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She leapt to the left, a squeal of fear fleeing her lips as a huge finger slammed down beside her. The table top shook beneath the impact, the movement matching the amused chuckle that rolled down from above.

The finger was tanned, the nail tip painted a brilliant white. It was longer than she was tall.

‘Please she sobbed,’ crawling away, ‘please just listen to me, I’ll do anything you want, I’ll give you anything you want, just please don’t kill me!’

The hand was already moving and paused mid strike. It loomed over her, casting its shadow across the wooden surface. The next strike was sure to hit, the fingernail easily sharp enough and hard enough to sever her head from her shoulders.

‘Oh yeah?’ the voice of her captor was smooth as silk. The hand moved away, revealing a face lit by a sunshine smile. Luxurious curls of jet black hair fell across her shoulders. Her dark blue eyes were lit with mischief.

‘So how would something like you know what I want? Even if you did, how you give it to me? You’re mine already.’

‘No, please, I’m insured!’ The tiny woman rose to her feet, her hands clasped before as if in prayer to the titanic goddess that smirked before her. ‘I have money, lots of money. My job, I’m a partner at a law firm in the city. My family, my family will release the money if you just get me to them. Please, I promise you, do this and you’ll be rich!’

The giantess pouted as if considering the offer, ‘How rich?’

‘$200,000 if you get me to them. No questions asked, no repercussions I promise. Look, I’ll give you the address. Just take me there and it’s yours, it’s all yours.’

‘Hmm, how do I know you’re not lying? How do I know this isn’t a trick to try and buy yourself time? I could get all the way across town and then look really dumb when nobody knows who you are.’

‘No, no!’ the woman pleaded, ‘It’s not a trick, I promise you. You have my name, Google it. Google it and you’ll see. I am who I say I am, you have to believe me!’

The giant woman scowled, ‘Have to? Who are you to tell me what I have to do?’ She slammed her fist down beside her victim, ‘You little bitch, don’t you get it? I found you, I own you now. I ought to fucking smash you for speaking to me like that.’

The captive fell to her knees, shaking her head. She raised her hands protectively in front of her, as if she could have ever stopped the giantess. ‘No, I’m sorry please. I didn’t mean to, I just meant that I could help you, I have the money, I have the resources. You could have anything you wanted.’

The younger woman thought on this, uncrossing her long legs. Her bare foot, the nails on her toes painted the same white as those on her fingers, thudded onto the floor. The impact fluttered through the table, yet another reminder of how huge she was in comparison to the woman who stood upon it.

Her hair slipped around her like sheets of midnight as she leaned forwards, lowering herself so that her chin hovered just above the table top. Her eyes were narrowed, bleeding menace. ‘And how could you know what I want?’ she hissed, ‘How could something like you possibly imagine what I want?’

‘Please,’ the tiny woman shook with fear. The giantess was so close to her, in a single moment she could strike forwards and enclose her between her lips. Her body was cold with fear, knowing how dangerous the powerful woman was. ‘Please, if you tell me what you want I’ll make it happen. I promise you, anything you want!’

‘Shall I tell you what I want? Would you like to know?’

‘Yes, please, just tell me and it’s yours!’

‘Beg me,’ the huge woman growled, ‘Beg me to tell you.’

On her knees the woman pleaded, her voice coming out in terrified bursts. ‘I beg you, please, I beg you. Tell me what you want and you’ll have it, please, just name your price and I’ll pay it.’

‘Ok,’ the girl smiled sweetly, revealing her razor sharp teeth of brilliant white, ‘I’ll tell you. What I want is to hurt you. Oh yeah, that’s right. I want to hurt you and break you. I want to torment you.’

Her smile widened as her captive began to sob and wail, begging her for mercy.

‘Your life is all you can offer me and it’s something I already own. I want you to fear me, I want you to love me, I want you to worship me. I want you to feel pain the likes of which you never thought possible. I want you to experience what it is like to be nothing, to be less than nothing. I want you to know how disposable you are, how worthless you are. I want you to understand that you are nothing more than an insect. I want you to know that to you, I am god.’

She paused, letting her words settle on the mind of her soon to be victim.

‘I want to hear you beg and plead until your voice runs dry. I want to see you humiliate yourself, debase yourself as you try anything and everything to stop what is happening to you. I want to see you crawl along the ground like a worm, praying to lick the sweat from my toes, the dirt from my shoes.

I want you to forget your name, forget the names of your family and loved ones. I want you to forget you were ever anything more than my property, my slave. And when that happens, on the day I have taken everything from you, when you finally give yourself to me mind, body and soul; do you know what I will want then? Do you?’

This last came as a shout, raising a frantic squeak of fear, ‘No, please, I don’t know!’

‘Then I will want your life. I will want to taste your flesh, hear your screams as I separate you from your limbs. I will decide how much of you I let you keep. You’re my property after all, mine to do with as I please. I will want you mad with pain, helpless in my grip.

I want to see the look in your eyes as you are lowered to the floor, I want to laugh as you still beg me, beg your goddess for your life. Then I want to feel you beneath my foot. I want to feel that power as you squirm beneath my toes, as your bones begin to break. I want to feel the last efforts of your miserable life as you try to resist me. I want you to know how unstoppable I am.

Then I want to feel you die. I want to feel the life leave your body as it is compressed beneath my weight. I want to feel your skeleton collapse, your flesh liquefy. I want to see your blood welling up between my toes as I grind you into the nothing you are.

I also want you know that I’m going to enjoy every second of it. Your pain, the dominion I’ll have over you is going to get me hot, make me wet. Your body is going to be used to pleasure me, to make me come over and over. But don’t worry little one, you’ll never die inside of me, I’ll never let you drown or be crushed by my nice tight pussy, oh no. Your death will be exactly as I said, that’s how much control over you I now have. It will be a bug’s death, the death you deserve.

And finally, you know what else I want?’

Her voice was low now, a whisper that cut like a knife. She moved her hand, the fingers closing around the sobbing wreck who knelt upon the table top.

‘I want to get started.’


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