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Submit Assignment?

David sighed and hit the enter button on his CommSole. A moment later the bright red confirmation message scrolled across the gigantic television screen set up in front of his sofa. The programming assignment hadn’t been very difficult, but the lag between CommSole and computer was frustrating. Each keystroke entered on the device - a shrinker-sized touchscreen about as wide as a tic-tac box - took a second or two to register on the PC across the room. Why did the two machines, hooked up to the same network and barely ten feet away from each other, have so much trouble communicating? The Mixed Size Office was truly incompetent.

Like most shrinker accommodations, the CommSole was a sloppy half-measure borne from administrative indifference. Over the past couple months things had gotten marginally better as the school slowly adjusted to the unfortunate physical transformation that had befallen nearly a fifth of the student body. Ladders, CommSoles, the reduced transit system - by any metric the current situation was a far cry from those tumultuous early weeks. He shuddered to remember how he and his fellow shrinkers had been rounded up like cockroaches and tossed into improvised tenement housing in William Hall as the administration scrambled to solve the logistical issues that came with having four thousand bug-sized students sharing a campus with classmates who could turn them into bloody smears underfoot without ever realizing they were there. Still, no disabled accommodation or school-mandated training program could ever truly restore their dignity. If anything, the special arrangements just served as an ever present reminder that shrinkers were an inconvenience, second-class, something less than human.

Whatever. His homework was done. Finally. Now it was time to relax.

David pushed the CommSole aside and reached for his pipe. He had fashioned the little contraption from a strip of tin foil, molding it into a simple stem and bowl with his hands. He had even managed to poke a tiny carb through the side using a toothpick. It wasn’t pretty, but it did the trick.

Before the shrinking, he had stored his weed in a mason jar beneath the coffee table. The jar was still there, but it was as big as a minivan to him now, and the coffee table might as well have been a small island. Nowadays, he just kept his bud in a pile on the sofa. It was easier that way. He walked over to his stash and selected a nug. It was the size of a basketball to him, surprisingly heavy, its furry green surface laced with trichomes as thick as his pinky finger. He tore off a small chunk, tossed the rest back onto the heap, and sat down with the pipe on his lap to begin the bothersome task of shredding the stuff by hand. Flecks of sticky green plant matter stuck to his fingers as he pulled off small strips of weed and packed them into the bowl. Soon his fingers were coated in sweet smelling sap. David grimaced as some of the syrupy crystals worked their way underneath his fingernails. A couple minutes later and the bowl was packed to the brim. A process that took him barely thirty seconds before had become an inconvenient chore. On the bright side, an eighth was enough to last an entire semester now.

He lit the bowl with a match (in his tiny hands the thing became flaming baseball bat that he could only extinguish with frantic waving), and took a couple long drags to get the cherry going. Almost immediately he felt the familiar soothing sensation roll through his body like heavy fog. David crossed his legs and made himself comfortable, sitting Indian style with two hands on the pipe. He opened his mouth wide and let the smoke tumble out in great grey clouds, blanketing his head in soupy vaporous bliss. He idly glanced at the digital clock across the room. It was nearly seven.

David let out an audible groan. He had forgotten about the party.

The brotherhood was throwing an open tonight. David had been conscripted to host the after party in his room. Not by choice, of course. Hosting meant his room would be full of people, normal sized people, loud and messy and reeking of booze. He had tried everything to wriggle his way out of it, citing homework load and the obvious safety issues, but in the end the social chairs had overruled his objections and told him to take a hike. A lot of people were coming, and they needed the space.

He looked over to the door, which one of the brothers had propped open earlier with a thirty rack of Pabst Blue Ribbon. The cruel irony was that even with a party going down in his own room, he would be totally unable to participate. Sipping from a beer can would be like trying to drink from the back of a cement truck. The weed situation wasn’t much better. His pathetic handmade pipe couldn’t hold nearly enough flower for a regular sized hit. David didn’t even want to think about the possibility of a confrontation with a rowdy guest. Hopefully the sober monitors realized that wasn’t something he could handle all by himself anymore.

David furrowed his brow and took a long hit. This was going to be a shitshow. At least he had plenty of time to take a nap beforehand. He finished the bowl and crawled over to the little nest of cotton balls he used as a bed. As he drifted off, he thought how funny it was that the sofa he had spent so many hours lounging on was now for all intents and purposes his home. He dug his fingers into the cotton and breathed in deeply. What a day it had been. What a night it was going to be…


David woke with a start. The room was dark. He could hear dance music coming from downstairs and the muffled sound of distant voices. Bleary eyed, he sat up and checked the clock. It was nearly midnight. He had overslept.

David extracted himself from his cotton bed and stretched. There were still a couple hours left before the dance floor closed and people would start filing upstairs for the afterparty. He was slightly annoyed that nobody had come to check on him when the party began. Did they expect him to get the room ready all by himself? If he had been normal sized he might have set the beers on the table and grabbed a few folding chairs from the supply closet, but of course that was out of the question now. The two couches would have to be enough. Seating was going to be a tight squeeze if more than a handful of people showed up. The weed pile was another problem; it wouldn’t do to have his stash out in the open like that with a bunch of strangers milling about, it might get stolen or smushed. Maybe he could hide it between the couch cushions. He hoped nobody expected him to share.

Weed or no weed, the first order of business was emptying his bladder. David walked to the end of the couch and began his descent down the ladder. Shortly after the Reduction the school had installed shrinker-sized ladders on furniture legs and stair steps in buildings around campus. It had been one of the first steps towards making the school at least somewhat accessible to reduced students. The ladders had been 3D printed en-masse from cheap plastic at a low resolution, and the rungs were quite jagged. Climbing them was not easy. One of his friends - Eddie, a chubby info-sci major - had been badly injured in a fall while trying to scale a dining hall table. During the first few weeks David’s own hands and feet had been painfully chaffed by the constant friction. Nowadays climbing the ladders was second nature. If there was any silver lining to the Reduction, it was that navigating the giant campus had whipped him into the best physical shape of his life. David descended the rungs two at a time, and in a few seconds he was on the floor.

Up on the couch, surveying the room from above, it was easy for David to forget his true size. Down here on the floor however, between the sofa and coffee table, his tinyness became all too obvious. The mountainous furniture rose into the sky on either side of him as far as he could see, like the walls of some ancient extraterrestrial canyon, casting him in deep shadow. He began to walk. The floor felt cool under his bare feet. He was small enough to make out the tiny pockmarks and scratches eroded into the plastic tile from countless footsteps, topographical details too minuscule for any normal person to notice. Crumbs and flecks of debris, scattered about like small stones, littered the ground. He noticed a couple of boulder sized dust bunnies beneath the couch. There was an empty bag of Cheetos under there too, and a few bright orange crumbs. Frankly, his whole room was a little messy, a snapshot in time of the day his life had changed forever.

David shook his head. There was nothing he could do about the mess, so he wasn’t going to let it bother him. If the brothers wanted his room clean for the party they should have taken care of it themselves.

He made his way to the makeshift lavatory set up at the far side of his room. Of all the shrinker amenities the school had come up with, this was one of his least favorite: a bright blue sanitary sponge, super absorbent and reeking of chlorine, set in a small plastic container. There was a little stepladder on the side leading to a platform on which he could squat to do his business. The experience, especially given the harsh chlorine fumes, was reminiscent of taking a dump over the diving board at a public pool.

Like a mattress sized chemical toilet, the sponge immediately dissolved any incoming waste. Once a week or so the custodian would pop in to put in a fresh sponge. David found the setup repulsive; it made him feel like a hamster shitting in newspaper clippings. Worst of all, there was no way to wash his hands afterwards. At least it was better than going on the bare floor. A shudder ran through his body at the thought. Those first few weeks had really been hell. He pinched his nose and made his way up the steps.

He could still hear the party going on downstairs. It sounded fairly quiet. Normally the vibrations from a big crowd cheering and dancing in the recreation room below him would shake the floor, sending bass vibrations chattering through his body. Maybe the rain had discouraged people from showing up. Good. That meant less people to deal with at the after. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. He turned his head and surveyed the towering thirty rack of beer which loomed over him like the Big Rock at Yellowstone park. What the hell did they think he was going to do with that thing? He doubted a team of a hundred shrinkers could manage to put a tear in the cardboard. Getting the beers out would be totally out of the question.

The party setup crew had totally dropped the ball. David resolved to give everyone a piece of his mind at the house meeting tomorrow. He shook off the last drops and promptly dismounted the latrine.

He was halfway back to the couch when suddenly, out of nowhere, the floor did shake.

Thoom. Thoom. Thoom.

David froze. That rhythmic cadence was all too familiar to him now. Someone was coming.

He spun around and looked towards the open door.

A colossal figure, haloed by the hallway lights, paused in the doorway. Even at this distance her presence dominated the room. He could tell it was a girl, but she was too far away for him to clarify the details of her face. A skimpy white top, a flash of tan thigh ensconced in denim shorts, bouncy blonde hair, his eyes surveyed her monumental body top to bottom as she stepped into the room.. The force of her last two footsteps rattled the floor beneath his feet. A rush of air blew past him, as if to herald her entrance. It smelled faintly of perfume.

He stared, enraptured, as she reached an arm down to the cardboard box of beer. The giantess’s fingers found purchase on the containter’s perforated edge and pulled upwards, ripping the top off in one clean strip. The ferocious sound of tearing paper fibers was grating on his ears. She tossed the scrap of cardboard aside and fished out a beer. With her free hand she pushed the tab down and popped open the top of the can. This was so simple for her, so casual; an act so totally beyond his power as to be unthinkable, accomplished with ease in a matter of seconds and with no apparent effort expended on her part. It was a breathtaking display of power. He tracked the can as it flew through the air towards her waiting mouth, and watched her take a small sip. The details of her face finally came into focus. Haughty brows, big blue eyes, candy red lips. He knew that face. He knew this girl.

It was Sophia.

She had her hair down, long and loose, golden locks pooling around her shoulders. A black bra strap peeked out from under one shoulder of her flimsy white crop top, which was doing a decidedly half-hearted job covering the generous line of cleavage created by her full breasts. His eyes traveled downwards, over the smooth slopes of her tummy, slender waist, and broad hips. She was wearing girlish denim short-shorts which came to an abrupt end barely a finger’s length below her beltline, revealing acres of soft white thigh. Good lord, those thighs. Thick and muscular, yet simultaneously soft and inviting, colossal slabs of sculpted muscle rippling beneath porcelain skin as she unconsciously shifted her weight from one leg to the other. She was a veritable study in femine grace, radiating confidence and sexuality to every corner of the room. And she was nearly a thousand feet tall.

He watched as she lifted one of her glossy black ankle boots to take another step. The movement caused a chain reaction of gentle wobbling up her thigh as tendons deep in her leg flexed to prepare for takeoff. For a moment her thick quad muscle bulged out in sharp relief beneath her skin, a visceral reminder of her strength. The boot rose from the ground and traced a graceful arc through the air.


The earth trembled as countless tons of giant woman made impact. The little crumbs of dust and dirt around him were thrown a foot into the air. David was almost thrown off his feet too as the floor shuddered beneath Sophia’s unimaginable weight. A surge of panic shot through him as he realized she was heading straight towards him. Every nerve in his body was screaming at him to run, but fear had sapped the strength from his limbs.


This time he lost his balance. David fell flat on his face, skull bouncing off the linoleum like a ping pong ball. He gasped in pain. A front of displaced air rushed past him, blowing dust into his face. He rolled over and scrambled to his feet, head ringing, jaw clenched. She was towering over him now, columnar legs soaring above him like skyscrapers of flesh, anchored to the earth by her gigantic leather boots, her upper body so heavily distorted by the extreme perspective that he could no longer see her face at all.

It was all over. One more step and he’d be a stain beneath the boot of a mile high blonde goddess.

The black shoe rose into the air once more.

David scrambled. A sudden burst of adrenaline unglued his feet from the floor. He pumped his arms and legs as fast as they could go, desperately trying to get out of the way of her next step. Suddenly he was nearly pulled off his feet by the vacuum of air created by the gargantuan boot’s ascent into the sky. Her sole, as wide as a football field, blotted out the ceiling lights, casting him in shadow, so close that he could make out specks of dirt stuck between the undulating ridges of her treads.


At this proximity the shockwave was so powerful that it flung him several feet into the air. He skidded across the floor and came to a rolling stop, bracing himself with his arms. By some miracle of fate the shoe had landed a good ways past him. He lay prone on the floor, shaking, and watched in awe as its enormous twin follow suit.


She was heading towards the couch. He watched her sit down and pull out her phone. She had no idea her casual entrance into his bedroom had meant a near death experience for him. He almost felt like laughing at the absurdity of it all.

David rose shakily to his feet. His heart was still pounding in his ears. He could not believe he had survived - but he was not out of the woods yet. An offhand movement or misstep from her could still be the end of him. As long as she was unaware of his presence he would not be safe, especially on the floor. He had to find a way to get her attention.

Luckily, the school had planned for incidents like this. Every shrinker residence was equipped with an emergency station: a scaled down version of the blue light phones installed around campus. His was in the far corner of the room on the floor by the TV stand. David ran towards it. Any second she might get up from the couch and put his life in danger again. By the time he made it to the little terminal he was quite winded.

This was his first time using the alarm system. The terminal stood about as high as an AA battery, capped with a ring of speakers and bright red LEDs. It looked rather like a miniature phone booth. He hurriedly stepped inside and pressed the yellow button in the center console. Nothing. Was the fucking thing broken? Again he hit the button, harder this time. This time the LEDs lit up, and a deafening klaxon alarm began to wail from the speakers causing him to wince and covered his ears.

He turned around to see if Sophia had noticed. He saw her glance up from her phone, a look of mild confusion on her face. Her big blue eyes scanned the room looking for the source of the noise. David tried catching her attention by waving his arms, but stopped almost at once. It was pointless, he probably looked like a black speck to her - if she could see him at all from this distance.

Finally she spotted him. Or rather, she spotted the alarm terminal. David heard the couch springs groan as Sophia rose to her full height again, setting her beer down on the coffee table. He gulped as she began walking towards him. Just moments ago those same thunderous footsteps had almost put an end to his puny existence for good. He backpedaled closer to the terminal, ears ringing.

Sophia’s eyes were locked onto the flashing lights. She clearly hadn’t noticed him yet. Her brow furrowed as she studied the little device from on high. For a moment it seemed like she was making direct eye contact with him, but he knew this was just an illusion. He watched her tuck an errant strand of blonde hair behind her left ear.

“What the fuck?” she murmured. Her voice rumbled like feminine thunder.

She knelt. He watched in awe as she settled onto her knees, vast muscular thighs bulging outwards a they came to rest upon her calves. A huge white hand made impact with the floor barely a dozen yards away to his left with a meaty thud that made him wince, followed by its twin on the right, fingers spreading to support her weight. For a brief moment his eyes were drawn to her shiny pink fingernails - each one perfectly manicured and nearly as long as he was tall - and then her hair came tumbling down, an avalanche of golden tresses and vanilla shampoo, and he was confronted with the dazzling vista of her radiant red-cheeked face.

“David, is that you?”

Her breath washed over him like a breeze, minty with a slightly sour note of beer, blowing strands of hair away from his forehead. Sophia’s voice, shrill and loud with surprise, shook his body at such close range. David doubted he would ever be totally comfortable talking to giants up close like this. The experience was simply impossible to get used to. It was like being addressed by a god.

David meekly nodded an affirmative. He was too shaken and exhausted to speak. The events of the past few minutes had taken their toll on him.

He could feel the weight of her gaze. He glanced up to make eye contact with her, and immediately wished he hadn't. The full attention of her tremendous blue eyes was overwhelming enough to send a shiver down his spine. It did not help that he was naked.

“What are you doing in there? Have you been here this whole time? Get out so I can see you.”

Her red lips were curled into a warm smile, but her tone of voice made it clear she was not requesting so much as telling. It was an order. The stern inflection in her voice probably wasn’t even a conscious choice on her part, it was simply the natural way one would address something so weak and small, the way a little girl might croon to her pet gerbil.

David shuffled out of the booth, sheepishly covering his crotch with both hands. He was used to being nude around others by now, but in the face of such direct scrutiny the shame of nakedness returned to the forefront of his mind.

She noticed his embarrassment, and giggled. “It’s okay, you don’t have to do that. It’s not like I can really see anything you’ve got down there anyway,” she said matter of factly.

He knew what she meant, but the sentiment still stung. Just another reminder of how utterly impotent he now was. He grimaced and let his hands hang by his waist.

She cocked her head to one side, examining him with those lovely eyes. “You’re so tiny,” she murmured. Her billboard sized cheeks flushed red. A giantess’s blush was an odd thing to witness up close. He could almost feel the heat radiating off her skin. “Sorry, sorry, that was rude!”

David shrugged, “It’s true.” He was starting to feel more at ease. Sophia was cool; although he didn’t know her very well personally, she hung out at the house pretty often and always seemed like a pretty easy going girl.

“To be honest I totally forgot you were one of the people who got shrunk. It’s weird, it was only some guys right? There are a few I see in class sometimes but they all sit in the front.”

“Yeah. Weird.”

“I can barely hear you, I’m gonna pick you up, okay?”

Before he could answer, she reached over her enormous right hand and plucked him off the floor between finger and thumb. David was too surprised to struggle. He was not used to being grabbed like this. The school made it very clear that you were supposed to ask shrinkers for consent before handling them. Sophia had skipped right over that formality. Her cushy fingertips felt like two mattresses compressing him from either side. He knew she was being gentle, but the pressure still knocked the wind out of him. She cradled her other hand beneath him and carefully deposited him into her palm. The smooth white skin was soft and warm. Her huge fingers curled over him as she lifted him towards her face. The g-forces caused by the sudden ascent made him nauseous.

A second later it was over. He found himself staring her in the face. Or more accurately, staring at her face. Up close it was difficult to interpret her features as a whole. They were an incoherent jumble of reference points. Her plush lips, outlined in cherry red lipstick, were partially open. David caught a glimpse of gigantic teeth hidden behind them.

“Jesus, this is so weird. It’s like you’re not even real.”

Every consonant she pronounced blew a gust of hot air across his body. He could smell the booze on her breath. She was definitely tipsy.

“It’s cool that they let you keep your own room. That doorbell thing is a good idea. I thought nobody was here.”

David scoffed. He was about to explain to her what had happened, just how close she had come to killing him, but decided to hold his tongue. It was no use. She’d just get upset or start apologizing. It would make things awkward. And besides, there were no words he could come up with to really describe the terror he had faced beneath her unaware footsteps. It was like they lived in totally different worlds. He supposed they did, in a sense.

“Yeah. It’s uh, kind of hard to get around though.”

“I can imagine.” She gave him a wink. Her eyes were so beautiful, such a dazzling shade of blue, subtly enhanced by a hint of black eyeliner. On the whole her makeup was impeccably done. Being so tiny he could usually see smudges and other mistakes that usually went unnoticed, but hers was applied with impressive precision. He felt the familiar stirring of arousal beginning in his loins and promptly tried to focus on something else.

“Do you want to smoke?” He blurted out. It was the first thing that came to mind.

She grinned. Her pearly whites were like twin rows of tombstones. “Sure, actually that’s why I came up here in the first place. It’s pretty dead downstairs to be honest.”

She rose to her feet. Again his stomach lurched from the shift in altitude. He wished she’d warn him before moving him around like that.

“C’mon, let’s sit down...”


Sophia glanced down at her phone. 11:30 PM. The party had started nearly three hours ago, but the weather was not cooperating and as a result the frat house was almost totally empty. The brothers had festooned the rec room with tropical themed decorations and had the laser lights going, but given that there were less than a dozen people on the dance floor the effect was rather lame. Most of her friends had taken advantage of the rain letting up and left already. She downed the rest of her jungle juice and tossed the solo cup into the trash. This was starting to get boring.

“Beer pong?”

Sophia looked up. It was Carl, one of the older brothers. He was wearing a hideous collared shirt and had his hair slicked up with gel like a total prick. Sophia grimaced and shook her head. He shrugged and stumbled away. What a douche. She put her head down and hurriedly walked past him chatting up some Asian girl, making a beeline towards the stairs. It was time to ditch this party.

She idly patted the lump in her pocket, a plastic baggie with a couple nugs and a little glass bowl she had bought the week before. Her one hitter was nice, but a real pipe was so much more convenient, and this one was small enough to tuck away almost anywhere. Maybe people were smoking upstairs. It would be a lot easier to have a smoke at Alpha Chi than back in the dorms.

Sophia grabbed her jacket from the coat room and headed upstairs. The second floor seemed deserted. She poked her head around the corner. One of the rooms had been left open. Sophia couldn’t recall which of the brothers lived there, but she remembered smoking in that room during a previous party. She headed inside.

Besides a couch, coffee table, and small television, the room was completely empty. Weird. There was an unopened box of Pabst propping up the door. She reached down, tore open the box, helped herself to a beer, and plopped down on the couch. Someone had left a few nugs of weed on one of the seat cushions. She pushed the pile to one side and reached into her pocket to grab her own stuff.

Beep, beep, beep, beep!

Sophia glanced up. It sounded like a digital watch alarm was going off somewhere close by. She scanned the room for the source of the noise, and spotted a blinking red light in the corner of the room near the TV. She hoisted herself up off the couch and walked over to investigate.

The noise was coming from a tiny black plastic cylinder which was stuck upright to the floor in between the TV and the door. The top of the cylinder was blinking with little red LEDs. The sound the little device was making was high pitched and extremely annoying, almost like a fire alarm. She had never seen anything like it before. Was it a Christmas ornament? A loudspeaker? Something to do with the WiFi?

“What the fuck?” She murmured to herself.

She fixed her hair back and got down on all fours to get a better look. Up close the gadget looked more like a miniature phone booth. There was something moving around inside. It crossed her mind that she might be looking at some bizarre digital Roach Motel and she almost began to backpedal in disgust, but then she spotted an arm, a leg, a tiny head -

Suddenly, it all clicked.

“David, is that you?”

A raisin-sized face appeared around the edge of the booth, and nodded. It was hard to make out the expression on his diminutive features, but he looked upset. Sophia had totally forgotten David was a shrinker. She brought her face a little closer to get a better look, but he immediately ducked back into the booth. It occurred to her that even small movements might be startling to him; after all, from his perspective she was a huge giantess.

“What are you doing in there? Have you been here this whole time? Get out so I can see you,” she prompted, taking care to keep her voice calm. He was so diminutive and fragile looking. She wanted to see him up close.

She watched as David cautiously exited the terminal and stood before her, hands clasped at the waist. His tiny naked body was trembling like a leaf. The poor little guy was scared. She realized he was trying to hide his junk from her and couldn’t help but laugh. What was he trying to hide? His prick was probably the size of a grain of sand.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to do that. It’s not like I can really see anything you’ve got down there anyway.” She was careful to take shallow breaths, the way they had been instructed to in Reduced Education when addressing shrinkers. It helped lower the volume of her voice and was supposed to make the little guys feel less stressed around big people.

She lowered her head a little, slowly, until her face was only a few inches away from him. This wasn’t her first time seeing a shrinker. In fact there were a lot of shrinkers in her engineering classes, although she never got a good look at them because they all sat on a special table in the front of the lecture hall, away from the other students. Between classes she often spotted them riding their little electric trolleys from building to building. Sometimes she would even see one working on a desk in the library or dining hall, usually accompanied by a normal sized friend.

Seeing a shrinker up close like this, however, was a surreal experience. There was something unsettling about it all. She remembered what David was like before the reduction: an average sized guy with a trim figure, just a tad shorter than her own five-foot ten. Confident, but not intimidating. Now he stood barely taller than her finger nail, and any semblance of confidence had evaporated alongside his height. In some ways it was hard to believe he was still human. Although she knew shrinkers were genetically identical to regular people (a fact that had been hammered into her and the other students during Reduced Education), it was practically impossible to quash her automatic instinct to categorize him as some sort of rodent or insect. For all practical purposes, that’s what he was now. A little bug man.

A wry smile played across her lips. “You’re so tiny,” she blurted out. As soon as the words left her mouth she realized how insensitive she was being and blushed. “Sorry, sorry, that was rude!”

He shrugged. The motion was kind of adorable at his size. “It’s true.”

It was the first time he had spoken. She could barely hear him; his voice was high pitched, thin, like a cartoon mouse. Sophia was relieved he hadn’t taken offense to her crass comment. It had been a dumb thing to say, nobody knew better than him how tiny he was. She quickly changed the subject.

“To be honest I totally forgot you were one of the people who got shrunk. It’s weird, it was only some guys right? There are a few I see in class sometimes but they all sit in the front.”

His reply was too soft to hear. This was not the best position for having a conversation. He was too far from her ears and her neck was beginning to cramp.

“I can barely hear you,” she informed him, “I’m gonna pick you up, okay?”

With the utmost care Sophia gently reached out a hand and plucked little David off the floor with her index finger and thumb. She was surprised how soft his miniscule naked body felt. Almost squishy, like a rubber toy. His toothpick legs scissored wildly, but if he was putting up a struggle against her his efforts were too feeble to feel. It was a bit awkward picking him up like this, especially since he wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing, but it was going to make conversation so much easier. He couldn’t expect her to crouch down to his level the entire time. That would be unreasonable.

Sophia gingerly dropped David into the center of her other hand. He stumbled to catch his balance on the squishy surface of her palm. His footsteps were imperceptible. She raised him towards her face, as slowly as she could, but he still lost his footing and dropped down onto all fours. No matter how careful she was she could not help but overwhelm him with her slightest movements. He was just so small. She thought of the toy dolls she used to play with in grade school. Barbie would be a giant compared to David. Even the little Polly Pocket dolls she had in third grade must have been ten times his height. Hell, he could be Polly’s doll!

“Jesus, this is so weird. It’s like you’re not even real,” she murmured.

No response. David still seemed to be getting his bearings. Maybe she had picked him up too quickly after all. Such a delicate, fragile, pathetic little creature he now was. She recalled how strange that first day had been, when the shrinkers finally returned to class. One had scurried past her sneaker at the beginning of lecture, looking for someplace to sit. They didn’t have special seats set up for them back then. One poor kid in her linear algebra class had gotten sat on by an unwitting student that day, a girl she was vaguely friendly with named Emma who sat near the back of the class. Apparently she hadn't even realized what had happened till she got home and found the stain. He wasn’t the only casualty. The school had gotten strict quick after that. Campus-wide renovations, the Mixed Size Office, Reduced Education. She remembered the handling exercises they had done during sensitivity training using little plastic figurines. The experience of handling a half inch man made of real flesh and blood was very different.

She took a deep breath. The booze was starting to get to her head. “It’s cool that they let you keep your own room. That doorbell thing is a good idea. I thought nobody was here.”

“Yeah. It’s uh, kind of hard to get around though.” His voice sounded stronger now. He was standing up straight like a little toy soldier, puffing out his chest to address her. It was kind of cute.

“I can imagine.” He was just so adorable. She gave him a little wink.

“Do you want to smoke?”

The invitation caught her by surprise. She hadn’t expected him wanting to hang out. But fuck it, why not?

“Sure, actually that’s why I came up here in the first place. It’s pretty dead downstairs to be honest.” She stood, and regretted it immediately as the blood rushed from her head, leaving stars flashing in her eyes. Maybe that last beer hadn’t been a good idea. She blinked hard and shook it off.

“C’mon, let’s sit down...”


Sophia’s enormous fingers closed over him like cathedral arches, blocking out the light. David clenched his teeth and braced himself against the soft surface of her palm in anticipation of being moved. Sure enough, his stomach did a backflip as her hand sailed through the air once more. He caught glimpses of her titanic body through the gaps between her fingers. A flash of flat tummy, jiggling breasts, and finally a deafening grumble of rusty springs as she settled onto the couch. A second later the huge hand accelerated forwards with a whoosh of air, then abruptly came to a stop. The fingers opened, and he found himself hovering over the vast expanse of the coffee table.

“There you go,” Sophia nodded, gesturing for him to get off. He complied, carefully lowering himself off the edge of her palm and onto the surface of the table. The massive hand lingered momentarily, then retreated back to the lap of its even more massive owner. David’s head was spinning. He hoped that was the last time she handled him like that.

“Alright, let’s smoke. I brought some weed. Is this stuff yours?” She gestured to his stash. He nodded. “Well, that’s okay, we can just use mine. You have so little.” He watched her fish around in her pants pocket and pull out a plastic baggie full of paraphernalia. “I brought a bowl too,” she said.

Sophia opened the bag and retrieved the pipe. It was bright green with orange swirls coiling up the stem. It was a dainty little thing, clearly meant to hold just a few hits. She set it on the table nearby. “Here, check it out. It’s pretty much brand new.”

The pipe was almost as long as a school bus. David walked over and tapped on the glass with his finger. It was at least three feet thick. He could make out his reflection in the clean glossy surface. No resin buildup - this was a new pipe alright. He didn’t bother telling her that she had probably crushed his own pipe under five hundred tons of ass. It wasn’t worth mentioning.

Sophia picked a nug out of the bag. “Do you have a grinder?”

He nodded, “It should be under the table.”


He watched her long graceful fingers pop the top off the grinder and begin to fill it up with weed. As she tore the bud into pieces and loaded it into the chamber, fist sized chunks of grass rained down onto the table around him. They were just scraps to Sophia, but to him each of those leftover pieces could fuel an entire smoke session. He doubted she even noticed the crumbs. What a waste. It was just another example of how tiny actions for her played out on a grand scale for him. They lived in two different worlds.

She twisted the grinder with both hands. “Sticky!” She exclaimed. He could hear the metal parts creaking as they were forced against each other between her powerful palms. The resistance was nothing to her. She popped open the chamber and scooped up a pinch of weed. He took a step back as her hand lowered towards him to deposit the weed into the bowl. The memory of being hoisted about to and fro by that mammoth extremity was still fresh in his mind.

“Lighter?” She glanced under the table.

“No, but I have matches. They should be on the couch.”

“Oh,” Sophia pulled out a match, “that’s kinda classy. Do you use these?”

“Yeah, sometimes.”

Sophia lifted the bowl to her lips and carefully lit it with a match. She inhaled for a few seconds, causing the burning weed to glow bright orange. Tendrils of smoke escaped from the corners of her mouth as she cherried the bowl. Finally she pulled it away, took a deep breath, and exhaled. A cloud of smoke gushed out of her mouth, as thick and dark as the billowing discharge of a factory smokestack. She coughed a couple times, then looked down at him and grinned.

“Oof! That was a lot. Do you want some?”

David shrugged. He wasn’t quite sure how she imagined he was supposed to use a thirty foot pipe. She set the bowl in front of him. Looking down the stem was like peering into the barrel of an artillery cannon. She lit another match and held it above the bowl.

“Okay, take a hit!”

David inhaled as hard as he could, but nothing happened. He put his hands on the edges of the mouthpiece and poked his head into the stem, almost climbing inside, but it was no use. He was just too small.

Sophia shook out the match. “Here, I have an idea.”

Without warning her huge fingers pincered him around the waist, forcing the air from his lungs, and hoisted him into the air again. Her other hand lifted the bowl.

“Sophia, you -” he began to protest, but was cut off by the rush of air as she lifted him high above the table. She didn’t even hear him.

“I’ll blow into the other end and you breathe in, okay?”

Sophia brought both him and the bowl close to her mouth. Her lips - wet, pink, and pillowy - wrapped around the end of the pipe. He watched them tighten around the mouthpiece, the cushy skin bulging and flattening against the stem, leaving little smudges of lipstick on the glass. The hand she was holding him with swung around to the other end of the pipe. She carefully positioned him in front of the carb. He could see the cherry was still lit. Sophia blew gently into the pipe, and a cloud of smoke drifted out from the side David was facing, engulfing his body in gray smog and making his eyes burn. He did his best to bring some of the smoke into his lungs, but it was hard to take deep breaths with her fingers crushing him from either side. David coughed, hard. He was a seasoned smoker, but this was way too much. After letting him smoke in this fashion for a few seconds Sophia removed her lips and gently set the bowl back on the table.

She lifted him up to eye level and smiled. “That worked, huh?”

David nodded blearily. His head was swimming. Sophia’s brilliant blue eye filled his field of vision like a great glistening glass orb.

To his surprise, she set him down not back on the table, but on top of her thigh. It was immense, wide as a ten lane highway, a seemingly endless expanse of smooth, soft, alabaster-white skin. He could feel her body heat radiating from the creamy surface. The warmth and sweet fragrance was intoxicating. Her thigh wobbled slightly as she leaned over to retrieve her beer, and for a moment he was cast into shadow by the canopy of her breasts as her torso blocked out the ceiling light. When she reclined back against the couch the resulting quake brought him to his knees.

She lifted the can to her lips and took a swig.

“Oh man, that hit the spot. I’m pretty blazed.” Her voice echoed down to him, disembodied, as if it came from the sky itself. From his position on her upper thigh he could see only the bottom of her chin. “Let’s put some music on. Does this work?”

Sophia wiggled the wireless mouse that was sitting abandoned on the far end of the couch. It hadn’t been moved in months. Across the room the TV screen flickered to life. She pulled up YouTube. David’s stomach lurched in fear as she moved the mouse towards the search bar.

“Ugh, I don’t want to get up to type. Here, this is a good one.” She clicked on one of the recommended videos. Rap music began to blare through the TV speakers. David breathed a sigh of relief.

Sophia turned up the volume. “Hell yeah,” she smiled down at him, “this is much more chill than downstairs. It was sooo dead. Literally nobody was here.”

She kept prattling on. David bobbed his head in agreement. In truth he was barely processing her words, although each one resonated within his chest like the beating of a bass drum. His senses were completely enraptured by her overwhelming presence. The warmth of her skin, the slight vanilla fragrance wafting off her clothing, the sheer size of her. She was a landscape to him. He felt like he was standing on the white sands of a beach, her torso a sheer cliff face towering hundreds of feet above him, occasionally crested by her radiant face as she peered down over the swell of her bosom.

“Well? Do you want some?”

He realized she was asking him a question. She was shaking her beer can suggestively. He hadn't tasted beer in months. But how did she expect him to drink from that massive can?

“Uh yeah, sure.”

She lowered the can onto her lap. It touched down on her upper thigh, rather like the Apollo lander descending upon the surface of the moon. The enormous tin cylinder was easily ten times his height, if not more. The big blue ribbon painted on the front reminded him of the huge wreaths they put up in the White House for Christmas. Sophia tilted the can a bit, and a few drops spilled onto her thigh.

“Whoops! I don’t think that’s gonna work.” She frowned. “Oh here, I know -”

The dreaded grasping fingers materialized out of nowhere again and whisked him into the air. This time the weed dampened the nausea somewhat. Clearly the concept of consent had been totally lost on Sophia.

“Okay, ready?” She giggled.

He watched nervously as her other hand lifted the beer to her lips. She opened her mouth, and he caught a glimpse of her pearly teeth and glistening slab of tongue before the bottom of the can obstructed his view. She took a small sip and pursed her lips, allowing a trickle of beer to leak out. Before he could say anything she brought him to her mouth and pressed him against her bottom lip.

David spluttered as the soft yielding flesh of her thick wet lip engulfed his body. Beer filled his mouth and nose. He gulped down as much as he could, trying to prevent himself from choking on the bitter foamy liquid. He could feel her lips vibrating beneath his body as she stifled a giggle. The experience was terrifying, but arousing as well. As he struggled helplessly against her plush mouth he felt his cock stiffen at the warm velvety massage her lip was giving him. He came uncontrollably, his tiny seed washed away at once, unnoticed by her.

Finally, Sophia pulled him away. “There, did you get some?” Gusts of hot breath pounded against his body. The volume of her voice at this proximity was excruciating. She was totally unaware of the full-body blowjob she had just unwittingly given him.

“Enough! Enough!” David gasped. His body was dripping with beer and sweat and cum. He hung limply between her fingers, head spinning, praying that she did not bring him in for a second round.

The same lips that had nearly suffocated him moments before now pulled back in a brilliant smile.

“You don’t want any more? Okay!” She giggled, and chugged down the rest of the beer.

There was a hint of satisfaction in her voice. He was starting to think she enjoyed messing with him, just a little bit. Sophia wasn’t sadistic, but she did have a wicked sense of humor, now reinforced by the heady effectuation of bud and brew. This was a game to her, and he was her defenseless little plaything.

“Alright I’ll put you down - oh shit!”

In the blink of an eye David went from resenting the suffocating grasp of Sophia’s fingertips to desiring nothing more than to return to the security of their embrace. He screamed as he fell, wind whipping against his damp skin, arms pinwheeling, tumbling and turning helplessly through the air. Sophia’s body became a blur. He saw her hand swoop down to grab at him, missing by inches.


He was plunged into darkness. Something wide and soft had caught his fall. David struggled to right himself but was unable to find purchase, instead sliding deeper and deeper down. The air down here was warm and humid, redolent with perfume and body heat. As the adrenaline rush subsided he found himself stuck, his body wedged between two smooth slightly pliant surfaces which surrounded him on every side. Omnipresent, overwhelming, gelatinous flesh, which seemed to extend dozens of feet above and below him.

Cleavage. He had fallen between her breasts.

David twisted around and looked upwards. Sure enough, there was a sliver of light far above him defined by the crevice between Sophia’s massive boobs, which were being squeezed together by her pushup bra. He caught a glimpse of the bottom of her chin, and then a single blue eye. An enormous pressure compressed him as she shifted her body, inadvertently pressing her tits together till he thought he would burst like a grape.

“Whoops! Sorry about that little guy.”

Her exclamation caused the spongy walls of his flesh prison to wobble gently. He could feel her voice emanating from her chest. She pried her tits apart with one hand and reached down with the other to fish him out. For once he was glad to feel her finger and thumb wrapping around his torso.

“I did not mean to do that! You’re all wet and slippery it’s hard to get a good grip.”

She brought him up to eye level, inspecting him for signs of injury. He hung limply between her fingers. She prodded his midsection with a huge pink nail.

“Hey, you okay?” She asked.

He nodded weakly. He expected Sophia to put him down, but instead she continued to examine him. She used her fingernail to gingerly lift one of his legs, then let it drop. She seemed fascinated by his body. The fingernail traced down his chest and stomach, lightly brushing against his crotch. The light pressure was all it took to make him ejaculate again. He couldn’t help it. First drowning between her magnificent breasts, now this. It was too much.

Luckily she didn’t notice. How could she? His ejaculate was less than a dewdrop to her.

Finally, she seemed to get her fill and set him down on the couch. David crumpled. He wasn’t sure whether to be humiliated or aroused. Sophia adjusted her bra, pushing her tits securely into the cups and clicking her tongue in admonishment.

“I’m gonna grab a tissue from the bathroom okay?”

The springs groaned in protest as she hoisted her colossal bulk off the sofa. The depression she had created in the cushion sprang back up, causing him to roll a few feet to the side. He was treated to a magnificent view of her expansive ass as she walked out of the room. David got to his feet and tried to collect himself. He was worn out, drunk and high, plastered in sticky beer and ready for this night to finally end. Sophia by herself was proving to be more trouble than a whole room full of guests.

A moment later she returned carrying a handful of toilet paper which she set down next to him.

“There you go. My bad.”

David did his best to clean himself up a bit. Sophia knelt on the floor and watched, big blue eyes and billboard sized cheeks both flushed red.

Her position put her breasts about level with the couch. It was impossible not to look. They obstructed almost his entire field of view. Seen up close in its entirety like this, Sophia’s huge bosom boggled the mind. Each tit was at least thirty feet tall and wide, jammed into a bra that was obviously much too tight for her. She was practically bursting out of her top. The white fabric covered maybe two-thirds of each breast, creating two expansive hillocks of boob that spilled out the top and sides of her bra. A dozen shrinkers could have stood comfortably atop each of those bulging white mounds. The ravine of her cleavage surged forward and back as she drew breath. David could not imagine how many tons of force those colossal mountains of flesh must be exerting on one another in their neverending wrestling match for any and all available space in her top. He had been lucky to escape from between them with his life.

Looking up into her dazzling aquamarine eyes, David imagined how differently the night might have gone had he not been the size of a gumdrop. She was a nice girl; kind, well-meaning. Perhaps they would have hit it off, smoking and listening to music together in his room. Perhaps he would have slid his hand atop hers, tracing the delicate skin of her palms and fingers, feeling her warmth. Perhaps there would have been a moment of pregnant silence, locked eyes, and a soft curious kiss. He imagined engaging her in passionate embrace, exploring the delicious curves of her womanly body with his hands, moving the action to his bed where he would slip her clothes off and pleasure every inch of her while she moaned and writhed beneath him.

Perhaps. But it was not meant to be. His eyes drifted back down to the canyon of her cleavage. She was so far above him now, beyond him in every sense of the word. He wasn’t even sure she regarded him as human anymore, much less an object of sexual desire. It was a stupid fantasy.

Suddenly the music sputtered to a stop. The speakers had crapped out.

David sighed. “That happens sometimes. You have to jiggle the cord, it’s connected to the laptop.”

“Alright.” Sophia rose to her feet. Looming over him at her full height the difference in size between them became all the more tangible. He felt foolish for even entertaining the idea of getting physical with her. That time was long gone.

Sophia walked over to the computer and got down on all fours. As she bent to inspect the tangle of cables, her ample ass stuck out into the air, muscular cheeks pushing the denim fabric to its limit. The monumental buttocks swayed back and forth as she shifted her weight from one knee to the other.

“I think I found it,” she jiggled a cable and the music popped back on.

“There we go. Fuck yeah, I love this song!” She exclaimed, turning up the volume to the max.

Sophia got to her feet again, leaning on the TV table for balance. She was clearly a little unsteady. She whooped and began to dance.

“C’mon David, are you dancing?”

It was an incredible spectacle to watch. The floor rumbled beneath her feet as she moved back and forth to the music. Her breasts bounced in unison, wobbling as she shimmied her wide hips back and forth in time with the beat. She shook her head, and her long golden hair whipped around her face and tumbled over her shoulders. He stepped back as she moved towards him. She was getting uncomfortably close. The shaking was intense now, and he was having trouble staying on his feet. She looked down on him from on high, craning her neck to see over the twin peaks of her jiggling boobs. He was confronted by her mighty thighs, their tremendous bulk wobbling pendulously as she hopped and shimmied around.

“Come on David, it’s fun! You can do it! Look!”

She spun around, bent down, and started twerking her colossal ass against the edge of the sofa. The entire thing shifted as she threw her weight against it, and the resulting earthquake sent him tumbling to the ground. Her vast cheeks - juicy, round, and full - were bursting out of their denim prison, straining against her shorts until he was sure the exertion would rip them in half down the middle. They jiggled independently of one another as she swung her hips back and forth, harder and harder. David crouched, bracing himself against the ground, transfixed. It was at once the most terrifying and awe inspiring thing he had ever witnessed. A thousand foot goddess shaking her incredible ass with gleeful abandon right in front of him. She was putting on a show, and he had a front row seat.

The music was reaching a deafening climax. Sophia ground her ass against the couch, bumping it harder and harder. She was really rocking his world now. Tissues and nuggets of weed were flying all around him, thrown about by the powerful tremors. David tried grabbing onto the cushion fabric, but he was unable to hold himself down. The next big bump sent him flying across the sofa.

“Sophia, watch out!” He screamed.

Somehow she heard him over the music. The quaking stopped, and her moon sized ass was replaced by her flushed face. Her expression was one of bleary concern.

“Huh? David where are you?”

David crawled out from beneath a tissue. Weed was scattered everywhere, and his cotton ball bed had tumbled off the sofa onto the floor. His backside was badly bruised. The last chorus of the song came to an end, and the room became silent. With some effort he got to his feet.

Sophia scanned the couch and saw the mess she had made. “Uhh, sorry about that, I got a little carried away didn’t I?” She said breathlessly.

Exhausted and banged up as he was, David couldn’t help but give a wry laugh. It was the understatement of the century. The past hour had been perhaps the single roughest experience of his life. Sophia looked pretty embarrassed. Her cheeks were rosy red - and it wasn’t just from the alcohol.

“I think I’m gonna head out, it’s getting late,” she said. David didn’t reply. Sophia pulled her hair away from her eyes and fixed it up in a low ponytail. She brought her face close to the edge of the couch and regarded him frankly.

“I had a fun time, thanks for letting me use your room and stuff.”

He nodded. “Sure.” It was all he could muster.

“Alright, well, see ya.” She gave him a quick smile and stood to gather her things off the table. David got one last look at her backside as she turned and left the room, gave him a little wave, and closed the door behind her. The image of her stadium sized ass wobbling above him was going to stick with him for a long time. Alzheimer’s would have to rip the memory from his brain before he forgot that.

David crawled over to a scrap of tissue paper and pulled it over himself. It was all he could do. There wasn’t an ounce of energy left in his body. The rest of the mess would have to wait.

One thing was for certain. The social chairs were going to get an earful tomorrow.


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