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“Emily! Emily!” Mark screamed in the darkness. He could feel thick, squishy flesh pressing on his body from all sides. It was like he was buried alive.


“Tyler?! Emily?! Are you there?!! Help!!”


The only thing that answered him was a thick, rumbling gurgle coming from the digestive system above. It was finally then when Mark allowed himself to sob. It came over him so suddenly that even he was surprised.


“Finally... accepted it... huh..?


Mark's eyes snapped open. “Tyler?!” he called. “Are you okay?!”


Tyler's voice could be heard. It was feeble, and muffled between all the flab, but he was alive. “Dude... your mom's ass reeks.”


Mark could only offer a chuckle in response. Tyler was always a jokester. Even in a situation as insane as this.


“You can tell her that yourself when we get out of this,” Mark threw back, spitting out a glob of nasty residue. Filled with renewed hope, he decided to try for his girlfriend again. “Emily! Emily are you okay?!”


No response.


High above, Mary typed away at her computer. She glanced up as she saw her friend Barb approaching her cubicle, morning coffee in hand.


“Hey girl! I know you're excited. You've got the house to yourself this week, huh?”


Mary smiled back. “Yeah Mark and his friends should be well on their way now. I figure I'll give them a call at lunch.”


Barb took a sip from her coffee. “Speaking of lunch you're coming with us to Doyle's today right? I know you're on your little diet kick or whatever but I'm not taking no for an answer this time!”


Mary frowned. She was not an obese woman by any means but she had put on the pounds lately, especially after her divorce. She was trying to lose weight but it was hard when her friends were such enablers. “Fine,” she said playfully, rolling her eyes. “What's one day?”


“Atta girl!”


Mary sank back into her chair as Barb walked back to her computer. She sighed, wondering how Mark was doing. She missed being young and wished she could get away.


Unconsciously she clenched her butthole to dislodge a small disturbance she felt within.


Emily was panicking. She was pressed deep upside down in the mammoth anus' center, and the only thing keeping her from sinking any further was the fact that it was closed shut. She wanted so badly to call for Mark, to know he was alive, but her face was plastered into the rubbery, rank flesh. It took all of her strength just to gulp down the minute amounts of oxygen she could in this position as slimy flesh cradled her flesh all around.


Why? Why is this happening to me? was all she could ask in her mind, over and over. Mrs. Robinson was always so kind to her. She was supportive of her dating Mark. She used to joke that if they hadn't met the boy would've spent all his days cooped up in his room playing video games. Emily's relationship with her own mother was beyond contentious, so she always saw Mrs. Robinson as a surrogate mother of sorts. But now...


Emily gagged suddenly, the reality of her situation being too much to handle. It took all of her strength to keep the contents of her stomach down. Trembling, she pried an arm out and reached outward, looking for any leverage to pull herself out of this wretched vice. She felt around blindly, wincing at the feel of the sticky, throbbing flesh.


Without warning the anus closed in tightly. Emily could only yelp in surprise as the walls closed in, shoving her deeper into the orifice and forcing thick slime into her mouth and nostrils. Her minuscule senses were overloaded and her stomach finally rebelled. She retched up her breakfast painfully, only in the tight space it had nowhere to go and was smeared all over her face and hair by the shifting walls. Her trembling legs kicked at the outside sphincter, desperately trying to get it to let her go. The anus finally relaxed and she sank in a bit more, her face slumping into the core of the sealed orifice. She choked and gasped, trying to clear her throat of the bile before descending into hysterics. She screamed and cursed the unknowing goddess above, despite the back of her mind knowing she was entirely unaware of the torture she was putting her through.


Mark could just hear Emily's muffled cries. “Emily! Emily are you okay?!”


“What do you think?” Tyler sarcastically groaned. “I'm sure she's having the time of her life!”


“I gotta help her. Fuck, man, I gotta do something.” Mark mumbled. He had been in fight-or-flight mode all morning and it was starting to catch up to him.


“The phone.” Tyler gasped. “Did you try the phone again?”


When they had first shrunken one of the first things they tried was calling Mary directly. None of the calls or texts they tried sent through. Mark pried an arm free and managed to pull his smartphone from his pocket. The bright screen illuminated the slimy hovel they were trapped in, causing both of them to wince.


“Still nothing,” Mark said dejectedly. “If we can just hold on 'til she gets home...”


“And then what?” Tyler snapped back, fully tired of Mark's optimism. “Even if she realized we never made it why the fuck would she look for us here?


“I'm just trying to get us out of here man!”


“What do you think happens if she fucking rips one dude?! What do you think is gonna happen to us if she has to--”


Mark wouldn't let him finish the sentence. He was already sick enough.


“Shut up! Shut the fuck up!!”


The two's bickering was cut off as they felt their prison jostle and suddenly rise up. Gravity tugged at their bodies as their jailer's ass halves split apart a bit, giving them more room to breathe.


Mary stood up and stretched before walking to the break room to get herself some more coffee.


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