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Pre-context: Usagi Tsukino and Mamoru Chiba are not together yet but they have some mutual feelings. This takes place earlier in the series and starts off with Usagi at the park by herself.

“How can this be? I studied so hard for this test and I still failed!” Usagi said to herself.

She sighed and then stared off into the distance. She was standing on a small wooden bridge in the middle of a park. Her blond hair was up in two buns on either side with the rest hanging down to her knees. She wore her classic white and blue school sailor fuku uniform with a cute jacket draped over for warmth during fall season. Her uniform included a knee-length blue skirt which blew in the cool wind. She looked back down to her paper, crumpled it up in anger and then tossed it to her side.

“Hey watch it dumpling head!” Mamoru said after the paper ball hit him and fell into his hands.

“What? Where did you come from?” Usagi said startled from his random appearance.

She found him to be very annoying, yet surprisingly appealing. He always made fun of her and refused to call her by her name. Even though he was mean to her, Usagi still had a crush on the man. He wore a black undershirt, covered by a green jacket. She admired his successful manly physique, and also liked how his black hair flowed in the wind. He had the same attraction towards her but could never admit it.

“What’s this, another test from dumpling head? Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been hit by your test paper. Let’s see how you did.” Mamoru said opening the paper.

“Stop calling me dumpling head! And that’s mine, give it back!” Usagi yelled while attempting to get her test back.

She attempted to grab her test, however; Mamoru held his hand on her forehead and prevented any attempt to reach it. His lengthy arms kept the girl far from reach. Usagi’s face went red in embarrassment and anger as she still tried to helplessly reach it.

“Well would you look at that. 40% is an improvement from the last time.” He said with some enthusiasm.

“Wait really? You mean that?” She said stopping her futile attempts and becoming awe struck by his sudden change to be nice.

“Well yeah but it’s still a fail dumpling head.” He laughed antagonizing her to rage.

“Why you little. I studied hard this time. You don’t know me. You have no right to steal my test paper. Give it back!” She said flailing her arms and freaking out like a child.

Mamoru just stood there with his hand on her forehead, feeling satisfied with his teasing. Something in the sky caught his attention as he looked up towards it. The was a shape of a woman forming. Usagi broke free from his forehead grip but wasn’t expecting to and tripped. She fell down to her knees and face first into Mamoru’s crotch. He bent over in shock as the young girl’s cheek pressed into his junk. Both of them froze for a couple seconds as they remained in the awkward position. As a man, he couldn’t control his urge as his dick grew and pressed harder into the girl’s face. Finally, Usagi freaked in a high-pitched squeal. She backed away in complete embarrassment.

“I’m so sorry! I tripped. I didn’t mean to. I swear it was an accident!” She frantically apologised with her face as red as a tomato.

“Hahaha well now wasn’t that a hilarious sight to see.” A female voice from above spoke with an evil ring to it.

“Huh?” Both of them replied at the same time.

“I’ve heard about you Sailor moon, you are a failure, flat chested, and you’re embarrassment to all.” The woman said from the sky.

Usagi looked up at the villain named Sailor Galaxia in defeat as she was just caught at her lowest point ever. She crossed her arms over her breasts and shook as her emotions overwhelmed her. Galaxia smirked from above, feeling more powerful than ever. Her golden orange hair and green dress shimmered in the bright sky.

“Hey you. Usagi is not a failure and is defiantly not flat-chested. You must be pretty small yourself if you call others that.” Mamoru spoke up to the random woman.

“You seem like a tall handsome man, how about I fix that.” Galaxia said reaching out her hand.

The woman stuck out her finger and thumb as her bracelets started to glow. She aligned her fingers over the man’s body and then squished her fingers together. Mamoru started to shrink at the will of Galaxia’s control. Usagi jumped over to the pile of clothes and frantically searched for her friend. She was then suddenly caught off guard as Mamoru was naked and only 2 inches tall.

“Don’t just stare at me. Pick me up and put me in your pocket of something.” He shouted.

Usagi gulped as she picked her shrunken friend up. She was fascinated by his tiny, everything. Her cheek started blushing as she was beginning to get turned on by him. She then quickly slid him inside her breast pocket to keep him save. There was a very important issue that she had forgetting about. There was a man in her clothing and she was about to change outfits. She stood up tall towards Galaxia and used all her bravery and might to defend against such a villain.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Justice. I am Sailor Moon! And now In the name of the moon, I will punish you! Moon prism power!" Usagi said with her hand high in air.

Everything changed as it seemed like the outside time had stopped to allow her transformation. Around her was sort of a space-like blue. As she spun around, her skin and clothing lost their color and became one of the same. Mamoru became the same with only an outline to differentiate his location on her breast. Her clothing then became none-existent as her naked body sparkled like the stars. She spun around multiple times before her Sailor Moon outfit magically materialized on her body. Piece by piece, her uniform was put together. Once ready, she struck a pose and then returned to time and space where she left off. Usagi felt powerful and ready to take on her enemy. Except there was one thing that seemed off. Once she realised, it hit her hard. Her face had never been redder in embarrassment. Mamoru was now under her clothes and was pressed up tight against her nipple and boob. He squirmed around which only turned Usagi on and made her nipple bigger... 

Chapter End Notes:

Here is a picture to go along with the chapter. 


With that chapter, you also get Moana, Penny, Raven, Sam, Black Widow, Elsa, Raven 2, Claire Dearing, Usagi Tsukino, Elizabeth Liones, Katniss Everdeen, Katniss Everdeen 2, Ahsoka Tano, and soon Yennefer

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