before giving him a knowing stare, “Did you?”

James quickly turned to Mike to avoid the question, “So, in world history, we have a quiz?”

“I freaking knew it,” Gabby laughed as she finished clasping the necklace on.

No sooner did she do so, the last two of the group finally showed up. James spotted Garth and Stacy holding hands as they approached the table with their lunch. Mike shook his head next to James, “Here they come. I’m shocked they didn’t waste all of their lunch period playing tonsil hockey with each other.”

As their late friends finally sat down at the table and joined everyone. With all five of them together they started to converse and talk about normal and random things. Rummars in school, stuff about classes, things like what they were doing on the weekends, who was hot and sexy. Also one of James’ favorite conversations, which normal sized teacher or student he would be okay being kidnapped by. Everyone always had some weird kind of taste that made that topic fun to discuss.

James was laughing at a joke Mike told him when he spotted a normal sized person walking late into the cafeteria. James couldn’t take his eyes off her as he spotted this gorgeous person step into the room. At first he was going to ignore her, but something about her clicked with him. Maybe it was her hair style, or maybe it was how she was smiling, or it was her footwear or clothing. Whatever it was, he had to do a double take on this stranger… and that’s when he was hooked. His gaze was locked with the new student as she slowly walked into the room. She was glancing around, maybe looking for a friend or a seat in the cafeteria filled with normal sized people and shrinkies.

“Oh…” James muttered. “Who is she, my goodness,” James continued to mutter.

“Who?” Mike asked, as he was the only one that heard him.

James pointed toward the standing stranger still glancing around. “Her! Is she new? I haven’t seen her before.”

“Who,” GeeGee asked, turning around and seeing the stranger they were talking about. “Oh, her. Yeah, she transferred in this morning. She’s in my science class.”

“What’s her name,” James asked, still watching the wonder of a woman before him.

“Uh…” GeeGee muttered before getting James’ attention, “I think it was… Started with an A… uh,” She started to rubber her forehead as she tried to recall, “Oh! Right, Ally…”

James frowned at how unsure she was sounding, “You sure?”

GeeGee shrugged, “Like 80- no uh, maybe like 70% sure…”

James rolled his eyes at the number, “Really? 70%?”

GeeGee gave him a droll look, “What? You want me to remember every fucking Normmy’s name? Oh, I’m sorry let me just pull out my fucking NAME NOTEBOOK and write them all down for you. You want to know about the other names of the normal sized people in my classes? Well we got Mark, Steven, Thomas, Justin, and-”

James cut off GeeGee, “Sorry! Jeez, didn’t know that was such a sore topic… I’ll just have to hope you’re right.”

James got up from the small table set on top of the much more normal sized cafeteria table and started to walk toward the new woman he thought was called Ally. He really, really hoped the name was right, cause the last thing he wanted was to start off on the wrong foot by using the incorrect name. Gulping, James walked past a few tables connected before he came to the almost statue-like woman just standing there in the open looking around.

“H-” James felt his throat close up as he tried to say hi. Once again giving it another shot, he shouted a little louder, “HI!”

The woman frowned and looked in the opposite direction she was facing.

James called out again, “Uh, other side…”

Sure enough the girl this time turned and looked toward James, who was standing there waving. “Hi,” James called out again, being cheerful.

“… uh, hi?” The larger stranger spoke, sounding nervous at the sudden greeting from him.

James tried to look and act as charming as he could, “Sorry, you just seemed kind of out of… place? I thought maybe you might want to take a seat with me and my friends over there?” James asked as he gestured toward the small table with his buddies still sitting there.

The larger girl squinted as if to look at James a little harder now, “Sorry, but do I know you?”

“Uhhh, no, I mean my friend GeeGee… Or I guess maybe you know her as Gabby from roll call in class…” James waited to see if that got a reaction but she showed no recognition of the name. Of course, why would she recall a shrinky’s name?

James jerked his hand toward the table again, “She’s in your class… Science I think…” James spoke worried that things were not going as he expected. Finally James just sighed as it seemed everything was falling apart. “Sorry, look, I don’t know if you’re really in her class. I don’t know if your actual name is Ally like I was told, and I don’t know … well, to be honest, much about you.”

James watched as she raised an eyebrow at him, “So, why did you come all the way over here to talk to me?”

Seeing as she hadn’t walked away or worse tried to slap him off the table, James went for it, “Cause I think you’re cute… and I wanted to get to know you.”

It took her a moment to process the words. Finally a small smile twitched at her face, “Well, your friend was right.”

James couldn’t help but laugh and smile at those words, “About what?”

“My name… it’s Ally. And yes I’m new here. You said your friends were over there,” She asked, pointing toward their little table.

“They sure are!” James said, smiling wider now that things seemed to be going well. “Come on, I'll introduce you to them.” Walking across the large table back to his buddies, James had to nearly jog to out walk Ally, as her simple stroll was quick enough to keep up with him. By the time they reached James’ friend he was nearly out of breath. “Guy,” James called out seeing how confused and worried his buddies were at the new stranger standing much closer and over top of them. “This is Ally. Ally,” James said pointing to the ones at the table, “This is Gabby, or GeeGee as we call her, Mike, Stacy, and Garth.”

Ally stood there and gave a slight wave to everyone, “Hi.”

James’ friends muttered their own greeting but most of it was cutting a look at him wondering what was going on. James ignored them and pointed to the normal sized seat, “You can join us.” Ally was a little hesitant but finally sat down on the plastic bench and leaned forward on the table, easily towering over the shrinky sized seats the others were sitting in. Seeing as no one was talking, James decided to break the ice for everyone, “So how do you like it here so far Ally?” Looking up at her, James wasn’t sure who felt more out of place, Ally or his friends.

“It’s okay, I guess,” Ally said, fidgeting a little as she looked at James and his friends.

James continued to talk with Ally. He learned that she moved here recently and lived near the school zone, easily within walking distance so she didn’t need to drive or take the bus. Apparently this was the first school she had been to that had a shrinky as a teacher, which was something James could understand. As James talked with Ally it took a while longer for GeeGee and the others to slowly warm up to Ally. It was a rough and grueling time but before the bell rang for next class, Ally was smiling and feeling more open with James and the others.

As they all started to head to their separate classes, James stopped Ally for a moment, “I was wondering, do you want to hang out with us again tomorrow?”

Ally paused before she gave a soft smile, “Sure, if that’s okay with you and the others.”

James returned the smile, “Cool. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow than.”

It was at this time that one of the administrators came by the table to take James and GeeGee to their next class together. As they were being carried off James couldn’t help but think about talking with Ally tomorrow.

“Hey shorty,” Hank called out from behind James before he felt something hit the back of his head harmlessly. It was another paper ball as he was still being picked on by his bullies. Another ball and James could hear the snickering and laughing from Hank’s friends and cohorts: Charlie, Carlos, and finally Ricky. They were all fellow shrinkies that plagued James more than he wished they would. Hank had always picked on James, and when Hank first shrank, James thought things would be different. However once a bully, always a bully. James soon caught Shrinkism a little while later and the bullying that stopped due to their size gap, was once again back on.

James groaned as he ignored yet another harmless paper ball collided with him. Carlos laughed before saying, “Dude see if you can bounce it off his head!”

James continued to look out across the cafeteria with GeeGee sitting in front of him. “Are you gonna say something,” GeeGee asked looking concerned for James.

Sighing he shook his head, “It’s just paper… Besides, they’ll stop soon.”

Before GeeGee could reply, James heard one of the bullies quickly say, “Shit, here she comes.”

Hank’s grumbling voice could be heard, as the paper balls stopped flying at James, “Saved by that giant ass normy again…”

James ignored those words as he watched Ally walking into the cafeteria while talking to a teacher. She was standing in the doorway with the older adult before finally stepping away and heading toward their table. James watched Ally join the table with a delightful mood. It was amazing at how much more comfortable she seemed around them after just a month or so.

Ally looked down at James and smiled before looking at GeeGee and Mike. Then at the obvious empty seats. “Those two are always so late, If I didn’t know better I would be worried about them,” Ally remarked.

“Don’t be,” Mike sighed, “The only one that should worry about them is our health education teacher, who didn’t have any shrinky sized condoms for the more “active” students in a relationship.”

Ally’s stifled laugh caused James to laugh too, only for her attention to be turned on him and quickly turn into a frown. “What’s this,” She asked. James didn’t know what Ally was talking about till he saw her enormous fingers pinch something behind him. Sure enough she picked up a few crumpled up balls of paper that were still laying around James’ seat.

Not wanting to explain the whole ordeal, James quickly said, “I think it’s just trash left from the other lunch period. You know they never clean up these tables.” GeeGee looked at Mike and then back at James, but neither of them said anything to correct his lie.

Ally frowned at the little paper in her hand but it seemed that she decided to drop the question. James was glad that she didn’t pry too much, and it seemed like the bullying only happened when she wasn’t here which wasn’t too often or long of a wait. Deciding to change the awkward silence into something else, James decided to ask Ally how her classes were.

It didn’t take too long before Ally was chatting away about school with everyone. GeeGee and her were going over their Science class when he heard some muffled voices whispering and his name. Slowly turning around he could see Hank just glaring at him. Unsure what his problem was, James turned back around ignoring the jackass. If only that jerk could leave him alone, James’ school life would be so much better. Again trying to ignore the bullies but it was hard when he could hear their voices just barely behind him.

The rest of lunch wasn’t too bad, and eventually Stacy and Garth finally joined them all with just enough time for them each to eat some french fries and a warm slice of what the school called “pizza”. When the bell finally rang, James decided it was time to make his move. Getting up he called out to Ally.

“What’s up,” She replied, looking down at James.

“I was wondering, since your class is kind of on the way, maybe we could walk together?” James asked Ally who seemed shocked as did some of the others at the table.

“You-you sure? Doesn’t Mr. Higens normally walk you and GeeGee to class?” Ally remarked.

James quickly repeated his line he practiced for days now at the question he knew would be asked, “He does, but like our classes are closer together than GeeGee’s right? So I was thinking… unless you don’t want to-”

Ally was already picking up James as she shook her head, “No no, it’s fine!”

Happy that things were going as well as he thought they would, James stayed seated in Ally’s hand as she started to travel the hallways. There were other students and faculty members moving all around in a giant sea of bodies, but none bothering them. Seeing as this was their one and only “alone” time, James decided to stick to the plan. “So, I was wondering…”

“Hmm?” Ally replied, stepping away from a student that was about to collide with her by accident.

“Well, I mean… I haven’t heard you talk about, well you know, a …” James coughed as he tried to work himself into asking the question, “A boyfriend.”

“A boyfriend?” Ally repeated. After a few moments she shook her head, “Because I don’t have one.”

James hid the fact he wanted to fist pump so hard right now. “Oh really? Wow, I mean I can’t see why… but like… I guess if you don’t have one, it wouldn’t be like… you know… weird if I…” James fidgeted as he felt Ally’s gaze coming down to her palm with him in it. Her eyes were locked in on him. “I-I wanted to know if you wanted to go out sometime. You know… like… maybe… as …” James took a deep breath, “A couple…” It was hard to breathe but James went on, “Do you want to go on, like, a date with me?!” James blurted out. It wasn’t till a few heads turned that he realized that his voice was being picked up and transmitted to others nearby. It was embarrassing, but he was too focused on Ally and her response to his daring question.

“Well…” Ally contemplated her response and before James knew it, they were at his class. She hadn’t answered James as she stood there before the door, letting other student’s pass by. She was taking her time replying and each ticking second dug into James’ heart as he waited for Ally’s response. After what felt like hours, Ally finally smiled, “Sure. Let’s go on a date.”

James never felt more relieved in his life as Ally agreed to date him. “Oh?! OH! Yeah, cool,” James remarked, trying not to freak out at the fact that he was now Ally’s boyfriend. “Uh, we can talk later about the place and time. Just… uh… thank you? Sorry, maybe not thank you, maybe, uh, I don’t know what to say,” James gushed as he didn’t know what to say to Ally after getting a yes.

“I think a simple I’ll see you later will work,” Ally offered.

“OH! Oh yeah,” James blurted out quickly, “I’ll see you later.”

Ally laughed as she entered the classroom and brought James to his seat. “And I’ll see you later too…”

James was set down at his desk before Ally headed out and down the hallway to her own classroom. James couldn’t believe how lucky he was that Ally agreed to date him. It was so amazing, that James missed his name being called in class. Thankfully he caught the teacher before ending the roll call and although she looked upset about him ignoring his name he was thankfully marked for attending class.

Still it was hard for James to concentrate as now he had to think of a place to take Ally to…

Everything was perfect in James’ life. He and Ally had been going out for at least a month now. Things even got to a more romance and physical stage in the relationship. Sure things got a little awkward at lunch with the others, when James and Ally had their own personal jokes or innuendos they used that the others were lost on. However, it was all fine and friendly between the six of them.

Well, it was mostly all good. There was still the heckling and bullying that Hank and the others were doing whenever Ally wasn’t around. Some days Ally had to skip lunch to talk to a teacher or administrator about something. Those were the worst days. Hank and his goons would know after the first five minutes if Ally was gonna show up for lunch or not. When she didn’t… well it got bad. The paper balls soon turned to harsher things like bits of food or trash. As much as James wanted to stand up to the bullies, he didn’t want to drag his friends into a fist fight. It wasn’t so bad, sure a fry or tater tot hitting him was annoying, but it beat seeing GeeGee or Mike being hit by those fucking neanderthals.

However it seemed that his friends thought otherwise as an empty fruit cup bounced off James' shoulder. He only sighed and calmed any emotions he had in him. It wasn’t worth it.

GeeGee on the other hand gasped, “What the fuck. James, are you just gonna take that?”

James muttered something before saying to GeeGee, “And do what? Start a fight with them? The last thing I need is to get kicked out of school for fighting.”

Mike scoffed, “As if any of the normies would notice us fighting.” Still James shook his head, only causing Mike to shrug as his advice was ignored.

GeeGee growled as she stood up and shouted at Hank, “Why don’t you go fuck off Hank!”

That got the chuckling bully to stop his laughing, “What the fuck did you just say?” Hank asked with a warning in his voice. Before James could do anything GeeGee went on.

“You heard me, go fuck off and leave James alone!” GeeGee shouted again standing up for James.

Before James could say anything, he spun around afraid of what Hank was about to do. Looking behind himself, he watched as the table stood up with viscous looks on their faces. Oh crap… Just as James was about to get up and confront the bullies he watched as they suddenly started to sit back down and look away. Confused, James turned around and watched Ally approaching the table.

Smiling she waved at James, “Sorry, had to talk to someone real quick. Did I miss anything?”

James shook his head seeing his lovely girlfriend save them from what would have been a disastrous decision. As much as James hatted to admit it, Hank and the others would have pounded them for sure. Maybe they would have gotten some good hits but in the end, it was definitely a losing battle. Thank God for James’ nuclear determinant, Ally. James greeted Ally as she sat down near them, “Nothing much was just chatting about stupid stuff, right guys?” James remarked trying to get the others to play along with his no worry mood.

However, his friends had other plans, “Bullshit, fucking Hank and his God Awful buffoons are picking on James again.”

“GeeGee,” James spat out.

“What,” Ally gasped. “Who? Wait, why?”

Mike rolled his eyes, something that Ally probably didn’t see, “Those guys.” He jerked his head over to Hank and his friends who weren’t looking or were trying to act innocent. “As for why, no idea. Just figured it was just because they were dicks.”

As James watched Ally’s mood shift from happy to a more upset and befuddled look, James felt like he needed to step in before something bad happened, “Ally it’s fine. It’s only paper balls, food, and stuff.”

“They were throwing food at you,” Ally asked, raising her voice. This caught Hank and the other’s attention. Along with a few other teachers and administrators in the cafeteria. Things were starting to get serious.

“Shhhh, it’s whatever. No harm no foul,” James explained looking at his other friends to defend his bullies… yet, they weren’t stepping up.

“No, forget that,” Ally said as she started to get up from her seat. James watched as Ally started to lean across the table and toward Hank’s table. James spotted the teachers and other normies watching over the cafeteria starting to head over.

Trying to keep Ally out of detention or worse suspended, James shouted at her, “ALLY STOP!” Ally froze at the sheer tone in James’ voice. She hovered over the table and looked down at James who went on, “They’re not worth it. Just forget it. I rather have them tease and bother me than watch you get in trouble over it.”

Ally looked hurt at those words, “But-”

“Can you please just do it for me,” James asked hoping she would.

Ally gave the shocked and frightened shrinkies at the other table one more look before glancing back at James. Sighing she leaned back in her seat, “Fine… but we’re moving our lunch table. I refuse to see you get bullied while I’m not here.”

James gave a sigh of relief as Ally restrained from doing something unforgivable to Hank and the others. “Sure, that’s fine,” James nodded. “I think there’s a few seats open over there,” James jerked his head toward another portion of the cafeteria. “We can just meet up there,” James looked at GeeGee and Mike, then recalled the two missing students. “Now we just have to remind Romeo and Juliet we’re moving our lunch table or they’ll never find us.” James spotted the couple holding hands and walking slowly toward the table later as usual, “Speaking of those devils.”

Everyone looked at the two love birds walking toward them like nothing was wrong and that no one knew what they were really doing. James did his best not to feel so jealous about how those two could get away with making out and possibly doing other things in school, however if James tried it with Ally… well it would be a completely different story.

Ally made a big difference throughout the rest of lunch, there weren't any more issues with Hank. As much as James waited for another object to be hurled at him, Ally seemed to deter any such object to be tossed at him from those thugs. Sitting there and chatting, James nearly forgot about Hank and the others. Sure enough lunch went by before he even knew it. Nothing surprised him from behind and he started to get ready to climb into Ally’s hands.

“I can’t believe you were getting bullied and didn’t tell me,” Ally sighed, sounding annoyed, as James crawled into her empty hands.

“I didn’t want you to worry,” James told her, sounding sincere.

“Still, I could have said or done something, you know?” Ally paused her little rant and looked over James, “They didn’t hurt you did they?”

“No,” James told Ally, shaking his head and even showing her his hands and arms to prove it. “They just did some stupid shit. Paper balls and-”

“Paper- wait like the ones I picked up that one time a while ago??!!” Ally asked concerned now at how long it’s been happening.

James flinched at the mistake of revealing how often it’s been happening, “It was nothing-”

Ally cut James off with a sound of outrage, “OMG! That’s totally something! Why didn’t you say anything?!”

James tried to play it off, “It was just paper… it didn’t mean anything. Stop worrying about it. Now if I got a paper cut,” James laughed trying to make it all into a joke, but Ally wasn’t laughing.

Ally remained silent but the look on her face showed how unhappy she was. “That’s just not right,” She finally said.

“Ally… come on, it’s just some freaking guys being stupid. I’m fine. I promise nothing bad has happened. It’s all just dumb shit by them. I’m not getting hurt or injured so please don’t worry. The worst that’s happened is I need to wash a few stains every now and then.”

Ally continued to pout as she walked James to his classroom. “Still… it’s not right!” Ally exclaimed as a new look came over her face, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to show up sooner and… and...well, I’ll deal with them. You won’t have to worry about those jerks ever again.”

James smiled and told Ally, “It’s all fine, like I said, we’ll just move to another table and that’ll be that. I promise I won't be bullied by them, and for whatever reason they continue,” James gave Ally a wink, “I’ll let my giant girlfriend know so she can give them a stern talking to.”

Ally finally smiled as she rolled her eyes, “A talking to? Yeah cause that’s gonna help.”

James finally felt a sense of happiness now that Ally was smiling. Sadly it wasn’t soon enough as they were close to his class. “Anyway this is my drop off so…” James felt Ally lift her hand up and give him a big smooch before giving him over to the teacher. Something that gave James a nice smell of Ally’s lipstick and a hint of her breath, which shockingly didn’t smell like lunch food but sweet. As much as James was bathing in Ally’s scent, she was starting to leave just before James called out, “I’ll see you later. Tonight at your place?!”

Ally paused and turned around, “Yup. Just us, I’ll see you soon.” Both Ally and James smiled at each other and the thought of this weekend they would spend together.

Hank and his buddies were walking back to his home. It was the closest of their houses that was near the school, and only required a quick walk behind the school. They just had to cross through the fencing, and past a small portion of trees before they were at his place. Normally that distance would be a dangerous walk to traverse, but luckily Hank knew better. With the school policy and faculty looking out for the smaller students, any wildlife nearby like squirrels were removed from the area (hank figured shot or captured). As for normies, with their collars and trackers, if anyone tried anything on school grounds, security or a teacher would be there in less than a minute. All Hank had to do was make sure his friends were the collateral in those sixty or so seconds and he would be safe.

Hank, Ricky, Charlie, and Carlos were just chilling and talking the shit, while they walked through the back of the school grounds. There wasn’t any sports team practicing near their walking path back here and it was the quickest shortcut to Hanks’ home. All they would have to look out for is some spare ball or foreign sports object flung from the way off practice fields for the school sport teams. Something that would be the most unlikely of problems to happen, but still slightly possible. However that possibly was so tiny that it wasn’t even a shrinky sized issue. With it being Friday, usually the sports teams for his school called it quits early and just headed home for a weekend rest. If there was any time during the week to head to his house today was the safest time to do it.

As the small group walked toward the metal fence they were already starting to climb beyond the small gaping metal diamonds open for them to crawl through. Hank easily slid past his opening and so did the others as they climbed past the large hole spaces lining the large fenced wall. They were just entering the wooded area, if you could call it that. With less than a dozen or so trees lining here and the backyard, it wasn’t a very far walk to Hank’s house.

Carlos spoke up as they slipped past the fence, “Why even have a chain link fence? What are they keeping out?”

Hank snorted, “You never seen an animal attack one of us have you?” Carlos’s humor vanished as he shook his head at the response. Hank scoffed, “If you have, you would know why there’s a fence up all around the school.”

Carlos turned around to stare at the metal wall and shuddered at the idea of a wild animal or pet breaking into campus. The horrors and damages it could do…

Ricky’s voice cut into Hank’s thoughts, “Hey, we just head straight right?”

“yeah,” Hank called out. “First house you see.” Hank pointed to his home that was in sight. “Hurry up,” Hank said as he followed after Ricky.

The rest of Hank's friends headed after Ricky as he led the way toward Hanks’ home. It wouldn’t be too long before they arrived. Seeing his house’s back porch, Hank felt a sense of relief hit him as he was truly “home sweet home”. Nothing could possibly-

Hank stopped immediately as he saw a normy step around one of the bulky tree trunks. Immediately he recognized the large girl. It was the same damn girl always hanging around that pansy James.

“There you all are, I was wondering what was taking you all so long,” She said, sounding so casual and carefree. Something that didn’t sit well with Hank. “But I guess you all are so tiny, it does make sense.”

“Wh-what do you want,” Hank barked, trying to act like he was in control of the situation they were in. Ally was already walking to block off their path to Hanks’ home. Which meant if they needed to run they would have to head back to the school, but that wouldn’t be an issue. If she was coming for them, Hank still had Ricky and Charlie in front of him. They should slow her down enough, hopefully.

“What do I want?” Ally repeated the question as she stood next to the tree like she owned the woods. “Nothing really… but it’s not about me. It’s about someone else…” Ally said gazing at Hank with a look that gave him the chills. Hank had a feeling she had a bone to pick with him, and that never boded well for a shrinky.

“RUN!” Hank shouted as he dashed back to school grounds. He barely made it as the sound of thumping and a few grunts filled the air. Hank was the first one caught as Ally took an enormous stride and cut off his escape. Ally snatched Hank into her hand, ignoring the rest, before heading off to the nearest shrinky near her. Captured and frightened, Hank did his best not to freak out, which was extremely hard not to do. He kept hitting the panic button on his communicator, hoping someone would rescue him before it got messy.

Another sound was heard, snapping of branches or leaves before Ricky was pushed up against Hank before Ally closed her hand. Ricky was just as terrified as Hank was. “What the fuck man?!” Ricky cried out in the dark crushing hand. Body parts were slammed and pushed into each other as the palm of Ally pushed into them. Hank couldn’t respond to the question, but suddenly another joined them, it was Charlie. Hank felt the hand open up and turn upside down, Charlie was dropped into him before the fingers wrapped around them and closed them together in a huddled mess.

Hank could feel his breath increase as he feared what was gonna happen to them all. There was no way Carlos could escape, and if he did, who knew how long it would take before he got help for them? It was all-

“Last one,” Ally announced joyfully. Now whatever hope he had was gone, there was no salvation for them at all. Hank could only think of one thing to do. He was gonna dive out of Ally’s hand the moment she opened it, when she went to drop Carlos into her palm, Hank would jump out before he was sealed away. Maybe he would survive the fall? Who knew, but it was better than waiting for her to do whatever she was planning.

As Hank mentally prepared himself for the horrible skydiving he was about to do, he felt the walls around him relax. Just as Hank was gonna crawl and dash as fast as he could, the hand opened up slightly. Hank wasn’t ready as he noticed something he wasn't expecting. Instead of the ceiling opening up, the ground below them did. Ally was dropping them from her hand. Sure enough, Hank and the other two landed on the dirt ground by Ally’s sandal foot. Not so far away was a terrified Carlos standing there looking up at their capture from the side of Ally.

“So, first things first,” Ally announced calmly. “no more running… or else,” Ally warned. There was a tone layered in there that made Hank think twice about trying to escape.

“I already hit the panic button. Any second now someone is gonna come for us,” Hank said trying to stay calmer than he was, which was hard. He did his best to sound as calm and collective as he could. He just needed to scare her or make her think it over, than there would be help-

The laugh that left Ally’s lips made him realize that it wasn’t working, “Oh please. We both know that’s not true. In fact,” Ally leaned down and grinned at Hank that told him there was something he was about to learn, and it didn’t bode well for them. “They don’t work outside the school walls themselves. You missed your chance to ask for help the moment you left those big red brick walls.”

“You-your lying,” Hank said, sounding horrified at the news he never knew.

Ally shrugged, “Either way doesn’t change the fact that no one is coming.”

“What do you want from us,” Carlos called out.

“Well, first of all, I don’t like that you're picking on my boyfriend,” Ally replied with a strict tone.

Hank’s friends all turned and gave him a look that told him that they blamed this all on him. Seeing as he was the one that targeted James, it seemed he would be dealt the backlash to that decision. “Fine, we’ll stop bothering him and stay away,” Hank told Ally.

Ally smiled a little too wide, “Well, of course you will.”

Again a bad feeling reached down into Hank’s gut. It was like she already knew that they wouldn’t touch James after today. The lack of malicious or threats that Ally wasn’t throwing around was also extremely alarming. She wasn’t here to threaten or negotiate with them. That tripped so many alarms in Hank, that he started to look around for any place to run and hide from her. Anything, a crack in the ground, a group of roots, or something, but there was nothing within distance to save him.

“Before we continue, I was wondering,” Ally spoke slowly, pulling her left foot out from her sandal. “Having to run and catch you all, I got a nasty rock or some kind of wood chip in my footwear. Any of you little guys care to be a darling and get it out of there? Seeing as it is your all’s fault it ended up in there, I think it’s only fair for one of you to fix this issue. So,” Ally asked, looking between Hank and his buddies.

Seeing as no one was stepping up to retrieve the object from her sandal, Hank spoke up, “Carlos, you’re the closest. Go get it.”

Carlos cut his head toward Hank looking horrified at those words. Before he could object, Ricky and Charlie nodded and agreed with Hank. “It’s all you man,” and “Yeah dude you’re closest.”

Ally looked at Carlos, who wasn’t moving at all. It took him a few minutes and a lot of Hank and the others pushing him to do it, to finally start moving toward the padded footwear. Ally pointed, “Right there, you see it,” Ally asked.

Carlos peered over the side of the flip flop and did indeed see the small rock in the center of the footwear. Carlos looked for help but no one was gonna offer it. Carlos could see the slight indent in the material of the sandal where Ally’s feet stepped on. Little groves and ditches made from constant walking and standing in them. Some of the color of the padding was faded or worn out from what could be sweat or wear and tear. Carlos took a deep breath and pulled himself up onto the soft material. Hurrying over toward the little chunk of displaced earth, he grabbed it and quickly tossed and pushed it off the side. He looked up at Ally who smiled a kind grin, “Thanks little guy.” Carlos blinked a few times expecting the enormous foot to come crash into him, however Ally didn’t move her bare foot at all. After a few moments, Carlos realized she was waiting for him to get out of her shoe.

“No-no problem,” Carlos responded as he headed back over to the top of the sandal. Carlos was coming up to the tip of the flip-flop. Just a few more steps, than a smooth quick jump off-

Hank didn’t have time to warn Carlos as Ally brought her left foot down fast and firmly. In one harsh stomp, Ally crushed Carlos before he even made it past the toe line in her sandals. The sound of something crunching and popping could be heard in the deadly quiet woods as Ally let out a shocked gasp, “Oh my god?! Did you hear that? He popped like a fucking grape!”

Ricky and Charlie let out similar sounds of horror as Hank felt his stomach twist and turn at the casual act of Ally slipping her foot back into the footwear with Carlos’ remains still under it. It took Hank a moment before he decided it was time to run. Kicking his feet out from under him as fast as he could he made it four steps before Ally made one enormous stomp before him, cutting off his path. Ally let out a tsking sound as she lifted her foot standing before Hank. What was left of Carlos could be seen dripping off Ally’s toes and sandal as she maneuvered her stomper.

“I warned you,” Ally said with a cruel look in her eyes, “No running.”

Hank fell to the ground as he watched Ally’s enormous hand reaching out toward him.

This was the end for them...

James gasped at the home that Ally lived in, “You live here?!”

Ally giggled, “I should hope so. Otherwise I think this would be breaking and entering.” James laughed with Ally as she carried him through the home. Sure enough pictures of Ally and her parents filled the hallway walls and decorated the many tables with what he could only call photos of a “happy family”.

“This place is big, but that's coming from someone like me…” James laughed.

It took Ally a moment before she laughed too at the joke, “You’re not that small. Sure this home is a LITTLE bigger than your average place but it’s not that large.”

James’ tour slowly ended in Ally’s bedroom. A stop that made James’ heart speed up at the possibilities of what they could do here. Especially with Ally’s parents out of town for the weekend. “So, your mom and dad aren’t here?”

“Nope just us, we're the only two here tonight,” Ally explained as she headed into her room. The typical enclosure of what James would expect from a girl. Posters of poppy bands and actors lining parts of the wall. Decorations of what looked to be trophies of whatever sports and activities Ally did as a child. A pale blue and yellow color was themed through the room’s carpet and walls. Possibly the one thing that shocked James in Ally's room was the big ass TV set up across from her bed. It had to be, well to James, larger than a building to his scale. Although it was probably just around 40 or even 50 inches, which would be astounding to have in a bedroom.

“I see someone’s parents love them,” James said pointing to the TV looming over the dresser it was on.

Ally just smiled and shrugged, “Only child, what can I say? It pays off during Jamestmas and birthdays.”

Trying to keep the banter light and playful, James watched as they headed toward Ally’s well kept bed, “Oh, jumping to the good stuff already? Presumptions are we?”

Ally arched an eyebrow at James’ words before giving him a playful look, “Well if you want I can put you on the night stand or the floor if you want...”

James shook his head at the playful attitude she was giving off, “The bed’s fine.”

“Yeah that’s what I thought,” Ally giggled as she continued to head to her massive bed. Climbing aboard the large bed, Ally laid down, with her feet heading toward the TV and her back leaning into some pillows. James felt nervous, being that this was the first time in a woman’s bedroom. However the causal and lay-back way that Ally was acting, James soon banished those nervous feelings. Instead he felt almost as if he were just hanging out with her, just like at lunch.

“So, we got alllll weekend to do stuff. What, uh, did you have in mind,” James asked, trying to act nonchalant about it. However James tried to sprinkle in some sexyness so he could help build the mod for a NICE weekend with Ally. Whenever that might be.

Ally on the other hand was relaxed and comfortable as she laid on her bed, “Was thinking of just some popcorn and a movie.” James didn’t pick up any magical signals, if Ally was giving them out, and sadly nodded in agreement with her plan.

“Uh, yeah that sounds great. Would love to chill and whatever,” James was feeling a little upset at misjudging the situation. Obviously they were just gonna take it slow, no need to be horny right now. Damn his stupid brain for being imaginative.

“Just chilling,” Ally repeated with a certain tone in her voice that made James look up at her. The sly look on her face made James’ heart flutter… oh shit did she mean what he thought?

Swallowing James pushed on, “Chilling and, uh, other things… right?”

Ally laughed before she started to slowly pull her shirt off, “Well duh. Who just watches a movie with their boyfriend in their room? AND, with their parents out of town?? Like seriously,” Ally jerked off her shirt leaving just her bra on as the floppy cloth top went flying. Soon her bra was next to vanish as she unclipped it and flung it to the side with no regard of where it landed.

James couldn’t help but feel a goofy grin spread across his face. He waited till Ally finally picked him up and gently brought him up to her bust. In a matter of moments he was dropped on the large orbs that blossomed off of her. It took a lot of effort for James not to tumble off the bubbly mounds. The squishy and jelly like ground made it almost impossible for James to move without having Ally giggle at his ticklish movement on her. Everything he did made Ally react, his Goddess beneath him twitching or shivering even from the sensation of just standing still.. James had to sit down or lay still or risk tumbling down the moving mountain tops he was on top of. The last thing he wanted to do was to end up fumbling down Ally’s breast, at least not yet.

As soon as James found a comfortable spot, Ally was already using the TV remote to set up a film to watch. James didn’t mind what film they watched, as long as he and Ally were together it could do anything for all he cared. Sitting on her naked body, James could feel and hear every heartbeat and breath Ally took. Ally’s seemed so calm and relaxed, no thunderous thumping or quick tremors from breathing too fast. She wasn’t having a mini panic attack like James was, but that might be because she wasn’t the one sitting on top of someone’s bosom.

“Oh this is a funny one, want to watch it,” Ally asked James while picking out a movie.

James nodded before responding, “Sure.”

“Oh, should I go get some popcorn for us?”

James looked back at Ally and shrugged at the mention of food. He wasn’t too hungry but didn’t want that to stop Ally from getting something, “Sure, I could eat a piece or two.”

“Alright, you stay put then,” Ally spoke as she picked James up and set him down on her bed. “I’ll be back in a bit.” Ally sat up and climbed off her bed. She started to leave the bedroom without a shirt or top on.

“You’re not gonna put something on,” James called out as Ally paused and turned around.

“Why? There’s no one here but us, and it just be a waste of time to put it on to just take it off when I get back,” Ally explained before she had a playful look on her face, “Or are you saying you don’t want to see these girls anymore,” Ally asked as she cupped herself and gave a nice little show of her endowed body to James. Ally continued to play with her breast for a few more moments, shaking and jiggling them in her palms, swirling them around and memorizing James to the hypnotic motion of her milkers mixing and shaking around. Almost as if she were trying to make a milkshake with her-

Ally let out a burst of laughter as she nearly skipped away leaving James gaping at the sight of his girlfriend's playfulness. Once Ally was gone, James looked down at himself and saw the pitched tent in his pants. “Calm down you horny bastard,” James cursed himself as she tried to stop thinking of how bouncy and soft Ally’s breasts were. It wasn’t helping. In fact it took nearly all the time that Ally was gone to force his hardon to calm down… that was till she came back into her room holding a large bowl of popcorn with her tits hanging over the top of the warm looking food. James immediately felt all his effort go to waste, as he could feel the tightness in his pants returning with full force.

“And here we go, something to munch on,” Ally announced, getting back on the bed. James made sure to stay out of the way of Ally before she went to lay back down on the soft cushioned bed. Once she placed the bowl of popcorn on the bedding near James, she went to pick him up and set him down where he was before. He could feel the slight butter and grease on her fingers from the popcorn she plucked up before touching him. It wasn’t a lot to stain his clothes, just enough that he could feel the difference from before with her clean fingers. Once James was safely put back on his mount Ally, she started the movie up with a click of a button.

“Looks like I got the best seat in the house,” James joked as he sat on top of Ally’s breast again.

Ally light laugh made James shift a little but not enough to throw him off his humongous hill. “Well I’m happy you like it up there.”

Trying to think of a good way to repay or please Ally for what she had done for him today. In fact it felt like so far all she had been doing was pleasing him and not doing anything for herself. Thinking about it James decided to offer her something that she would enjoy. “You know… if you want, I could rub your feet for you, you know just like last week. I know how much you liked it.” James smiled up at Ally at his offer.

James turned around to see her response and got something he wasn’t prepared for, “Uh, no that’s okay.” James gave Ally a puzzled look.

“I thought you liked it?” James asked.

“I did, it’s just,” Ally said looking a little nervous or evasive, “I just… I have been walking all day. You know, I haven’t showered or bathed. They probably smell really bad-”

James quickly cut her off, “It’s okay, I don’t mind if they smell.” He really wouldn’t mind it all, he thought they looked beautiful. He just wanted to give something back to his lovely Ally. Worse case, he would have to hold his breath and pretend it wasn’t as bad as she thought. A small sacrifice for her.

Before James could even attempt to move toward those toes, Ally sighed and rolled her eyes, “You might not, but I do. You’re gonna touch them and get all smelly too… then what? What if I want to kiss you later tonight?” James paused. He did like their kisses. Ally went on, “Then it would be like kissing my own foot. Bleh,” Ally made a face at the thought before giving James a sexy look, “I rather taste you just the way you are instead.” Ally licked the air in front of her, mimicking what she usually did with James. Her long tongue rolling upward on the air showing off the length and slickness. James swore he could feel the hot steamy air whaffing toward him, even that slight hint of butter and salt added to the breeze.

“Ohhh, uh in that case I guess I’ll stay right here,” James said, taking a seat back on the comfy ground. He gave Ally’s glorious feet one last look seeing her right foot was crossed over to cover up the bottom of her left one. The moment James gave up his offer of rubbing her foot, the feet started uncrossed and relaxed to a more open stance. Seeing as she didn’t want her feet touched tonight, James would think up another way to please Ally. Whatever that could be.

They both went back to watching the movie. Ally handed over a popcorn puff to James from her hand before Ally went munching and snacking on the rest of them in her palm. The sound of popcorn crunching was briefly muffled by some laughs that escaped Ally as they watched the comedy together with him. Each jolt of laughter moved James’ body. It almost felt like he was in a boat on the high seas as the water would swell and dip, so did he with each delightful chuckle or giggle that left Ally’s mouth. Some might have found it annoying but James found it relaxing and soothing.

James was just finishing his popcorn when Ally went to give him yet another piece. James was about to tell her he was full when something happened on the TV. James wasn’t looking but apparently it was something hilarious. Ally’s attention was on the giant screen and when she saw whatever it was, she cracked up harder than before. Gone was the light chuckle or controlled laugh she was doing all night, this was a full blown laugh. The sudden spur of laughter escaping Ally was a force to be reckoned with. Her body jerked in response and so did her chest, heaving from the wind pushing out of her lungs. James felt himself flop backwards and over himself. Falling over the curve of her bosom and bouncing down onto her upper belly. James was uninjured but was stunned at how violent a laugh could be to someone like him. Luckily Ally’s fit of laughter was subsiding as she leaned up peering past her assets.

“I’m sorry are you okay,” Ally asked as she tried to use her hands to push her popped up breast out of the way.

“I’m fine, it was just shocking,” James laughed as he lay there on Ally’s stomach. Her warm and smooth skin felt amazing. He laid there for a few more moments enjoying the sensation… and the smell. God she smelled so hot right now-

The sound of a gurgle rolled up from below James as he realized he was right above Ally’s active belly. The sounds of its inner workings hidden behind layers of flesh and muscles. The rumbling noise slowly subsided as it died down, kind of like a long off thunderclap. Then James heard the weirdest noises coming up from below. It didn’t sound like stomach growls, it sounded like… someone screaming.

That couldn’t be right. James frowned as he leaned his head down further and pressed it into the fleshy wall.

A very weak and faint muffled sound drifted into James’ ear, “...elllppp…”

The voice was unrecognizable but it was a voice. There was someone down there.

James shot up and stumbled backwards in shock and horror, “OMG! There-there’s! Someone!!” James shouted pointing at the spot that was Ally’s stomach. “Ally someone’s in there!!!”

Looking up at his giant lover she didn’t seem as shocked or horrified as James was right now. In fact she looked a little annoyed or upset. Finally she said something. It started with her letting out a sigh, “Well… actually… it’s more than SOMEONE. It’s Hank and those other stupid bullies…” Ally frowned as she tried to recall their names.

“YOU ATE HANK?!” James shouted looking back at the flat belly that showed no indication someone, or to be more exact someones, were in there.

“And the other ones,” Ally corrected. There didn’t seem to be any remorse in her voice. It was almost as if she was stating facts.

“WHY?!” James shouted again looking at his girlfriend like she was crazy.

Ally now looked confused, “Why? Because they were bullying you. I’m not going to let someone pick on my sweet little James and get away with that. Not on my watch.”

Then it struck James like lightning. “Ally how long have they been in there,” James asked not wanting to know the answer.

“Uhh,” Ally looked over to the popcorn bowl and then back to James. “Whenever I made the popcorn…”

“Oh god,” James panicked as he realized that was a little while ago. He hurried over to the belly and put his ear to it again trying to hear who was still alive in there. How horrible it must be, all that food chewed up. The smells and taste. How disgusting it would be to still be alive in a stomach full of popcorn. James looked up at Ally, “You have to get them out of there! Before it’s too late!”

“Really,” Ally asked, sounding uncertain. “You want me to throw up your bullies?”

“YES!” James shouted, however it wasn’t very convincing as he himself wasn’t so sure if that was what he really wanted.

“James,” Ally said calmly, “Do you really… and I mean it. Do you want me to save your tormentors? The ones that always pick on you in school? Those,” Ally frowned as she tried to think of a good word for Hank and his buddies, “Dickweeds!” James was caught off from the slur she used but she went on anyway, “They’ve been picking on you for years. Have they ever showed you any scrap of kindness? Do you think life at school will be better if I let them out? You think they’ll leave you alone?” Ally sighed, “You know I care for you James… so if you want, I’ll let them out…” Ally grabbed the nearly empty popcorn bowl and brought it closer to her face. James watched as Ally started to move her hand toward her open mouth. Her index and middle finger pointing outward as she started to push them toward her mouth and throat. Ally stuck her tongue out and inserted her hand into her maw-

“w-w-wait…” James whimpered as he kneeled there on top of Ally’s belly. “I...Uh… don’t…” James said feeling a guilty feeling swell up in him. He didn’t know what to say but part of him didn't want her to do that. That feeling that was growing in him, one that was replacing any pity or guilt for his tormentors. A sense of relief slowly came over him. The panic fire in him worried about his bullies soon was snuffed out by a sense of alleviation. “They’ve… they’ve been in there for a while…”

Ally slowly set the popcorn bowl down and removed her hand from her face, “...So?”

“So… it… might be… too late…” James muttered. James looked up at Ally who slowly gave him a loving smile. The muffled noises that were under James were soon drowned out by a rumble and a small burp escaping Ally’s mouth as he belly flexed from that puff of air.

“Oh! Excuse me… do you want to come back up here, or do you want to stay down there a little longer,” Ally asked as she picked up the remote to continue the movie. James didn’t say anything as he continued to listen to Hank and the others inside Ally’s gut. “It’s okay, when you’re done just give my belly a slap like this,” Ally said as she took her free hand and gave her stomach near James a nice pat. A rippling wave of flesh rustled around and vibrated James’s body from the impact. However, James didn’t move as he listened to the sounds of more panicked cries and screams under him. The bullies that tormented him for years were now screaming the same sounds he had been hiding inside himself for so long.

James was speechless as lay there listening to all the agony going on beneath him. Images coming up in his mind as he heard traces of voices and cries of anguish bubbling up from below. All the while the sounds of the movie playing in the background. James wasn’t sure, but he swore Ally turned it down just for him to listen to her belly working on those poor shrinky bastards. James didn’t know how long he was there but by the time James heard the last of Hank and the other’s voices. James finally sat up feeling sick to his own stomach at what he just witnessed, but it also felt as if a weight was lifted off him. Next time he was at school, he would never have to worry about Hank bothering him. No more paper balls or food thrown at him. No more insults or remarks. No random encounters in the school. No more humiliation and torment.

All because Hank was dead…

“I think that’s it for them,” Ally said in a matter of fact tone.

“What,” James replied, still kind of in a daze at what just happened. “You mean…?”

“Well, I don’t feel them any more,” Ally told him again with a nonchalant voice.

James blinked a few times, “You could feel them? The entire time?”

Ally smiled, “Oh baby… you have no idea. It’s kind of hard to NOT feel them inside you. It’s like…” Ally closed her eyes and shuddered slightly giving James a tremor beneath him. “A dozen butterflies in your belly. Flutters and tickles that bloom outwards…” Ally said as she slowly used her fingers to dance around James and on her belly. They twirled and twisted avoiding James. “And than downwards…” Ally cooed as her fingers passed James’ spot on her belly and made a way toward the skimpy shorts. Soon Ally’s hand was sliding and slipping below the waste line to go out of sight. “Mmmm,” Ally moaned as she lay there with one hand near her groin and another slowly touching her chest. It was only for a few moments before Ally opened her eyes and pulled her hands away from her body, “Anyway… how do you feel? Now that you're Hank free. No more bullies for my boyfriend.”

“I…” James thought about it… “I think… I think I’m happy? I don’t know. I’ll be honest, that was terrifying,” James said looking down at the tomb belonging to his bully, “But…” James looked up at Ally. “But, I think I feel better. Like, I don’t know, it’s like I’m waking up from a nightmare,” James explained as he processed what this meant. “No more Hank…”

Ally slowly smiled, “No more Hank.” The smile grew larger into a grin as Ally slowly and gently picked up James, “So… now that our movie is over.” She slowly carried James toward her face in her hand, “I think I said something about kisses?” James looked at those magnificent lips. A shine that glazed over the red pinkish skin.

James couldn’t help but start to get aroused, “Kisses?”

“Mhmm,” Ally hummed. “Kisses. Think of it as a reward for me. I did just get rid of your bully, right? I think your savor needs her reward, don’t you?”

James smiled and nodded as he approached those large lush lips. James went to smooch Ally and thank her as she remarked. She helped save him from a threat he never thought would go away. His lovely giantess rescuing him. James would never have to walk into the cafeteria again worrying about if Hank was gonna be there or not.

However, James couldn’t drop the one question he desperately needed to ask Ally. One that burned in him. Something that wanted to leave his very tiny lips. Something that stung and bit at James’ core. Would Ally have told him that she ate Hank and the others IF he didn’t accidentally find out about them???

It had been several weeks since Hank and his buddies “Vanished”. At first no one noticed, but after the third day the school started to ask questions and look into the matter. After the first week, things seemed to die down as no one said anything and no one had leads. The most likely story everyone ran with was some animal found Hank and his friends. That or something happened off school grounds, which technically was true. The school was clear that there was nothing they could do about an off campus incident. There was some sorrow in the school, something that James felt guilty about, but after the second week was through everything slowly went back to normal.

No more Hank, meant that James actually looked forward to going to lunch. Normally he had mixed feelings about heading to lunch but Ally fixed that. Now his life felt amazing, so much better that he hardly felt bad about Hank being digested. Sure James felt bad for not saying a thing, but he could never turn on Ally like that. She was his girlfriend, his goddess, and his beloved one. He rather turn himself in before ratting her out.

Feeling like he was on the top of the world, he headed to the normal table. Already a group of classmates were already filling in the empty table Hank and his goons used. Things were looking up for James.

“Hey man,” James greeted Mike at the table.

“Sup,” Mike said, sipping his drink before scouching over slightly.

James sat down and looked over at the empty seats. Obviously the usual couple were missing… but so was GeeGee. “No GeeGee? Is she still sick?”

Mike shrugged, “Don’t know, haven’t seen her in a few days.”

James was about to say something when something loud slapped the table scaring him. Jerking his head toward the sound it was a large plastic platter with food on it, belonging to Ally. “Hey you guys!”

“Jesus Ally, you scared me,” James scoffed.

“Awww, my little honey dew got startled,” Ally mocked as she stuck her tongue out. “I didn’t mean it,” She continued before giving James a playful wink.

James shook his head and rolled his eyes at the very playful manner Ally was in. “Of course you didn’t.”

Ally took a bite of her food before looking at the empty seats, “Where are the others?”

“Gabby is sick,” James explained, “And well…”

Ally snorted as James gestured toward Stacy and Garth’s seat, “Yeah, typical of them.”

“So it’s just us today,” James said looking at Mike who was busy eating.

“Well that’s not so bad,” Ally remarked. James nodded as he went onto eating and talking to his girlfriend and friend. Just like usual, Stacy and Garth showed up late. It wasn’t long before they were all talking and chatting like buddies. Talking of classes and school. Ally even offered to take everyone to the movies next week to watch that big blockbuster film. It didn’t take long before lunch vanished and the bell rang for next period.

“Time to go,” Ally said, offering her hand to James to climb up on.

“I’ll see you guys,” James shouted to his friends as the school's faculty members showed up to usher them to class.

“So how are things,” Ally asked, hinting at her words. The way she said it let James know what she REALLY meant.

“Since that day? Uh…” James felt a little ashamed but only slightly. With Hank out of the picture he felt like a million bucks. “Good. It feels really good. I guess I’ve never said it but,” James looked up at Ally. “Thank you.”

Ally looked surprised but smiled at her lover, “Anything for you babe. You know I love you.”

James nodded and resisted the urge to ask Ally to take them to the bathroom so they could do something inappropriate at school. As much as he wanted to crawl up inside Ally and make her squeal and squirm all day from his movements inside her body, James refrained from suggesting it. The urge however was still there to rub those fleshy walls till Ally leaked like she always did when he made her orgasm in bed.

“James,” Ally called out, pulling him out of his memories and thoughts.

“Oh sorry,” James responded looking up at Ally. “What’s up?”

Ally laughed, “We’re here…” Ally said, showing James they were at his class already. These walks to class were never long enough.

“Oh! Oh yeah, duh!” James laughed.

“I’ll see you in a little bit,” Ally smiled as she brought James up to her lips to kiss goodbye.

Enjoying the sensation of Ally kissing his whole body, he hated that they had to depart like this, but she had a class to go to. “I love you,” James called out to his lovely Goddess.

“I love you too,” Ally reasoned as she slowly set James down at his desk.

Smiling, James watched Ally turn to leave the classroom. As Ally left James spotted something. It was an odd object on Ally’s ear. It looked to be part of her earring as it sort of was dangling from it. It took James a moment to recognize the object wasn’t part of the ear ring just as Ally left. James felt his smile die as he made out the small gold chain dangling from Ally’s earlobe. It was something he would never forget as his mother spent two full nights for him to give to his best friends as a birthday gift. James could just make out the two letters on the dangling gold chain.


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