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Story Notes:

~This will hopefully become an ongoing story if I can continue to find the time to write, please leave any constructive criticism and to be fun, maybe a name youd like to see placed in the story. Thanks for reading!

Author's Chapter Notes:

~This is just an intro to the story, very light action in this chapter. The story will contain many of the tags i added to it, i just wanted to get the ball rolling. Enjoy!

  Your name was Chris, you were 17 years old and a senior in high school. Everything in your life had gone pretty normally until last summer, you mysteriously contracted a very rare disease that had its ups and its down. The ups? well, to put it simply, short of old age, not much could actually kill you. Sounds pretty awesome until you hear the downside to this disease. You happen to be only 3 inches tall. Yep, pretty bad downside actually. 

It had taken the whole summer, but you think you had more or less gotten used to it. There were quite a few accidents of course, mostly the result of your incredibly ditzy twin sister, kristen.(yeah, chris and kris, you never hear the end of that one, twin-life, right?) You have been stepped on, sat on, dropped from pants-wettingly high heights, accidentally tossed across rooms, and on one very embarressing encounter, well, lets just say it involves the bathroom and was to be forgotten to the best of your ability. But, that brings us to the present, its the first day of school, senior year no less and you were trying to figure out exactly how this was going to work out. The school knew about your disease and were going to accomadate you as best as they could (ie: not very well) and allow you to share all the same classes as your twin so youd have a convenient way to get around class. You didn't have to participate in gym so long as you were there, and likewise you didn't have to do homework as long as you payed attention and participated in class discussions through kristen as a speaker for you since noone would actually be able to hear you. Well, it isnt something you can really prepare for, so lets get this started I guess.

Its the morning of your first day and you were rudely woken up by your sister, kristen. 

"Chris! Mom says you have to get up and get ready, its our first day! I'm so excited I can barely take it, we get to spend the whole day together! So hurry up and get ready before I make you get up!"

"yeah, yeah, I hear ya, so excited" I mumbled groggily. With that I rolled out of my comfy spot on the bed, but apparently not fast enough because my sister, ditzy as she is, chose that moment to jump butt first on the bed to try and bounce me out of the bed. Unfortunately for me, her aim was attrocious and she landed directly on top of me, and her first day of the year outfit consisted of a tight fitting band tee tucked into a fairly short but still school appropriate skirt. This would have been worse apart from the whole I cant be crushed part, instead, what happened is, I was instantly flatted right to her panty-clad butt like a sticker. Her full weight was on me as I was once again in a place I never wanted to be, stuck right to my ditzy sisters ass. It took her a moment to realize what had happened as she was frantickly looking around the bed for me, a moment that almost seemed too long actually, but then she understood and immediately brought her hand down to her butt and peeled me off. It only takes a couple seconds after being peeled off for me to go back to my regular shape, kind of like memory foam actually. As I reformed in her hand, she started apologising to me.

"OHMYGOSHIMSOSORRY, I cant believe my aim was so bad! Ugh, I'm such a klutz!" Yeah, a Klutz...you thought warily. "Well, now that thats behind us, she said with a giggle, we can get you ready for school. Lets get you dressed little brother!" She deposited you on your miniature dresser and walked out of the room so you could get changed. 

When you first changed one of the big issues was clothing, since you were so hard to kill but still happened to be found in those situations, clothing kept getting destroyed, leaving you in very embarrassing situations. The disease was rare, but not unstudied. scientists had found a way to design a clothing for people with the disease that was as invincible as you were. you could be turned into a paste and the clothing would reform back as well, You had no idea how this did it but concluded that it must simply be magic. 

Before your sister could barge back in, you got changed in one of your very few outfits, jeans and a red tee. Moments later your sister predictable barged back in, surprisingly with her hand covering her eyes. 

"Okay chris, im coming over to your dresser, just let me know if your changed, alright?" *BANG* She had ran into the dresser and somehow knocked you off in the process, it is such a pain in the ass to have this as a sister and only means of getting around. "Chris? ow... Where did you go?" In her attempt to locate you, she hadn't realized that you were knocked to the ground and in her scramble to find you had unwittingly stepped on you in the process, flattening you to the sole of her bare foot. To some people, this would be a blessing as while your sister is completely dim-witted, she is also apparently the hottest girl in the school, not that you found her so considering shes your twin. Kris constantly had guys trying to get with her, but she was always too dumb to realize it, thinking that they all were just really nice and wanted to be her friends. As if. She was fairly active in school with cross country and cheerleading, so she was in incredible shape, and she was that dumb girl that was just nice to everyone because she didnt understand sarcasm. While chris had a lot of grief from his twin sister, he still loved her, well, like a sister and while she was definitely the ditziest person he knew, she did pick up the slack when his disease hit, and well, its not like she can actually kill him at least so he put up with it.

Back to the current issue at hand, Chris was stuck on his sisters sole as she was walking around the room trying to find him but still didn't seem to understand how he suddenly vanished when she scraped her foot on the carpet trying to move it out of the way and saw her very flatted brother suddenly appear as if she were scraping poop off her foot. "How did you get down there? ...Oh I did another oopsie didn't I?" She gingerly picked me back up as I reformed- for the second time that morning- and carried me downstairs. "I promise chris, i'm gonna be super duper careful today at school. Big sis wont let anything happen to you." You definitely had your doubts, but hoped she was right. Its going to be a looong year, that's for sure.


Chapter End Notes:

~I really hope this goes past the first chapter, I thoroughly enjoyed writing it, thats for sure. Let me know if you guys want to see more, and what youd like to see me write for chris. Thanks guys and gals!

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