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Author's Chapter Notes:

I write for feedback & requests! So feel free to toss me a few words :)

Cleo’s Crisis


Her mind fell into a dizzy blur as she felt herself fall. The cold floor of her temple the only thing she could see as her mind was pulled in every direction at once. Distantly she could hear Robyn calling her name in concern, a slight feeling of motion pulling her physical body around as consciousness blurred. It felt like everyone was talking at once, her mind trying to understand them all, process their meanings, she felt as if she was drowning. Cleo felt her mind slipping as she pushed out one final world, “Leah…” and then her eyes closed and she stilled. The word took shape in the air and shimmered into an image of a young blonde girl.


Her girlfriend collapsed shortly after forcing herself onto her. Robyn’s mixed feelings of relief and panic took a back seat as concern swelled through her. Cleo’s mouth was drooling as her body went limp. A wisp of power left her lips and formed a small bubble in the air, a blonde girl's face slowly coming into focus. “Cleo? Cleo? Is that you?” the image started to say as Robyn moved around to see the image, tears streaming from her eyes, “It’s Cleo, she’s collapsed,” she said worried as the blonde girl looked towards her, “Collapsed? How? Who are you?” she said frantically, “I’m her girlfriend and I don't know, she was high on power and then just fell!” she said in a rushed manner, embracing Cleo’s limp form. The blonde looked concerned as appraised them both, “Lift her eye-lids,” she said carefully as Robyn quickly obeyed. As her eyes slowly opened the bright white light nearly blinded her as she quickly closed the eyes again, “Holy shit what was that,” the redhead complained, rubbing her own eyes. The image nodded as she seemed to be running, although Robyn could only see her head, “Cleo is overdosing, I’ve no idea how She should be able to handle a few million worshippers without much problem, She tested exceptionally on divine aptitude.” the girl said as she turned a corner, the sprint not even winding her. “I’m coming, just don’t let any mortals near her!” she said with a concerned tone. Robyn flushed in embarrassment, “Cleo probably spiked to a couple of of..billion...worshippers recently...and I am mortal…” The blonde stopped, her eyes flashed as she glared at Robyn, “YOU’RE MORTAL! You dare touch your goddess?!” the anger clear on what was previously a sweet face. “When I arrive you had better not be anywhere near her!” she continued as the image vanished.
 Robyn swallowed hard, another one like Cleo was coming and Cleo was not in a position to protect her, the implications swirled through her mind as she considered leaving. “No, I love you, Cleo, I’m staying with you,” she said, pulling the Goddess into her chest.


Pushing into the gate room Leah called over to Mark who was on duty at the terminal, “I need to go to EH-1787, The local Goddess has requested help. Mark flicked through some displays before looking back towards Lead, “Cleo? We’ve not had any communication from her, She is still in setup, although we are getting a good energy transmission back from her already.” he said reading through the records. Leah stared at him in frustration, “Just open the gate please, She needs me,” she said as she walked towards the closed Gate. “No can do Leah, You would need a direct invite from the local Goddess, I can’t just let you travel onto another's project world.” The blonde spun in anger as she nearly screamed, “SHE’S OVERDOSED! SHE'S UNCONSCIOUS ON A WORLD OF HOSTILES! SHE CALLED ME FOR HELP!” the outburst caught the technician by surprise as he entered commands into his console, “I’ll ping her, If we don’t hear back I’ll let you through, Just make sure she submits the travel request once she’s awake.” Leah nodded grudgingly as she stood, dancing from foot to foot before the Gate.

 The Gate shimmered to life and Leah dived through, It was her first time leaving Olympia, she had graduated with Cleo and had not been selected for the program. The open tundra she landed in confused her as she was expecting to find some form of altar of worship. Looking around she found a small leather pouch discarded near where she had emerged. Leah carefully retrieved the pouch and checked inside, two mortal men looked out towards her, the smell was disgusting and they looked starved. “Erugh, who are you?” she said cringing as she poured them out onto the dirt. “Josh…” one of them said, seeming dehydrated, Leah sighed and spat down onto the two men who rushed to drink from her spit. The pathetic display made her smile as she tapped her foot impatiently. “Where is Cleo?” she said annoyed. The other man stood after the spit ran dry, “She left us here, We don't know where she went.” he said defeatedly. “Then you’re no use to me,” she said, looking to the horizons, her limited power searching for her friend. She didn't feel the two men beating on her boot but she spotted them trying to get her attention, “What? Did you remember something?” she sneered as she kicked them back from her boot. The two men rolled onto their backs and cried in pain, It was so easy to hurt these mortals, Josh stood and called up to her, “please, more spit!” she giggled at the request, “I’ll take away your need to spit,” she said moving her boot over both of them and stepping down. “So easy, I could have done this,” she thought as she sensed some of Cleo’s power near the base of the mountain. 

As Leah walked into the village she found the focus of the power she had sensed, a large crystal hanging in the sky pulsing a light blue. “Transmission crystal...but why is it here…” she thought to herself confused as she approached the centre for the small greek village. Lifting herself from the ground she reached out to touch the crystal, the energy was being funnelled a very long way, nearly the other side of the world, “Wow, Cleo, that's some incredible power…” she thought as she let herself be carried along with the energy flow. “This is why you were chosen,” she thought, the power needed to travel such a distance would have left Leah exhausted. As the energy stream collided with a huge mess of brunette hair Leah found herself falling backwards from a titanic face. “Cleo?” she said as she caught herself in the air, her power pulsing lightly as she struggled to comprehend the scale of Cleo’s form. Then she saw the other massive form, the red-haired Mortal cradling Cleo’s head. Leah turned her power on herself and forced her body to grow, the redhead yelping in surprise as Leah’s large form appeared in the temple. She fell limp in the room, “Phew, that took it out of me, How did you do it girl…” she said aloud as she got to her feet. “You must be the Mortal?” she said, feeling too tired to pick a fight. Robyn looked up and drew Cleo in closer, “I am Cleo’s mortal, You have to help her!” the acceptance of ownership made Leah feel slightly better about her presence as she crouched down towards her friend. “I didn’t believe you when you said Billions, There are no recorded cases of a God subjugating so many, however, the distance I had to travel to her here makes me inclined to think you’re not lying,” she said as fingers touched Cleo’s head and tried to draw the power from her. Cleo spasmed and Leah recoiled as if burned. “The worship energy is all coded to her, It’s not universal power, I can’t transfer it…”

 Robyn looked scared as she took in the Blonde girl, she was dressed in a skin-tight black fabric that revealed all of her curves and sturdy looking boots, not the robes Cleo always seemed to wear. “Can you not, siphon it into a neutral container?” Robyn suggested, Leah glared at her, “Like you mortal? Sorry to disappoint you but you are far from a neutral vessel!” she snapped back, Robyn shook her head, “no, Like a bottle or jar, I didn't mean it like that!”, Leah’s anger subsided a little as she thought about it. “I don’t have the energy, I’d need to sleep…,” she said as she shook her head, “I’m not sure how long we have though, Cleo’s mind is struggling to process the ever-increasing stream of worship.” Robyn looked concerned towards her girlfriend before carefully addressing the new Goddess, “Kill mortals…” she said reluctantly…”Cleo showed me that Mortals release their energy when they die, Maybe it could...recharge you?”. Leah stared at Robyn, “You would ask me to kill your people to save the one oppressing them?” she said incredulously, Robyn nodded and gestured towards the door, “That door takes you out into downtown DC, Take what you need.” The blonde stood and stepped towards the door, “I can see why Cleo likes you...Robyn.” she said finally before stepping out of the temple.

“OKAY, I NEED…” she announced as people started fleeing the moment she stepped from the temple. “YOU,” she said as her booted foot came down on a fleeing inch tall woman. The small flutter of power registering as Lead enjoyed the crunch. “Mmm, I’m not sure I got the most of that,” she said as she slipped her bare feet from her boots, “Let's try a direct transfer.” Leah found the experience of chasing down the tiny mortals to be quite enjoyable as she squashed them into pulp. She dragged them from buildings, herded them into alleys and giggled like a schoolgirl as she snuffed them beneath her. “It’s slow going but it’s a lot of fun!” she sang as she smashed her hand into a building to grab a group huddling together. “I’m going to see if I can get more from you if I eat you,” she said to the group trapped in her grip. Her power flashed in her hand, dissolving their clothes, “I don’t want to waste power like that though..” she scolded herself as she slid the screaming figures between her teeth.


The new Goddess had been gone for nearly two hours, the streets outside the temple were dead silent as she saw the huge woman in the distance, she seemed to be masturbating on a waterfront fairground. “I’ll never understand how this worship power works,” Robyn thought as she turned back inside and moved back to beside the bed. Her girlfriend lay sweating and still, her body temperature making it hard for Robyn to touch her.  “I hope your friend knows what she's doing Cleo, I’ve never seen you need so much death to replenish yourself…” Carefully Robyn brought the single small human she had been able to find outside up before her lips. “Listen, you don’t know me, but I simply need to test something, please don’t fight me…” she said sympathetically as the tiny woman screamed, Robyns huge fingers ripping her clothes from her body. “Okay, Here goes..:” she said, pushing the flailing figure between her lips and very quickly biting down, ending the woman's life in an explosion of blood inside Robyn’s mouth. Robyn gagged and spluttered as she quickly followed it up with some water. “Urgh, no, horrid…” she coughed as she ran her tongue around her teeth, “I didn't feel anything, no power…I’m sorry Cleo, I tried,” she said frustrated as she rested her head near her girlfriend.

  Leah came striding in twenty minutes later, her hair messy and a massive smile on her face, “Okay, So that was incredible!” she said, slipping a human into her mouth. Robyn stared at her trying to hide the horror, “Can you help Cleo now?” she inquired. Leah's face fell a little, “I can try, Listen, Not all Gods are born equal okay...Cleo is a prodigy..I’ll never be able to wield a fraction of her power, the best I can do is open the gate and hope she lets the power flow…” the concern etched into her words did little ease Robyns own worries. The Blonde stood at the end of the bed and swirled her hands in a big motion, the room shimmered and changed, the walls replaced by dark cavernous walls, the bed replaced by a deep rock pit, Cleo’s limp form lying in the bottom. Robyn yelped and moved to jump into the pit with Cleo as Leah’s hand jerked her back. “Stay back or I’ll send you home!” the blonde declared returning her focus to Cleo.

 Leah’s white energy splayed from her fingers as she lifted Cleo into the air above the pool, “Okay, C, It’s all on you now, I know you can do it…” she said softly into the air as Robyn stepped up beside her. Suddenly Robyn gasped, “Is she...cumming?” she said slowly as a thin trickle of thick white liquid dripped from Cleo’s vagina. “Firstly, Ew, Secondly, No,” Leah said disgustedly. “Her body is distilling the power into a liquid, it's probably going to find its way out a few orifices,” she added, rotating Cleo's body to allow gravity to draw the liquid into the pit. “So it’s working?” Robyn said excitedly. As she found herself transfixed on her girlfriend's slick pussy. Leah fell backwards, exhausted, “I hope so, I’m done...I don’t think I need to drain another of Cleo’s cities...I’ll just...sleep here…” she said as she passed out. Robyn looked at the slender blonde girl, she had never seen Cleo so weak even after some pretty immense displays of power. “Appreciate what you have I suppose,” she said smiling as she looked towards her lover, slowly rotating as thick white liquid spilt from her mouth and nethers, the pit slowly filling beneath her.

Robyn awoke having passed out herself to see Leah sat beside her licking a small man, “Morning Sleepy Mortal,” she said cheerfully as she offered her a bowl, “Want a human for breakfast?” she said happily as Robyn pushed the bowl of screaming humans back towards her. “Suit yourself, more for me…” she said happily. Cleo was still rotating in place in the centre of the chamber, a fountain of secretions. Leah noticed the concern and spoke up, “I’ve had to expand the pit twice, The glow that bathes this room is pure divine power, This Well Cleo is creating would be enough to sustain my people for years and she’s generated it in a matter of days, I have no idea how she's still alive, The fact she is alive makes me hopeful that we are through the worst of it”. Robyn stepped up to the edge and saw the swirling glowing white liquid in the well below, “What would happen if we were to drink this?” she said honestly curious. Leah stepped up beside her, “It’s still coded to Cleo, so it would probably kill me…” she said worried, “as for you, tasty looking mortal, I’ve no idea.”


The slow oozing feeling became uncomfortable as and clear as she let the power fall away, she had slowly been regaining her own thoughts as the prayers of everyone else dripped from her body.  She had a vague awareness of Robyn nearby and strived to be with her again as soon as possible, she owed her an apology.  She felt dirty as her whole body tingled and pushed out the power, the main problem had been that the worship had not stopped, it had taken nearly eight hours to be draining more than she was gaining. Her body convulsed as she pushed her muscles into action once more, the dripping between her legs turning into a thick stream as she forced it out like pee into the pool below. She heard dual gasps as she clenched, “Is she pissing out divine power?” Robyn's voice said, “Yep, the hopes, dreams and fears of billions of mortals and she's pissing it away…” another voice said, Cleo, recognising it as her mind slowly cleared.

 Throughout the next couple of hours, Cleo’s mind became her own again and she quickly set up mental safeguards to direct all new incoming energy to the strange Well beneath her. Feeling confident, she opened her eyes and stared towards Robyn...and Leah! She realised, surprised. “Leah!” she said in a raspy voice, “you came!” she managed to cough, “Careful there Cleo, you’ve been out of it for a couple of days…” she said as she drew her close and away from the glowing well. Robyn appeared in a hug the moment Cleo’s feet touched the ground, “I was so worried! Welcome back!” she said embracing her. Cleo gently pushed her aside as she looked to her friend, “Thank you, Leah, I was a stupid schoolgirl with no idea what I was doing, If you hadn't come…” she said concerned, “Then you would have died!” Leah added, “Saving your life is what I do, Although I expect to be allowed back whenever I want, These humans are delicious!”  she said laughing, as Robyn recoiled a little. Cleo caught the motion and hid her smile, “Of Course Leah, Robyn is off limits though, She’s my girlfriend, not any mortal…” Leah grinned and winked at Robyn, “Yea, Don’t let me stop you dallying with your food,” she chuckled as Robyn’s face turned again. Cleo snapped her fingers in a quick motion and Leah vanished, “Robyn, is not a food, or a dalliance!” she said forcefully as she crouched down and plucked the inch tall Leah from the floor, lifting her to Robyn's lips, “And if you keep tormenting her, I’ll let her eat you? Is that clear?” Cleo said sternly as Robyn playfully snapped her teeth towards the tiny Leah. The small blonde vanished and appeared next to them, full size, and out of breath, “Noted…” she breathed, “wow this size-changing stuff totally drains you doesn't it…” she added. Cleo grinned, “Not really, and certainly not now…” she said gesturing the pool of power still slowly filling higher behind her, “I may have accidentally enslaved the whole world…” she said casually. Robyn looked to her concerned, “Will it happen again?” she said, Cleo fell into her arms, “No, I have control of the flow now, I am sorry for the other night, Let me make it up to you,” Robyn returned the embrace grinning, “What did you have in mind…”. Cleo whispered in her ear, "You can...change your own size...or….you can wear panties again…” she burst into giggles as she offered the choice. Robyn stepped back and smiled at her girlfriend, “I don’t need panties while I have you for a girlfriend…” she said slyly, “Power it is then,” Cleo announced as a burst of power struck Robyn and she passed out.

 Leah stood over the unconscious mortal and shook her head, “You’re something else Cleo, you know that…” Cleo smiled as she opened a gate, “I’m learning, Thank you again for everything Leah.” The blonde looked at the gate and back to her friend, “Can you ping Mark a travel request, Me saving your life was kind of off the books…” she remembered. Cleo shook her head in annoyance, “Bureaucracy, I’ll file the request and invite you back the moment I finish Setup!” The two Gods hugged as Leah left. Cleo turned back to her girlfriend and shrunk her down. Cleo lifted her carefully and smiled as she shimmered back to her temple.

Chapter End Notes:

I write for feedback & requests! So feel free to toss me a few words :)

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