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Just as she was beginning to enjoy herself, the inevitable happened. She was under attack from the United States military. As she was squatting over the George Washington bridge, several fighter jets fired at her, deciding it was best to do so when she was distracted. Her back was the broadest and least obscured part of her body and had required several air-based missiles to have the hope of knocking her down and disorienting her. Surprised, Belle did fall face forward, her massive body crushing the GW Bridge and the hundreds of cars and drivers on it. She was not surprised. Quickly, she scrambled to where she had left her size-change device and panties, on the opposite shores, quickly snatching the growth ray. She pouted, wanting to have some more fun before she was too big. She could crush entire cities under her tread once she hit her next height, some 21 miles tall. But her phone had grown last time, and she’d have that. Seeing another set of sorties flying towards her, she had to make some decisions. Would she be able to keep the shrink ray at her new height? Did she want to be able to shrink back? The answer was no, in her mind. Power only fell due to internal weakness. She stood up and crushed the shrink ray underfoot, making it unusable. With the growth ray in her right hand, she pressed it, and saw the same white light and similar warm sensation……

She was huge. It was incomprehensible, like an aerial satellite photograph, not even like the view from an airplane. She was 3x as tall as an airplane flew. Her face lit up into a terrifying smirk as she looked down at her feet. Upper Manhattan and several neighborhoods in New Jersey where completely leveled under her soft soles. Her brightly painted nails stood nearly 1000 feet in the air and they were the ultimate symbol of feminine dominance. She liked to think that there was a cute couple down there, looking at up her, and that the man was becoming aroused much to the annoyance of his goody-two-shoes girlfriend. It didn’t matter though. They’d soon all be under those nice feet. She slowly lifted her foot, which was about 3 miles by about 1 mile and brought it down on central Manhattan, crushing central park and the historical district.  Hundreds of thousands of people were dead, and millions more looked up in fear at her. It caused her vaginal muscles to clench. And she knew her old office was in lower Manhattan. The people who just 7 days earlier had laid her off, would now be “laid to rest” underneath her body. As she descended her foot, she realized would also be the end of the world as everyone knew it. The world economy would collapse once the world watched the Financial District disappear under this sexy blonde woman. She was probably going to level the surrounding area, so she decided she’d record this as a ‘warning’ not to cross her. She logged onto her phone and then onto her streaming account. She filmed and narrated as she brought her foot down. She’d have to go to Washington next. She had great plans for it.

Belle scrolled through her notifications as she stomped south. It was interesting sociologically (or whatever) how people would respond to the ability to communicate with a goddess such as her, even if she didn’t want to give them the satisfaction that she was noticing them. But she did want to have an impact that shaped the mites’ society, for her own amusement and as cathartic revenge. She leveled countless neighborhoods and people under her tread as she approached Washington. As she approached the iconic little square of Washington she breathed in deeply. She knew what had to be done. She mentally prepped her speech and pulled out her phone to begin her video. She felt a rumbling in her navel. Belle had a perfect analogy in mind, that of Noah’s Ark. Except it was a Goddess causing it (not a God) and the flood would be yellow. She just knew that there would be religious scholarship about the meaning of her actions for the rest of human history, and she intended to give them a lot to write about and it wouldn’t just be Washington….

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