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There was no shaking the feeling of being watched and Kat spent most of her brisk walk checking over her shoulder, eying every door, waiting to see one open. The air bit at her, the cold seeping through the thin layer of her sweatshirt, while her pockets did little to shield her numb hands.

The building Kat stopped in front of was far more rundown than she had imagined and she double checked the address she had been given, noting that it matched the worn brass that stood above the entrance. With no time to question it, she entered the shambled lobby, and followed the instructions she had been given to go up the stairs to the second floor, down the hall to the door at the end. The wood was warped and appeared ready to fall off the hinges, but with a deep breath, she knocked.

Kat was surprised by how sturdy the door seemed as her knuckle connected with it, but had no chance to wonder about it as it swung open. Her head tilted back to meet the gaze of the man who greeted her, his eyes bearing a faint glow, making shadows dance across his face. He blinked once and his head cocked minutely, and she got the sense that he had forgotten what it was like to be surprised.

“I think you have the wrong address,” he said simply, but there was a soft cushion to his words, his voice rich and sweet.

Kat shook her head, more to break her stupor as she was drawn to stare, but also to deny his assumption. “No, please, you are a god—“

“Formally,” the man interjected, his expression hardening. There was a sudden weight about them, the very air seeming heavy and thick.

“Please, I just need to disappear,” Kat pleaded. She tried to step forward, to reach out and touch him, to grip his shirt and beg him to take pity; but Kat couldn’t move. She was rooted in place, her joints locked and her body frozen. “I won’t be a bother,” she croaked as she felt the air in her lungs thin and run out.

“Who hunts you?” The question was spat with venom, but it didn’t seem directed at her.

Kat whimpered as she struggled to make her mouth cooperate, to properly form around the syllables. “I was promised to—“

“Locklin?” The glow in the man’s eyes brightened, the air hissing as it superheated, and a snarl twisted the otherwise smooth features of his face.

Kat just nodded. She didn’t dare speak the name, didn’t risk drawing the attention of the god she was sentenced to serve to pay off the debt of another. “Please,” she managed, tears blurring her vision while the pang of doubt gnawed at her chest, sinking lower, settling heavy in her stomach. She was ready to vomit as she awaited the man’s decision, her life laid out at his feet.

“I can’t protect you as you are,” the man noted, but for a moment all Kat heard was she wouldn’t be saved. Tears tracked down her cheeks as cold gripped her heart, twisting lower in her gut, numb following in its wake. “Do you want what I offer?”

Kat’s heart crashed wildly against her ribs, her eyes searching the man’s, expecting to find that he was just dangling salvation in front of her before he pulled it away. But his gaze was steady and had softened, and his hand reached out. With his palm turned up, he invited her to take his hand, to accept the terms of being sheltered.

Without a second thought, Kat forced her hand into his, his skin warm to the touch. “So be it,” he whispered as the air around them began to distort and ripple with a golden shimmer. Kat’s eyes screwed shut as her body ached and her hand fell out of his just before she dropped to her knees. She was cushioned as she landed, a soft leathery surface beneath her.

Kat opened her eyes to find herself staring as a lightly bronzed expanse, bordered on either side by wiry growth. Her gaze followed the plane of flesh up with increasing speed, as it dawned on her where she knelt. Large glowing eyes towering high above her confirmed that she was nestled in the palm of a god, and her life was literally in his hands.

“At this size, you are undetectable by Locklin,” the man assured before stepping back into his apartment, bringing Kat with him. “He will not find you. You are safe.”

But Kat hardly heard the promise. As soon as they stepped over the threshold, the building shifted into a grand penthouse, looking far more appropriate for a god. Kat struggled to grasp the full effect, a portion of her view entirely consumed by the man’s torso before her.

Nausea was quick to set in as Kat was overwhelmed by the new space, seemingly endless from her vantage. She had no reference for how large the penthouse was, and the further out she looked, the more the edges of shapes became fuzzy and warped. But her disorientation only got worse as the man turned and began to walk deeper into his home. Each step reverberated through the platform that was his hand, and Kat couldn’t watch as the room blurred past her.

Before she could grasp the distance they had traveled, the hand Kat was in tipped slowly, over large fingers curling inward to keep her secure, until she was deposited on a hard, flat plane. And then the giant hand retreated, giving her a view of the man once more. “Make yourself at home,” he allowed, as he began to walk away.

Kat barely had a moment to realize she was on his coffee table before she was scrambling to her feet, teetering slightly as her balance wavered after such a jarring transition. “Wait,” she called out, her voice straining to reach him. “You’re just leaving me?”

The man paused, his brow raising in curiosity. “I am harboring you, am I not?” His shoulders lifted in a shrug. “If you want something more, you have to ask,” he said, but as formal as his words were, there was a small smirk that tugged at the corners of his lips.

Kat swallowed as a blush warmed her cheeks. She shook her head sharply. “That’s all I need,” she asserted, but her voice hardly carried. He seemed to hear her just fine and his smirk only broadened. “Thank you… um…” Kat realized she didn’t know how to address him, “I wasn’t told your name,” she admitted.

The smirk dissolved as the man chuckled and shook his head. “I left my title behind,” he reminded, “so you can call me Jack.”

“Thank you, Jack,” Kat said again, earning a soft smile from her savior. “I’ll find a way to repay you,” she promised, her gaze falling, her weight shifting as she tried to summon the courage to allow him to take what he wanted from her. She knew the interests shared among many gods, and even if he abandoned his title, his power and his nature remained.

Jack exhaled a short breath. “I don’t need anything,” he shook his head, and Kat felt her blush reaching her ears. She was helpless below him and part of her wanted to see all that he could do to her, while a larger part was relieved to have her offer dismissed. “Call if you need me,” he instructed and then left her to adjust to her new stature.

Kat had been warned about the draw of gods, how they could make a person want to be vulnerable. She knew she had traded one god for another and any exchange with Jack could spell her enslavement. But she knew the depravity of Locklin and it seemed with Jack her chances were better for having a life she could call her own.

Jack had left the room, which as Kat slowly turned about she realized was his living room. It was minimally furnished. Over the closest edge of the coffee table, across the deep drop to the floor, was a couch. And opposite it was a tv that overtook the whole of her vision, her peripherals unable to reach its edges as she stared at its center. The table itself was rather bare, with only a book nearly as thick as she was tall, a glass that towered over her with a light amber colored beverage in it, and a plate beside it.

Given the moment to herself, Kat had the chance to realize her hunger, to recognize that the gnawing in her gut wasn’t just fear for her life. She had little chance to stop and consider eating when she had learned she would be Locklin’s mere hours before. Even as the sun had given way to night, she had thought of very little beyond running.

But now, in relative safety, Kat was starving, feeling the full effect of neglecting her stomach. She glanced in the direction she had seen Jack head, beyond the gap in the distant walls that led into another room. She briefly wondered how easily she would hear him, before her attention was fixed on the plate.

Kat approached cautiously, half expecting that she would find the horrors of less careful visitors littering the surface, but the nearer she got, the less she jumped at shadows. The edge of the plate rose just above her knees, and she stared at the thick curry on a bed of rice. It smelled warm, rich with spices and seasoning, and she caught herself before she began drooling.

“You may have some,” Jack announced, too suddenly above Kat, making her start and nearly fall forward onto the plate. “You are welcome to anything you want.”

As Kat panted and clutched at her chest, begging her heart to stop beating so heavily that all she could hear was it thundering in her ears, she caught the subtle nudge. Jack was more aware than she was prepared for, clearly able to sense the part of her that ached to ask for more.

Kat recognized that he was waiting for her to admit what she buried in her heart; what she had thought about the moment she felt his power surround her; what she had imagined as his fingers enclosed her in his hand for just a breath; what she was slowly realizing in herself. On the surface it was generous, allowing her to dictate how much of herself was exposed, but perhaps it was more cruel. Once she gave voice to her desires, she couldn’t take it back, couldn’t pretend she didn’t want to be beneath him.

“There is no need to fear me,” Jack assured as he took a seat on the couch. Kat’s gaze had to shift so drastically to follow his movements and she blinked to let her vision better adjust. She didn’t bother trying to track his hand as he took hold of his spoon, but as it neared her, it was all she could focus on. He shifted a small portion of rice and curry towards the edge of the plate, careful not to get too close to her. It had Kat in awe, watching the very tip of the spoon leave the small bite behind, and still it was more than she could ever eat in one sitting. “I will take good care of you,” he promised, and Kat could not help but believe him—a fact that didn’t go unnoticed by that small voice in the back of her mind.

“Thank you,” Kat whispered. She shifted back down to her knees, shuffling closer to the edge of the plate, until she could easily reach the pile meant for her. She fished a single grain of rice out, overfilling her hand, the starch clinging to her skin. She dipped it in the curry and ignored the sense that she was being watched as she raised it to her mouth, taking a bite.

Kat got more curry than she had bargained for and coughed as she swallowed the mouthful down. Her sinuses began to drain and her eyes water, and she cleared her throat in a desperate attempt to keep herself from outright sobbing. “Too spicy,” Jack noted from above, but she kept her head turned down, her face hidden from him. “Here,” the spoon dabbed a milky sauce over her pile. “That will cut the heat,” he explained.

Kat hastily dipped her rice into the new dairy sauce, something reminiscent of both yogurt and sour cream, and ate gratefully. It did help, a distinct cool washing over her tongue. Paired with the curry, it allowed her to savor the flavor of the dish without succumbing to the heat. “It’s good,” she mumbled as she tried not to gorge herself.

Without looking up, Kat could feel the beaming smile Jack turned down at her. “I’m glad,” he said as his spoon turned towards the center of the plate, taking his own bite.

Quiet filled the vast space between them as they each ate, and Kat found questions arising in the absence of conversation. As her stomach began to feel content, she had nothing to occupy her mind and distract from her curiosity. “Jack,” she called as her nagging thoughts got the better of her. A single note rose from his chest, acknowledging her. “Why are you no longer a recognized god?”

A new sound reverberated through the air, rich with amusement, and Kat thought perhaps she would regret asking. “It is curious to me that this is where your boldness shines through,” he chuckled, and it drew her gaze upward. His cheeks were warm with color, but his gaze was steady and confident. “I chose to avoid temptation,” he breathed, and Kat swallowed the knot that twisted in her throat.

“Gods pretend to be above humans,” he continued, “but we are not immune to temptation,” he said flatly. There was a flicker of disgust in his expression, but as soon as she caught it, it melted away, replaced by an air of smugness. “We can sense the desires in humans,” he explained, his voice edging towards being rough. “We are drawn to fulfill those desires.”

Kat shivered as she wondered how deeply he had probed into her mind. “Then why hide yourself away?” It seemed to her that granting wishes was hardly a reason to distance himself from the world.

Jack cocked his head. “It’s not so simple to navigate temptation,” he sighed. “It is easy to lose sight of what is the human’s desire when you have complete control.”

Kat went quiet, but her heart was far from still. “I see,” she whispered.

“You don’t,” Jack said, “but that’s not your fault. Until you feel your power completely stripped away, there is no way to truly understand.”

“And you are not interested in having that power over another?” Kat couldn’t quite figure Jack out. He seemed respectful, even good, but she had been warned never to trust that feeling.

“I didn’t say that,” Jack smirked down at her. “But I will only ever give you what you ask for,” he had stepped away from the pretense of talking hypothetically, and instead turned the conversation towards them, acknowledging the very real possibility that she would crumble and ask him to show her what it meant to be in the hands of a god.

Kat couldn’t deny that the haven he provided was the only life she could hope for. In Locklin’s hands she was as good as dead, she knew, and outside of Jack’s apartment, there was no way to avoid Locklin. In essence, she already was dead. She would never again interact with another person outside of Jack’s domain; she would never own anything; she would never have a career; she would never be a person again, and as far as the world was concerned, she didn’t exist. What was the point in pretending otherwise?

Was there a reason to cling to who she was? If Kat was going to die in his care, why not have a taste of what he could offer?

“That’s the temptation I was talking about,” Jack said, his voice deep and rumbling, making Kat’s body echo the vibrations. “Those thoughts you are having, they are inevitable,” he mused. “But whether you listen to that nature you’ve buried inside yourself is your choice. I will not make it for you.”

Kat shrank back under his piercing gaze, knowing her heart was exposed to him. “And what if I decide I don’t want what I’ve asked for?”

Jack smiled broadly. “You are always free to retract your consent,” he promised, “but I have a feeling you will enjoy your life as my toy,” he mused.

Kat gasped softly, but the noise devolved into a breathy moan as her thighs clamped together, trying desperately to alleviate the ache in her cunt so she could concentrate. “That’s what you think I want?” There was a squeak to her words, embarrassment making her blush crawl down her neck.

“Is it not?” Jack’s brow lifted as if he was considering the possibility, but they both knew the answer. “I welcome you to correct me,” he purred, his eyes bright as he awaited her choice. And as silence stretched, his expression grew darker, his own hunger making itself known.

Kat wanted it. She felt the gravity of her world shift towards him, while nothing but her own pride and doubt stood between her and all he could offer. “Please, make me your toy,” she heard the words before she realized she’d given voice to them.

Jack exhaled a chuckle. “That’s not how this works,” he said with a mirthful twinkle in his eyes. “You have to show me you want it,” he smirked.

Kat whimpered, wishing it could be easier, that she could live in her fantasies without ever admitting them. But that was the point. She couldn’t have what she didn’t ask for. She sidled up to the edge of the table, her breathing growing more rapid and shallow, her mouth watering incessantly. His knee was still so far away, and she turned a pitiful frown up at him. “Can you—“

Kat didn’t manage to finish asking before Jack’s fingers wrapped easily around her, carrying her with a delicate grip, before releasing her to settle on his thigh. She looked up, her eyes expressing her gratitude before she crawled forward, her gaze fixed squarely on his crotch, watching with rapt attention as his pants got tighter around his hardening cock.

“Look at you,” Jack chuckled lowly. “You know exactly what you want,” he noted, sending a thrill through Kat’s tiny body. She watched his fingers play along the fabric of his crotch, gripping himself through his pants, accentuating the shape of his hefty cock.

Kat was just reaching the end of his thigh when his hand moved to give her space. She carefully inched closer, bracing her hands against his shaft as she found her footing, climbing slowly towards his zipper. “There you go,” he breathed delightedly. “It’s freeing to be honest, isn’t it?”

Kat didn’t have the mind to answer. All she could focus on was the heavy pulse beneath her, and the heady scent of him, and the growing need to feel him against her without his pants being in the way. She tugged uselessly at the giant metal disk that was the button of his pants, her frantic energy rising with her desperation. “Help me,” she begged.

That seemed to please him. “That’s a good girl,” he praised. “Let’s take this to my bed,” he sighed happily, his hand returning to take hold of her.
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