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Author's Chapter Notes:

Inspired by my first review on this story.

Cleo’s Worship

Robyn Taylor

The sun beat down on Robyn as she climbed the inner thigh of the Titaness who had grabbed her, this was not how she had seen her day going when she got out of work this afternoon. Just twenty minutes ago she had been serving coffee to some jerkoff politicians and now she was compressed between thigh and vagina as she struggled to climb out of her predicament. As she crested onto the pubic region of the huge woman she was finally able to take in the scale of her capture. The expanse of pale skin, people like her spread across it scrambling for cover as huge fingers roamed the sky above, repositioning them at random. Robyn saw the huge hand start to move towards her as she freed herself from her climb, without thinking she dived towards a man that was grovelling on his knees nearby, as the huge fingers landed, they plucked the man from next to her and slowly slid him down between the titanic thighs. Robyn fell back in relief as the huge hand seemed to massage the poor man she had condemned into the large nether region.

“Okay…” Robyn said as she got to her feet and looked across the skin to where the huge breasts rose like hills in the distance, “Here we go, Me vs the Horny Girl…” almost giggling she took off in a run. She moved as quickly as she could, swerving towards the others who were spread across the huge stomach, some were just laying defeated, others appeared to have broken legs and were unable to move. Robyn caught sight of the huge hand returning from above, it seemed to be drawn to her movement as she slid towards the large naval, The woman curled up inside didn't see her coming as Robyn grabbed her and rolled. The blonde woman she had rolled with was sobbing and Robyn felt a tinge of guilt before whispering to her, “I’m sorry…” and then she was gone, huge fingers plucking her up and away into the sky. Wasting no time, Robyn leapt back onto her tormentor's stomach, found the next group of people on the horizon and sprinted.

There was a man trapped under the huge breast as she arrived, his leg pinned beneath, “You enjoying yourself?” she said sarcastically, about to run past, “Please! Rob! Help me!” At the sound of her name she stopped and turned, “Jeremy? She got you too?” she exclaimed in recognition. Approaching she took Jeremy’s hand and pushed one leg up onto the vertical surface of the huge breast for leverage as she fought to free her co-worker. “Yea, I was just getting off work like you when the huge bitch appeared and swiped us from the street, she was dragging me all over her breasts before trapping me here, it's sick Rob!” The red-haired barista grinned, “Sounds pretty hot to me, to be honest,” she declared as she sensed the shadow behind her. Her face scrunched as she hugged Jeremy, “This isn’t personal Jez,” she whispered in his ear before dropping down and sliding her leg just under the breast, enough to be felt but not stuck. “What are you doing Rob? We need to get away from this crazy cow!” Robyn laid down, ignoring her former friend, “I’m taking your place for a moment, Jez, I am sorry.” Then they came, and he was gone.

“It was him or you, Him or you…” she reassured herself as she freed herself and started jogging towards the cleavage, her plan still not fully formed in her mind as she spied the next person. Robyn made a hard right and scaled the well-formed breast, quickly advancing on the woman who was sucking on the nipple. “This is mine now,” she declared as she kicked the woman hard in the side. She immediately rolled in pain as Robyn kicked her again, this time she rolled from the breast and painfully bounced a short way down the huge chest. Wasting no time Robyn fell to her knees and began kissing the huge nipple as the huge hand swept over her, hunting the fallen woman. “Okay, now what…” she thought to herself as she sucked on the large nipple. The woman she had kicked was dragged across the sky above her, Robyn watched in horror as she was moved above the reclined face of the titan who was staring off into the sky. The woman was dropped and vanished, Robyn cringed as the huge jaw moved side for a moment before a swallowing sound could be heard. Loud crashing came from all around as the huge girl raised her head and gazed down across her own form, eyes finally fixing Robyn. She smacked her lips in satisfaction before speaking, “WHY DO YOU HUMANS FORCE ME TO MAKE EXAMPLES OF YOU, ALL I WANT IS YOUR WORSHIP.” Robyn stared into the huge beautiful face of the superior woman, “YOU WERE THE ONE I PUT BETWEEN MY LEGS!” the huge face grinned, “YOU'RE THE ONE WHO HAS BEEN SCURRYING OVER ME!” she added with a lilting giggle. “I’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU!” Robyn was terrified by the direct address, her body seizing up as the huge fingers embraced her.


The day was warm as she laid across the park, the small work crews moving around her taking measurements. Cleo had just submitted her demands to the world's authorities and was now being measured for her accommodations. She had decided that when it came time for her to rest, she would want to be large enough to be imposing even in her sleep. So here she was, nearly 400ft tall with groups of mortal engineers trying to figure out how they were going to build her temples. The human “people of note” had been stubborn and it had taken more displays of power to bring them to her side. In the end, she had her demands met, at least in theory they had agreed to everything. They didn't like the idea of every city in the world having a temple to her, something to do with costs, It seemed like an abstract and baseless reason.

Cleo felt the small girl she had placed near her nethers escape and smiled to herself, these humans had spirit, spirit she would, unfortunately, need to break. She sighed as her fingers found the small creature and returned her to her place, gently sliding her deeper between her folds to hold her in place as she relaxed. As she positioned the woman another human scrambled across her stomach, Cleo held in a giggle as she retrieved the life from her naval, bringing the blonde girl up to her lips, “Mmm feisty” she whispered to her prey as she gently kissed the woman. As she teased the girl with her lips she felt another runner, this time tickling her underboob, She swallowed her toy, as fingers found the source of her distraction, the small man was the one she had been enjoying earlier, unsure how he got free she brought him to her lips speculatively. “You know, I’m developing a taste for your kind, How dark is that?” she said gently to her small prisoner as she slid him between her lips. Then she felt it, the figure under her breast breaking free and moving around her chest, ‘Interesting’ she thought as she felt the event unfold on her nipple, catching the girl that suddenly went sprawling down her chest. The small girl she brought to her lips was her original nipple slave. Cleo grinned as she chewed the girl, the salty juice making her smile as she sat up to see who was on her nipple. 

After addressing her previous sex toy she lifted her before her eye, “You’re a cutie, that's why I wanted you….Mmm,” she conceded as she lay back down, her other hand seeking the human trapped between her legs. The small redhead was soon hanging next to a sticky looking man Cleo had retrieved, “Eww, you swapped yourself out for that, Urgh, I don’t even…” the Goddess said dismissively as she flung the small male away across the city. “You have a lot to answer for little woman” she sneered as her deep brown eyes fixed the tiny redhead. “What's your name mortal?” Cleo demanded as her tongue snaked across her pink lips. “Robyn, Robyn Taylor, I’m a Barista, Please don’t eat me” the small girl whimpered as she was held over the huge girl's face. “Nice to meet you, Robyn, My name is Cleo, I am Goddess of this world, Do you worship me?”. The small redhead lowered her eyes, the Goddess could see the clever girl's mind working, “I do Goddess, I wish to serve you.” she said with reverence in her voice. Cleo smiled as her other hand dangled a small girl between Robyn and herself, “Then tell me, What should I do with this girl who dared leave my divine body and attempted to flee?” The flash of concern that passed over Robyn's face made the Goddess giggle as the small judge made her choice, “You crush her underfoot Goddess.” Cleo was struck by the harsh judgement by one of her kind, this little redhead was either very devious or just sadistic. Cleo grinned, “But what if I wanted to eat her, suck her down whole and let her die slowly inside of me?” she said, baiting her new amusement. Robyn looked past the squirming blonde girl before her and into her Goddesses eye directly, “She is not worthy of consumption Goddess, She does not deserve to become part of you.” Cleo felt the stir of passion in her nethers as the small human implied the worthiness of her food, the power and respect was becoming a serious turn on for her. “Oh Robyn, I like you…” Cleo put both women down on her breast and sat slightly so she could see.

Robyn Taylor

Robyn could feel her heart pounding, her blood threatening to burst from its veins as she was placed on the huge breast, She had survived but circumstances were changing second to second. The blonde woman near her had broken down into tears, clearly disorientated from being held upside down during their conversation. “NOW” her Goddess thundered from above them. Robyn turned to the looming face and fell to her knees in reverence. “SLAVE, INACT YOUR JUDGEMENT!” Robyn froze in confusion for a moment before slowly turning her head, the blonde next to her was now the size of a mouse, dwarfed by the Goddess' huge nipple. Robyn swallowed as she stood, aware of the divine gaze boring into her as she stepped towards the even smaller woman. The blonde made a cute yelp as Robyn lifted her shoe, “NO, FEEL IT!” the command thundered. Robyn stopped and went to one knee to remove her shoes as the blonde took off across the massive boob. A few moments later and a now barefoot Robyn had caught up with the small blonde on the edge of the large breast, she quickly grappled her with her toes and dragged her away from the edge. Then moving around so her Goddess had a clear view, she compressed her barefoot into the soft breast, The soft surface made it hard to crush the small woman, and Robyn only managed to break some bones and elicited incredible amounts of screaming with her first attempt. The Goddess burst out laughing at Robyns multiple stamps down onto the small girl. Eventually, Robyn felt the poor girl stop moving under her foot, what was meant to be a quick death turned into nearly a minute of torturous crushing. She felt sick as she fell to her knees, “Your will is done Goddess” she signed, expecting her turn to be next. “AWW, I’M GOING TO KEEP YOU!” was the last thing Robyn heard before her world went dark.

Chapter End Notes:

Many thanks, Reviews are welcome to inspire future chapters

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