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The first thing that Nathan noticed was his headache. A throbbing, pulsing headache. It sort of reminded him of the times he would get carsick while reading on family vacations. A kind of swirling, humbling feeling headache. After an extended period of time feeling sorry for himself, Nathan opened his eyes to regain his bearings. What greeted him was the blue sky that he had looked up to earlier, except instead of seeing nothing but blue sky, he saw what looked like trees eclipsing the suns rays. He sat up quickly, looking around. To his immediate left was what seemed like a large, pebbly wall, and to his right was miles of thick foliage. Nathan grasped his head with hands, and thought back to the last thing he remembered.
“I...Iwas g-going to see Melany....” he stammered nervously, glancing back and forth from the wall to the forest of foliage.
“How did I get here?”
As If to answer the question, there was a loud creaking sound, followed swiftly by two softer, floppy sounds, then finally, a large crash. Suddenly, Nathan felt tremors. He heard the floppy sound again, but this time closer. After the first, there was another. And another.
The sound was getting closer. Nathan was shaking violently as he took cover near the pebbly wall. As the flipping and flopping drew nearer, he began to see a shape take form above the trees.
It was Melany, but she was gigantic.
And in a bikini.
Nathan, through a combination of complete bewilderment, fear, and arousal, could only watch as the giantess approached, her large breasts gently crashing together as she moved. In one arm was a towel, and the other was positioned on her voluptuous hip, and she had her lips pursed in a curious smile.
“Hmmmm....” she murmured, her fingers gliding up to her full lips, as if I thought.
“I thought I heard something...”
She took another step forward.
Nathan looked up, and as if I’m slow motion, saw the sandaled foot of the giantess eclipse the rest of her body as she stepped over him, crashing down just a few feet away from him. He gasped, looking up at her pillowy thighs and curvy behind as she made her way towards the center of the yard. His eyes were glued to the motion her behind made, as she gracefully pranced towards the center of the yard, hunting for a spot to spread her towel and begin to sunbathe.
Nathan realized that although this was one of the most dangerous situations he’d ever been in, it was also the best day of his life. He decided that his only chance of safety was to get the attention of Melany before she left the yard. In pursuit of that goal, he took off into the sod jungle, hoping that there were some way to get her attention.

After about a minute of running, jumping, and ducking through the grassy forest, Nathan was realizing how small he was. Although he had made some good progress, Melany was nowhere to be seen. He was even starting to call the yard a forest subconsciously, and the further he went in, the more he was convinced when was lost. What was more concerning was the noise. Now, normally, a yard seems pretty tranquil; but at Nathan’s size, you could hear the chatter and clambering of various insects and creatures, most of which would gobble him up without a second thought.
Nathan shuddered, and decided to climb a blade of grass to get his bearings.
At the crest of the blade, he was able to take in his surroundings.
And boy did he.
Directly in front of him, maybe a couple of meters away was Melany, laid out on towel, soaking in the sun. Now that she wasn’t moving and he wasn’t raddled, he could finally take her in.
She was lying on her stomach, with her hands tucked behind her head, and Nathan could see a wire leading from her hair to something beside her, probably belonging to an MP3 player of some sort, maybe even her phone. From his perspective, she was directly ahead of him; meaning that the part of her body that he was mostly able to see was her lower half. Her feet were the closest to him, with one on either side of him, and in the middle was her mountainous thighs, that were spread apart evenly, giving Nathan an ample view of her ass. Speaking of which, her bubbly behind was incased in a thin turquoise bikini bottom that betrayed everything. He could see the thin outline of her womanhood pressed against the bikini bottom, and saw a bit of a cameltoe.
After a brief stare, Nathan decided it was time to stop drooling and start moving. However, just as soon as he started to move, he heard a loud buzzing noise. As he turned around, he saw the largest fly he had ever seen land just below him. Nathan had of course seen a fly before, but never at this size, and it was just as disgusting as he imagined. The fly spat something up, then proceeded to suck it back up and rub its front appendages on its disgusting fly face. Nathan recoiled at the vile sounds the disgusting creature was making.
Then, he had an idea.
Throwing all caution to the wind, Nathan jumped from the blade of grass to the fly below, landing just behind the wings. The fly reacted to the unexpected passenger suddenly, and took off into the midday sun with a buzz.
Nathan realized just how stupid of a plan this was when he was thrusted over a hundred (relatively) feet into the air. He desperately pulled at the fly in a gambit to steer him towards Melany, but the fly wouldn’t budge, and started to buzz higher. Nathan clutched the fly, and held on as the disgusting creature tried to shake him off. The fly then tried something different, and started to decent rapidly. Nathan was moving so fast, he didn’t know where he was, and as he lost his grip on the fly’s abdomen, he closed his eyes, feeling himself falling.
Almost a second later, he hit the ground, and bounced, landing on something warm.
He opened his eyes, and stood up. The surface he was standing on was a lovely chocolate color, and seemed to stretch out for miles. Surveying his surroundings, he noticed that this surface seemed to go on and on. In the distance, he saw two mountains, encased in a turquoise covering.
He then realized where he was. He was on Melany’s thigh. He pressed his hands into her soft, malleable flesh, and hugged it. He then looked into the distance, where her other thigh lay. Apparently, the fly had dropped him off on her left thigh, with her right stretching off in the distance. Hoping he wouldn’t attract any unwanted attention, he trotted across her thigh in the hopes of scaling her mountainous booty. Soon, the soft flesh started to slope, and Nathan found himself having to use his hands to climb. Despite being so large, Melany still smelled really pleasant, almost like strawberry body-wash, but mixed with another, more natural smell. As he climbed to the top of her cheek, he couldn’t believe the view. Directly below him, between the walls of her thighs was her most sensitive area. And, stretching seemingly for miles in the opposite direction was her back, and beyond that, was her shoulders. It was then that Nathan noticed that she had unfastened her top, as her back was unburdened by a bikini strap.
Just as he was starting to relax, he heard a familiar buzzing noise. On the opposite cheek, landed the fly that Nathan had rode earlier. It started to crawl around her cheek, and began doing the same sucking and rubbing maneuver that Nathan had seen earlier.
Nathan jumped up and down, bouncing on the voluptuous booty, yelling at that the fly.
“HEY YOU DISGUSTING BUG!” He yelled shaking his fist.
However, Nathan wasn’t the only one that noticed the fly. Nathan felt a shadow glide over him, and as he looked up, saw Melany’s dainty and delicate hand move slowly toward the fly, her arm stretching far above him. The hand hovered slowly above the fly, and just as it was above it, it crashed down swiftly, creating a shockwave that shook the entire booty. Unfortunately, this affected Nathan too, and he slipped down between the crevasses of her cheeks and between her thighs. He found himself in a precarious position, feeling the heat from the body just beyond the turquoise fabric. Suddenly, the geography shifted. He heard Melany sigh, as she began to flip over, smushing him between her thighs. For an instant, he felt an immense pressure around him, and although this was a dangerous position, he felt safe somehow.
After a bit, he felt the pressure subside, and reoriented himself according to his new surroundings.
He was currently just below her vagina.
Grasping the soft fabric, he began to hoist himself up her, becoming increasingly nervous and aroused the further he went. He felt the moistness of her under the bikini bottom, and felt the heat of her overwhelm him. Nevertheless he continued his climb, careful to not attract any unwanted attention. However this proved to be futile, as her hand reappeared, creeping over the edge of the bikini top with a finger outstretched, coming directly for Nathan. He braced himself, as he felt the finger impacted above him as Melany stroked her womanhood. After apparently taking care of whatever itch was bothering her, the finger retreated, and Nathan continued his climb.
After climbing up, he took a look at the road ahead. Directly ahead of him was Melany’s soft tummy, and beyond that was her mountainous breasts, that eclipsed her face. Nathan decided to press onward, greeting the large expanse of her tummy with open arms.
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