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“Mm, well, I’m done,” Jenny said as she swallowed her last bite of cereal.
“Do you want to finish the rest of this?” she asked Cassie, offering up her bowl.
“Sure,” Cassie replied, accepting the cereal bowl into her grasp, “but I think I’ll top it off first. You mind if we continue our little talk at the kitchen table?”
“Not at all,” Jenny said, pushing herself up from the couch.
Cassie carried the bowl of cereal into the kitchen while Jenny followed close behind, taking a seat at the table in the middle of the room. Meanwhile, Cassie set the bowl on the counter and pulled out Jenny’s spoon, giving it a quick lick before setting it down on the counter next to her, then went about grabbing some more cereal and milk.

Once the humongous bowl and all of its contents had stopped moving and shifting about, and the massive waves had finally diminished, Nick managed to push his head above the surface of the milk once again.
“Helpblblb!” he coughed and sputtered, trying to clear his lungs of the huge gulps of milk he’d inhaled. “Help!”

“Hey, Cass?” Jenny called out from a table.
“Hm?” Cassie uttered, turning her head as she fiddled with the top of the cereal box.
“I know you still love Nick, and I certainly don’t wanna come between the two of you, but are you sure it’s a good idea to let him come home? I mean, what if he has another one of his shrinking episodes?”
“Well” Cassie sighed as she flipped open the top of the cereal box and maneuvered it over the bowl, “I guess I’ll just have to take some better precautions this time, just in case anything happens again.”

“CASSIE, WAIT!” Nick screamed as humongous boulder-size cereal bits and marshmallows began splashing down around him. He frantically dove beneath the waves, desperate to swim out of the way and keep from being struck.
It proved to be an impossible task, however. The massive bits churned and swirled the milk as they splashed down, filling every nook and cranny of empty space in the bowl, and Nick was quickly running out of room to move, soon finding himself trapped between two large, floating marshmallows, his arms pinned to his sides.

“But what if he DOES have another shrinking episode?!” Jenny whined. “I mean, look how mad and frustrated you got. What if you lose control of yourself again?!”
“Don’t worry,” Cassie reassured her, closing the tab on the cereal box, “I’m not gonna let that happen. Not again!”
“But how can you be sure?” Jenny argued. “I mean, last time you lost your temper, you nearly SQUASHED him. What makes you think the NEXT time will be any different?”
“Because I’ll make sure it doesn’t,” Cassie sighed frustratedly, putting the cereal box in the cabinet, “and what’s with you today?! Yesterday, you were practically BEGGING me to take Nick back; now you’re telling me I SHOULDN’T?!”
“Yesterday, I didn’t know you tried to SQUASH Nick on purpose!” Jenny replied defensively. “I’m just looking out for his safety....and YOUR welfare.”
“Look,” Cassie said as-a-matter-of-factly, opening the refrigerator and pulling out the opened gallon of milk. “I appreciate you looking out for me, Jen, but I’m fine. Really! When Nick gets here, we’ll just sit down and talk things over. I’m sure we can figure SOMETHING out.”
“If you say so, sweetie,” Jenny commented, “I guess, I just don’t want you to get your hopes up, that’s all.”
“Well, like I said before,” Cassie continued as she unscrewed the lid from the jug of milk and began tilting it over her bowl, “I appreciate you looking out for me, and I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you the past couple of weeks, but I think, and the end of the day, I’ll be able to struggle through if I have to. Trust me, as far as Nick’s concerned, I know how to keep my eyes open.”

Nick was suddenly drowned by a torrential waterfall of milk! The huge boulder-sized bits of marshmallows and crunchy bits shifted every which way, plunging the tiny man beneath the frosty, white, foamy sea.

With her bowl filled with fresh milk and cereal, Cassie retrieved the spoon which she’d set down on the counter earlier and gently pressed the back of it down onto the fresh cereal, trying to get the milk to soak into every bite.

Nick was still struggling underwater when an enormous pressure from above suddenly pushed him even further down into the cold, milky depths. The pressure on his tiny body was so intense he thought his lungs were going to burst, but he refused to give up, frantically fighting the current as he swam upwards…

With her cereal prepared to her liking, Cassie picked up her bowl and headed over to the table, meticulously scooping up a quick bite before sitting down across from Jenny.
“So, anyway,” Cassie began, “do you have anything planned for this weekend?”
“Well, actually,” Jenny said, looking away, “I was hoping to spend some time with a friend.”
“Oh, really?! Who?”
“Actually, it’s...a guy.”
“Good for you!” Cassie exclaimed, moving her spoon to down to her bowl, “Tell me about him.”

Nick finally broke through the surface with a loud gasp, coughing and sputtering to catch his breath again. His eyes immediately fell on the Cassie’s titanic figure, and the giant spoon heading right for him.
“CASSIE, NO!” Nick screamed, frantically swimming out of the way as the spoon splashed down into the middle of the bowl, scooping up a massive bite of cereal and milk. As the spoon lifted back up, huge droplets of milk and stray marshmallows rained down from its bottom, splashing back into the bowl with thunderous booms as the giantess above shoveled the remaining contents in her giant maw.

“Well, he’s really sweet,” Jenny continued, “and up until recently, I hadn’t even really considered DATING him, but then we spent the night together, and—”
“Wait, you spent the NIGHT with him?!” Cassie interrupted excitedly, trying to keep her lips together, her mouth still full of cereal. “Seriously?!”
“Yeah,” Jenny giggled nervously, brushing her hair behind her right ear.
“That’s awesome, Jen!” Cassie exclaimed, reaching for another bite of cereal. “Anyone I know?”

“NO, CASSIE!” Nick screamed again as her giant spoon splashed down a several feet in front of him, creating a massive void which quickly began to suck in everything around it. Nick scrambled to avoid being scooped up, but the giant spoon was already pushing a huge mass of cereal and milk in his direction. Nick was completely overtaken, swept up in the huge, shifting mass, quickly finding himself being lifted upwards.
“HEL—OOF!” Nick yelped as huge chunk of marshmallow crashed into him, knocking him and itself off the edge of the spoon. With another scream, Nick splashed down back into the bowl as the massive spoon lifted the rest of its contents up towards Cassie’s mouth again.

“Oh, it’s....possible you two have met,” Jenny nodded reluctantly, averting her gaze.
“Really?” Cassie inquired, shoving another bite of cereal into her mouth. “Who is it?”
“Oh, I-I really don’t wanna say right now,” Jenny stammered, shaking her head.
“Come on, Jenny,” Cassie pleaded, chortling. “Now, you’ve got me interested. Who is he?”

“CASSIE, DOWN HERE!” Nick shouted desperately, frantically waving up to her with one hand, the other holding on to a loose, floating bit of cereal. “PLEASE! HELP ME!”

“Cassie, I really don’t wanna say right now,” Jenny whined. “At least, not until I know things are serious.”
“Well, they sure SOUND serious!” Cassie exclaimed dubiously. “I mean, you SLEPT with this guy, for Christ’s sake. Come on, I’m dying to know! Who is it?”
“Cassie, come on,” Jenny whined. please, don’t push this!”
“Fine, DON’T tell me!” Cassie relented, reaching for another bite of cereal. “I’m gonna figure it out eventually.”
“Oh, I’m....sure you will,” Jenny replied nervously, averting her gaze again.

“NOOO!” Nick shrieked with dismay as the giant spoon headed towards him again. He quickly launched himself off the cereal bit, diving beneath the milk to dodge the spoon’s splashdown.
The spoon soon departed the bowl with its haul; then, after several marshmallows splashed back down into the remaining cereal and milk, the contents of the bowl quickly stilled.
Everything was calm.

“So, you’re really just gonna make we wait, huh?” Cassie asked incredulously, pushing several marshmallows off her spoon with her finger, making them fall back into her bowl.
“Yes,” Jenny replied bluntly, “and you’re not gonna drag it out of me, either.”
“OK, OK. I can take a hint,” Cassie replied defensively, chomping down on her latest bite of cereal. “Will I at least be surprised?”
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll DEFINITELY be surprised,” Jenny nodded, averting her gaze for a third time.
Cassie quickly swallowed her latest bite, her eyebrow raised with suspicion. Who could this mystery man be? She gawked at Jenny with extreme curiosity, wanting to press her for more details, but with a gentle huff, she donned a sly grin and scooped up another bite of cereal.

In the calamity of Nick’s most recent escape from being scooped up with the previous bite, one of the marshmallows Cassie had tossed back into her bowl inadvertently splashed down right above where Nick had been trying to swim away. The huge, wet, sticky mass slammed into his back, cementing him tightly to its underside beneath the milk. The tiny man struggled frantically to free himself, but he couldn’t pull himself off the slimy surface, and he was quickly exhausting his precious oxygen supply.
Cassie’s next spoonful completely shifted everything in the bowl. The marshmallow upon which Nick was stuck to was scooped up and tossed towards the opposite end of the bowl, dislodging his tiny figure from its sticky surface, and slamming him against the edge of the bowl nearest to Cassie’s giant figure.

“Well, all jokes aside,” Cassie began, swallowing her latest bite of cereal, “I’m really glad you met someone, Jenny. Hopefully, it’ll be the start of something good.”
“Yeah,” Jenny grinned softly. “I hope so, too.”

“NOOO!” Nick screamed helplessly as the giant spoon splashed down again. The spoon stirred up a swirling vortex of milk and cereal, sweeping Nick up into the resulting maelstrom, tossing him haphazardly around the bowl.

As the two girls sat quietly, occasionally grinning at one another, Cassie absentmindedly stirred her cereal with her spoon, completely unaware that Nick was practically drowning in the whirlpool she was creating. Unfortunately, Cassie was too busy basking in the glow of Jenny’s happiness, pleased that her friend had potentially found new love.
Cassie, herself, had been with Nick for so long that she’d almost forgotten what it was like to start a new relationship, to feel the joy and excitement of starting something new, or to be with someone for the first time. Although, the more Cassie reminisced, the more she realized that Nick HAD given her something new and exciting. With his shrinking powers, he’d shared with her something special, and had helped her discover new heights of ecstasy she’d never dreamed possible. Sure, it was HIS secret fantasies that drove him to learn how to shrink himself, but it was also his love for her that kept him steadfast on his quest to pleasure her. Cassie taken advantage of Nick AND his powers, and didn’t realize how much she really missed it with him gone.
When Nick gets here, Cassie affirmed to herself, I’m going to get him back, and if he wants to shrink himself again, so be it! We’re going to share a night together he won’t forget. I’m going to make him mine forever!

“HElblgrgl...Hlblbgrgl...!” Nick gurgled, gasping for air and frantically waving for Cassie to see him as he was swirled about the bowl, struggling to keep his head above the milk, but the strong current and debris made it nearly impossible for him to stay afloat, continuously dunking him beneath the waves.
The giant spoon eventually ceased its stirring, scooping up another bite for the giantess above. In its wake, the remainder of the cereal shifted about on the surface of the milk, while currents of milk churned and swirled beneath.
Nick finally surfaced again, gasping for air....and quickly found himself in dire straights. He’d surfaced in the center of one of the round cereal bits, the crunchy surface surrounding him on all sides. He frantically clawed and scratched at the crunchy surface, trying to climb out, but it was no use: he was trapped.

“I’m sorry if I pried too much, Jenny,” Cassie apologized, scooping up another bite. “I guess....I’m just really happy for ya.”
“Thanks, Cassie. I appreciate it.”
“My pleasure,” Cassie said, lowering her spoon down to her bowl again. “What’re friends for?”

“CASSIE!” Nick screamed as the spoon headed right for him. “NOOOOO!”
Nick frantically dove beneath the milk to escape, but it was too late; his luck had run out! Nick could feel himself and everything around him being lifted up, the ripples jostling the cereal every which way, violently knocking his tiny body about.
Higher and higher the spoon went, with Nick scrambling frantically to swim upwards towards the surface before he reached Cassie’s mouth...
Nick breached the surface, gasping for air and quickly wiping off his face as he treaded the cold, creamy liquid…
He screamed in terror! There, before him, was Cassie’s gargantuan face. At his current size, her once, noticeably-smooth skin now appeared riddled with craters and imperfections, and at the bottom of that enormous face were two, huge, bulbous lips: the soft, supple lips that Nick knew well, that he’d kissed only a few hours ago, that were now the gates of his impending doom.
Then, those huge lips slowly began to part, revealing the giant, gaping maw behind, with two endless rows of mammoth teeth lining the outside; in between, a humongous, slimy, muscular tongue darted back-and-forth, beckoning the spoon to enter, with long, glistening strands of saliva connecting it to the soft pallet, as if Cassie’s tongue were being suspended from the roof of her mouth.
“NOOOO!” Nick screamed frantically as the spoon was propelled forward, “CASSIE! DON’T EAT MEEEEEEEE!”

“Cassie?” Jenny spoke up just Cassie was about take another bite of cereal.
“Huh?” Cassie replied, lowering her spoon momentarily, “What?”
“Listen,” Jenny began, her arms folded in her lap, “I know things between you and Nick have been kinda....stressful lately, but I just wanted to say that....no matter how things go today—no matter what you two decide—just know that....whatever happens, I’m sure it’ll be for the best.”
“Yeah,” Cassie replied softly, nodding, “I’m sure it will be.”
“Thanks, Jen,” Cassie smiled, bringing her spoon to her mouth, “You’re a true friend.”

Nick screamed and waved frantically with all of his might, hoping his giant wife would look down, but she never heard him, never noticed him on her spoon. The shadow of the dark, mammoth cave before him shrouded the spoon in darkness, and the heat and stench of her morning breath, mixed with the sugary scent of the cereal and milk she’d already consumed, quickly washed over him.
“CASSIEEEEEEE!” Nick screamed again as he desperately scrambled to climb over the cereal and work his way back to the handle of a spoon, but it was already too late. Cassie‘s gaping maw was quickly closing behind him.
The last thing Nick saw from Cassie’s mouth was Jenny’s beautiful, smiling face, completely unaware her tiny lover was about to be consumed by her best friend.
Nick’s desperate squeaks went unheard, cut off abruptly as Cassie’s giant lips slammed shut around her spoon, engulfing her mouth in total darkness.

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