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Cassie quickly shuffled across the carpet and down the hall to the bathroom, flipping on the light switch as she stepped inside. She positioned herself in front of the toilet, quickly pulled down her panties, and plopped her ass on the seat. Cassie exhaled and leaned forward, her toes just barely resting on the floor with her heels raised, a position she often took when using the restroom—just something that came with having a short stature. She closed her eyes and, after straining for just a moment, began emptying her bladder.

When Cassie’d finally stopped moving, her toes had remained in a somewhat scrunched position, turning what had been only fleeting moments of intense squeezing for Nick, into nonstop, excruciating pressure. Thankfully, it wasn’t as hard nor intense as it had been before, and Nick had just enough wiggle room to free his left arm and reach it up to join his right. With their combined effort, he was able to find the strength to squeeze himself up towards a small crack of light peeking into the crevice from above.
Then, just when Nick had started to make some headway, he was startled by the sound of a huge, roaring waterfall. It was so ear-shatteringly loud that Nick instinctively tried to cover his ears, but since he needed his hands to climb, and they were somewhat stuck over his head, he had no choice but to endure it.
“CASSIE!” he shouted, straining to climb upwards. “HONEY, WHAT’S GOING ON?!”
It wasn’t until a few moments later, when he finally popped his head out into fresh air that he learned the horrifying truth:
Nick found himself nestled between the second and third toes of Cassie’s giant, right foot. By his visual aspect alone, he realized he wasn’t an inch tall anymore. Somehow, he’d shrunk down even further to only a fraction of that size—maybe only a 1/4” tall currently.
“WHA—?!” Nick exclaimed in shock. “HOW THE HELL DID I GET THIS SMALL?!”
He would have contemplated the matter further, but his gaze was suddenly pulled to the rest of the gigantic foot in front of him, connecting to the massive trunk of Cassie‘s ankle; his eyes continued sliding anxiously upwards along her gargantuan leg, which was speckled with noticeable stubs of unshaven hair. Just beyond her knee, Nick could just barely make out Cassie’s enormous face, which was slightly out of focus from his perspective.
Nick’s face contorted in terror at the sight before him: Cassie’s gargantuan figure was sitting on an absolutely titanic toilet, into which she was apparently emptying her bladder. The bowl echoed and amplified the sound of the constant stream of urine splashing into its basin, and it was so loud and overwhelming to Nick he feared his eardrums would burst.
“C-CASSIE!” he shouted up, straining to keep his ears covered, and cringing at the sight of his wife sitting on the toilet. “CASSIE, WHAT’S GOING ON?! WHAT’RE YOU DOING!”
Cassie, however, didn’t respond.
Nick shifted his arms to the toes on either side of him and managed to use the leverage to push his torso free, but he was still stuck waste-deep in the space between Cassie’s toes, unable to escape.
“CASSIE!” Nick screamed, cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify his tiny voice. “HONEY! CAN’T YOU HEAR ME?!”
It was no use: Nick was currently too small to be heard, especially over the roar of the immense stream of urine still crashing into the toilet bowl. Not only that, he was also too small for her to notice him stuck between her toes. Nick pounded frantically on his Cassie’s toes, continuing to shout desperately for her, hoping she’d look down and notice him, but his efforts were fruitless.
He started panicking; he needed to come up with a plan, and fast. Nick looked around frantically, as if the answer would be somewhere within his reach.
Then, feeling completely stupid, Nick remembered his power: he had the power to shrink himself, all he had to was reverse it. He closed his eyes and concentrated, a difficult task considering the tidal wave of urine still crashing into the toilet bowl. He focused hard, wishing to be bigger...
...Nothing was happening. He couldn’t concentrate with all the noise, at least that’s what he figured the problem was. He strained to concentrate again, struggling to ignore the cacophony of sounds...
As if someone had flipped a switch, the stream of urine suddenly diminished to a trickle, before stopping altogether.
Nick opened his eyes, and looked around; he heard Cassie straining above him, right before he heard a huge splash.
Nick cringed, realizing what had just splashed down into the gigantic, porcelain toilet. He was uncomfortable and extremely embarrassed at having to witness Cassie taking a shit above him, especially while he lay helplessly trapped between her toes below. He suddenly thought about people who found women going to the bathroom erotic, but for the life of him, HE couldn’t understand how ANYONE could find it sexy at all. Of course, those very same people probably would feel the same way about HIM fantasizing about being small.
After a few loud plops and splashes, Cassie sat quietly, straining and flexing her rectal muscles to make sure her colon was empty.
“CASSIE!” Nick shouted with frustration, helplessly watching his giant wife reach for the roll of toilet paper, tearing off a sizable amount. “COME ON, CASSIE! LOOK DOWN HE—EEEEEEEERE—!”
Nick was caught off guard when Cassie’s foot suddenly lowered back to the floor, the impact jostling her whole appendage when her heel hit the linoleum. Nick’s torso was immediately dislodged; with a surprised yelp, the tiny man slipped back down in between his wife’s toes again.

While Nick was left struggling to free himself again, and shouting muffled cries for help, Cassie stood up from the toilet seat and quickly wiped her ass, discarding the used wad of toilet paper into the bowl, then reached down to pull up her panties. Unfortunately, this was the only time Cassie happened to look down towards the floor at her bare feet; at that moment, however, Nick was trapped just out of sight between her toes, unable to be seen or heard, involuntary escaping her passing glance.
Still unaware that anything was amiss, Cassie flushed the toilet and stepped over to the sink to, shifting her weight slightly from side to side, unable to stand still as she washed her hands. As she scrubbed, however, she was surprised to feel the soles her feet peeling off the sticky, linoleum floor, especially as she took a quick step to her right and grab the hand towel hanging next to the sink.
“Ugh!” Cassie exclaimed with disgust as she alternated lifting each foot continuously off the floor. “Nick, you sure did a terrible job mopping this floor! It’s still sticky!”
Although she couldn’t her it, Nick was screaming for mercy each time Cassie’s weight shifted to her right foot.
“Oh well,” Cassie shrugged as she replaced the towel. “I’ll just mop it myself later.”
Poor Nick reached up desperately, barely managing to poke his tiny arm out of the crevice just before Cassie started moving again.
Cassie stepped out of the bathroom and headed back down the hall to the living room, still unaware that each step she took was absolute torture for her tiny husband. She was about to head back the couch, but figured that since she was already up, she may as well head to the kitchen to grab a quick snack and something to drink.
“Just getting a quick drink, sweetheart,” she called over to her slippers...

Despite his preoccupation with preventing himself from being squished, Cassie‘s booming words cut through his prison like a knife. Her words couldn’t have been clearer, a nightmarish echo through Nick’s mind.
She thinks I’m still in the slipper, Nick realized. She doesn’t know I’m stuck between her toes. He tried to communicate telepathically as he spoke his desperate, muffled pleas, but even they were interrupted by squeezing toes with each step Cassie took:

Cassie stopped at the cabinet just to the left of the kitchen sink and grabbed a tall glass from the cupboard, stepping over to the refrigerator to fill it with cool, filtered water. She began gulping it down hastily, thinking she was going to stop at any moment, but she just kept chugging, apparently more thirsty than she realized, so thirsty in fact, she refilled her glass.

Once she’d stopped moving, Nick finally managed to climb upwards again, bursting forth from the crevice with a gasp of cool, fresh air. He struggled to catch his breath, looking up helplessly at his giant wife, currently chugging a huge glass of water.
“CASSIE!” Nick shouted up, waving his little arms frantically, growing more and more frustrated as he pounded his fists and clawed into her foot flesh. “CASSIE, DOWN HERE! WOULD YOU JUST LOOK DOWN HE—EEEK?!”
Nick yelped in pain as Cassie’s toes clamped down hard on his midsection, nearly cutting him in half. He actually felt the air escape his lungs, and was unable to make any sound at all. Like a blind man searching for something to grab, he reached his hands down and began pushing and clawing at Cassie’s toes, desperate to pull himself out. He strained intently, trying to keep from inhaling or passing out...

Cassie, still unaware of her tiny husband’s presence at her feet, unwittingly scrunched her toes as she opened the refrigerator, scanning the shelves for a snack to curb her appetite. She wasn’t quite sure exactly WHAT she was in the mood for, but she kept eyeing the half-empty jug of skim milk on the bottom shelf. A nice cold glass of milk and cookies did sound nice, but she wasn’t sure.
She leaned in close, making sure nothing else sounded good, using her arm to support herself and shift her balance off her right foot to relax for a moment.

The tiny Nick gasped for air as Cassie’s toes finally relaxed, collapsing onto his stomach. Like a tiny bug writhing in pain, he struggled to compose himself, pushing his body back into an upright position as he feebly squeaked for help:
“Cassie, honey, sto-hop! Ple-he-hease!”
A huge drop of water splashed down onto Cassie’s foot from above, nearly drowning poor Nick. He immediately coughed up a lungful of water, gasping to catch his breath as he looked up to see where it had come from.

Cassie gasped, feeling a drop of cold water on her right foot. She glanced down for a moment, then quickly spotted the condensation on the glass in her right hand. She hurriedly set the glass down on the counter, and used her left foot to wipe the water off her right...


For a fleeting moment, when Nick saw Cassie look down at her foot, he actually thought she’d spot him and he’d be rescued, but all his hopes were dashed when Cassie’s other foot crashed down on top of him.
Meanwhile, Cassie, who had no idea she’d just shoved her tiny, screaming husband back down in between her toes again, nor that she was now violently tossing him AND her toes back and forth as she rubbed away the remaining water, was still focusing on what she wanted as a snack.
“I’ll just do an extra session of yoga in the morning,” Cassie shrugged, justifying her decision as she grabbed the jug of milk and carried it and her glass over to the counter. Thankfully, being married meant she didn’t have to pay THAT much attention to her figure; Nick was already crazy about her body anyway.
Cassie poured out the remainder of her water and refilled her glass with ice, cold milk, then screwed on the lid on the jug, and placed it back in refrigerator. Finally, after grabbing a tray of cookies sitting next to the fridge, Cassie stepped back into the living room.
She set her cookies on the ottoman, and the milk on a coaster on the end table next to the couch, then plopped her ass back on the couch cushion with a loud sigh, as if she’d just completed an arduous task.
“Honey, I’m back,” Cassie sighed, calling down as she slid her feet into her slippers. She felt around with her toes, gently probing the sole of her slipper for her tiny husband.
For some reason, however, she was having trouble finding him.
“Honey?” she called again. “Are you in there?”
Cassie felt like she’d scoured her entire slipper, but she couldn’t find any trace of Nick.
“Nick?!” she called anxiously as she slid her foot out of her slipper and applied pressure to its heel, expecting her tiny husband to roll out.
“Honey?!” Cassie called, becoming increasingly nervous when she didn’t see him. She frantically snatched the slipper up into her lap, tapping it lightly in case Nick was stuck and needed to be dislodged.
Alas, there was still no sign of him.
“Nicky, sweetheart, where are you?!” Cassie cried, growing extremely worried when she couldn’t see him inside her slipper. “Please, honey, come out! You’re scaring me!”
She quickly retrieved and inspected her other slipper, half expecting Nick to tumble out, but he wasn’t in that one either.
Cassie was freaking out now. Where did he go?
Cassie gasped; she suddenly had a terrible thought: what if she hadn’t noticed him on the floor when walked back over to the couch? What if...?!
Cassie cringed, apprehensively turning over her right foot to check the sole, praying she wouldn’t see her tiny husband‘s crushed remains. Thankfully, her foot, and the floor beneath it, were clean. She was just about to lower her foot back down to the floor, when she caught a glimpse of something sticking out between her second and third toes. It was so tiny, that at first, Cassie thought it was a piece of lint, but when she spread her toes to investigate...
“Nicky?!” Cassie gasped, frantically setting her foot back into her lap and spreading her toes apart with her fingers. “Oh my God! Honey! Are you OK?!”
Nick’s back was stuck to Cassie’s middle toe, feeling like he’d just been hit by a truck. He’d really been sent through the ringer when Cassie had used her toes to scour her slipper.
“Sweetheart, what...WHY did you think yourself so small?!” she asked anxiously, trying to keep her toes spread apart.
The tiny man cringed, trying unsuccessfully to cover his ears from Cassie’s booming voice. Luckily, she decoded his actions, recognizing her mistake.
“Oh, I’m sorry, honey,” she quickly apologized in a much softer voice. “Is this better?”
Nick, however, didn’t reply. He was struggling to catch his breath, and currently preoccupied with trying to peel his tiny, naked body off Cassie’s sweaty toe. He tried leaning forward, but Cassie’s flesh held tight, and when the tension got to be too much, it recoiled, slamming the tiny man back into her skin.
“Oh, honey!” Cassie sighed sympathetically. “Here, let me help you.”
Nick started squeaking inaudibly, frantically motioning for Cassie to stop, somehow clairvoyantly knowing what was about to happen. Sure enough, when Cassie tried to reach for him, her plump fingers, being to big to nimbly retrieve him, accidentally forced her toes shut again, slamming Nick face-first into her second toe.
“Oh, crap! Honey! I’m so sorry! Hang on!” Cassie gasped, reaching to spread her toes again, while Nick’s tiny arms flailed about as he frantically tried to push Cassie’s toes apart.
“Sweetheart!” she said as she pried her toes apart again, “I told you I’d be right back! Why did you shrink yourself SMALLER?!”
Nick, though still recovering from his latest mishap, tried to explain himself, but even with her foot practically in front of her face, his words were nothing but high-pitched, barely audible, unintelligible squeaks.
“Oh, honey. You’re so small now, I can’t hear you!” Cassie sighed dejectedly. “Sweetheart, you have no idea how worried I was when I couldn’t find you! God, I thought I’d LOST you!”
Nick tried to shout louder to his giant wife, but Cassie still couldn’t make out what he was saying.
“Oh, honey, it’s no use. I still can’t hear you.”
Nick sighed, and decided to save his energy and resume his attempts to peel his body off Cassie’s toe. Cassie was about to reach her hand in again, but Nick frantically waved her off, opting to do it himself.
“I still don’t understand why you shrank yourself so small,” she commented as she watched Nick struggling to free himself. “I mean, couldn’t you have at least waited until I got back from the bathroom?”
Nick immediately stopped struggling, looking up at the giantess with abject confusion.
“I mean, I-I might have been fine with you shrinking some more, but you really should’ve waited until I was paying attention. You’re lucky I found you when I did. Can you imagine what might’ve happened if I’d gone walking around the APARTMENT with you stuck down there?! I could’ve SQUASHED you.”
Nick was stunned! Cassie was apparently under the impression that he’d been in her SLIPPER the whole time. she was using the restroom and grabbing a snack. She had no idea that he’d actually been trapped between her TOES the entire time she’d been using the restroom and grabbing a snack.
He started squeaking frantically, trying to explain what had actually transpired, but Cassie cut him off.
“Honey, I told you, I can’t hear you,” she said impatiently. “You might as well save your breath. Now, come on, let’s get you out of there before you get smooshed again.”
Cassie brought her little finger to the backside of her open toes, carefully maneuvering it into the crevice. Nick put his hands up defensively, but when he realized that, this time, Cassie was being careful, he pushed against her finger, giving him enough leverage to peel himself off her toe.
“Hang on,” Cassie whispered as she moved her hand beneath her toes, giving Nick something to jump into, “OK, jump on.”
Nick took a deep breath, crossed his arms over his chest, and jumped into her awaiting palm. Cassie carefully set her foot back down onto the floor and brought her hand up close to her face, being careful not to breathe too hard, fearing she may blow Nick right off her hand.
“Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry,” she apologized again, “but from now on, if you wanna keep shrinking yourself like this, we’ve gotta lay down some ground rules. First of all, you’re gonna HAVE to be more careful: NO more shrinking yourself unless I’m WITH you! I can’t have you running around our apartment without knowing where you are. One wrong step and....I’d SQUISH you! Do you WANT me to squish you?!”
Nick frantically shook his head “no”.
“Good!” Cassie continued. “Secondly, I don’t think you should EVER shrink yourself this small again. Too many things could go wrong, even with me paying attention.”
This time, Nick nodded a resounding “Yes”!
“Finally, and MOST importantly,” she concluded, “if anything like this EVER happens again, and I mean EVER HAPPENS AGAIN....this whole shrinking thing is done! Over! I mean it! I’m not taking ANYMORE chances, got it?!”
Once again, Nick nodded “Yes”!
“Good! I think we’re done having fun for the evening. At THIS size, it’ll probably take you the whole NIGHT to grow back, and you’d better hope you DO grow back! I’m not gonna go through life with a half-inch-tall husband, and I’m sure YOU don’t wanna be stuck that small forever, do you?!”
Nick shook his head “No” one last time; he didn’t have the strength to argue, relenting himself to Cassie’s scolding. His body ached, and his head was still reeling from the experience. Besides, he was still confused as to how he shrank so small. How could he not remember SHRINKING himself? Did he unintentionally do it in his SLEEP?!
If nothing else, Cassie was right about ONE thing, though: it DID take Nick all night to grow back to normal. For the remainder of the evening, he was relegated to sitting on a tissue on the side table next to the couch, with Cassie demanding he not move from that spot, threatening to stick him in a glass jar otherwise if he didn’t obey. Even by the time they went to bed that night a few hours later, Nick was still under an inch tall; Cassie insisted on making Nick a makeshift bed on the nightstand out of another tissue. She wasn’t about to lay him next to her and risk rolling over and crushing him in her sleep.
Later that night, long after Cassie was sound asleep, Nick lay awake in his tissue bed, too upset by the events that had unfolded earlier that evening to relax. He stared blankly at the ceiling, waiting for himself to grow big enough for him to join her in bed, but he was still only a couple of inches tall, and would need her help just to get into bed, and Nick wasn’t about to wake her up and ask. Several times, he tried concentrating on his power, willing himself to grow, but it still wasn’t working—he kept getting distracted and couldn’t maintain focus. He never liked it when Cassie was mad at him, and he was worried that if he HAD told her what had ACTUALLY happened, he knew she’d NEVER let him shrink himself again. He’d worked too hard and had studied for too long to gain his powers; he wasn’t about to let them go so easily. What a waste THAT would be!
It wasn’t until the wee hours of the morning that Nick was even a foot tall, and even at THAT size, it was difficult for him to climb down off the nightstand and into his and Cassie’s bed, which ending up being more of a hop down onto the mattress. He was careful not to rouse Cassie upon impact, lest he feel her wrath again, opting to carefully tiptoe around the sleeping goddess’s body.
Nick eventually made his way to the other side of the bed, climbing onto his pillow and slinking under the covers. There, he lay, still willing himself to grow back, until he somehow drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Nick awoke abruptly. He hastily checked himself over, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw that, thankfully, he’d regained ALL of his height during the night.
He also realized that his bed was empty. He ran his hand along the void where his wife had been sleeping the night before....it was still warm. Cassie must have just recently gotten up, but where was she?
Nick tossed the covers off himself and slowly climbed out of bed, throwing on a pair of underwear from his dresser before heading into the living room.
He found Cassie sprawled out in the floor, doing her yoga.
“Morning,” he said meekly, waiting to gauge her mood.
“Hey,” Cassie sighed flatly, straining as she moved into a half twist, hoping to get her back to pop.
With such an apathetic greeting, Nick felt it best not to say anything else to her at that moment. Instead, he carefully slipped around the perimeter of the living room and made his way to the couch, grabbing his laptop from its bag kept between the side table and the arm of the couch before sitting down on the cushion. He flipped open his computer and pretended to type something, letting Cassie finish her work out in peace.
Ordinarily, Nick loved watching his wife while she did her yoga. Since she had such an odd figure, Cassie could never find a pair of yoga pants that fit her comfortably, so she usually just worked out in nothing but a pair of panties and a sports bra, not unlike today.
And Nick never complained about her outfit. He loved to ogle Cassie’s panty-covered ass whenever she bent over, and practically salivated when she opened and closed her legs during her scissor-style leg lifts. No matter what workout she was doing, she never failed to give Nick an amazing view, nor did he ever fail to get aroused by it.
This morning, however, Nick was distracted, focusing mainly on Cassie’s bare feet. He kept picturing his tiny, shrunken self stuck between her toes the day before, screaming his heart out for her to look down and see him.
Nick bit his lip nervously as he watched Cassie shift yoga poses, flattening the carpet beneath her wherever her feet hit the floor.
One wrong step and I’d SQUISH you....Do you WANT me to squish you?!
The words Cassie spoke to him the previous night echoed through his head, and they couldn’t have rung there message any clearer than in the current moment. Nick envisioned himself the size of an ant, lost in a sea of carpet fibers, while his giant wife worked out above, unaware of his presence beneath her. He could see himself yelling and waving his arms for help, desperately trying to get her attention, all the while dodging her giant feet as they stomped all around him, threatening to squash him with one wrong step...
Nick was silently panicking: what if he shrunk himself in his sleep again? What if he ended up lost in the carpet without Cassie knowing? What if she accidentally DID step on him?
Trying to shake the terrible images, and not wanting Cassie to catch him staring, Nick quickly shook his head and turned his eyes to the computer screen in his lap, doing his best to ignore his wife and focus on surfing the net. He did, however, keep checking on her out of the corner of his eye, just in case she said anything to him, not wanting to make her even MORE angry by having to repeat herself.
About a half hour later, Nick caught Cassie standing up out of the corner of his eye, heading in his direction. He focused intently on his computer, doing his best to avoid eye contact.
Cassie, however, stopped right in front of him, standing with her hands on her hips.
Nick gulped hard, biting his lower lip nervously. His eyes slowly raised from his computer, inching their way up to her face.
Here it comes, he thought, gritting his teeth, and waiting with baited breath.
Cassie pushed the screen down slightly and bent forward, moving in close. Then, she placed her hands lightly upon his cheeks, tilted his head up slightly....and planted a long delicate kiss upon his lips.
Nick inhaled loudly; his eyes bugging out wide!
DEFINITELY not the reaction he’d been expecting.
Cassie finished kissing him and slowly pulled her face back. Her mouth turned up in a huge grin when she saw his face.
“I love the way your eyes bug out when I kiss you and you’re not expecting it,” she giggled. “It’s so adorable.”
“Uh, yeah,” Nick managed to utter in response, still taken aback by her actions.
“Come here,” she said softly, sitting down on the cushion next to him, her arms wrapping gently around his neck, caressing him as they slid across his skin.
Nick quickly closed his laptop and set it off to the side on the arm of the couch, putting his arms around her waist, and staring directly into her big, brown eyes.
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” Cassie said sympathetically.
“Uh, yeah. M-Me too,” Nick stammered, though he really wasn’t sure what HE was apologizing for.
“I’m really glad you’re alright, now, but I hope you understand why I reacted the way I did,” she explained. “I know you must’ve been SO scared being stuck between my toes like that. It’s just that....you have NO idea how freaked out I was when I couldn’t find you!”
“Yeah,” Nick uttered, averting his gaze.
SHE was freaked out?! Nick thought to himself. If she knew how freaked out HE had been!
“I’m SERIOUS, sweetheart,” Cassie said fearfully, tears welling up in her eyes. “I-I thought I’d lost you....or worse. For a second there...I thought I’d...I mean, I actually thought I might’ve…”
Cassie was too upset to finish her sentence, but Nick was quick to console her.
“I know, honey,” he said, pulling her in close, holding her head to his chest. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“God!” Cassie sobbed, upset that she was crying. “You have NO idea what was going through my head...when I thought...when I lifted my foot to check...to see if you were—“
“I know, honey,” Nick consoled her, gently stroking her head, running his fingers through her soft hair. “I know, but it’s OK. I’m OK.”
Cassie squeezed his torso tightly, as if it would be the last time she’d ever embrace him.
“I thought I’d lost you,” Cassie sniffled.
“I know, sweetie,” Nick replied, closing his eyes, the fear of how close he’d come to death suddenly hitting him, “but, you didn’t lose me. I’m fine. I’m right here. Everything’s fine now.”
“Sure, you’re fine NOW,” Cassie replied sharply, “but what if something had happened to you, and what about the next time?! Do you realize how freaked out I was?!
“I don’t EVER wanna feel like that again! Do you hear me?!” Cassie started firmly, putting her hands on his cheeks again, looking him straight in the eye. “I don’t know WHAT I would do if something were to happen to you. Especially if….if I were the one who did it.”
“I-I year you, sweetheart,” Nick nodded, seeing just how serious Cassie was, and how serious the situation was as well. If she ever found out what had ACTUALLY transpired the day before, she’d be beyond inconsolable; she’d NEVER forgive herself. Not only that, she’d NEVER let Nick shrink himself again....EVER!
“I promise....” Nick stated firmly, grasping her hands and placing them in her lap. “From now on, I promise you: I’ll be more careful.”
“You’d BETTER be!” Cassie chimed in.
Nick looked down at their clasped hands, shaking his head, almost ashamed with himself.
“I’m sorry, honey,” he continued, sighing, “It just that, I’ve wanted this for so long. This power...it’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of.”
“I know it is,” Cassie said softly, “and I know how much this means to you. I don’t wanna be the one to crush your dreams...”
Cassie cringed, wishing she’d put that differently.
“It’s OK, honey,” Nick chuckled, albeit nervously. “I know what you meant.”
Nick gulped, and took a deep breath.
“...but...but there’s s-something I want you to promise ME.”
“Of course,” she replied, looking him in the eye again. “Anything.”
“I want you to promise...” Nick paused, taking another deep breath, “Promise me....that you’ll be careful, too.”
“Absolutely!” Cassie reassured him, pulling his hands in and holding them tightly to her chest. “I won’t let ANYTHING happen to you.”
“I know,” he sighed, chuckling nervously again, “I know you won’t. It’s just that sometimes....I don’t think you know your own strength....you know, when I’m....small.”
“I know,” she sighed, “and I’m sorry about all the accidents we’ve had.”
“Yeah, I guess we BOTH need to be more careful, don’t we?” Nick replied nervously, scratching the back of his head.
“Yeah,” Cassie smiled, wiping a tear from her cheek.
The two sat in silence for moment, before Nick spoke up again.
“Look,” he said, “how about we just take it easy this weekend, OK?”
“OK,” she said softly, raising her hands to his cheeks once again, “but I still want you to have a good time on your birthday next weekend. I’ve got some fun things planned, and I think you’ll really enjoy it, but until then, no shrinking yourself, OK?”
“OK,” he nodded.
Cassie smiled softly, about to turn away.
“Cass?” he spoke up.
“O-One more thing...”
“Promise me...” he paused, breaking eye contact for a moment, “Promise me that no matter WHAT happens....you’ll always look for me!”
“‘Look for you’?” Cassie repeated, shaking her head with confusion, “What....Honey, I’m not gonna let you out of my sight.”
“I-I know,” Nick said impatiently, “I know you won’t, just....just, please, promise me: If you don’t know where I am....or if you don’t see me....promise me you’ll look for me!”
“Sweetheart, of COURSE I’ll look for you,” Cassie assured him. “I’ll ALWAYS look for you. Come ‘ere.”
Cassie pulled Nick to her, embracing her husband tenderly, her hand holding his head gently to her shoulder.
Out of her line of sight, Nick lifted his eyes nervously towards the ceiling, sighing. He was more than happy to agree to Cassie’s terms, provided he didn’t accidentally shrink himself again.
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